The Brunswick news. (Brunswick, Ga.) 1906-2016, January 27, 1907, Image 2

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THE VALUES TO % BE INCRM Tax Assessors May Avarice Assess ments on BrunswMc Property Thja^Year. The city tax assessors, Messrs. 1. N'tewman, F. Me C. Brown and J. W. Collins, commenced their annual in spctlon tour for the purpose of as scsslng the city taxes during the past week and they will be engaged in the work for some time. It Is understood that these officer" will largely increase the assessment of pity property this the advance In the price of btHldlng material and other commodities anfi the numerous city Improvements, which have largely Increased the val ue of the property. From what car. be ascertained from the property owners a number \re in favor of Increasing the city assess ment, arguing that if they desired to borrow money on or sell their prop erty they would be handicapped If the assessment was low. On’ the oth er hand, as is usually the case, there opposition In the pro position of increasing the ass< ssrneui Iti-is understood that regardless 01 th<#< Objections the assessors have defrrmiued to Increase the city as tupossments in accordance with the growth and advancement of the city and the permanent Improvements made during the past year. It Is conservatively estimated by property owners tnnt the tax increase for the year will amount to consid erable, there having oeen many new buildings erected and scores of per manenti Impr. v.ments made. Can you win? You realize that to win In anything these days, requires strength, with miud and body in tune. A mun or woman with disordered di gestive organs la not la shape for a day s work or a day'B play. How can they expect to win? KoSui's For Dyspepsia contains thee dlgestlv juices of a healthy r.tornach ana > put your stomach in shape to pe,- f r>rm its Important ’unction of sup plying the body and brain wltn stj'engtn-bulldlng blood. Digests what you eat, relieves Indigestion, Dyspep sla. Sour Stomach, Palpitation of tne Heart and Constipation. Sold by ah druggists. LADIES I SAVE THE MOST COMPLETE LINE OF FOUN TAIN BULB AND WHIRL SPRAY SYRINGEB EVER SHOWN IN BRUNSWICK, AND YOU ARE INVITED TO CALL AND EXAMINE SAME EVERY LADY SHOULD HAVE A SYRINGE, AND I HAVE ONE TO SUIT ANY LADY, AND EVERY ONE ABSOLUTELY GUASAN TEED. El) C. BRUCE Nswcastls and Gloucester St HAVING BOUGHT THE INTEREST OF S. L. RYALS IN OUR BUSINESS WE ARE BETTER PREPARED THAN EVER TO SERVE THE PUBLIC IN ALL OF ' OUR DEPARTMENTS. WE MAKE A SPECIALTY OF £EAL ESTATE, LOANS AND INVESTMENTS BOYD & Cl. 1(0 Nswiaetie Si p..-..# 301 I Don't miM burlacMm* of Uu> t&P-r 1 ■t n n i K m-mh. — * 1 IPIBIES 1 ABOUT IS Gill * ————. Letters are Received Almost Dally From All Sections of the the Country. The Lest, evidence that Brunswick is one of the best advertised cities In the country is the fact that almost daily many letters, from *ll sections r * 'he country, are received here ask ing about the city. Those letters come to the conimer- the newspapers and the to. They* lo not come From any one section, but from all parts of the country. The Inquirers want to know the climatic conditions, the cost of living, and they are all fuunished with Information. Nearly al of the In quirers state that they are contc m plating remo.-lug L> Brunswick. READY FOR BUSINESS. Mrs. Harry Miller, cf the New Hotel Royal Announces That She Can a Limited Number oW Select Boarders. Mrs. Harry Miller, formerly of the Central hotel, begs to announce that die is catering to a limited select patronage at 510 Gloucester street, !he Mlcbclson building, nearly oppo -ite the place of uiperior lif appointment nd transient and perma i> Distinctive for its elc \<Mce, exclusiveness and excellent Every apartment nas been new!; lecorated, painted, papered and lux isously furnished, which, together with all the latest conveniences, makes it a combination of elegance and comfort not excelled anywhere. A truly refined home for reflnt and peo ple. The new hotel is really what It will be known as, “The Koyal” anil there is no better equipped house In the country. A News reporter was shown through the building yesterday and it Is cheerfully recommended to those seeking a real exclusive place to live. Visits of inspection are invited before locating. Phone 217. CASTOR IA For Infants and Children. The Kind You Haye Always Bought sJnaTJeof We can flit overrmir, Iron: Clnde, eUa to the Giant. Pc-er*n'H Increase 1 1 fit A | By Eating Tour HI Illy Leben’e Appetite 11U 11 Bread. SPECIAL ATTENTION GIVEN TO ORDERS FOR Fancy Cakes. t **< ATTEN YOUR TRADE A -D WILL BELL YOU THE VLP.Y BEST Bread, Rolls and Cakes THE BAKERS ART CAN MAKE Prempt attention given to crdera Civ* me a trial and JgJn the great army of Pleated Horn, Keepers. Brunswick Bakery F. W. LCSEN, Prop. HACKMEN’S UNION STATION Betwoen the hours of 8 a. m. and 9 p. m. < Saturdays until 11.30 p. m.) you can always roly on QUICK HACK SERVICE by calling up PHONE 338. '••hum mm Hmmr THE BRUNSWICK DAILY NEWS SUNDAY, JANUARY 21, tgof. JOIN THE CHOI ♦ And go to PARTER’S POX BALL PARLOR. Splendid Exercise, Re fined Pleasure for Ladies and Gen tlemen. A prize will be qiven away each Saturday Night for the highest score made during the week. PORTER'S 80* BULL ALLEY STOVES AND RANGES. We carry a B nci com plete line of Stoves, Heaters and Ranges, and do ail kl'td of Stove Repairing. NEW BATH TUBS tr We ->r ready to do y'Hir plumbing of all kinds, just • delved anew shipment of Bath Tubs. J. H. BOHNE. Phone 397. 428 Newcastle MAKING MEMOItt THE GREEK AMERICAN RESTAURANT & ROOM IS ADDING NEW EQUIPMENT. ENLARG ING TO MEET THE TRADE BEST SERVICE INCH! OPEN DAY and NIGHT POLETES &, HOODENPYLE 210 Gloucester St. Phnne 480 * Come and see Davis & Blackerby in : THEIR NEW AND ENLARG ED HEADQUARTERS, AT NO. 116 MONK ST, COR OGLETHORPE, FOR THE BARGAINS IN STAPLE AND FANCY GROCERIES WE SOLICIT YOUR OR DERS. PROMPT SERVICE HONEST MARKET PRICES. DAVIS 8 BLACBV e 116 MONK ST. PHONE T 56 See our display ot ttoild brass and irons. and spark guards. We have a fine assortment of these. Colson Hardware Cos. For hunting coats, shell Delta, lot?- gins, pm cove pi etc., go to Big Levtson JOHN D. ROUNTOS, Brunswick’s Candy Store. Don't buy burnt sugar and Imagine yon are getting pure chocolate. Suclf substitutes are Injurious to health. For pnre chocolate and a! 1 other can dies call on me. A fresh supply received every wees from Mentor the famous chocolate maker. Either In hulk or In beautlfu. pound and half pound hoses. FINEST FRUITS, CIGARS AND TO BACCOIS, ETC. TAFFY CAMPY MAPI FEES* PAfkY, ANNOUNCEMENT v EXTRAORDINARY!! -my e^wevreeee^ 1 o th& p > /pie of Brunswick, and country. Havjmr closed a deal, whereby I have b tujrht the stock of Dry I Goods, ! \ilnnery, Furnishing? etc. “ f . Hoffman’s Ba/aA - ~n —iiuiw rwiu iimwo—suxAim jHjßfcs. r M AT A VERY LOW FIGURE. I WILL GIVE THE PEOPLE Or THIS I SECTION THE BENEFIT. IN A VERY FEW DAYS A SALE WILL BE STARTED WHICH SHOULD ALMOST CLOSE OUT THE ENTIRE 5 * J? STOCK. Sfl i hYs stock is o ie of the Largest Best selected in South Georgia. AFTER THIS SALE WE WILL GO TO THE NORTHERN MARKETS i AND PURCHASE A COMPLETE NEW LINE OF GOODS IN ALL DE PARTMENTS. IT WILL BE THE POLICY OF THE NEW MANAGE- -i '} v MENT TO CARRY A WELL SELECTED STOCK, NOT ONLY Or ’’ .IMB L STAPLE. BUT OF THE LATEST NOVELTIE3, SO THAT YOU WILL .’JOT HAVE TO iEND TO OTHER CITIES (as now done by some) FOR ANYTHING IN THIS LINE. A Share of Your Patronage Will be Aporeciated J. D. HIRSCH Considering the Question A good many men, about this time, are considering the question of suiiß for winter. Let us persuade you to consider our guarantee of THE CHOICEST MATERIALS THE CORRECT STYLES SUPERIOR WORKMANSHIP FAULTLESS FITTING. That graceful, easy, stylish .ut which we give garment* cannot be successfully imitated In ready-made clothing Jas. (i. Carter, The Tailor. H. b. GARNKTT. GENERAL CONTRACTOR When In need of A PLASTERER. A PAINTER. A CARPENTER Call on ths old original M. ■. GARNETT AMERICAN TIE -AND co. MANUFACTURERS, SHIFFERS AND DEALERS IN CROSSTIES AND LUMBER New York Office No. 11 Broadway S, K. BROWN, /Vlngr. •RUNSWICK, BA. A COMPLETE LIKE OF SHOES MTJMM'M'v LATEST STVLtt j . -■ £*" .• Jf. .11.".? an ordeal which aS 'Q’jpß **' women approach with ~ indescribable fear, for "TFfZ. 7 8% n,J,hin e compares with £4 8 WL* Eft bt Umun , ie , p. a,n , and n ho ; ror ° f elnld-birth. rhethought of the suitering and danger in store for her, robs the expectant mother of all pleasant anticipations of the coining event, and casts over her *• shadow' of gloom which cannot be shaken off. Thousands of women have found that the use of Mother’s Friend during pregnancy robs confinement of all pair, and and u e:, and insures safety to lifeof mother and child. This scientific liniment is a god-send to'all women at the time of their most critical trial. Not only does Mother's Friend carry women safely through the perils of child-birth, but its use gently prepare? the system for the coming event, prevents “morning sickness," and other dis aft?FwSssTHEß’S §I.OO per bottle. Book 43 containing valuable information lice. j$ SKh> P Jp® JP fHS"\ 6 Cradfield Regulator Cos., Atlanta, Ga. if" EmiW flaw KW mJ Get in Touch With the Kest of Us ( tv havine A BELL TELEPHONE In Your Home, Your Office, Your Store CALL CONTRACT DEPARTMENT OF ouftiErn Pell Telephone and feleppli Co,,' *NP WE’LL TfLL YOU HOW Gas Heaters GAS RADIATORS. INSTANTANEOUS WATER HEATERS JLIBT RECEIVEL. THEY ARE JUST WHAT YOU NEED LURING WINTER, OUR GAS STOVES ARE A GREAT CONVENIENCE AND ALWAYS READY FOR USE. NO COAL; NO WOOD; NO DIRT. PHONE NO. 7. Hutual Light & Water Cos.