The Brunswick news. (Brunswick, Ga.) 1906-2016, February 22, 1908, Image 1

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►me 7: NUMBER 123. ill MUCH PLEALED oh cup pars ip Th,■ Macon Telegraph of vestcr o>- canlaiViK the folio* ms aoap’iftt f the arrival of tho steamer Chap*j ’ !1, Wjrirfl ;■ Yiill ho found quite , ik: '! .. ■ . on aujj Bru *lt; favi tJ -ivtltal fComtmat's • 'ti. > aiwn*t>eiAj>p.’M • ! > >fi’at X cfciOefc. 'after n r . oi’d •resking .trip thSuKh the do quer voters of the lowr river. Five days were consuiuul in mak nr the trip of r.So ir.llen, un . ■ ■ indiUoß Jfeuld hsve . -i completed in U>* tme- out foi - *->e unexpected delays tliat prezent <l themselves at every turn'—not .trough Vault of the boat or i's cun afruetiuß, however. "Ktiriy Wednesday mo.uiug the trainer hove In sight of the Atlantic oast L'me^brld 1 at, DoctolHotvn, and the chitgrjn of the ere*-, a-d lay , f four hours was caused l the htgti tjuit would not allow the Uuu: .1 line's under the glide s of th-- ii ctuie. "An auprOKopu oeii. :.;,e . U no hopehad lUmoet boea glv a nt> ■v-ben-Vrerddent Small %ußWßted that ho pilot house he removed and the nookr-stitcks lowered This was don Put much valuable time elapsed bi !o|e the voyas. coi.Ul be resumed. "Tile river below this port was ■ nneliwider and as the wood 'supply as more than ample excellent time as made. Th indicator registered :tn argage speed of twelve miles an our into Brunswick ■ In the heavier waters of Lie oound •*e Cliappe'.l demonstrated tin sound nowieuge oi her Ij'Utiders l>y her -.-a worthv Itrlmvior VT'fy little re * poriso to the swells was noticeable i e high .wiml wae plowing ut that time. "Mr. A 1.. Dasher, one of the atioatii on hoard, had the add’d dis tinction of holding the stealer to its ourse as it glided past St. Simon std Jekvl islands. Th • honor he r - intro ished to Pilot Thompson as the \ . It. A A. docks era approached The dockage at Brunswick is am lie it) every respect Facilities for tuninfmfmfffmmtn htht ra a rar handlingany quantity of treight am! ADELAIDE THUHSTON HERE TODAY, A PERFORMANCES AT IRE GRAND * '.* ¥ i ... <* .'.V*. • i kt' ■■ ' v ? - V •r a \ _ j — ; ' ADELAIDE THURSTON Adelaide Thurston's Play. "The Girl From Out- Yonder" Is the name of Adelaide TTiuretonti play. It is a comedy drama ,ii .'our acts, with the scenes iald off the coast of .Maine. Pauline i'hclts and Marian Short wrote the play.' - it. tells the l:ea.rt-thiobbftK love ttorjyc.f Tj - u T.m. The Brunswick News. a safe .uni spacious -berth for me boat as well m its Accessibility to the city, fan it the pier of any in 1(1“ SOtltV T>t) tit.- SfifVrTvltl of the tfhip at tfe* and wt|ija,tiP c.aenomous quantity of rnift pg trrtiffr iunro' tr>. the return ti'ip. The cargo. earning back, |>r.-upU he larger than that > ilrlivd dowh. * '" > r -e> , ■ > "Captain Kt| Hallotvs. pfebaoty *flje ‘ heat known river n,nn in Georgia, boarded the Chappell at Lumber City and >-as enthusiastic in his praise of the i ainer. "Never Have I seen ;i i .miner craft on this riv, r, and with one or two more boats in com mission uie rcmii:. 1 -;. st'oi'i* he bale pi nfouMMilisie “alj the rior business. This boat i.i very fast and its size aVict speed make t peculiarly adapt able to the demands of tb inland traff.f “Captain -Henley, of th - Chappell, was delight ml with the behavior of the boat and promises to cut the next t ip down |.i four days, ‘i am proud of the boat.' !u> said, “it is tile best that evi i" plied the river and will carry all the business through on schedule time “To a Telegraph reported the p os id tit of the line, \V. C. Small, de clared iiimself highly Ui’/d over the usalt of the first , rip, and thinks that the Chappell should make the rejpila run down in four days, and tlie .return In between live and sib. i unhiding at ops. Mr. -Smajt said "The auspicious beginning made by our boat fills mo vdtii. houyant hopes for its future and tliat of the Macon and Brunswick Navigation omjiany. •Sav igatlgn Company. '■ - C. D. MILL. AT 1305 GLObOt'A -7 STFUtCT. RECEIVES A FULL LIKE cr r-HEBH GEORGIA MEAT i.VtnY MORNING. HE GIVES YOU CHEAPEST PRICES AND EVEN WEtpHT. ALSO CALL ON HIM I-OK EVERYTHING !N THE COUN TRY PRODUCE LINE. RSMEM S’ER THE TELEPHONE, NO. 293-1. RUBBERS FOR MEN, WOMEf AND CHiLDREN AT WOOD-BAIL t-.Y CLOTHING COMPANY. whole play breathes full end strong of ocean and Its salty tang. Mias Thurgton makes her f!rt t rrtranc (.’:( (1 In fife oij nkinr, and scu'wees t-y X ; .: heriwy, an t those whe .-, - * i-'-r sav that she neVeg look and y:. 'Co-. “The Girl From Out Yonder" will he the attraction at thf Crand Saturday night BRUNSWICK. GA.. SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 22, 1908. iISS IHUiISSON LOS! BIG ROLL LITTLE ACTRESS. WHO FLAYS HERE TONIGHT, LEFT MON IN A SLEEPER. Miss Adelaide Thurston, who will be seen at the Grand tonight iri “The Girl fraar- Out ,,ig trjgj;. a victim .uf -hard luck iu3t at present. • .Mlsa-Tlwrabwi. a few days‘'ngo. left "in ;i PuHnttOt lilctei'i: ttfnwo.ney containing' wont ml thgne days, a, small fortune. To give the exact figure* she .1 'ft .iu-l $1,750 In the slfepei . , Hut" the next day she war. more-fore tun ate than the average person would have been, because she recovered all of tile money xept SIOO. The little actress was just prepar ing to go on. the stage in ohunbus Wednesday night, whin she .recov ered that she had left her leg tool in the sleeper. She at, once repo ltd it to her manager, who hast- n and to the ear and reported the loss A roll of lilts was turned over to him and it was found that ail of the money was there except SIOO, which could not. he accounted for. it was stated in explanation oi Miss Thurston having this amount with her that on account of ihu fact that she had only a short, time ago lost $2,000 on account of the failur - of the Manhattan Trust ompany. of New York, she had not, deposited uny money in any (V the hanks. BIDS WANTED. The Commissioners of Ruuds Ofv-i Revenues of Glynn county, Georgia, invite bids for the purchase of a two room frame house, now located on coart house grounds (Magnolia upuare.) bids to lie in writing, seal ed and directed • ) the undersigned by 10 o'clock, a. ill., Mil ell 2. 190 R. A. O, Townsend, Clerk Conu.ii. rJcmK rr. Hoads sod Hevenu;* Glynn County, Ga. SCHEDULE A. C. & A RAII.ROD. Leave Brunswick tar Jacksonville ( and po'nls south’ at 5: 15 n.rn. 1:30 l> m., t:26 p.m. Leave liranswick for Savani-.uli 'and points north at 10M0 a.m.. 1:30 p.m. 9:0o nan L av, Brunswick for Fitzgerald, Cordcie, LaGrange and local A It. ot A points 0 am., and 3 p.m. J. C. Ligeour. O. A., Rhone. 20*. J. A. Beckham, T. A Phone, 115. on the gallon".). The two other coni TO THE PUBLIC. 1 announce to the public that I have secured th.- serviceo of 55. Harris, who was known as file best horseshoer of Darlington, county. S. C. Mr. Harris Is a man who has r.ef •/< and neatlv its entire life in the study of vererinarv science and the desires of the domestic animal and while -he does not practice he will lx- j leased to furnish anv information that Is dred concerning lamenes; or dl-'-a: -s if the animal la brought to n:e. I will a!..0 announce that white low prices for shoeing is being ; Ive tlxod I will have to maintain •■' ■' me prlcea, owlrHt fo the fact ' : 1 e xpect to crnilov the .best of and can’t consistently re due' th pri, i ill say, however. Ui:-t a -ar xervrqc at my shop will dot cos' a.or-.- than at other shops at hv.-.-'-r pri.-) as jay work is ifil dut ) h.t sk'le and woyk.-n -a. I qua-" a:.t e all w.rk J. D. Brown. ANNOUNCEMENT. To the Voters of Glynn ('..unity: I to a mbnnco that I will be i ti enniHilate far liie office of Kecoiycr of Tax K< turns of .Glvnn (Canty at ! the coi'iiup pGmary to be called by th ■ u- .of. . Executive Commit tee. . *' ■ rally. •loin E. Dunfccrley. Re careful about (hat tittle cough. Get cotpcthtng richt away; amne toed, re!'able r-m'cdy that -will move the bowels. Kennedy'". Loxatlve C6u;;b STrap actj gently yet prompt ly on the bowels and allays inflame- Uon at the same time! It is pleasant to take and t is especially rccom mended for children, as it taster them luystdf with fine -result*." Sold by All T)njggri3ts. LOOK GOOD. What’s the trouble with yor.r horso lie's liftuo of cotitt," what cause:! if? Inferior Work, of On-.i r.e, VVel • think I will, take rnv horse to llenC' Furan, tho practical horso-sliocr t id lame forger v.b'i triyeS prompt sir vice to ill. Mart to telephone <x- he us good weather Cold of Thursday was Succeeded by Bright Sunshine. The weather man is cutting up some peculiar capers just about now. One day he pap dr us cold, tvindy. dis agreeable .weather, and the next day the situ Is out and the matcury docs som erapid climbing. Thursday was due of the coldest, and most disagreeable days of the winter, hut yesterday the sun was cut in full and the day was as pleasant a asuy one could have desired. FIRST BAPAIST CHURCH , .-Xkthe merging hour the pastor '\w SaclL.a. special sermon to eltil y&djL Sjj'l ydung people on the stih .iet.f .''Stniior ing Parents," this being tw’rt’lh of a scries of sermons on the Ten cUnmnndmenta. Evening suhjeel, The Kssentiais of Salva tjim.' CtOog murie wilt he furnished at mch of th( re services, turn'd a v snijool, Haracca and I'tiilae lima classes 8,15 p. m. Prayer inent ing Wednesday 7,80 p. m. A cordial welcome will lie given to all visitors stud strangers. PRESBPTERIAN CHURCH At the Prerbyt 'fimi ehureli Sunday morning Rev. V. .1). Thomas will preach tm lien. IT; lb, "Or, That ish tael Might Live Before Thee." At" T:."li> mi- AUbjevt will he Zoeit l-1.20.Ut. Big Mlllineey Sale. MmlamO" Sullivan invites you to at tend an exhibit and rule of imported hats, go-.vSs. lingerie waists, infanu wear, imported lingerie. Saturday, , day at tie Oglethorpe hotel. SPECIAL NOTICE. All bUlat against the British steam, ship Cayofßonlto must he presented at our oftiee by li i'u t.>locl: 'lit; 22nd day.' of February, 1908, or pay ment thereof will lid barred R, D, M. Strachan & Cos, Consignees. Kodol is tadav the best kaown and meal l'oFabh: remedy for all and sord (ra oi the etom-’ch. such s Uyapep -■•lit, heart burn. zOtir utomach and bolclilag-oi' g;. Kodol contains the ame"'juices found In a, healthy atom (>"('b Kodol in pleasant to take. It is ;CH,“ 'M’d to give rettof ond is sold bo:o by All Drugiat. The exhibit and sale of ir.iporled hat;, gowns, vvaiata, infants wear and lingerie to be held by Mauanie Sulli van today at the OglethoruO will at tract the ladies. Cards have .Ween | isntted for Bin exhibit. NOTIC... I beg to the pub! c that on and after this dam.l shall lie with the firm of 0. C. Califf it) Fern an dlna., Kespectfully, Horace Outlaw. NOTICE. Saw dressing of every description. Every saw warranted, first <L> -= or no pay. 120 N Wolf Street, between K and G. W. S. Tucker. FOR THE DEBT CAP. AND PINE WOOD CALL ON J. E. ABBOTT. TELEPHONE, 304 CORNER OF I AND ALBANY STREETS—REA SOCIABLE PPICE3, To tlii? Voters Of Glynn uounty: 4 I bep to announce that I shall be a nardidate at the next Democratic Primary for the office of Receiver of Tax'Returns of said county. 1 will appreciate the votes of my fr'-ends, acquaintances and the public gener ally. Vcrv Respectfully. ROBERT M. SCARLETT. RING TELEPHONE NO. 44 AND i N. VV. FINDLEY. THE PRODUCE MAN CAN SELL YOU THE FINEST UNc WESTERN AND NEW YORK IRISH POTATOES EVER SEEN IN BRUNSWICK. NOW IS 1 IIE TIME 1 iy SUV THAT RAINCOAT. THE SAME COAT YOU SAW MARKED $lB. NO’A WCOD-BA (LEY CLOTHING COMPANY. T. LEONIDAS. Car.dy Store, pon't buy h -rr.t sugar ami Imatd;ie rod arc gpltl!.? pure chocolate. Snell -übsUM'les arc injurious to health. For pure chocolate and all otbc can lies call on ma. A fresh anpt 1/ received every wad, from Monler the fnmouM ehocolat n:9ker. Either In bulk or i beautiful pound nnd ha’f pound boxes. FINEST FRUITS. CIGARS AND TO BACCO, ETC. TAFFY CAND\ MADE FRESH DAILY. QB Newcxstt* St mat. REMEMBER WE ALLOW 20 PER I CENT DISCOUNT ON ALL CASK SALES . EVERY DAY IN THE YEAR. E. Y. ROBERTS, t 'PHONE c:x i- _ ■ t-l. W. FINDLCA. THE WHOLE RAIE PPODUCE DEALER HAS A M<f. ON I FTC ANT LINE OF IRISH POTATOES. CALL ON HIM FOR PRICES. TELEPHONE, NO. 44. WORK IS COMPLETED ON THT NEW GOLF LINKS The detachment from the county convict gang, which has bet-n at work out on the golf links to.- the past spyorat days, ilmsued the work yes terday afternoon. The link,; have been practically >v huilt under the supervision of an ex pert and the local club now has a ; good grounds as anysi nunar o.gntn /.altUit tli uto jUU- . Sn:Sth. Sj) Hi nntl It Is curious hole the little letter "y has pvwved :i huge difTcrentiuin. For where*;, the "Smiths," as a rule, hav* been money tmrkitig, the “Smyths" hafe shown eliiva}rTns and arlstiietaiie. VVbs;e the Smiths went UoumlheaU the'T'-ay Cl-, siitfero.l for Tory or Jacobite principles, .according to til.- l.omlmi Mail, vpiopos of these variation.- in tin- a;-iling of the great patron.vtnie Mr. t'.imptou Bendy pro pounds a theory which should prove of cofnfort to both branches of the fain tly. lie b.oky combats the notion that the Smyths, Smythcs and Smi.itlts have lusnmi'd a vajl.nllon of tq.-t fling to lend nu nristoeralie tin\or ton homely name. “Nothing," he declares, “can be fuvthci from the truth, 'i he ovigiuul form was Smyth, just as the modem ‘eider’ is corcupti in of th-.- ancient ‘cyder.’ Sc far 7'tom Let Smyths having Smythed themselves 1 enn discover barely one no: a Ido Inslanee of the change from T to ‘y,‘ but. 1 enn trace numberless Instan-.-os of Elkiabctlmn Smyths hav ing become Victorian Smiths. The two spelling of the word i-imljta Is appar enily (life io tlut jog niolisnvss of solas medi.-eva) clerk, who. In writing Smyth, took upon liiiusolf .to dot both points of the •>.’ thu3 prudueing -Smljiti.’" ( nrrfijl of III* “Tom. dear," said young Mrs. Newly wed very gently, "ii was kind ami thoughtful of you, and X appreciate it ever no much, but a man should never undertake to select anything for bla wife th wear.”' “AVluit ilb yog mean?” he asked in surprise. *, “These button* you brought home for me,” and she held up a half dozen rod poker chips. "I found them on the mantel in your room, and f knew, of course, that you had iu-ought them home for me.” “V-you can’t use them, can you?” “No. But I appreciate your thought fulness just the same. You got them at a I,niga-In-. didn't you?" “I'm .ii-s." “Vi’i-li, you were cheated. 1 don’t set how iivyk. dy t. 1m makes buttons could have imen so silly as to forget to put in the holes that the thread goes through when you aew them on,” And Tom said he would take then right back and exchange (beta, Sidney Lardor, our great Georgia poet, tells a pleasing and instructive story of a man, who was always grumbling about his land, and w.. 0. after selling it and going West, found upon hts return that another had taken that amt- land and made it a tiling of beauty with its crops o' lleecy cotton and waving corn. ' ii is not the grumbler and the la* : gat'd who wins in the battle of life, but the diligent and progressive man who proves himself a hero in too Htrite and who has the patience "to labor anti to wait,” knowing that to persevering and intelligent toil limd victory is mire. Many a men who starts with no experience, "'but goes to work to care fully learn from the experience of others, making a diligent study of th* conditions that surround him and ad Justing himself i.o those conditions, making tis-.i of scienfili-- principles business method.-,, will attain a suc cess which will put to the blush U)f man who has funned all his life with out learning anything new or improv ing in any way the condition of his held.-: exhausted by (he old method* of farming that v.x.Kld produce good vosulta on virgin still, hut fall of do sired re. :]-■■• o:i that .ilr'-ady worn out by old :i:;ie methods am! artthpuu.jrt farm iip.ilera at*. ’ Evt *he must lie uept abreast v/i-h the tim;••, awl that ,*f • lie ;• is mr exiji.p!ioi. to reie - <.<>!-.,ia O-psi iirnmt' of Ayri “Ulturo A I’!, looo.r Ipl^rriiji’ton, The f-il>>'c,-, i-'i-idetit ocemii.--l * -•: outerlai'iti.ecn la n im -'e i rovlnclal town: On'tlie iJt-cgrainme n <■: :\niu v c.-iilst v im down to sJ:ig “Tie- Miner s iu-entn of IKn!e.‘‘ and to mi l special effect to the song he. bavin;; h friend :i fii-enmn at the tire about three minutes’ w.-ilk from the hallaraji out and borrowed Ids top boms. Ills turn on (lie programme r-tnao around. Il<- nppenred on the stage in all the glory of r. blouse, slouch hat, while breeches and (lie fireman’s’ top hoofs. Ills rendering of tb,. song was a great success up to the middle of the second verso, when a commotion was heard at the entrance of the hall. Then a hot and eager fireman forced his way through the audience up to the foot lights and tiawie-.i out at the top of his voice: “BUI, you’ve got to eotno out or them 'ere h, ots if you value your l-fm I'm tt< a gee I"- T.ptni.d) 'pi-1.',;8. FRICE, FIVE CENTS. PENSION Pill IS BYPBTEMS NEGESSARV The new method fo paying pen sioners of the state, which has caus ed dlscit ;s!on. was an administration Jib-asu e, and was introduced in the general assembly and passed, follow ing a conference between Governor Smith. State Park and I’cnPioa Commissioner I.itidsey. Uh ( n the rt'-.v adminlbtratiop as sumted the eins of government, a grave fjnuueie.l conditihu was to he l’nccd. Pension Commissioner L,iud acy estimated that $950,000 would be necessary to pay the pensioners for 1908. AJier consultation with the officials named and members of the appropriat On crrrnnlttees of the. house’ and senate, it vv:ts agree! that the sum desired could be appropriated, but to do so, and save the state from financial breakers, it was im perative to change the system from a lump payment; which came ill Jan uary and February, to four quartoily payments. , ‘ An erroneous impesraion is preva lent, apparently in some quartets, that pensions are a year behind. Pensions for 1907 were paid in full in 3..unary and February of that year the total amount piiid out being $932,- (>!i5,G5, the ppiop.iation being $933, 000. The first quarterly payment for L9oS lias already been made. Sonir ItfiMurUitklr Guos, At the siege of Rhodes tile Turks' constructed momrs by bolluvvii.g out cavities in the solid rock hr the proper Bug!” tfntl in the iusennl nr Malta is a trojihy of the long and glorious defense of V tlie its, in a Turkish gun. about a sit pounder, composed of a cooper tub* coiled over with strong rope ami "jurU efeil" with rawhide. In tin- same -col lection arc some antique ‘'qeli-’i firers,” breechloaders, with small bores and immensely long barrellike punt guns. The Malay pirates put great trust la th* ram; braes u “ ylttiiiltliUlfl* 11 “id*,’* and ja Borneo tJhescUdnjj vvero uned as a kind ot currency, laUge sum a being estimated in The Chinese east excellent bronze sfu:i3 (there Is n fine specimen of them !a Devc-upcrt dockyard), but so little did they understand gunnery that In the so called “opium war” the forts ot the B-X'efi Tigris, defending *ho Canton river, had the gv.ns buiit iuui'.ovabiy Into the walls. The Sikh gunners op posed to tttt in the two Punjab tvarj, thing'.! they loadijd with amazing reck lessucs*, shoveling In the powder from open boxes, stuck fo their guns to the last. The blood of the first man killed was eruenred on the (-un. and the whole detachment died beside it spontjr than retreat—Chambers’ Journal. „ ■ > 3! in i’rt Sapr*tition. ”,Superstition seems to be connected in the minds of moßt people with wo men, ladders, rabbits’ feet r.nd horse shoes,” sold the young girt ul the piano. "Asa matter of fact, however, I know that men are fully as superstitious as the women of my acquaintance, a rxJ sometimes more so. One young man of my acquaintance, for instance, who has literary yearnings and who feel* •ure he could astonish the public with hi* brilliant stories if lie could only get some editor to accept them, spends hi* summers in the country gathering h spi ration, local color and—four lent clovers. When winter comes he returns to his ballroom in the city, writes sto ries by the wholesale and dispatches with each consignment to the editors a four leaf clover. Sometimes the arti cles my accepted, and then the writer ascribes his success to the talisman. More often, however, they ore re turned, with tlie mascot in n more or less (-rumpled condition, mid he spend* what leisure hours he lias in trying to figure out why It is those clovers don't work every time. Never for n moment does lie ascribe failure to uny faults In his m ami scripts. Isn’t that the limit In the way of superstitionV”—Philadel phia Ledger “\VJty Many Children Ar* One It -s a well known physiological law that the use of a muscle cause* an imretme In its size, while neglect causes it to become smaller. The steady use of the same arm lu carrying a set of books to nntFfrom school, the propping of one arm on A table, or the excessive use of one arm or log and the disuse of the otbeb— each such habit slowly hut surely livings about its own result inilmi constant effort be made to counter act it. The growing age Is more subject than any other to such Influence*, bat every age is directly and powerfully Inline:--nil by any occupation of habit whTh tends to the exclusive exercise* of <( rti’.i'i" Buscleit or to the habitual taking of a certain post ure. -,.. . . EVERY ’ AY. I M e US for auyt s you want. Unvy & Cos., 213 G-ant sLro|t, rite