The Brunswick news. (Brunswick, Ga.) 1906-2016, September 01, 1908, Image 2

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RYLES INSISTS HE’S NOT GUILTY I BAXLEY NEGRO, HOWEVER, WILL HANG ON FRIDAY, SEP TEMBER 11. MACON, Aug. 31.—Without fear of death, Neal Ryles, a negro, confined behind the bars at the Bibb county jail, is waiting for Friday, September 11, when he will be hanged at Bax ley, Ga., for a crime committed last fall. ..yles is a negro about 43 years old, and has been granted three respites by Governor Smith, but on Monday of last, week the governor stated lie would not again interfere with the execution of Ryles. He was to have been hanged March 31, when a respite was granted until July 33, After hard work on the part of the negro's lawyers another re spite was granted until August 14th, while the officers had Ryles at the S' uthern depot waiting for the train to carry him back to Baxley, the third respite was received. When seen this morning by a re porter Ryles said: "I am not guilty of the crime charg ed against me and I will die an inno cent man." When Sheriff Branch was in Macon several weeks ago to take his pris oner back, he al o brought two depu ties with him, and it is believed that more will be brought on September 10th, as last lime a large mob formed and threats of lynching were heard on all sides. FOR FURNISHED ROOMS or Table Goarc’ Go To J. M. WILSON’S 502 1 2 Monk Street. RATES REASONABLE Pbyne 15 Beautiful country home about three miles from city,' practically new. five rooms arid bath. Cost *2,500 to build, For sale cheap. Albert Fendig & Cos. A PROCLAMATION To Pay the County Police, and to Provide f-r Necessary Sanitation. By llis Excellency, Hoke Smith, Governor of Georgia. Executive Department, Atlanta, Aug. 24, 1008. WHEREAS, the general assembly, at its session In 1908, proposed an amendment to the constitution of this State, ns set forth In an Wt approved August IY, 19 3, to wit; The following amendment to the constitution of the state of Georgia is hereby proposed by the house of representatives of the general assembly e f said state. That article seven (7) section six (6) of the constitution of said state be amended as follows, to wit: By adding to paragraph two (2) of said section and article the following words, to-wit: To pay the county police, and to provide for necessary sanitation. Now therefore I. Hoke Smith, gov ernor of said state, do issue this my proclamation hereby declaring that the foregoing proposed amendment to the constitution is submitted for rati fication or rejection to the voters of the state, qualified to vote for mem hers of the general assembly, at the general election to he held on Tues day, November 3rd, 1908. Hoke Smith, Governor. By the Governor: Phillip Cook, Secretary of State. SI, SIMON IHMiSII CO. Elegant and Commodious Side-wheel Steamer “ATTAQUIN” DAILY EXCEPT SUNDAY. Leave Ocean Pier ® a ’ m ‘ Leave Ocean Pier 10:30 a - m - Leave Ocean Pier 4:00 p. m. Leave Brunswick 9:00 a. m. Leave Brunswick 2:30 p. m. Leave Brunswick ft 3o p. m. Leave Vst. Simon Mills 6:10 a. m. Arrive St. Eiuton Mills, ex cept Saturday 0:30 P- m - SUNDAY SCHEDULE. Leave Brunswick 9:00 a. m. Leave Brunswick *10:30 a. m. Leave Brunswick 2:30 p. m. Leave Brunswick 7:30 p. m. Leave Ocean Pier 10:00 a. m. Leave Ocean Pier 12:01 p. m. Leave Ocean Pier 6:00 p ' m ’ Leave Ocean Pier 9:00 p. in. •Special A., B. & A. Excursion Boat. Subject to change without notice. Excursion boat every Wednesnay Night at 8 p. m. BOAT LEAES FOOT MANSFIED ST. No freight received on boat leaving lie city ats :30 p. m. J. B. WRIGHT, Manager. J BIG DAMAGE IN SOUTH CAROLINA GENERAL IMPROVEMENT BETTER BUT THE DAMAGE IS GREATER. COLUMBIA. S. C., Aug. 31—The Hood situation throughout South Car olina tonight shows considerable im provement. Water in the various riv ers and creeks is falling rapidly and some progress is being made in the matter of repairing railroad and coun ty bridges. The first railroad train over the Atlantic Coast Line from Florence to Columbia since Thursday night, ar rived here about noon today, being a few minutes late. The Watere river bridge which has been under water for three days was passed over suc cessfully and found to be little dam aged. No trains are moving north of Flor ence, owing to the unsafe condition of the Pee Dee river bridge. 'J ne line from Columbia to Charles ton is op n by the way of Blackville, increasing the distance about fifty miles. The Southern railway bridge jj|er Congaree river is temporarily r<Twi; ed and trains are moving into and out of C lumbia over that line. The lines between Columbia and Spartanburg, and Columbia and Green* ville are still blocked and it cannot lie said when traffic will he resumed on these roads. The bodies of the little Hinson boy and the negro driver of Henry Sav age, of Camden, who wore drowned when the toll bridge tvt the Wateree river at Camden went down on Wed nesday, were recovered today. Three or four others who w re on the bridge at (lie game lime are .-.till missing. No report of the conditions at Kingviile has licen received here to night. The Congaree river is falling and no doubt the water at that point is receding. No loss of life lias been reported there. It Reached the Spot. Mr. E. Humphrey, woh owns a large general store at Omega, 0., and 1? president of the Adams County Tele* phone Cos., as ’.veil as of the Harm; Telephone Cos. of Pike County, 0,, says Dr. King’s New Disocveiy: “It sated my life once. At leant I Ihink it did. It seemed to reach the spot - the very seat of my cough— vhen ev erything else falkd.” Dr. King’s Now Discovery no- only reaches the cough spot; it heals the sore spots and Ho wrah spots in throat, lungs and chest. Sold under guarantee at Rose’s drug tore. POc, apd ft op. Trial bottle j'ree. She Likes Good Things. Mrs. '’’has. It SrnNh, of West Frank lin, Maine, says: “I like good things and have adopted Dr King’s New Life Pills as our family laxative medicine, because they are good and do their work without making a fuss about it.” These painless purifiers sold at Rose's Pharmacy. 25c. SOUTHERN RAILWAY SCHEDULE FOR ATLANTA AND WEST. -y. Brunswick ...10.15 a.m. 8.35 p.m. Jeßtip 11.45 a.m. 10.40 p.m. I Macon 5.00 p.m. 3.00 am. Ar. Atlanta 8.00 p.m. 5.25 am. Birmingham 5.15 a.m. 12.15 p.m. Chattanooga 10.25 a.m. Cincinnati 8.50 p.m. “ Chicago 7.45 a.m. FOR COLORADO SPRINGS. Leave Brunswick 8.35 p.m. Arrive Atlanta 5.25 p.m. Birmingham .. p.m. Memphis 8.05 p.m. “ Kansas City 10.30 a.m. Colorado Springs.... 8.00a.m. FOR WASHINGTON AND THE EAST. Leave Brunswick 10.15 a.m. Jesup 1.35 p.m. “ Savannah 3.20 p.m. “ Columbia 11.10 p.m. Arrive Ashe vide 7.10 a.m. “ Washington 3.30 p.m. “ Baltimore .: 5.35 p.m. “ Philadelphia 7.50 p.m. “ New York 10.30 p.m. Through Pullman car from Bruns wick to Colorado Springs via Atlanta Birmingham and Kansas City. Through Pullman cars from Jesup to Asheville, New York and Chicago. For additional information or sleep ing car reservations call on or address E. H. HOUSEMAN. General Agent. FOR SALE. TUG HENRY L. KORTER—built in Baltimore in IS9O, 30 tons gross, rebuilt 1907, 55’ long, 14’ beam, s'6’’ draft. Engine 12 by 12 by E. J. Codd & Company. Boiler up-right Tubular 9' by 66" diameter. Surface condenser. Pilot house, cabin and gaily furnished. Address Planter Fertilizer & Phosphate Cos., Charles ton, S. C. THE BRUNSWICK DAILY NEWS, TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 1, 1908. WE SOLICIT ORDERS FROM ALL f>ARTS OF GEORGIA \ |fc* £' i Our Prices Are Just as Cheap As Those of Kentucky Houses C. C. CALIFF. “THU BOOZE MAN” -# - p-' V Fernandina. Fla; HACKS, Oglethorpe Station For Quick and Polite Service Ring ’Phone 549 Ail New Carriages and Polite Drivers HACKS Oglethorpe Station basiitioc:/;- stops tbs coagi. and hcik j offs R\DIIJM CORN PLASTFR Exclusive Agents J. E, Morgan’s Drug Store Ever Troubled With Rheu matism In Your Feet? • _ Under date of June 30, TOO 4, this letter was received from Eld. W. R. Stroder, Pastoi First Baptist Church, Casey, 111.: “My wife was sorely afflicted with Rheumatism in the' feet. I tried doctors and many remedies, bui she got no better. I wrote you for a bottle of Seven Barks, which proved a great bless ing to her.” How some women do suffer with their feet. They can’t hardly stand on them, let alone walk, when Rheu matism gets a good hold. We’ve had them tell us just how they’ve suffered and asked us ii we knew of a good, i .honest remedy. We always recom mend Seven Barks—don’t know of jnything better. It costs but so cents i bottle, and when it fails, return the :mpty or partly used bottle and we ll Return your money. Seven Barks is *t great remedy for Stomach troubles, mt it’s good for many other ulniiaM, e*."*Try it and see, b R)LETSnON£T®TAR Curee Colds: P-cvents Poeumooia NOW IS NOT THIS FAIR? If I dress your saw and there is any thing wrong with it, I am more ’than willing to correct it without fur ther cost to you. Address. W, S, Tucker. 129 north Wolf street tx* -ween F and J. castorTa For ifiants and Children. Kiadjeu Hare Always Bought