The Brunswick news. (Brunswick, Ga.) 1906-2016, February 22, 1907, Image 1

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'Me Brunswick Ne^us. VOLUME 6. NUMBER 12j WORK 10 BEGIr HI ONCE M NEW MACHINE SHOPS Pdrksr-lbse'ii Peap'e la Re place Burned Piani with a Beiier une lilt [ill 111 DM HEAVi Company Only Carried SIB,OCO of In surance on the Plant—Work of Replacing the Shop is Al ready Under Way. Almost before tire ashes of th lire which destroyed the plant w, rc yesterday the Parkei'-Housell 1. i ' Company were nia v.n; l>. .u :< lßPit^ u,ldius of 4,11 ui '*"• )'*• n • li.e early >. . ir.. paßpnd before tne mil , t : Bfee lire':.mi;. I'iWoK ol tie.- we: 1. Ia 1 h . . V wires w e U SBK||S||liy ordcrim new . CUTiV<ras B. eedily a we.o Ji.cj lei - i In a iho.l begin on various sa'uotu, wnicbwere destroyed. It is impossible to estimate the tot-., less at tee place, but it is thought tha it will rcaen at least s6o,tioU, whin tne company carried ojly $18,01.0 in Surface, it was at first tmaug.u u.n the loss would n„t l.e that ms a tmt it was discovered yesiefday thin the company had its plant omy pai Hally insured. Many valuable machines were con pletely destroyed in the Art and tin heaviest loss to the w * p.ol ally a iiuiulmt of patterns a me foundry. It was also dscovi red y-stc and o' tha the loss to the tug Irik, v.. ich ha b en sold to a Cuban company, i hii-ger than was at first eci tad It will take at i usi fr-.t "tto ec - . tae loss to the tug. The Lis w t on the marine railway ov* rh u • and before leaving lor Cuba the la i ]it of the w oit, an I work w r as jus sauft on iter The marine railway ami lie boile. i-Kim were not at 11 ;nj-.ued and y. t terday tb& entire i ne empli >\d a tne plant were at work, sr uie on the railway, others in t:.e boil room while many were an.T ting In cloa.i:,- away the debris. It is un e.stoot taat lhe lull force will be- erapio. ed .tad cot a man will lose a dry. A. together about 10 men are employe ■ at the plant they will be kept stead i.y at work. General Manager Hensell was bus yesterday preparing l'rr the Immedi itc rebu.lding of the plant. He was se-ur ing a list of the machines burned, many of which he ordered by u i graph during the day. A majority of the people of i wick, were surprised when they saw an account of ti e Are in The Now yesterday* morning. Not over a bun dred people in the city were awaits oi the fire until they saw the pa The head the alarm of fire dur ■ng the night fcut 1! tie did they tho; i.'ual one of tie largest t U.RS .n tin city had been swept awry by ham- Expressions of sympathy went eu '0 the company from all sections ol the city, but people were delighted >vUh the announcement that work o.i i new and better plant would be started immediately. ONLY A FEW PRISONERS IN JAIL Casriff Berrl* Ha* Only 6lx or Seven ( Feed How. There i a scarcity of prlsoaers in lb* county jail at present, and Suer iff Borrie ha* on y six or seven to took out for, but it it expected that the jail will be pretty well filled be fore ' court convenes again in May The session of the superior and city routs this month pretty well vacated the jail as most o fthosa who were in there were tried and either paid their fines or were Bent to the •oavict camp. Two or three were not triad and oae or two a;Tats have been gmit since the court* adjourned, ftfHif atevt seven prisoner* # tm TWO CONCERNS NOW BIDDING XOR/STREET CAR FRANCHISE, BOTH SUBMIT PROPOSITIONS HE ROMAN \m?sm Term of franchise, 20 years with privilege of 6t>, city to have option to I'lirc base after 20 years. Five thousand do.lit: sto be deposit ed oil granting of franchise, for faith tul pertormance. No tax exemptions asked. Ten thousand diiiar ideumity bond offe red to s care city. Agr. e.-s to construct five nines ut tiiolley ;tlne •within twelve mouths Five cent fares to be charged with ra osiers. Free passes to policemen and lire uen in uaifcnin. Demand for ratification by two thirds veto of the , • i .e. l'ixes o st ol ale H'-.Ciiy at li ttnU tr thousand vails. Fixes cost of electric power at 1 nts per - orse po ’• r Does away with tlie present city as lights and furnshes electric light, .ns: end, at pi ices ranging from If 2. to $18,50 up to four hundred lights. Fix. , the cost of arc lights ranging rom $02.50 to s7o, up to 300 lights. Provides for free meters for ust of consumers of electricity. Provides lor extrusion of line to itbcr places. Guarantees to ask for charter with in sixty days. Provides tor commencing work with in four months Gives the city the right to string its telephones poles, police signal am nre alarm wires on poles of the com pany. ANNUALBUDGET F| CIIY LUST JGHT All Departments of the City This Year Can Spend $73.4C0 According to the Budget—How the Money Has Been Divided. If 1... (by ol 1 -n< id more than $79,400 di.rlug the year tto7 It will hat to bo done by a nodal ordinals * - n-oluuon for at last night’s on u in lug the finance committee. ,u the * nape of a reaolu : ui, pr.-s' nb and its ■ ■ .ui budget for the maintenance of th several depart nents of the city for the year.. The report was adopted and makes the following provisions. i'xeeift.ive department . . .7) 9 800 Public works.department 7 o>o t'enieterii'.;, pat kg and lanes . 2 000 Shells for streets 5 000 Police depa. tment 14 0 0 New barracks 5 0 ;-aiitary department 14 00ft Fire.. 8,000 New horses, fire ... .... 500 New fire alarm 1 o.<o Light and water 11 000 Hospital . ... 3 COO Charity 1. 2 00ft •Altai 179,400 J THAT GZAR IS ASSASSINATED ♦ Associated Press, However, Falls to Get the Report Confirmed at Bt. Petersburg. New York, Feb. 21.—A report was being cLtuUited today In financial circles of Wall street that the Cut and Crarina of Russia had been assas sinated, The Associated Press announces that it is unafcfe to secure anything from St. Petersburg tending to confirm the report. Heard in Washington, Washington, Feb. 21.—A report was current here today that the czar o( Russia had been assassinated. The report could not be confirmed and the Associated Press announced that while it had received the report as a rumor nothing to confirm it had bees received. BRUNSWICK, CA., FRIDAY MORNING, FEBRUARY 22. 1907. MATTER IS AGAIN Nip to goungil fwo Ordinaiicßs were Ffaced Heir h'rJSfea ... .. i •nut be In i.e • in fuel it wasJpqß night y t.iu city council's *esa£9s calico" to order promptly i tut pouiptiy twenty minutes to twelvi when council adjourned and pra.ablj lot half an hour was devoted to an. jther subject. The bell c arted iMk immediate af•' the mm M ™ ,u, ‘' 1 * 4 ■ fHV I . ■ M t (k\£ "ifNSlaßu mi - , § v * ; ■■ v jf | * i lit ... • .i 1' capitalist, It ,'j. Urksenlck into executive session Ibis • a used lorno comt. raalion to t,.n .cw vlri.ors present, for it was no. gc nerally known that any'other trol ay Iranchbo poposltli n * was to lie submitted. The lawyer and the rapt talist. 1 .eld the attention of 1 lie conn •il in the star ehanif er session for mother sixty minutes and on reach i.ig council chamber the Lunchlse pro poscal by Capt. Strachan was offered in the shape of an ordinance by Ai derman Dart and was placed on its lii st reading. Immediately after this ordinance v. as : laced < n its first read ng a sim 1 iur 0..0 in an ordinance proposed by Alderman Mann, covering a franchise proposed by Joseph M. Roman, and as sociates, was read. In connection with thero (wo ordi nances it is not known who is back of the Strachau proposition. The Xnvn has hoard aii kinds of con jecturcs on tho subject, but Mr. chan has maintained a constant silence with reference to the same, therefore it is impossible to say whu ibis associates are. However the Ro rnan proposition gave the entire ag igrermticn connected with the mover in ice premises, aud they are aa fol lows: i Joseph M. Roman, of Joseph M. Ro ! man and Company, engineers, Atlanta, joneph H. Mueller, of the Atlas Un glue Works, Indianapolis, Ind.; Martin Roman, of the Siege; Cooper Company, New York; Henry Sam.-.tag, of the firm cf Smastag, Rllder Bros, whole salers. New York; Henry S. Sohn, oi t..e firm of Sofia, Oppenheimer & Cos., New Yoik; S. Biumenstom, of the firm of 3. Bluemstrom & Cos., and Hackett, Carhart & Cos., New York; Sig Harzfeld, owner of the Parisian Cloak City; Leopold Wolf, of L<mNfiro-ber, dealers ia stool rails aud el<\rrtcL. equipment, Ciucinnati; It. 12 llTU'S omen, capitalist and ban .ter, *ruD6- wick, 0 As the nßgjrtiow stands it is a cate of pay Jwurmolhr and take your! choice." both franchise* stand on the j same footing bo far as the cii calendar is concerned' and last uight a motion prevailed that a spec ial committee consisting of the may or and two aldermen Le appointed to investigate more closely the two tranchises and for the purpose o, deavoring to purchase the present water plant of the Mutual Light ana Water 9np—y. TMfi o—eillUs sen ii mm wraios chiEt 50 years out Pillars to be deposit -1 franchise lor (?itu No tax exemption asked Tea tliou and ideumity bond otter ed to secure city. Agrees to construct four miles of trolley lines within twelve months. l ive cent fares to be charged, with transfers. Free passes to policemen in uniform Demands no luliacaimn p.-o fixes cost of at 70 cents per thousand 2S(s &m- Fixes cost iV ppßiic power at 7 1-2 cents ier horse power Provides for present gas lights al li-8,00 each. Fixes the cost of arc lights at $75 oacli. Fixes the cost of meters ut 1,25 ter meter per month. Makes no provision of extension oi to other places. No specified time for securing ol charter. Provides for commencing of work within four tn.m.h.s. THIRTY THOUSAND Si-IORT IS THE VETERAN S FUNI Atlanta. Feb. 21. —It discovered .aday that the state of U-orgia 1 .xactly $30,000 short in tne peu.-r uoiniey <and (the peasi|iner3 iu the j.ata who have not as yet been pam -ui probably have to wait until sum. .neans are provided to secure mono it was not exp-cteu that the snort .go would amount to tuat inuci. , .tough the officciala knew that tnc -und woula be exnausted belore an jf the veterans were paid, it 1 pro ft j le that the money w.ll be secured in some way before tap legislature meet in June. MAJOR A. C. RICHARD IS DEAD Chief of Police in Washington During Lincoln Administration. Washington, 'Feb, 21.—News was received here today of the death oi Major A. C. Richard, which occurred m Florida, where he was spending the winter for the benefit of hi, health. Major Richards was a well known character, ell was chief of police In Washington during the administra lion of President Lincoln and was ser ving in that capacity when the pres ident was assassinated. No Sale Yesterday. On amount, of the fire yesterday at the J'lant. of the Parker-lienscll En gineering Company, the sale of the savingafc-jjjjjijjpfaM' bark Medor was not held as a large amount of this stuff was stored on the docks of the engineering company and could not be easily reached by prospective pur chasers. The date of the sale has been changed to Monday. THE HIE SiVITH BOOM' LAUNCHED —♦ At a Banquet Given in Washington Last by Many Eminent Demo crate. • ' Washington, Feb. 21.—At a ban quet given he'-e toa’ghi, ait ruY I by seme of he most, promint t demo uatic membe t of toe en tb) and house, a Hoke Smith presidential boom was launched, and It Is the purpose of those who participated to urge the nomination of the governor-elect of Georgia at the neat democratic nat ional convention Several speeches were made durlaff the banquet by p.eminent democrat* and they alt considered Hoke Smith the logical man as the oax* demo cratic standard bearer. Blahs of the mayor and Aldermen VVright and Robinson. The Roman people are acting abso lutely independent of the the Light and Water Comapny people or the Strachan movement. At any rat® It does really begin to look Ilk* w* are to hare a trolley um- EVELYN CRIED ANDY'AINTED, TEARS CAME TO HARRY’S EYES BUT JEROME SMILED New York, Feb. 21.—There vvas an. imposing scene in the Thaw trial to day at o#e time Mrs, Thaw, who was s ill being cross-examined by the; district attorney, her ku band Harry J’haw, who. is | einc tried for his | life, and seveal others in th- cm_ room w ere ahi u itV.- ai h f I cm of \v^ t ' r by the scene and (heir sympathy vW!| out to the woman who was toeing for- 1 Cc'd to ■•■’ll iho ininulest iletsi's of bOi early life with Stanford \Y. iie by IT -I'iCt Attorney Jerome, lia.d-he ir. u ! he seemed today, not letting up for a minute on the little woman who a;-, neared completely exhausted as a r-■ ■ j suit of the trial and the rigid i.r.-ss-' examination she has been put ii.r-mg. i during t v .e past few days. When certain questions were ask <1 Iter regai her relations wilt Sian ,0.1 Whi e burst .it . tt-ars ' buried iu hands skil >" it aloud, which br.-ugT. tears the eyes of her Sue the stream of tear continued Ilier story, lot bi'inHfrUhtene-U by th.: disliict ittoney IllEUii Blf CITYHP LAST NISHT a All Those Who Have Not Paid Their City License to be Mauled up in the Municipal Court—Other Mat ters Handled. City council met in regular session last night dur.iig which two and i. naif hours of tire session was bobbin dosed doors and It was very near tin midnight hour before adjournment, those present were Mayor Hynious aud 'Aldermen Dart, Cox, Maim, Rob n son, Cook and Wright. A boson t A1 denuon Tupper aud Food. Undier the had of 'pitiUrmo ami communications the only one received was from Janies 11. Roman and assoc iules, asking for a trolley franchise mil account of which appears ~.1 .. where. , , Council next passed to the head of resolutions and the following were In troduced and adopted: By Alderman Cook, fixing the next meeting of council for Wednesday, tebruaiy 27, instead of Thursday, Feb ruary 28. Liy Alderman Wright instructing the maisbal to make a close it.n oi various businesses being conducte 1 in the city that do not come under the license ordinance. By AL'erman Wright, providing that Mayor Symons be reimbursed in the amount of $lO,lO on account of the personal expense incurred at the re cent immigration convention In Jlu non. The ordinance fixing the iate of gas, water and electricity, which r.aj been pending in council for months, was again placed on its first reaiing. The reading public is familiar wi ll the ordinance. It prov.ded for mat. r ial reduction in the rates of gas, wau r and electricity. The office of director of public works was finally established last night in the shape of an ordinance introduced bv Alderman Maun, 'ibis is tho posl-, tion that council baa creati and for Capt, 1 O. S Wylly, former city engineer, i , The ordinance provides that lie shall; ■have char e of all city surveying aud all street improvements to be eligi ble to the position one must be 25 years of age and a civil engineer by profession. The salary is fixed at sl2j per month Mayor Symons announced that the city engineer was now busily engag e din resurveying the city and said that this was the preliminary step to some other improvements contem plated by the administration. V Jing the | meeting a resolution wae adopted, being offered by iho committee on taxes and revenues, pro viding- that all persons doing business m the city who have act paid the r license should be given three day.: no tice and that paities who still refuse to pay will be hauled up in pbtice court. Tuesday, February 2$ and fined for violating the ordinance Wanted. A lady stenographer at once, good ssdsey Appif t# A- Kaiser * Dre- PRICE FIVE CENTS. The district attorvv rr. ..ed ’•• condition of the wA i I he con tained io Cities exa hi r in a msr cilcra fish:: n. Al i o.'gh ruff ring a ncrv'bus strain Mrs. T i:-w hell her wi;s dur.iig 11:• > o-.aiuii.a on and iuc c: ■ ding in tes. i::g the r.urJ ear.e I dis trict alt racy all during the day. Alter the men lccoss sim went cu nd coil a: cl cell re' 'I and re plied to what questi':Bs i-.iie wanted to in a tone of voice. Ques tions tint a c i I aot. do . ire t> a.- ' 6 i dad and ... U tfi -. laA ‘T don’t r m mber,” or 'T don't know.” alls. Thaw was rlitl on (ho r.tani when court cio.ed today and Judge Kilpatrick an oire.l an adjournment until Monday. Di.rrii-t Attorney Jer ome an 1 Ail ney D 1 lias e.igngid i;i several tills during ( e day. It is understood that during the toon recess Mr.:. 'Quiw fai; /? but soon recovered. Doling .he fine she vvas crying in court, when te ws came into ,u-i lius' aid s eyes nn.l nearly ever., ody in Uio court roan. Vas r-i'- l O' and. Disirict : j I. otjy smiled. posts BE * DON’T EIPECI nr WAD V He Returns Trcm ,Jopan and In an Interview i.a New York Eays Thero Is Very Little War Talk to bi Heard Now. New York, rh. 21 —Ambassador Hrk’e nn-iogd t: ,iay from Japan. In an intend w w-iffi : cv ,iul reporters the ambassador siyu'ihat 'he can ton see no war I o.ivci u , ; j t; , ■ , L'nitcd States. !1 . lhat there is very li.tle war ialk to ba heiud in Japan and the officials of that iry do not. autici, ale any a- r.ous trou ble. ONLY THE INTEREST OF THE PEABODY FUND New York, Feb. pj.—-It announ ced today that the entire Peabody fund would not be di iril.uted to the institutions to which it had bien given, but that only the interest is to be distributed at present. HONDURAS-NICARAGUA fICHT IS RESUMED Managua. Nic-a, Feb. 21. Tho figli la/tun a ,Nicaragua and Hondur as has I in i .aimed u.,d another attack was made today. It lasted for only a short time bui many soldiers were killed. SOCIAL DEMOCRATS WIN RUSSIAN DOU.vIA ELECTION Ft. Petr r. burg, j b. 21.—’Tho Rus siand and /uma < ice ion has been comple ted and me returns show taat the so cial deiuot ra have be. n victorious winning by a big majority. EAILLY ADMITS THAT HE WAS ADVISORY COUNSEL Austin, Texas, Feb. 21.—1n the in vestigation of Senator Bail :y bofora the state senate commi tee today, sna-nr Bulky nil inly admitted that lie had I eon i; rving as an advisory counsel for va.ious corporations whila a United States senator. Jurisdiction Extended. Washington, Feb. 21. —The jurisdict ion of Immi,.,rant Inspector Seraphic has been extended so as to cover all points in Florida at which immi grants ate liable to laud. Japanese Squadron at Honolulu. Honolulu, Feb. 21.—The Japanese visiting squadron, composed of sains of the l ent fighters of the Mikado’s navy, arrived at this port today. It : is understood that the squadron will tie here for only a shoit time. Sack From Convention, Max I . ac, T. B, Ferguson, A. M, Zt liner and J. H, Tanked s'ey, repre e nting the two lodgrs of K. cf F, hats returned from Waycrcss, where they attended the district convention On Wednesday. Judge I cac, who Is president of tho Convention, /presi ded. All of the delegates report * vary yleasaaft trip. _ 9 ,