The Brunswick news. (Brunswick, Ga.) 1906-2016, February 21, 1907, Image 1

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SffJummoßiLEj 10 BE DISGUSBEsr HI MEETING HERE —* — RJ3 j Commissioners From Several Counties lo Gather l Jfi Here March 15 MAHER NOW UKING SHAft C. A. Wood, One of the Lessees of the Oglethorpe is Behind the Move— Expects to See Road Complet- Oh ed by Next Year. |KproposcJ auto.nob :c. . IyUBIS to JuCkso.lV,.h v. oiuc la 1, than wa.i XSpSd. 1. s-c-ms th.r t..- i. ■ ,S. Yor.. to PPfllipWtlci||ff->"l C. A. V.oed, oi l uiui u ii, -.s' W k iivl. .Jlr i.. • <. ■ . . ji ipfj: is jy; a-.- IJJmi .a.■ .i ... - 11 ob-a. in t: ... .inuoi ,* SjlWpggß.... . i ..> ißSPPfcotwP^-It, jr '-0 :• • • Atlanta. A mo v e edetu au on fo-i s-uuoat a year ago by c x VVwa, iho well known hotel u. itcloi, ami no auJOuUies that hi i roposlticn is receiving nut a nearly s. that he hopes in la 3 to so u,e annual ueld by the ,vu.omo bile Association of America run ov the planned speedway. . "Mr. Wood is working steadily u • ha tt this road bull-, and for me pur pr. t of. making it more of a rws.i miuy will meet the real commission e.s ofsa number of counties at Bruns wick on March 15. in addit.on a ban quet will be given in Charlotte Su >. day night for the purpose of dm • .sslug the driveway. -Mr. Wood proposes that each, coun ty construct the portion of Cue road Li at will lie through it, and gives ex . llent reas ns of why tills ..lould e adopted Already tula winter over l/it cutotnobiks have been shlj pod to Ho: ,;a from New York,’’ .e raid Monday • |£ the B..eedway p.vj osed we cun vletei, .practically ail of thise at iomobileß would have followod th new road to Florida. It is ' •>' easy o see now this would cause hotels t i.e built along the line an l benefit th lOuntry through toe speeivra, , arses in uumberou3 other way. .' Already tns of Curn-ie. Clynn, Chatham and Bryan hu' : - agreed. to Mr. Wood's propos.ttsa an. me aid of others will unuoubtedly ho r.ecured. The speedway which Mr V.’ood wt-hes built would extend from No- York to Washington, from that pom to Cianrlottee on to (Atlanta, from here to Brunswick and from Brum, wick to Jacksonville. It would b over 600 miles in length and wo t:-, be oue of the longest and ilest it, t. world." ME IS A MARYLAND LAWYER NOW Young Dave Roes, of THs City, Gets Other Young f.'.cr. Coed Example- Mr. Jchn D. Ross yesterday rec iv ed a clipping from a Baltimore paper a.towing that hio son, David, had .ust baen admitted to the practice of law la Baltimore by the Maryland of law examiners. This was Quite a surprise to both Mr. and Mrs. Ross as they did net even know that their sc n was a s u ■lent of the law. The report showed that young Rosa passed along with a class of 37 other students. This is the kind of pluck that wins and Mr. Ross has a host of Bruns wick friends who will wish him sue esss In his profession. JAPANESE EXCLUSION BILL WAS SIGNED YESTERDAY aY PRESIDENT ROOSEVELT. Washington, Feb, 20.—President Koosev r lt today placed h.s glguitme 10 the Japanese exclusion bill and it became a law and win at ®o?e go iat* iff BER 127. ■ Gill IMF riOMLpS IS BMTmDED f j’ouni.y Trade is\Gicwii\ anil There is No latef" flans for Small Graft I.IE BOAT 6 COMPLAIN When the Canal to Camden County is Completed the Trade Will In crease and Something Will Have to be Done. If the river trade between Bruns wick and ail river points continues t • net case as it iuus doing the past tew souths something will have to be ione to provide u landing place to. the many etua.l boats which come to city almost daily, bringing ana aad catrying 1 ,r e cargoes. This -trade has grown pUenominallj •tiring tin. past tew months and the nauy little, small boats are bavin ■’.ans.derable uouhle in tiding a plac. o land. There is only one public cart in the city aad it is crowded Almost dairy. Often it is imposs.bit or many o-t the boats tj iin t a rand ng place at the Mon.-. street da.k. U hen the canal through to Camds. ouuty is cut, which will bs in tat .ear future, there will be a great r Increase in this trade and some ring will have to be J. me to pic ide for the i.oa s. The city har oade ever, effort to secure tho fool i Vtlaucfist., a street, .hut it seem: at this propercy is leased to the .downing Company and cannot be so ■ ured. although that company offeree o give a portion of it to the city un Mr vertpin praviuioijk,. Something will have to be done tor ho aeconnnod i ion of tht small boats tnd ti e iity should take the mattef P at once. The trade of tir se small sraft amounts to considerable as pco iving all a! an a the l iver purchase ill of their supplies in Brunswick ir.d they also supply tile iorai ruar ct with count.y produce, e!c. The Monk street and , k is allogethei inadequate for tne puih-ose for which t is now being u . i. A good fitly ’oot dock is whni i is needed and t will evcntii sly have to the fur nished the sisiiii o •suers. YORK CN NEW EIRE SYSTEM Understood Thct it vV'i! Begin Withir Next Few Days. Work oil Brunswick’s new fir® alarm system, which will b< cue of 1 e best In the south, will! wrb in the next few days., The Atlanta (concern (which .was awarded the contract by council at t last meeting will shortly have a Tree of men In the. city engaged in 'e wo k. The mat rk l Is now en r ute to the city and some of it wl 1 arrive Monday. It will only take a few weeks to install the new system. aboutleadv for . THROUGFf THIS V Atlantic, Birmingham and Atlantic Will Put Trains on to Atlanta Early Next Month, The operating department ,f the Atlanta, Birmingham and Atlantic railroad Is new preparing for the in auguration ef the through schedule jto Atlanta early next month, j As has been previously announced I the through service will he Inaugura I ted cn March 8, cn which date the I first train will go through to the cap ital from this city, using the tract of l the Atlantic and West Point from La ■ Grange to Atlanta. While only one train a day will! |te operated at first over the line it 13 generally urd-rstcod that a double j daily schedule will be put on before I the first of April, with a sleeper on ■ the line hetyeen Atlanta and Bruns wick. This service will give the people liv ing along the route of the A., B. & A. * new rout# to Atlanta and it promises to at one* bscorn* papular. Brunswick Nkw/S. BRUNSWICK, GA., THURSDAY MORNING, FEBRUARY 21, 1907. FIRE DESTROYS PARKER-HENSELL MACHINE SHOPS Entire Plant Destroyed Except IfHP rirte Railway and Boiler Factory. The Loss Between $50,000 and $75,000 A* a„ .vliich ctiirtcd this morning shortly before oue o’clock almost com* pletely destroyed the plant of the Parker-Henseil Engineering Company on Bay street at the foot of Bar th-1 V. it it--. ■ ii. a mo-iiitu r the flames lord gained good headwlflr and before the arrival of the depart ment the blacksmith shop, foundry a-.d machine stiops were adtpyi liames. rwo streams of water were quickly playing on the it was at ivd iin.-s hail i a> go and a i.t adffß- lif'ijf checked ~ i t t **4""’ -i., .. • mi i. . i ii'. i ‘f--v.ffq <-r A a" .... i. . .. ” -Mr. Jr the opinion that the fire in the foundry, al though room was also burning the lire, as was shop, but the toundry to le the center ol the blaze. Before the arrival of the department, the lmmence machine ,nops of the company, the office. d„ck and other portions of the property were all burning, and until four o’c.ock j LLU morning the firemen were kept busy fighting the flames- in 0.d.-.r to i\e the boiler marine rail way and the residence occupied by .Mr. Heaaell. i lorli i... .. 1J ■j .. M m Irrflllt' p v vk.- vLt' . 1 ' ' and •'hi* li.ue c'inple ti-Iy de.d rcyed, blaze on the •' oat was finally extinguisn and. The ditnaco to her will probably be ui.- wards of JSOO. Both ti.-:■ t. \v. T Paiker and I A. K. Hensell, who are at the head of the firm, were seen by a News MISSING TREASURER TELLS WHY HE SKIPPED New Britain, Conn,, Man Writes a Letter to the President of the Bank But He Failed to Tell Them Where He Was. New Brltlan, Conti., Feb. 20.—Wil l am F Walker, the mis trig treasurer of the Now Britian bank, has written a letter to President Corbin, of the Tank, stating that he bad been rib bed by men who claimed to be repr* sentatlves of a bond house of which the saving bank bought bond;. Walker stated in the letter, which was received by the president of the bank today, that there had been a wrong issue of some of the ibondt and an over issue of some of the others. lie said that be was now afraid that the men were not repie sentatlves of the bonding house as were supposed to have been. The letter was mailed in such a way so ti at the whereabouts of the missing treasurer were not ascertained. IMMIGRATION STATION UNDER BE ESTABLISHED AT SAV/^NAH Washington, Feb, 20. —It wal an nounced today that an immigration station would be (established at Sav annah under the control of the feder al government. This station. It Is understood, will te slmlllar to the others tilncd by the government. It tswPfl!? eftabllshad at the request of many southern people and when the au thoritlee were assured that an immi gration line of s'eamers would short ly be put on to Savannah from foreign port* it u decU4 to establish th* tU*4*a. i-enoriee during .the fire, and fti*ej stated that It was almost ImpossibU ,to give any kind of an accurate cst. mate as to the los% at the time. Mr lien sell, however, raid that the dam | age would aount to between $50,u0, land sls.ui)o. I. Tho .plant of tiv? ,I*arkcr-Hensel] (Engineering Company was one of the best equipped in toe south, especially is lids true- of the auschine M~\ where all the •■lh,.JProa cniuery lias the , j^.-q.a,;i. mod. ru the blacksmith siiopvuil io heavy as there were numerous toots, etc. in the suop. The dama ,e to wha. will amount to considerable, all o the buildings were burned, and al. ot the olitcc lurniiu.e, e.c., wa. totally destroyed, and if is be lievt and that a conservative estimate of the loss is between siit),l)oo am, iS-75,00U. it was by hard work that the uiu nno railway was saved. Bcveral times it fire, hut each lime tne glaze was extinguished. The new factory, which is just nearin ; completion, also had a close call ana several times tho Lames reached in a few laches of the building bu. v.ete fought hack (,y the firemen. YVhaa asked as to what insurance the company Lad Mr Parker stated to the New., reporter the thq plants was pretty well insured, but still the company will suffer quite a heavy loss as it is impossible to secure the full value of Insurance on machinery, 'the company, liowpveiN, carried Insur ance on all the different hriiauncs ot the plant. A meeting of the cempnhy wiil probably bo held within the next few days and it Is ceitain that (he >! will be res uilt and the burned oue will I e replaced by one of the best nut:- me machine shops along the south At lantic coast. Just how the lire this morning or! glnated is not known. It may have started from a defevtive flue in the boiler room ..r from a spark from a passing railroad engine. ASSOCIATION TJ li FORMED II EACH .-COUNT! —*— ResolutlonNwß!fffl!d *t the Macon Convention Calls for an Immigra tion Association in Each County in in the State. The committee on state organize Hon reported to the Macon convention a plan which Las been considered one of vast Importance, and It is believe will aid materially what the state mos needs In imminraiftn. The report at adopted, recommends to each county in tin; state the organization of a a local immigration society to be af .filiated flic Georgia Immigration Association and that the state cxccu tlve committee be instructed to take steps at once to effect such organiza tlon wherever piaoticable. also recommends that sub-organ Izatlons prepare and file with the sec votary of the Oeorcia Immigration Convention for the use of the state commissioner of Immigration fully prepared statements of the resources and advantages, church and school fa cilities offered by the respective com munities, the average price of home rentals, statement of the cost of liv ing in these communities, the terms on which homos may be purchased, a statement of th® oualiScations and waves of those why may be employ ed in all tranches of Industries, accom panied by written applications of em ployers upon which these statements may be based, schedules of farm lands offered for sale or rent to Immigrants accompanied by accurate descriptions of the soil and its products; the water w*t**, trn*pert*Ueo Cased]- 1 NEW BOAT LINE. H ORGANIZED TGPLfALIAII —■ ...a— Local Concern Soon lo Pui • # a Modem trail on Non lip k ! fe , .VflfiK BIEINS i THE BOAI She Will be Different from the Boat. Now in Use on the Fresh Water Rivers—S.eamboat Men are Interested In Line. Anew wit. headquarters j ias , termed for of build.u a steamer or Altamalu river hotgpfa Brunswick and rivt, John l. IM in' Hizlehurst, pres) Join, of tiie K. Hall Steainboa Company, Is spirit in tn uew com-.-rn, u i.Y- tw-o Brunswick r. b/ens an: ul.:o Vt. tested. VV. 1- Eox, for years chiakengincer tug Inca, will he the new comjtany and MontmoUin, of this city, engineer. The laftei personally superintend the construct ion of the new boat, which lseto b cak'd the John F. Hail and whic is to De equipped with powerful mt, chli-v-iy suitable t., 1 gut draft wor end in point of const:uction will b different, from any of the iLoat.s not tube seen In Brunswick. Sue wh he specially fitted u;i for both freigh and passenger traffic and will he a speedy as any boats which ply th fresh water streams. Tl.w preliminary work of ituddin; tiie boat, has already begun and tn-.c interested are .going'to push tne wort to a rapid completion. itlos, (market conditions sutd othm full information. ft was further provided by thu committee that each county and sirin to secure immigrants should, ihroug. its local organization, appoint a coin niittee of upright and honorable ci. izons whose duties it shall i.e to mee tho immigrant when he arrives eitlie. at the port or at the nearest ra.lwn; station and see tltat he is comfor: ably quartered and pul to work with out unnecessary loss of time. Tito committee is also to see tin as between the immigrant and emploj er the former is to be fairly trea ed so that in conveying news horn lie may ibe able to give good account, of the country and its citizenship SAN DOMINGO TREATY FAVORABLY REPORTED BY THE SENATE YESTERDAY Washington, Feb. 20—The senat. committee today favorably reporter tie San Domingo treaty. SENATE VOTES SMOOT IIS SEAT Utah Senator Won Out Before the Scr. ate Yesterday by Vote of Forty Two to Twenty-Eight. Washington, Feb. 20. Senator Reed Smoot, of Utah, will retain Ira f,eal In the United States senate The investigation which commen ced yesterday before the United States senate, Mr. Smoot defending hlm3cll during the healing, closed today, and resulted in a victory for the Utah senator. By a vote of 42 to 28 the senate to day allowed him to retain his s at. Brunswick Expected Today, The steamer Brunswick is expect ed to arrive In pert this morning from New York en route to H., vans She will remain in port for only a short time continuing on lur voyage Bond Election at Pelnam. Pelham, Ga., Feb. 20. —The city •council called for a bond election to b* hold March 26, Tilt issue will be for for pnblie improvements. PRiefe FIVE CENTS. lEME EIRED i 51IESISS AT : AMi GATE Lot Evelyn Ikw vf Ca!m and Proceeded LoAnswir Them Ail ,15113 CRESS TXAMiIAfICB x • ror Two Hours She was on the Stanfi Yesterdsy Replying > j Cues tior.s at Her by the Dis trict Attorney. Ni w Y ork, Fb. fir — ]<Y -.- two hours oduy District .'.t rr.-y Jerome pltMUi \irs. l'-ve.yn Thaw ui.d r a i. o.ii i*id ross•examination, firing quesUoul at - er l> auch rapid-fire order that |he -ni net have time lu luiu;- for a illi.i- Jte. A She was equal t.o tho occasion it seined and erp in 1 to nil of tnetu ‘try promptly and . in, u- n. u i i,e d.d succeed iu l'ri a.te.iing h r. She many tin _ etc., completely .lerome. ■P>('i'cu-.s.i t-ieua . .\a.,.inat:ou was riffunip and, howtvor, and she b.cmed eifeeixy satisfied lo answer ail of questions. Mrs. 'Thaw testified today that for lUite awhile sue was paid Ipl'b a week ■jy Stanford W like. Lite seemed calm under the cross-ex..mi; . i .a and oucl. miied at she uns.ver. and Questions. Mi. Jeiome \v u and.. . pointed not .nixing her up more than he did, as it was generally understood that he ■ vould lire que-ti mu at the witness ■riiieh would almost completely chuuge net- toslimouy, bid ho did nob mic . eed in doing so, and die corr-.bpratad rit tfrat she- tujd vvn-.n n e ,waa uadtf Jiitet exanjlnubion. . Many tithes during the day Attcr ncy Dtdma's 1 by Mr. Jerome u..d cevu-al fittlrf alts occurred. : 'WO STORY HOUSE DESTROYED Two Story House Occu.-.ied by Negroes Burned Last Night. The large two .t ry residence on il street lane, Leiweeu F and <d, was almost totally destroyed by lire last iglit shortly after b o'clock. The anies bad gained gouii headway be t.-ie the arrival of ilie are dpaumeat, -ut they quickly extin uisfled the mze alter reaching the scene.- 1 .ie house was rented by Harriet ■i'owu, colored, but it is understood >.iai several lngro families occupied n. Most of the tiou,: clio.d goous wore saved. 'ihe house was owm and by Dr. W. B. Burroughs. TO SELL SAILS THIS MORNING Articles from the VVroJked Bar!. Mas her to be Disposed of. At the tit', by i.ui.u ng next lo 11. H ia-i'.n it Coraapny s stsi. a v ri o’erxo.: t day, tin- san.-;, < tc., su>ea from iho v. receive l bark Medsr wil be d.s.,as d of and those who waut anything .a that line or wnu li..e to do s„nis ipectil.itiiig, i.l, tiki be n.i hand. 'i no sde "i 1 i m promptly at the above named hour. ATLANTA BUCKET SHOPS NOW CLOSED FOR GOOD. Atlanta, It- 20.- --All of the bucket shops or *aii inn v.- .o iLoCi! teddy not to open for bu n..ess again There has Leon :u ver.d fi b on the part of the proprietors to continue business, but t..ey were eio. el today HONDURAS-NICARAGUA FIGHT TO BE RESUMED. Managua, NT, Feb, 20.—1 tis expected teat the light between Hon duras and Nicaragua will be resumed at cnee and name serious conflicts are exepttei'.. UNLESS INCREASE IS MADS OPERATORS IN ATLANTA WILL STRIKE IN FEW DAYS Atlanta, Fob. 20. —The operators of the Western Union Tclegrapn Co jin this city, who have been threaten ing to go out, on a strike since Mon id .iy, today announced that they v.ould walk out In three days If they were not given the same increase as hae been allowed the operators of thn Postal Telegraph Company. j