The Brunswick news. (Brunswick, Ga.) 1906-2016, June 11, 1909, Page 6, Image 6

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6 PERSONAL - - . and social SONNET. The crimson moon, uprising from the sea, With large delight foretells the har vest near. Ye shepherds, now prepare your mel ody. To greet the soft appeaiance of her sphere! And like a page, enamored of her train,. The star of evening glimmers in the west ; Then raise ye shepherds, your ob servant strain, That so of the'Great Shepherd here are blest! Our fi* Ids are full with the time-rip ened grain, Our vineyards wiih the pur,le clus ters swell; Her golden splendor glimmers on the rtiain. And vales and mountains her bright glory tell. Then sing, ye shepherds! for the time is come When we must bring the enr'ehed ! harvest home. —Lord Thurlow. Mrs. L. Aspinwall has returned front a visit to Savannah. Mrs, W. H. Bunkley has returned from a visit to Florida. j> Mrs. J. 11. Whitmire has returned from a visit to St. Simon. —K I Max Wall and her little (laugh ter are the guests of Mrs. H. K. Dart. V —— Mrs, Irene Baker is quite sick at the. home ot iter daughter, Mrs. 11. M. King. st— Miss Francos Heyward leaves next week for Jacksonville, where she will reside in future. <— Miss Nell Noyes is at St. Simon the guest of the Misses Foster, after a visit to Miss Lula Ralston. - -je— Miss Mane Ralston will s- end an other week in Davidson, N. the guest of her aunt, Mrs. Samuel Cook. vt The St. Marks Sunday-school boys and the First Methodist hoys played a match game at the ball park yes terday, the former winning by a score of 2 to 1, in a well-played game. The St. Marks hoys have pretty new uniforms and play good hall. They will piny Darien next. week. f A Corking Story of our Navy, by Robert Dunn, the well-known war correspond ent, with pictures by Reuter- Dahl, the man who threw such a scare into the naval authorities last year; six other fine stories of assorted kinds; four arti cles that mean things, two of which were written for the spe cial purpose of saving you mon ey ; bright, crisp humor—all bound in a stirring Memorial Day cover—that's the JUNE EVERYBODY'S FOR SALE BY ALL NEWSDEALERS ANNOUNCEMENT ; ' " We wish to announce to ; our many customers and friends that we will inaugurate A GREAT FREE PIANO CONTEST. : On or About June 15, 1909. We are going to give away Absolutely FREE A MAGNIFICENT COTE PIANO VALUED AT $400,00 Watch for our later announ cements, or come to the store and have us explain the plan. Pose's Qrug ft tore Judge and Mrs. D. W. Krauss. and (children left yesterday for north Georgia, where they will spend most of the summer. —jl— Mrs. T. If. Hall and her children, of Milledgeville, who have been visit ing Mrs. T F. Smith, leave today to spend some time on St. Simon. - j Judge and Mrs. T. A. Barker and children, of Waycross, were in the city yesterday. They leave today for St. Marys, where they will spend some time. — .st — At 10 o’clock this morning the clos-( lug exercises at the Catholic convent will h<> held. An interesting program j has been arranged. After the pro gram a I azaar will he .held and many fancy articles will he offered for sale j hv the altar society of the Catholic church. The public generally is in - j vited to attend. j AJrs. (1. D. Ohl and Mrs. B. it. Fi ller, of Daytona, Fla., are in the city placing the Students’ Reference Work. Those who purchased this work sev eral years ago will be greatly inter ested in the new edition which is considerably expanded and is brought directly up to date. There are now four volumes besides the hook of questions and geographical and chro nological maps have been added, this feature alone rendering the work in valuable to the student and to all who wish to refresh their knowledge and be well informed. The work is com prehensive and fills a special need in the home library, its merit appeal ing at once to those giving it an in telligent examination. CASTOR IA For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Signature of | NOTICE. 1 In the District Court, of the United ' States for the Eastern Division < ■ the Southern District of Ooorcia. In the matter of M. A. linker & Cos. and .11 A. Balter and A. II Haler, individually, Bankrupts. In batik | mptey. To the creditors of M. V. Baker &■ Cos. and .M. A. Btk r and A. 11. Maker individually, in the county of Glynn, su'd district, bankrupts: I Notice is hereby given that on the sth day of June, 1909, the said firm and the individuals composing the same wore duly adjudged bankrupt, and that the first meeting of their creditors will be held at Brunswick. Gu., on the I,9th day of June, 1909. at 10 o’clock in the forenoon.• at which • time the said creditors may attend. I rove their claims, appoint a trus tee, examine the bankrupts and trans act such other business as may prop erly come before said meeting. At Brunswick, Ca . (his fun day of June 1909. Max Isaac, V. S. Referee. +■ get in on THAT ?10.00 LEVY SALE. FINE LINK OF TOTT.ET GOODS AT FE ARRINGTON'S. fi.a BRUNSWICK DAILY NEWS. FRIDAY, JUNE 11, 1909. COOL and HEALTHY Fine Watermelons, Sweet Canteloupes, Ripe Pineapples, Strawberries, Huckleberries, Fancy Tomatoes, Florida Oranges. Thos. Lloyd PHONE 6=4=6 GREEK-AMERICAN RESTAURANT REGULAR DINNER . . . ,30c From 11.30 a. m. to 3 o'clock p.m. CLEANEST RFSTAUHANT IN TOWN. OPEN ALL NIGHT. MEALS !&o A LA CARTE. VICTOR POLETES PROPRIETOR. A Thrilling Rescue. | How Bert K. Lean, of Ciieny, Wash , j was saved from u frightful death is ? story to thrill the world. "A hard . cold,'' he writes, "brought on a lies- I perate lung trouble that baffled an j expert doctor here. Then I paid lit) to sls a visit to a lung specialist in Spokane, who did i.ot help me. Then 1 went to California, but without lie re lit. At last I used Dr. King's New Discovery, which completely cured me and now I r.m as well as ever." For Lung Trouble, Bronchitis. Coij;hs! an,| Colds, Asthma, Croup and Whoop-1 ing Cough, it's supreme. 59c and ILCi*. Trial bottle free. Guaranteed bv Rose's Drug Store. Foley's Honey and Tar is especially recommended for chronic throat a ml' lung troubles and many sufferers frora bronchitis, asthma and consumption have found comfort and relief, by us ing Fob'v’s Honey and Tur. Has no rival — Fearrir ton’s leader— e “Brunswick Smoker.” - NEW CROP CLAY PEAS, GOOD STOCK, RIGHT PRICE, ORDER QVICK. J. M. BURNETT. JOHN OAVERAS Prop. ! /’VIY I The “Metropolitan Restaurant’’ It ra nown a; Mart a meal or lunch ttwaya can be focsiA. Cleg-nt Roasts, “Iteak, Chioc and Cut let, too; Best Coffee In Bn.niw!ck we serve to you. At 1407 Newcastle street. Call Night or day, “John Caverae” can please you all; Delicacies in season; Oyster*, Fish of every kind; Metropolitan the name, be suro to bear in mind. .IEG-LAR DINNER, 12 to S c METROPOLITAN Restaurant Buy “Brunswick Smrkers” at Fear rinflton*. Wedding Gifts Sterling Silver Fine Cut Glass SPECIALTIES IN REPAIRING Railroad Watches, CHRONOMETER: CHRONOGRAPHS, REPEATORS, Flf.a JEWELRY WORK GILLICAN’S. Gold and Silversmith. Watchmaker, Engraver, 1420 NEWCASTLE ST. PHONE 498. APPROPRIATE FOR YOUR TABLE A silver service that will always please. Our showing of table sil ver offers a wide choice—just the selection for you no matter if you’re purchasing a half-dozen spoons or a complete service. Reasonable prices. jf C.J. Doerflinger The Jeweler 506 Gloucester St. The man who will rot His famiH suffer front the fly pest deserves ail coining to him. Lang & Orr will screen all your house at a price which will please you. No kick coming when you buy a five-cent smoker at Kearrington’s. the Arcade _ i Under New Management,' Everything Up-to-Date. THE BEST SOFT DRINKS POOL ROOM In Connection Free Lunch Daily From 11 to 1 S. D. LEVADAS, Mgr 1318 lAY BTREET. Meat Meal FOR CHICKENS. 85 PER CENT. PROTEIN, Dried Beet Pulp for Milch Cows Corno hen feed BUCKHORN Lithia Wafet J. M. BURNETT Could Net Be Better. No one has eve- made a salvo, oint ment, lotion or balm to compare with Bucklen s Arnica Salve. It’s the one perfect healer of cuts, corns, burns, bruises, sores, scalds, boils, ulcers, eczema, salt rheum. For sore eyes, cold sores, chapped hands it’s su preme. Infallible for piles. Only 25 cents at Rose’s Drug Store. • ♦ Colds that hang on weaken the cor- 1 solution ar.d develop into consump tion. Foley's Honey and Tar cures persistent coughs that refuse to yield to other treatment Do not experi ment with untried remedies as deia,' may result in your cold settling on your iungs. To Cure a C*sx. < < 'n Day. (Take Laxative Bromo Ouinins Tab let;. Druggists refund money It it falls to cure. E. W. Grove’? signature jis on each box- 25c. I Bl W ~Ti~> ~ IW—BPI KSLLtke couch va CURE THE LUNGS ! m ™ Or. King’s ' Nsw Oissovsrv! for casr* MiL- Aft? AM THREAT AK*' ?** 1 V?;. : LRANXEJFD SATISFACXOJIi MOI7SY aEFTINPED. You Can tasily Op erate This Typewrit er Yourself # Don't worry your Don’t writ* him anything by band that takes make out —that he can’t easily .read. And don’t fill out legal papers or card memos — or make *iut accounts or bote! menus in your own handwriting. It locks bad. reflects on your stand mg makes people think you can’t af ford a stenographer, and is sometime* ambiguous. You can write out yout letters— make out an abstract—fill re an in surance policy—enter year card me mos—make out your accounts, or a ho tel menu — or do any kind of writing you need, on ANY kind, size or thick ness of paper, and a ny you want on Hje _ OLIVER TypeWrH&r THE STANDARD VISIBLE WRITER. You can write any of those things yourself If you do no; happen to have a stenographer. little practice, to write just as rapid erator on the OLIVER. Because tne OLIVER is the SIMPLIFIED type writer. And you can see every word you write, because it has about SO per cent, less WEARING POINTS than most other typewrite rs K**hty per cent. EASIER to writ* tfe*n these other COMPLICATED, IN TRICATE MACHINES that reguira ‘humoring’' technical knowledge— long practice and special skill to op erate. Thau tjachines which cannot be ad justed to any special space—with which it is impossible to write ab stracts, insurance policies, or odd-si re documents except jtiu bar expensive SPECIAL attachments reo^thL^ex- For the OLIVER is the lf the doctor, the lawyer, the ance agent, the merchant, the hotel' proprietor—or any man who does hti own writing. Write ns now for om boollet od| the SIMPLIFIED features of the OLl tv. A ' £ The Oliver Typewriter Company