The Brunswick news. (Brunswick, Ga.) 1906-2016, June 10, 1909, Page 2, Image 2

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2 COMITY OFFICES! I TO HOVE SESSION STATE CONVENTION WILL BE HELD IN FITZGERALD JUNE 16, 17 AND 18. Fitzgerald, Ga., June 9.—June 16, 17 and 18 will see another big state convention in Fitzgerald, for on that day the county officers of Georgia will ga'her for weir annual business meet ngs and frolic. County Clerk l). W. M. Whitley, of this city, who Is sec retary of the state association, has completed the program, which is now in the hands of the printer, and cop ies will be sent to every county offi cer in the state the latter part of the week. A splendid program has been arranged by the committee in charge and nothing will be left undone to Insure the success of the affair. Two or three hundred delegates are ex pected. and funds for the entertain mnt of the guests are now being so licited. The city council is expected to appropriate SSOO for the purpose at the regular meeting. The complete program for the three days has been made up as follows: Wednesday, June 16— 9 a. m., re ception of delegates at Lee-Grant hotel. 11 —Address of welcome b? Mayor J. G. Knapp, of the city of Fitzgerald. Address of welcome in behalf of Ben Hill county, Hon. William R. Bowen, chairman county commission ers of Ben Hill county. Response In behalf of the associ ation, Judge Henry McAlpin, presi dent of the ausoelation, Chatham county. ■ Adjournment for dinner. 2 p. m. —Delegates attend races at Pine park. 8 p. in. —Smoker and Dutch supper at Lee-Grant hotel, tinder auspices of county officers of Ben Hill county. Thursday, June 17 —9 a. ni., con vention called to order by President Henry McAlpin at Lee-Grant hotel. Five* to thirty minute speeches. ‘'Pensions and Pensioners,” Hon. W. P. Ward, ordinary, Coffee county, Georgia. ‘•Fees vs. Salary: What is Best?" Hon. \ alter George, Vienna, Ga. Topics of general discussion. Election of officers. Selection of meeting place for 1910. Adjournment. ♦ COMMISSIONERS’ SALE. State of Georgia.—County of Glynn. By virtue of an order issued from the superior court of said county, dated May 31st, 1909, to us directed, in the petition for partition of Charles A. Russell and W. B. Burroughs, ten ants In common, there will he sold, for the purpose of partition, before the door of the court-house in said county, for cash, to the highest and best bidder on the first Tuesday in July, 1909, the following described lot or parcel of land, situated in the Old Town of the city of Brunswick and identified on Baldwin's map of said city made in 1837. as Old Town lot No. sixty-three (No. 63); said lot con tains ninety by one hundred and eighty feet. Said sale is subject to confirmation or rejection by said su perior court. The successful bidder is required to deposit as earnest money with the undersigned 10 per cent, of his or her bid and the re mainder to be paid on confirmation ol sale, if made; if rejected, the said 10 per cent, to be returned to the bid der. This June 7th, 1909. H. F. du BignOn, Wm. H. Berrie, Edwin W. Dart, Commissioners. NOTICE. In the District Court of the United States tor the Eastern Division of the Southern District of Georgia. In the matter of M. A. Baser & Cos. ami M. A. Baker and A. H. Baker, individually, Bankrupts. In bank ruptcy. To the creditors of M. A. Baker & Cos. and M. A. Baker and A. H. Baker individually, in the county of Glynn, said district, banrupU: Notice is hereby given that on the Bth day of June, 1909, the said firm and the individuals composing the same were duly adjudged bankrupt, and that the first meeting of their creditors will be held at Brunswick. Ga.. on the 19th day of June, 1909, at 10 o’clock In the forenoon, at which time the said creditors may attend, prove their claims, appoint a trus tee, examine the bankrupts and trans act such other business as may prop * rly-eome before said meeting. At Brunswick. Ga., this 9th day of June. 1909. Max Isaac, U. S. Referee. CITATION. To All Whom It May Concern: Ward L. having, in proper form, applied to me for permanent letters of administration on the es tate of H. W. Green, late of said coun ty, this is to cite all and singular the creditors and next of kin of H. W. Green, to be and appear at my office within the time allowed by law. and show cause, if any they can, why per manent administration should not be granted to Wal'd L. ..ang cn H. W. Green estate. Witness my and hand official signa ture, this 9th day of June. 1909. Horace Dart, Ordinary. RED MED MEET ID ITIMNEXTWEEK THE ANNUAL MEETING PROMISES TO BE THE LONGEST IN THE HISTORY OF THE ORDER. The annual meeting of iha Cre*t tantic: 1 of the Red Me; of Georgia will t-.> held in Atlanta June in, 10 and IT and the Columbus ir'hos will be well represented. 1 liy sessions of the council will take place at the Red Men's wigwam at 86 CeaVal ave nue, Atlanta, and Siotel be< r ts will be at the Aragon. Besides the b'nines; Eoss.ins a number of intr.csiing -s.-,. •-*: f. ntures has been arranged. A ree vtion will be tendered the chiefs and members of the great council by the Red Men of Atlanta at th wigwam on the op ening night. On June 1C at 9 o'clock public exercises will he •• !d at the wigwam at which Mayor R. F. Ma 1- dox will deliver the addriS3 of wel come and Robert T. XJanie’. part gr at Incohonee, the response. Following the public exercises the council w'll go Into executive session. A trolley ride will be taken at 1.30 o’clock to White City, where a fish fry will be served and the amuse ment resorts of the park visited. At 7.30 the order of Bull Rats will form in front of the wigwam and will man.!: to the Auditorium Armory, where the degrre of that order will he conferred on members of Ihe great council. On June 17 at 9 o'clock another business session will be held, following whi -'i the council will adjourn. ; The meeting will bring together r | large number of prominent Red Met from all over the state. Among th: 1 leaders to be present are C. C. C.ilett.j of Atlanta, great representative;, Frank Smith ,of Atlanta, great sen-: lor sagamore; E. R. Gunn, of Coving-1 ton, press representative; M. .1. | Daniels, of Griffin, great chief of rec-, ords; C. 1., Elliott, of Brunswick, great sachem, and Orin Roberts, of Monroe, great representative. * 4 CASTOR IA For Infants and Children. The Kind You Hays Always Bought Signature of FRESH CLAY PEAS AT BUR NETT'S. —* ♦ GET IN ON THAT 110.00 LEVY SALE. MiTSHONTEY^TAR i •‘"•Hilriit !><. _ae. Mm OMiaUm I Very Serious It to a Kerr serious matter to art I f° r W medicine and have the ! I wrong one given you. For this > ■ reaeon we urge you in buying , 9t° b careful to get the genuine— ' BuCTSsm Liver Medicine The reputation of this r'.a, relia- | | Die medicine, for constipation, 5 ■ digestion and liver trouble, is fmt- ' 1 ly established. It does net imiut- [ | I other median's. It is better then i I J >t hers, -it it would not be the f-\- 4 norite liver powder, with e larger ! j sale than all other s combined, , t. SOLLi IN TOWN fj LOW EXCURSION RATES VIA ATLANTIC COAST LINE FROM—- BRUNSWICK, GEORGIA. J* — SI6.9O—RICHMOND, VA., and return. On sale June loth, 16th, 17, iSih. 28th, July sth and 12th. Limit Jif teen days from date of sale. Bv depositing within two days after arrival Richmond, ami upon pay ment SI.OO, limit will be extended to September 30th, 19'U. $35.00 —NEW YORK AND RETURN via all rail. On sale every Thurs day and Monday, beginning June 17th until August 30th, inclusive. Final limit to reach orirginal start ing point not later than September 30th. I*o9. S32.3O—WASHINGTON. D. C.. AND return, all rail. On sale daily until September 30th. 1909. Firm! limit October 31st, 1909. To get the best service, see that your tickets read via THE ATLANTIC COAST LINE. W. J. Mangham, E. M. North. Ticket Agent, Div. Pass. Agt., Brunswick. Ga. Savannah. Ga MA* TfA\TU\T Tm CONTAINS NO FOLEI and nUNEMM w Cures Coughs, Colds, Croup, La Grippe, Asthma, Throat The Genuine is in the and Lung Troubles, Prevents Pneumonia and Consumption yELLCW package VMS ■MJNtWkCK DAILY NMffi THURSDAY, UUNE IC, I*o9. SUNDRY EXCURSIONS TO JACKSONVILLE --V7A-- Atlanta, Birmingham & Atlantic Railroad $1.50 Only— Round Trip x 4 Ccmmencing Sunday, June 6, spe-cial train will leave Brunswick every Sunday at 7.10 a. no., arriving Jack-sonville at 10.30 a. m. Returning, leave Jacksonville 7.00 p. in., arrive Brunswick 10.35 p. ir. TAKE ADVANTAGE CF THESE DELIGHTFUL TRIPS. W. H. Leahy, J. F. NORRIS, General Passenger Agent, Ticket Agent, Atlanc.i, Ga. Brunswick, Ga. ROBERT’S CHILL AND FEVER TONIC This la a prescription prepared especially for ehill and fovor. It la the moat effective remedy known. FIVE OR SIX DOSES will euro any case of chill and fever, and if taken then aa a tonic, the fever will not return. It acta on the liver, hut does net gripe or naueeate. Malarial Fever and Chills Malarial Foiror '■ c,g,ed b > ■ l tm > "h'eh gate Irldldlldl rtver lnto the blood through the bite of a particular genus of mosquito, and tha CHILLS ars caused by contractions of the musclee due to the presence of malaria in the system. Chills and Fever is the common name for Intermittent Fever In which there Is an intermission and recurrence of the symptoms at regular intervals. r, ' ROBERTS' CHILL AND FEVER TONIC Is a specific for malaria; it is a prescription successfully employed by a practicing physician for twenty years in his private practice. IT IS A FINE TONIC TO TAKE AFTER THE FEVER IS BROKEN. WE SELL THIS UNDER A POSITIVE GUARANTEE. No Cure No Pay. Price 25c. Bottle J. SIDNEY ROBERTS , Pharmaci Brunswick. Ga. Mott's Jewelry Store WEDDING PRESENTS he Best in Cut Class, Silver ‘mt - andChira + K. MOTT, jeweler, 1405 NEWCASTLE ST. A. M, CALDER, Electrical Supplies and Equipment House Wiring s specialty Promptness - - - Accuracy - - - Safety •rletenlck b’dg. . . . Newcastle St. Phone 410. AMERICAN I —AND— UMBER CO, MANUFACTURERS, SHIPPERS AN® DEALERS IN CROSSTIES AND LUMBER. New York Office, 11 Broadway. S. K. BROWN, Mn^r. /ice Cream\ I Powder I \ Makes Ice Cream / \ at cost of 1 cent / L P** 1 Plate RECIFEs Use one package of Jell-0 la. Creaa (Powder, one bottle milk—mis and ireeie Nothing more. AH ingredients in tbe package. Makes 1 quarts of Pure. Delic ious Ice Cream in It minutes. Grocers sell 1 packages for JSc. Book of Recipao FREE. Address. Tfce Cegesee Pare Food Ca r ig lay, M, V. Avoid the Heat of the Summer & AND KEEP COOL BY INSTALLING A GAS STOVE AND USING ELECTRIC FANS. WE CAN SUPPLY YOU ON UDASb. SHORT NOTICE. J a MUTUAL LIGHT & WATER COMPANY, PHONE 7. TO MY OLD PATRONS: / beg to advise that lam still in the ' Booze” business in Fern an dina, with a large stock of goods, with prices in reach of everyone. All orders filled with the old time promptness. Magnolia beer a specialty at $i per dozen. YOUR PATRONAGE IS SOLICITED C. C. CALIFF, "THE BOOZE MAN” Ferr.andina, - - - - Florida. PASKFR-KENSELL ESGiiiEEIIING CH MACHINE, FOUNDRY. BOILER SHOPS ■TEAM FORGE ANW MARINE RAILWAY. BRUNSWICK, OA. Electric Bitters Succeed when everything else fails. In nervous prostration and female weaknesses they are the supreme remedy, as thousands have testified. FOR KIDNEY, LiVER AND STOMACH TROUBLE it is the best medicine ever sold over a druggist’s counter. ATLANTA, BIRMINGHAM & ATLANTIC RAILROAD "The Standard of Excellence in Passenger Service.” SCHEDULES, EFFECTIVE MAY 9TH, 1909. FOR ATLANTA AND BIRMINGHAM^ Leave Brunswick 6.30 a.m. 7 30 n m nal 6^ 4 ™A 5 IL3O K “ Oglethorpe i. 50 p.m. 2 f o am “ Stlanta .- v d.JU (Pullman Electric Lighted Sleeper, Fitzgerald to Atlanta, on Night Train ) Arrive Lagrange 5 .20 p.m. r, . m “ Talladega 9.30 ______________ 12.20 p.m. TO FLORIDA. " " “ Leave Brunswick q nr „ _ Arrive Thalmani! _ q’- n : ' 200 P-m. “ Jacksonville , * 2<5 P-m. - 5.00 p.m. TC SAVANNAH AND THE EAST ’ Leave Brunswick T Arrive Thalmann q t , ' 3 -45 p.m. “ Savannah Pl ’ 9 - 25 P-m. “ Washington " S r 11.40 p.m. “ New York "" o,r ’ 8 - 35 P-m. W. H. LEAHY. J. F . NORR, S ' General passenger Agent, . T’-k.t a ATLANTA, GA. bJunrw™ BRUNSWICK, GA. } KILL thi COIICH CUBE the LUMPS ™ fir. King’s New Discovery FOR Colds* AWP ALL THROAT AND UikS TROUBLES. GUARANTEED SATIE FACTOBU OR L.ONEY KFFUNDED.