The Brunswick news. (Brunswick, Ga.) 1906-2016, February 26, 1907, Image 1

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|The Brunswick News. IHfHSON LOCAL ICE PLANT NOW UNDER WAY —♦— Saw Building finished anil Work of Installing Ma chinery Begun MW Will Bf DOUBLED The Company, of Chic '3;*' *lmprove %*■' jW 'ff{Mfc- oCal P lan *' Murk was yesterday started mi tjie improvements to he made at the plant of the Glynn lee Company on A street, and during the next month the plant will be entuely rebuilt. J. P. Williamson, representing the Fred A. WolfTe Company, of Chicago, which concern has the can tract for rehutWing the plant, arrived in the ci I^Thursda y an I yesterday smß&. ft work Mr Williamson has in he will peisonally superiu i work. He install and the ma the old plant RHHjßlinfed tli.t TO aC.. Mi,- * w UM ' " p| plfl.e \erv la I i.' • v.-11l an Installed ' rMf .jiry will he made one ol tl e . os get an idea of t ie amour t ->' to hr made, tin < spar plant is to be increased m row 25 to all tons per day, whim with the plant on Grant street, wilt ~e sufficient to supply the local <1 nuud and also the nearby towns that use ice made in this city. The improvement work will ml., ii.liout one month says .Vli. William son. He says that an eugln.-t r u : tirrlvo in the city tods, and lui. aftei his part of the work. Tin imprno iiimts call for an expenditure of . 25. i 00. All of the u nk work will In- dom by the Park. r-Hensidl Bn-,in • fit.-- Company The new Imildiiigs at the plant have 11 tj out hem completed, til's v.or havli r, been under way for sop c lime SUOOENLY ILL; DEATH FOLLOWED Mrs. Elvira Lucas Passed Away Last Night at the Home of Her Sis ter, Mrs. L. Ludwig. In apparently good health all of Sun day and previous to that time, Mi> Elvira Lucas, of Budapest, Hungary sister of Mrs. L Ludwig, of this city, was taken suddenly 111 yesterday morn ing at the home of her sister, 107 street. She suffer* and during the day and until 10 o’clock last night when the end came. Mrs. Lucas has been visiting liu sister In Brunswick for several months stud during all of that time he kits in unusually good n< aith ite w;ts perfectly "oil Sunday hut on aris ing yesterday morning Mrs. Ludwig discovered that net sister was ill. Physicians were summoned and everything possible was done to save i,er. Her death was probably due to i cart failure Mrs. Lucas was born in Budapest sod was 45 years of a-e. She is sur vived by her mother a;ul ister lLe funeiat will occur from the residence till* afternoon at 3 o’clock, Rev. hath cr Dunne of the Catholic church, - t tlciatlng. The interment will be in Palmetto cemetery Mr and Mrs. Ludwig have a large circle of friends in the city who will Join The News in extending sym pathy. JAPAN GIVES US ORDER. Pittsburg. Feb. -5. —The United States Steel Corporation today re ceived an order for fifty thousand tons •X steel rails trom Jay .ns* •rlntent- _.-i—. *— Home fmow GIIUWOF GEORGIk \ When Certain Birds Carlbe Shot % This State—Other tions From the Law Which is Be ing Disregarded. There arc many sportsmen and others who kill in mid out of season without knowing they are violating Cub hltuiilt-s uf t lit** iitte and tol ! lowing summan of the game laws will he interesting as well as infor mation 10 them: It is unlawful to kill or capture wild turkey, pheasants, partridge and quail between March 15 and Novem ber 1 ; dove.-, marsh liens and snipe between March 15 and Nov. 1; sum mer or wood duck and woodcock be tween. February 1 aiul Sept. 1. It is also unlawful to take or destroy the eggs of such birds during these (bites. Wild deer or fawu must not be kill id of captured between January 1 and September 1. It is unlawful io sell offer for sale or have in posse sion any of the biids or animals, dead or alive or parts of same during the sem^p' tin ' ilij-.: ; , ..'it,::- H " ' ' ;v ’ A; ! W . . < . SR in Mote tti:ii-. f •: y J? killed by any one persotWn day. Partridges or quail must no 1 be n -i |-’ * ~ jted or trapped except on one's own i premises. The shipping of such birds beyond the limits of the state is prohibited at all seasons it is unlawful to place in any stre am Huy substance of a poisonous nature which will drive away or poison the fish. The tailing of f’tsli with seine, gig spear, or like devise, between Feb ruary 1 and July ] is prohibited Tin possession of game, fish, birds or their eggs dicing tile dales above mentioned, is talon as priiua facie evi doner of the violation of the law Upon the application of fifty five holders in any court the judge of the superior court is authorized to ap point a game waid n to so tit it these laws are enforced. Ihe warden may appoint a d* puty in a It militia dis trict. Any one injuring an artificial fish pond or destroying ti.e fish therein is subject to indictnt* nt A license may !e obtain* and to ink birds and eggs for purely su ndlic pcriarses, from the commis. <n* ; o agriculture. The English spars ow, great horned owl, sharp skinned hawk, coup* is hawk, crow, lark, crow-black b rd. jack daw' ur.J rice bird are not within tli protection of the law BIG FIRE SWEEPS OVER PITTSBURG Loss in the Smoky City Will be ProbAiy More Than a Half Mil lion Dollars, I’iUslmrg, Fa.. Fell. 2-> A h ■ winch originated in iiio business sec tion of the eiti this afternoon des troyed property valued at. upwards of a half million dollars. The fire was not completely under control at G o'clock tonight and the 1 damage may Ue greater. The section destroyed is in the business center of ! th city. ACTING MAYOR ROBINSON He Presided at Yesterdays Session of the Police Court. It was Mayor Jta inson yesterday, and he.presided at the session of police court with the dignity and grace of a United States court, jus tice. Mayor Symons was in Atlanta at tending the meeting of a number of mayors and Chairman of council Rob inson was in charge of the city. A number of Saturday night offenders greeted him at the police court and he disposed of the docket in rapid order. Imposing medium fines on ail those BRUNSWICK. GA . TU NG, FEBRUARY 26. 1907. BIG RAID IDE OS LOITERERS; 26 ARE JAILED Arrested All loalilMrounil Streets ofilie City ORDERS GIVIS IB POLICE Men Arrested Yesterday WMI. ; ■ \ ig; '' J liiH inployed, had b<'tt<*T ..,0 to work or j remain dose to their homes. B its :<iUo itmlpisto:>d Hint Sheri IT Berrie jlid i*i - force of deputies hrvv'* also i J cone ludi ‘d io aft r the vagrants j*tlid it will not be at all surprising if jh‘ do*-: not begin operation at once. WRECK REPORTED 01 THE 0. S, 8 F, —f— Rumor Says That Train Was Turned Over Near Unadilla and that Two a* Three Cars Were Burned. Atlanta. Fit. 25. \ passenger train on the Georgia Southern and Florida Ntilroad is reported ’to have jbeen overturned this afternoon a few miles below Unadilla No accurate details of the wreck have been secured, lop it is reportec that one or two of the coaches caught on .fite and that several people were killed and others injured. HELD MEMORIAL SERVICES Funeral of Mrs. Samuel Benedict Oc curred Yesterday in Marietta. The funeral of Mrs. Samuel Benedict who passed away In Cedartown Beit urdaj. occurred yesterday in Marietta, the former home of the deceased At st. Mark's Episcopal church in t.his city. Rev. Boykin held a mem or i ll service yesterday morning in mem ory of the deceased, which was attend ed by a number of rela lives and friends in this city. In the afternoon, at the hour that the funeral was being held in Marietta, Rev, Bo’ kin conducted services at the home of Mrs. Mallory F. f&Wf^jjjterof deceased, which was attendedTi* .netm* licrs of the family. The death of Mrs. Benedict lun caused genuine sorrow among Uzu many friends in Brunswick family has received the sympatifil^m the entire comtnitnlty^^(J|^ Handsome St. Simon Cottage. F. D. .VI. Straclian is having a very pretty cottage built on St. Simon which will he completed and ready for oecupnancy during the coming sum mer RED CROBB RAISES FUND. •Washington, Feb. 25—The Atnori can Rel Cross Society has raised a large fane for the starving Ruslans. : site era stolen FROM NEW YORK SOB-TREASURY ♦ Ihievss Mails a Big Haul Frc^M^toßank Robbery but was Only Announced terday—The Money Myster. Mth ut'i 'ey The roly cry was committed last Monday night Whelher the officials of the sub-treasury knew of it previous to today or not is no! known, hut the robbery was only announced this mom j lag. It Is thought that it was diso.ov jered last last week hut was kept a secrctortn the holiest of ascertaining some clue to the guilty parties. The large sum was stolen all in bilk- I of luiryjo denominations II is sail that the money mysteriously disap pea red and there Is not the slightest clue to the robbers. Officials in Washington have been notified of the rot* ery and detectives have been sent to New York to work on the case hut they haven't the slightest clue on which to begin work. NEGOBE JAILED FOR STEALING BRASS Mosc Richards, With Others Stole , Many Pounds From the Hilton and Dodge Lumber Company ' Jesse Richards was iirr; ste.l and placed in jail yesterday charged with stealing brass from tin- Hilton and Undue Lumber Company on St.. Simon. It sw ms that Richards and some of itis conspirators, who as yel have hot been arrested, have been engaged in systematic robbery of articles from this plant. was reported Pi the official* some time ago and the last grand jury Indicted Richards for tin- offense rand jury ad journed he has lieen dodging (lie ot fieeis evidently having been advised l>y someone of the indictment. Yes terday, however, he was caught at his home anti will have to answer for the offense at the next session of the city court. R. M. BLOODWORTH IS DEAD Aged Citizen Passed Away Last Night After Long IHtyso. After a hung illness Mr. It M., one of Brunswick's oldest citizens, passed away last night at his residence this city, lie is survived by his widow and his sons, Mess. ,1. M and C. F. lilood iworth anti a daughter, Mrs. C. F Brown, also by four other children who reside in North Carolina. His remains will lie taken to his old home, Colley, N C., for inter ment. The funeral services will be held at the residence 415 E street, at 3 o’clock this afternoon and will be conducted by Rev. E. Banunons, of the First Baptist church. Friends of the family are invited to be present. ; Mr. Bloodworth removed to this city i number of years ago in order to §< near his children who reside heie. pie was a devout Christian and a con (Bistent member of tire First Baptist church and won the esteem of all who knew him. .The aged widow and sorrowing chil- have the heartfelt sympathy of their many friends in their be-1 reavement. RESIGN OR DIE. Odessa, Feb. 25. —General Kuulbans was today warned ty the revolutionists that, if he did not resign at. once he would be killed. PHILIPPINES STRUCK By A SERIOUS CYCLONE 1 , London Hears That Two Hundred Peo * pie We re Killed and Thousand Left Homeless—Washington Can't Get the Report i laiudon, Feb. 25, —A report reached here this the southern j portion mU w:m jm f t i i I>4*^•. : Sp> '' ' k~ i : v"’ * ,p^: i. h■ ■ w j ! f 1 J -J| i*‘. #*' -* ;; ■ ? ! 1 ' v .i ♦ i-i fL 4 • j .£ _ i Iff * I l : j, / "w [ 'JJ i: , N , - ■■■<> i *‘i ii, ;d njga;lH|aS • J ■i- e * Jzfc ' local cusNH G, S. COURT IK 4 Suit for $5,000 Against the Schooner Limton Will Come up before Judge Speer in Savannah. in the I niLed Slates court in Sav aniiali today a damage case in he sum of $5,000 will be tried be'we. n the Portland-Oaroliria Cement Com pany, of Charleston, against the ,uj ooner Lupton. ; Brunswick is intei eisted because of the tael that some . four M(mihs_ig.v tile schooner Lupton with a Cargom In this port sustained damages which practically mined the entire cargo m celncnt while here, sustained damages which practically mined the carge or a large portion thereof, and the own era of the cement, the plaintiffs above jslated, are suing to recover their loss ;es. In the trial today Crovatt At Whit field will represent the plaintilT.-. I Judge Whitfield, of that firm, left last to conduct the case for his clients Garrard & Meld-rim, of Savannah, will appear for tlie owners of the schoon er. A number of local witnesses went over to Savannah last t* testify in the case, among them being Capt. .1. H Leo and Capt. Frank 11. both well known stevedores. • AT THE GRAND LAST NIGHT Large Audience Witnessed a Very Poor Performance. "Everybody Works >', nt Father" was the attraction at the Grand last, night, and a large audience was present, probably drawn by the name given I (he showy hut if it does not improve it is likely that papa will have to go out and work to support the entire Icompany. Generally in a musical comedy or ia vaudeville show there is one or two redeeming features. Sometimes pret jty music and catchy airs are In the play to please the audience, and gen erally there are one or two good pet | formers but If there was a single re !deeming feature in the show last night | it must have been in the second ac*. I the writer only saw the first. Mot',,,— .uu i juc ft crd la a a'’ i audience once or twice and Micro were three or four pretty cherus girls to look at. Iml (hats all Suffice to say that "Everybody Works but Father" will not be on the road much longer. SALE WILL OCCUR WEDNESDAY Anchors, Chains, Sails, etc., of the Bark Medor to be Sold. The sale of the savings from the bark Medor. which was to have oc curred some days ago and which was postponed on account of tin the at the plant of the Parker-Honsell Engl nering Company, on the whnrvi s of which some of (he goods are sored, will occur Wodnerdav at II a. m and those who want to pick up some gen uine bargains should be present. Ihe sale will occur on the wharf ot the Parker Hensell Engineering , Company land the anchors, chains, calls, ropea, etc., will ibe knocked down to the highest bidder. FIVE CENTS. ■MOTHER IMKTIO IS C.©PAY Annoanced That She Will ho Hirst Witness for Defense MGrniiii|^fl| ii giunfll Evelyn Tit,-iv, TANARUS, t,,j | Never Seen Hen Before That She Had Never Visi ted H,s Office. I /’ ■ 9 Yoi was ln- Br "1 by the dr! ■ JT.l’.v today that itii^B^L v ; • t *• p|\ . T • .frl J V f■ :■ % . Ti jLS 1 |w i } V ■Tf ■ ■ / |5 M . V\ jf' .fy—i-w XM'ir :;I l I !; Ji’.: - f'f: ' , - I, ' ! Lf , * mm I . *1 y i T ' 'si ■9 ij i I ' I i f '*■ I I Saute tet " is exgnorated —t— Senate Committee was Discharged Before it Rendered a Report in His Case. Austin, Texts, Feb. 25. —The Investi gation of the senate committee into the conduct of Senator Bailey lias re sulted in a complete victory of that official and he is * xoiioruted of the Changes preferred against him and which have caused unusual interest in this state and throughout the coun try. While the committee to which the nun ter was rel'cried did not render a I sport exonerating Senator Bailey, it, was discharged hy the senate a day ho I lie a report could be rendered, which exoneratert the senator. It was ox pbcL’d that a leport w.ati.l lie rend . ed today, but when the committee was called upon for it the announce ment was made that it was not ready and the commit,ee was discharged by the senate. A MYSTERIOUS BLAZE. I ire Started in an Unused Room in J. W. Thomas' Residence. The residence of Mr. J, VV, Thom as, corner London an l Richmond streets, came very near being ties tioye-d by fire Sunday a,ud it was only by quick work of the children of the family that the house was saved. The blaze originated in an unused room in the second story of the resi dence. There had been no lire in tho room in some time and Mr. Thomas and others of the family are very much puzzh and Ui know how the blaze started. The children in the house discovered tin blaze and Mr. Je.-se Thomas, assisted by a negro man. soon succeeded in extinguishing it, but not until some clothing In tho closet , the lied clothes and other articles had been burned. One Negro Robbed Another. Officer ,(. 1.. I anr.. yesterday arrest ed William Burke, colored, charged with .veiling a shot gun and other articles from the homo of Mary Moore, also colored, who lives on B .street, The negro was placed in jail in default of bond and will be given a preliminary hearing probably today or tomorrow.