The Brunswick news. (Brunswick, Ga.) 1906-2016, February 20, 1907, Image 1

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SHE - MATTER 10 COME UP IN U. S. COURT Local Case Will be Heard by Judge Speer in Sav annah Tnmntrow A 191 PEIM MSI ' Owners Want More for the Site Than • the Government Thinks it Is Worth—Appraisers' Report Being Contested. In the United States court in Sav annah tomorrow the case involving tl.e lawsuit over the Brunswick quin .!inejn^SnEfee taken up and tried ’ay iS wcity, named Fran, D 1 - Aj.kerb*Ej*uaswick. The appraisers, after several con foi enees in the matter, final y app ai <ti the property at $17,000. This the k-jv eminent appraisers excepted to and it Is the issue which is to U fought before Judge Speer in Savan •rub tomorrow. Judge A. .T.Tm<io,X--. r .k-. the owners, will leave for Savannah tonight to apiwxar tor his clients while of c uise the United States govern mftnt will bo taken care of by Assist ant District Attorney Akerman. Brunswick Is of course interested l.i the final outcome of the litigation. WESTERN UNION OPERATORS IN ATLANTA MAY WALK OUT ON GENERAL STRIKE TODAY Atlanta. F b. 19.—Unless they art -4-;vcn the same increase as lias been n lowed the operators of the Postal t-legraph operators, II i-t likely tfca; 150 operators employed by the Wes tern Union Tc-1< eraph Company will alk out on a at; ike l e e tomorrow The operators have just recently > c-en notified that an Increase would e made in their pay on March and, but they want the same increase that is o) he given the To tal operators HOKE SMITH 11 8E BOOMED FOil PRESIDENT Southern Democrat* Think it i* Time That a Man frcm Their Section Should Hoad the National Democrat ic Ticket Washington. F -b. 19.—A movement i; on toot among a number of promi nent demochatlc senators and repre sentatives from the south to launch a boom for a southern man for presi dent. and Governor-elect Hoke Smith. if Georgia is the man most promi nently mentioned as the southerner who could put up the best race, Southern democrats believe that the time Is at hand when their section should be recognized by the democrat ic party; never has a man from the south been placed at the head of the; national ticket, and many of the lea der. of the party believe that the time la ripe for a southern democrat for President and the Hon. Hoke Smith, who is considered one of the strongest men in the country, is being free.y wpoken of. , it ts understood that a boom wl . launched for him in •n4 Ul nomination will he when £0 MgOtll 40* er * Uc c snvfptioo 'm* nmt fmr NO RECEIVER FORTHE EQUITABLE LIFE COMPANY; WAS ERfNEOUS. a New VFeb. a? report that a named for I the Equitable Life Insuranck Com pane | seems to he without founda^ou Just how the leport got not i known. but officers of the js are that it is in a sound fluan\l an t that ~%s no trum whi'.:ever in the report th\ the coin! ! any would go into the ceiver. IFIFII THOUSAND 10 BE RAISED FOB IMMIGRATION Georgia Association at Macon Yester day Decided to Raise That Amount. Meeting was a Very Successful and Interesting One. Macon, Feb. in,—The immigration convention hti.l n 'lds city today way a great success in every particular, the attendance was all that was ex peeled. Noary every city of any si/,, .n th* state hail delegations and they all seemed greatly int.iv.- -| in tin question or' Livmigr.i;ion The convention was eu! M to or and -r by- Ilarvi ■ Jordan, pr sklent of tile Georgia Immigration Association. At one ui two of wel ■Jnie and ro, pauses the convention =ot d.wn to Oijuntsa and many m- L.rdsting addressses by men who are ip on the question were delivered during the day. Among -th a speaker* •ere Governor-elect Hoke Smith, Gov ernor Terreli, ex-Governor Heyward, f South Caruliiiii, Comm, ion r Hud •i;n, Commissioner General io p riar ent •and others. Probably the most important piece TlilvucUicoiCtile’uncut-, of wir'.cTi"cii'A 1 Vtfi i subscription oi $39,000 hv the as ociatlon. The association will endea vor to raise the amount for the sup •nut of a corps • f I'm Id w d'Uc s. whose Hity it will be to secure immigrants for the state. Tonight the delegates were enter mined with u smoker at the Cherokee c-li-S) hy the Macon Ciiam e|- of Com merce, wiiich v, . it very pleasant social affair. The nvetiug today was the largest of the kind that has ev-r been held in the ;dale ami i ; i ••< IS veil that its result will be umniy rut in a sliort time. TO FiiiiiO HE FOR Mat 6031) ROMS * Sartsecue to be Given by People of Bryan County Friday—Glynn County Citizens Have Geen Invited to At ted It. Now that Bruns ulek and Glynn are deeply iulprested in the if, ject of good roadei the following from the Savannah News of on I hat line will ho of iterest in this cit* " pi on'. ie< to be one of the most enjoyable occasions of the kind ever arranged in this county wiii be he old-fashioned barbecue and (ish fry at the end of the Oeeechee road on Friday when the Bryan County Good Roads and Bridges Association will be hosts to several hundred in vlted guests. "There will be prominent citizen i from Chatham. Mclntosh, Liberty Glynn and Bryan counties and the Savanah Automobile Club, which is, perhaps, the most interested organiza tion ia the movement, has been in vited to convey as many guests to .the scene as po.altl?. “This affair has foccn arranged for the purpose of arousing enthusiasm. In a general way, on the good roads question and for the more specinc ! purpo o of starting the ball to roil-; ing towards getting a oad direct ioj Brunswick and Jacksonville from Sav-j annah. The officers of the Automo bile Club feel that each member should show every possible bit of in terest and “ aid in making it a suc du in every war. especially hy Uk* in* u au/ of the invited gueftf ** Brunswick BRUNSWICK. GA„ WEDNESDAY FEBRUARY 20. 1907. IDE ADDITIONAL APPROPRIATION . TO DEEPEN GREEKS lo fresh Vs ! ter weis Coming lo Ibis Pori 54a,000 MM ALLOWED Plantation and Clubb Creeks Will be Made Navigable—Saves Boats the Danger of Going Through St. Simon Sounds* Ihe action of tiie senate eoniutit seo a few days ago in amending the rivers and harbors appropriation bill, allowing something overt!0,000 fur the canal through rt(pition and Flub creek creeks, much to rile many oat lines jJPii at<> now ueing organized fresh water stream -and soon put Steamers in opcraVrt to this iiort. \s is well Jvn, Congressman Brantley after tills appro priation fori J i lime. When the ri\ or:; and Wirn hilt was reported by the iumse ihe Item was not In eluded but in the list of appropria tions included in the amendment of fered by the senate committee over 540,000 was allowed for the canal. Plantation creek la located about n mile this side of the quarantine sta tion rcid runs Info clubb creek. Th appropriation is modern- the purpose of mnking the or. ok navigable. In other words the depth will be suili 4<:nt t 0 allow the fresh water boats thus avoid going through 'Bir'’Snaoi\ sound which is very dangerjnm to the fresh water boats. One great disad vantage these boats have always had in coming lo Brunswick is the fact that they have always been compel! ed to go around by St.. Simon sound in order to reach port. The cutting of the route through the two creeks not only shortens the route three or four mills but also makes II perfect ly safe for the boats. The new route will also save small boats several miles enroute to St, Si mon Mills, Frederica, Darien and oili er points, and it is expected that the creeks will be sufficiently deep to al low good sized deep w-iter craft to pass. Th“ additional appropriation of stO,. 'OO was hardly exported hy those who have heon working for It, not, that It Is not for an unusually good stUßf hut because there were so many .oorgla Items contained in the rivers nd harbors Mil this year. However ongrr t orn Hruautl has been hard at work on the appropriation and, lit e in most other matters, lie was successful ANOTHER LIME FOR MORSE Magnate Now Has Practical Command, of Coastwise Shipping Trade. New York, K.. 1). 19.—The Times says that Charles W. Morse bought the New York ad Porto Rico steam ship H e on Saturday Just before sail ing for Cuba. It adds that thr p'/chase gives Morse practical command of the coast wise shipping trade possible to tlie scene of the barbecue Friday morning. "In order that he may be able to inform the Chatham county gentlemen who arc assisting the IJryaultes in making this affair a success. Presi dent Battel has requested each mem her to let him know at once if ho will attend and how many he will carry. He lias had responses so tar from only a few, and only has provig ion for about twenty passengers. "The club and some of th* most feel that their organization should es pecially anxious in Joining handifwtth the good people of Bryan, Mclntosh Liberty and Glynn counties who have! shown perhaps a greater interest in! g< flng a road through l their respective courrle* than 1 of the nearbv intlM | "The start fir the I be made at 9,30 o'clock Friday morn ing from the court house, and it Is expected that over 100 citizens, in cluding the mayor and aldermen and beads of the courts pd commercial •edits will attsstd." SWIG WILL NOT COME HEBE TO RESUME WDi - —-♦ t Big Credgs ill Remain in Jacksonville Unlit She Finishes f.nnfract mi ciry is notified Navy Department was Willing to Send Her Here if Jackagfcjlle QlFilSk pie Would Ayr^FwS^) Wanted J&jjp f The dredge Atlantic wiil not re turn to Brunswick in near fu ture to engage in work as has been expected. The following from yester days Jacksonville Times-Union shows that thu people of that city have been busy in their efforts to keep the dredge at work there until she finishes her contract, and they have been sue ccssful. "A dispatch received [hum Washing ton last night sets at rest the rumors hat have been current 10 the effect hat the dredge Atlantic, now engaged ,:i 111" St. Johns river chan ael near Dames Point will leave here aud go to Brunswick to finish a con tract at that point "The dredge will remain here and continue at work until the St. Johns river contract la completed "Last Monday kin W W. Gammer, chairman of the rlvc-r and haruoj committee of the Jacksonville Board of Trade, received from Seuator Tal iafeiro a telegram stating in effect that an urgent request had ire on made slon to have the uUvx<no rm. .......,n. to Brunswick where the North Amer ican Dredging Company has a contract : nati will take the di*edg© several weeks, or perhaps longer to complete. "The Brunswick people. It Is under stood, urged their representative In congress to secure, if possible, the consent of the war department for the dredge to come to Brunswick. "Senator Taliaferro, being from .lark sonville, laid the matter before the board of trade committee with a statement of the case, and said he would be guided by the action of the community. “A special meeting of the commit tee was held directly after the ad Journment. of the hoard of trade meet lug and the matter was thoroughly discussed. Some thought that It might be advisable to allow tilt dredge to leave here temporarily but the majority were in favor of get ttn gthe tjmnt.y-four foot project com pleted as sc,on as possible, aid thus paving the thirty foe project. The* majority prevailed and Senator Taliaferro was so advised. ' A telegram received from Washing ton received last night stated that the dredge Atlantic will not go to j Brunswick. It was stated that Sena tor 'Taliaferro had taken the matter up with the war and partment, and was assured that the dredge would not he permitted to leave the work on the (•it. Johns river until the work is completed, "This will he good news to all in terested in securing the early tomp.e tlott of the project for securing 2-1 feet of from Jacksonville to the sea. It shows also that Senator Talia ferro is always on the alert for every thing that, concerns Jacksonville" TRAFFIC TO DARIEN NOW And Clever Capt. Anderson Certainly Knows How to Handle it. The traffic to Da. ten now is larger than for some time and Capt. An derson and his excellent crew cer tainly understand handling It. The genial commander is obliging and of course popular with the patrons of tho line and above all the Hessle is about as regular as the sun, Pass sengers are well cared for and freight ia handled with the greatest care, in 'fact, the steamer Hessle is conduct ed on a model plan and could not he improved upon Meets Tomorrow Ntflht. City council will meet in tegular monthly session tomorrow night and it is exepeted that a number of mat ters will eaese up. ! SENATCRI SMOOT CASE # UP IN THE SENATE; HE DEFENDS HIMSELF. . Washington, Fab. 19.—The case of Senator Smoot, of Utah, was taken up in the senate today, and from the first day s proceodin ~s it is apparent that the charges against him will be dismissed. Smoot defended himself at the hear ing. He declared that he had taken no Oath inconsistent with his oath as a senator. lnsißß SOME IMPORTANT QUESTIONS —_+ Meeting of tile Georgia Bar Associa tion This Year Promises to be Out the Most Interesting Ever Help v by tho Organizatim^^_ for tl-.e twenty fourth an^f.| ■invention of the G. oi gla whicli will mUtat the Tyhee, May JO am. ’ 1 f number of taw;-era have men invited tue eonven tien and the i rapidly tag iag shape. Live subjects will the V -.ram, subjects that the people and pressing fur*SCile a.ent, and able speakers wi-li i-e ou both sidi sol eucb. qiiesliou. 'i m executive committee lias made tjp> <u furt this year to dis; ease wit a paport aud addresses on (lead aud uniiutroA iug aubjo-cvs ana when thu piugrau. is an... , need in its •..< u . -.y u is bt lieved that the members of the *a. a.-sociacioa over u.c state will agrta that' they have ,uciceded in a spun did manner. Such subjects as the right, of th. state to pass penalty laws, providing penalties for failure to furnish such •' ” elainm and for r< iiirt. ire applicable to the cum merce commission; what police i>w cr now reiiiaius with the slates con sidering tiie fourteenth arnendmen, and the interstate commerce clause c. the constll.ulion; the la,hoi laws )i (be United States, with especial rei erence to the employers’ liability ac of congress and the Libor union laws these an- some of the subject:, which will be discussed ua both sides , , men wlio have studied them thorough !y and whose opinions will have on weight of authority. The coming meeting of the bar as social ion reprcsenls a departure h many ways fro..i v .a, ji > ■ m; m.- For many years the association ha.- met at Warm Springs but .<o iuei'tii>. has fcieeu held in south t! orgiu ‘un,. 1889 and it has been decid'd ronav. ihe association meet In the differen sections of the state at >east. ocean iuiially. For the least few years the assoc iatiou has grown so large that n<- summer resort has been able to moi erly care for it. after the rummer arc son begins. Hy meeting early in tin summer the members of the imiop and their guests will nave tie betel the beach anu the wii ; a Want, with the waters and the fish •<) u<-.i selves. The change of time also avoid, a contlict with the legislature anti any ;r e nsures that thr association nd" ca" sand recommends can oe pr.feii'. eJ at the approaching session ■ f tic og'slatutfc. Another change which will he noted is Unit the executive commit Iha ’d<n ’.di and to have only a two lavs’ <■ r.P,. instead of th ee, as in ;.> ni : y< ars it b tving been found -i u. to keep up the attendance for t c tl.ii -1 Comparatively few courts will la in Bession at the time that, has been selected Mr the meeting and it i he lleved that the attendance at Hie .J bee melting will break all former records played to a large house, Harrls-Parkinson Company Flessed Audience Last Night. The , Ha.Vls-Parklnton Company, which i* holding the boards at the Grand all of this week, played to an other full house last, night, and the audience seemed to greatly enjoy lue play. Tho company is made up of a : number of good performers arid they Jail handle their respective rob r. in | good style. The company will give two perform antes today, matinee and night, and It Is exepeted that they will again be greeted hr large crowds PRICE FIVE CENTS. IS. TM IS CROSS-EXAMINED bi iraei Jisiricl AiLcmey Grrally Coti *-4used Her on Siand —Lfislertlm/ ’ 3 MB' mu ID III;,IK Jerome Will Introduce Some Sensa tional Testimony to Show That Her Story to Harry Thaw wa3 Not All ‘i rue. New York, Feb. 19. ip.Jy.i ilmw was placed on lbs stand aim 1 - M \y cnim el put the questions u ;j. '.'haw ui a very rough mann.r and several umes when he worn.l ask hr-r ques t >ns regarding her p.v,i. . ;imony would snjifi By *c-(. tactics the diruiet attorney succeeded in confusing her greatly eid caused her to tremble as sho replied to him. Mis. I haw admitted that she drew fio per week from a trust company white she was employed on tho stage. When tho district attorney asked ,or if the story she tcid Harry Thaw -,as absolutely true she replied yes. Jerome considers this reply a great . ictory as it will give him a chance o introduce some very sensational cstlmony m overturn Lie- statement nid he will end.,ivor to show that firs. Thaw lwd not iuld Harry Thaw lie absolute LuUi r g .riling all mat ll"“ with In the dhort test::! n : y Mrs. Thaw stated that Uumrnrd White had tried lo i-atuace h r after sho had become tho wile of ilarry Thaw. She was on the stand far several hours during the day and sea med ner vous and frightened. It is urd-rstood lhal Oiitrlct At torney Jen me ha.; not finished his cross-examinatlcn and that he will again call her to the stand ALQXG THREATENED m BEGUN * Honduras Troops Attacked a City and Withdraw After a Ha and Battle Last ing for Hours—Attack Will Soon b,j Resumed. t San Juan Deluur, Nicaragua, Feb. 19. —The long threaten; and war with Honduras, which has been expected tor months, has begun. Yesterday the Honduras troops at tacked tho city. After hours of hard fighting, in which a member were ■ tii,, ,1 v )■/>.* 'ipnw “‘“UU, ‘“V-,, ... - .. • It is expected that the attack will lie resumed today. Tim situation seems to be Gerious and the war will probably be a bit ter one. SHOT TO DEATH IN WOODS; BODY GUARDED BY DOG Columbus, Feb. 19.—The body of Dozier Huckabee, a white man was found In the woods 12 miles north of this place, near the Harris county line .this morning* He was shot to and ath and it* is suspected that he was killed by Gene Bryant, a negro with wiu.m it is re po,td ho luil l.eeu .gambling. The negro mad.' his escape. When the body was discovered this morning it was still being guarded by the man’s dog. It is suppored that the faith ful animal had been at his master’* side for hours. i