The Brunswick news. (Brunswick, Ga.) 1906-2016, September 01, 1908, Image 7

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WRIGHT & GOWEN Hardware, ShipChandlery and Groceries WE MAKE A SPECIALTY OF SUPPLIES OF ALL KINDS FOR LAUNDC-HES AT THE VERY LOWEST PRICES—SIDE LIGHTS, WHISTLES, HORNS, BELLS AND LIFE PRESERV ERS. BEST GRADES OF LUBRICATING OILS FOR GAS ENGINES OF ALL KINDS. OIL CUPS, VALVES AND PIPE FITTINGS OF ALL KINDS. £ ' WE HANDLE THE FAMOUS AND WAR RANT THEM. - Our prices ape Very Low. K. MOTT, JEWELER Everything in WATCHES, DIAMONDS. JEWELRY. SILVERWARE, CUT GLASS. FINE CHINA. UMBRELLAS, ETC.FINE WATCH. CLOCK AND JEW-ELRY REPAIRING AND HAND ENGRAVING A SPE Cl ALTY. CALL AND SEE US. K. MOTT, Jeweler, Keeper County and City Clocks. 15 Newcastle Street. CLARK’S SHAVING PARLOR 205 NEWCASTLE STREET. Thoroughly renovated and elegaatly furnished with toe moat modara equipment*. Satisfactory aarvlcea guaranteed. Tha place to hat* ro work dona rtghL C, A. CLARK, Prop. Thomasville Business College, THOMA3VILLE, GA. THIS 18 THE SCHOOL THAT SE CURES THE BEST POSITION FOP ITS GRADUATES. OPEN ALLTHE yfar enter now. write to day FOR FULL INFORMATION. 4- W. BALL, President: COLSON HARDWARE CO —EVERYTHING IN— MACHINERY SUPPLIES •ELT|"Q, rULLEY 8, BHAFTING. BAR IRON, STEEL COPPER, BRASS, ■ LACK and GALVANIZED PIPE. Wlra Cable, Manilla ROPE, TACKLE BLOCKS Marina Hardwar., Ship Supplies. Strurturtl *te.l M Roofing, Building M at.rl.l, Saah Doors, Bllnda, Wlr. Fencing. COLSON HARDWARE CO. we wia make your home beautiful Dußlgnon & Tarpwell Paporhanbers & Painters THE BRUNSWICK CAICY NEWS, TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 1, 1903. The Man Who Starts In Business Today must have money or credit —to oe successful he should have both. The real starting point of any business is: Ahe time at h one begins systematic saving. If he begins right, he opens a bank account and gradually builds up both his account and his credit. If you begin ow it will bring your day for starting a business of your own that much the nearer. Open an account with us to-day—one dollar or "tore will do—• whenever you can sprre a dollar add it to your account —th; lump sum will be here and ready for you when you want it. -% The National Bank of Biunswick 0 ATLANTA, BIRMINGHAM and. ATLANTIC RAILROAD —Schedules — Effective August 16th, 1908. DOUBLE DAILY SERVICE North Bound. Leave Brunswick 6:30 AM. 6:00 PM. Leave Waycross S:ls AM. 7:55 PM. Leave Douglas AM. 9:25 PM. Arrive Fitzgerald 10:55 AM. 10:25 PM. Leave Thoniasville 7:30 AM. 6:45 PM. Leave Moultrie 8:38 AM. 7:50 PM. Leave Tifton 9:48 AM. 9:00 PM. Arrive Fitzgerald 10:45 AM. 10:00 PM. Leave Fitzgerald 11:00 AM. 10:30 PM. Leave Cordele 12:35 PM. 11:45 PM. Leave Vienna 12:54 PM. 12:04 AM. Leave Oglethorpe 1:55 PM. 1:15 AM. Leave Manchester 4:03 PM. 3:30 AM. Leave Senoia 5:40 PM. 5:25 AM. Arrive Atlanta 7:55 P4t. 7:45 AM. SOUTHBOUND. Leave Atlanta 7:45 AM. 8:00 PM. Arrive Senoia .10:02 AM. 10:18 PM. Itrrive Manchester 10:40 AM 12:00 N't Arrive Oglethorpe 1:50 PM. 2:35 AM. Arrive Cordele... * 3:15 PM. 4:15 AM. Arrive Fitzgerald 4:30 PM. 5:35 AM. Arrive Tifton 5:40 PM. 7:00 AM. Arrive Moultrie... 6:48 PM. 8:10 AM. Arrive TUomasville 8:00 PM. 9:20 AM. Arrive Douglas 5:40 PM. 6:50 AM. Arrive Waycross 7:15 PM. 8:25 AM. Arrive Brunswick 9:15 PM. 10:20 AM. Pullman, Drawing Room, Sleeping Cars between Atlanta and Thomas ville on trains leaving Atlanta 8:00 P. M.; leaving Thoniasville 6:45 P. M. Close connection at Atlanta for all points east and west. Electric lighted, vestlbuled trains. “The Standard of Excellence in Passenger Service.” .1. R. ROWLAND. W. H. LEAHY, Traffic Manager. General Passenger Agent. ATLANTA, GA. J. A. BECKHAM, Ticket Agent. PLEASURES WITHIN REACH. . _ Changing tins appearance of yonr home at small coat with /£' ATTRACTIVE WALL PAPERS, so that your eyea and aerrea are n< >•, IL/W? rested, and that longing to "get awty ?**•• > - jfr* MHK 3'* tor a change" la entirely gone. A ■■ m room completely cnanged by lorely (il l ’ll!' 11®* i’ wall paper Is a pleasure within reach 1 I •‘L* . ’ Li jMy n V and satisfies aa hardly any other I 1 |m $ pleasure con da, at so small a price. I I vjjy t Come and please your eyea with thla [ I !ij If I new stock.—and ask the prices for j I , *•. / JfHlj 1 1 hanging il L ! j l . 'Mil - > BOWEN & THOMAS, An Intelligent Animal N. W. FINDLEY, Wholesale Feed & Produce ATLANTA,BIRMINGH M& ATLANTIC - Via Thaiman and SEABOARD I LI RAILWAY Best Route to all points THREE TRAINS DAILY IN EACH DIRECTION. >■* Tor Katea and Schedules Apply x> ~' r " JCS C. LIGEOUR, Commercial Agt. J. A. BECKHAM, TleSaf Ag* GRAND TO OPEN WEDNESDAY NIGHT MISS FLORENCE DAVIS WILL BE HERE IN “UNDER THE GREEN WOOD TREE.” Florence Davis, whose favor has grown in the hearts of theatregoers here with each succeeding visit she has made, will come again to gladden the hearts of lovers of refined com edy on Wednesday night at the Grand, when she will present her new com edy, “Under the Greenwood Tree,” which she secured last spring after Maxine Elliott’s successful engage- lli:. jjllQk \ ! T##, . 1 *r fin' ■' V- 5 r'lSmr Si pi ■_ jUJ MISS FLORENCE DAVIS. ments in this piece in London and New York. Miss Davis is presenting it for the first time on a tour of this country, and her many admirers pro claim it as her most complete and striking success. It will be seen here with the entire lavish production of scenery, costumes and effects used in the New York run of this play at the Garrick theatre. ' There is no city of importance in the south in which Miss Davis needs much introduction after her four other successful tours, for she has become so well established in this portion of the country that she might, almost be said to be a strictly southern star. Seats are now on sale at the box office. FOR SALE. NAPTHA LAUNCH “IRIS”-Build In 1907, of Cypress and Live Oak knee3 galvanized iron fastenings, 38’ long, T width, Draft 2’ 6", 2 Cylinder “Knox” 13 H. P. Engine. Magnete equipment, capacity twelve passen gers, fully equipped. Address Plan ters Fertilizer & Phosphate Cos., Charleston, S. C. nand WtemKfcY HAB IT treated at home without pain. Book B. M. V OLLEY CO Box 387, Atlanta. G. Office, 104 N. Pryor Street. I left off your treatment four nonths ago. Have no desire for an opiate. Your treatment is all it claims. Louisa J. Oakley, May Bth. 'O6. Snow Flake, Aria Over four years ago you cured me of morphlr.e habit. Ellas G. Starr, Macon, Mo. I have never drank whiskey since Marsh 12, 1832, when I began yonr treatment Ido not crave any whis key to this day. B. D. Wilson, Direct, Tex. I har i used both tor the liquor and opium habits and It has been a sue cess. I p-efer it to all other rem eaies. B. C. NormenL M. D. Darling ton, 8. C. I cure under a non de plume In 1886; It cured me. E. A. Barnes, Pittsourrsh, Penn. ..WRITE TO DR. WOOLIJET. Box SB7, Atlanta, 3a. Earty Risers Ylld nlllt. NOTICE. At a meeting of the Under writers’ Association of Brunswick, Ga., com posed of all the local insurance agents, a rule was this day adopted that from and after September 1, 1908, premiums on all policies shall be paid in cash upon issue of policies. Underwriters’ Association of Brunswick. W. B. BURROUGHS. W. J. WAY, J. S. WRIGHT. H. W. GALE & CO„ R. R. HOPKINS & SON, " l J. K. CORNELIUS. ’ P. W. FLEMING, W. H. BOYD. The Brunswick Bottling and ManufacturingOo Manufacturers of- . SODA WATER AND MINERAL WATERS. CIDERS, CORDIALS NEW TARS, VINEGARS, SIMONS SPECI AL GINGER ALE AND RYE OLA. PHONE 373 , j j ~j , 212 OGLETHORPE ST, TO GROSS RIVER 01 FliT SOUS SEABOARD IS NOW PLANNING UNIQUE TRANSPORTATION ACROSS SAVANNAH. ATLANTA. Ga.. Aug. 31.—Flat-boat connections between the Georgia and South Carolina shores will be operated by the Seaboard Air Line after today, it the plan on foot proves feasible and by this means passengers are to be transported across the Savannah river, where the bridge is out of coin mission and continuous travel on this road resumed. Sunday afternoon it was planned to ship a gasolene engine to the waters edge Monday morning, attach it to a flat-boat, and hv this means get pas sengers across the Savannah river, now over a quarter of a mile wide on account of the high flood. I Not since last Tuesday, nearwly a week now, has a thrcugh train oper ated on the Seaboard because of the great damage to the heavy bridge of the Seaboard Air Line spanning the Savannah. | It takes so long to repair those cum bersome spans that the flat-boat solu jtion has behn hit upon. If it proves a success, as it is be lieved that it will, passengers to Car olina points will have the novel expe dience of a boat ride from the Geor gia to the Carolina shore, j The road plans a transfer at this point. Work on repairing the road is being pushed rapidly and the Seaboard Air Line road hopes that through travel — all rail —will be reestablished by this means by the middle of the week. The Southern reports a complete resumption of all schedules, as did the other roads entering the city Sun day. The Seaboard brought into Atlanta Saturday night the accumulation of eastern freight for Atlanta and points beyond which was caught behind the flood cf high water which damaged the tracks of all railways north of the Savannah river, and are forwarding traffic from this section to eastern ter ritory under detouring arrangements. This enables them to complete their schedules for freight traffic to the esst, and the Carolina territory. The break at Saluda river, north of Green wood, S. C., has been repaired, and service resumed. A number of the short lines in Carolina territory, which sustained damage from the flood, are in working order again, and the sit uation Is very much brighter, and it is apparent it will be relieved during the coming week ’ , EARLY RISERS The famous little rOls. !. E. R'IINSON ARCHITECT City and Suburban Residences, Public Buildings and Alterations. 913-914 National Bank Building, SAVANNAH, GEORGIA. DR. G. G. HOWELL DENTIST Set of Teeth (upper and lower $8 00 Gold Crowns and Bridge Work, j per tooth $4.00 and up.. Gold Fillings SI.OO and up. Amalgam Fillings 50c and up. Teeth Extracted Without Pain. All work guaranteed to give satisfac tion. Office hours 8-12 a. m., 1-5 p. m. Phone G2O. 312 1-2 Newcas tle Street. AMERICAN I -AND TIMBER CO. MANUFACTURERS, SHIPPERS AND DEALERS IN CROSSTIES AND LUMBER. New York Office. 14 Broadway. S. K. BROWN, Mngr.