The Brunswick news. (Brunswick, Ga.) 1906-2016, June 11, 1909, Page 7, Image 7

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We are Selling “COLUMBIA” and “1900” Batteries 25c. each Let us Save you Money on Anything in HkRDK S MACHINERY SUPPLIES • OAT FITTINGB, BRASS GOODS, BLACK AND GALVANIZED PIPE, MANILA AND WIRE ROPE. COLSON HARDWARE COMPANY 6LYNN PLUMBING & TIN CO. The Eagle is Uncle Sam’s Maiect. c I He B ;> a rs Higher than any Other olSr Bird. His Eye is Keen and His Mind * Alert. If you have an Eagle Eye for unrrlitrnutmmmm Value, You will Swoop Down on Uc f 'l When you want a Low Estimate on •' SANITARY PLUMBING AND SHEET METAL WORK. STOVES AND RANGES REPAIRED 1319 Newcastle St. Brunswick Ga. QN SHORT NOT ICE ATLANTIC COAST LINE. SCHEDULE IN EFFECT JANUARY 4TH, 19C9. DEPARTURES: ~ -If "T" | f'W NO. 96—5.45 a. m.--For Waycrcss, Alban/, Jacksonville and Florida Point*. NO. 90—4.05 p. m. —For Waycrosa, Albany, .lacbsonriJH and Savannah. SCHEDULE FIGURES GIVEN AS INFORMATION AND FIGURES ARE NOT GUARANTEED. T. C. WHITE, E. M. NORTH, Gener.-I Passenger Agent, Division Passenger Agent, Wilmiaaton, N. C.' T" T" Savannah. G Make Our DRUG STORE Your Headquarters for Cold Drinks, Ice Cream, Soda Wafer, Cigais WIN THIsUITLE AUTOMOBILE STANDING of the CANDIDATES x. * 1 11 111 1111 Harry Haym . . . 4 ,880 /V7///on Levison . . 1,26 J Louis Bennett , . . 863 Joseph L. Owens . . . 642 BRUCE'S DRUG STORE 1501 Newcastle Street. Telephone 27 THE ERUNEWICK DAILY NEW* FRIOAY, JUNE 11, 1909. HANDS AND FEET ITCHEDJ2JEARS Suffered Terribly from Eczema which Made Hands and Feet Swell, Peel and Get Raw —Arms Affected, Too —Gave Up Hope of Cure. USED CUTICURA AND WAS QUICKLY CURED 4 T suffered from eczema on my hands, arniH and feet for about twelve years, my hatidn and f**t would swell, sweat and itch, then would become callous and yet veiy dry. then peel off and got raw. I treri most every kind of and ornament without success, only g f t ternjK>rary relief. As bo* nas I would leave off using them 1 would as Lad a* ever. I tried several doctor*, took arsenic frr ?w< years and at ia*t gave up thinking there was a cure for e<wni. A fra nd of mine insisted on my trying The Omcura Remedies hut, Kuppoaiiig Hu y v .f the .-an * as other ‘curex 1 had tried, i did n > give them a trial until I g< t. so bad that I had to do norm t hing. I secured a c ake of <u ticura Soap, a box * f Cuticura Oint ment and a foctUn < f Cutfeura Bead vent arid by the time they were i :*.•* 1 I could we a vast improvement and mv hands and feet were healed up in no time. I ttaed several lx:ties tf Cuticura Re aolvent. 'I hi* was over a year aero and have had no trouble since. I think I am entirely cure*!. Charles Bauer. K.F.D. 05, Volant, Pa., Mar. 11, lUO9. BABIES CURED Of Torturing, Disfiguring Humors by Cuticura. The enlTtsrir.F which Cutkura Soap ant) Cuticura Ointment have alleviated 'r /y- among skin-tortuied. dis- K\ A tiiv.i.*<l infant.- and < hil jfr dre- and tin* tnf rt the - .- have aIT< rde.i wom- W ‘ run. nd wi rried parent, j .*• , /*£. bnvt* It’d to 1 heir adop / V 'y V tun in n unties* holers I v " ' a.*- u pri<r* *s treatment Nv V for the skin and blood, fly \ j Eczema, toshes, and ■ every form c.f itching, ecalv Mnaor are eedlly cured, in tho majority of on*-**.. vrhen ah else fails. Comet.-,- C.lenu,! Inlrrnnl T-MUtr-nt r or Fvery or ot J* fatu * <’ - lei . loirs RiKtR of CT;tii tjm Soi> rj;„ . < ( 1 o . v ■ n OuUotira<Mntmrr \ . th*- >Tnn:iu| t t,u ettra P.Ht.ivMii < r ,i.. , r , n t; CtHlJO'l I ’lit- J'. ,• v *•? to it V lib 1'.,. .1. Hokl ihroij'ioiit tlu* v. ,--,i ivtcrr lm . n m Corp So ip Prop* ..1 , . \i. Mailed J>ree. Cut ultra Lr. At on Sfc'.a FOR BUILDING MATERIAL OF ALL KINDS CALL 400, LANG & OKU. Trouble Makers Gutted Wber a sufferer from stomach trou t le layer Dr. King’s New T/fe Pills ‘ e'a might glad to pec his dystK-p Is rod indigestion ily, hut more- he’s tickled over bis n* tv tine strong nerves, healthy vigor, all b eU',e storiach, Hver abd k’dneya aov work right. 25c r.t Hose’s Drug Stop* AMUSEMENTS THE GRAND TONIGHT. Another ali-star moving picture program will be given at the G.and -tonight when the following pic ures will be shown: The Turkish romantic dre. ma. ’’The J Love of a Pasha's son" wilt prove a very interesting subject. Paihe’s funny subject "Mi. Soaker a’ the Seashore," will k?ep th? audi ence in laughter. "The Treasure” is one of the most original ront'c pictures ever shown in the city. ’V; Inter Sports at S. iloritz" i>- one of Bathe’s best sc -ni picture* and wili interest both the voting and old. The Grand if growing more popu lar every night and everybody seems to sppr.d a pleasant half hour. All of Brunswick (, saying, ‘ Let’s see the p'etu:rs a* th- Grand." New Bicycle Shop on Monk Street. ■I. \V. Xlnimo iias removed his 1 us iness from J6OS Newcastle street t" i-ll Monk street yir. Nlmmo hu been in the city hut a short time and Ins already built u* a fine business in his line. He sells and repairs bi cycles. also docs repaying to sewing machines, p'stols. guns, locks, and key fitting. H.* is prompt in all or ders and will le found at 21 1 Mctn? street ready to serve you at any time fi-Ifi. GET IX ON THAT ?10T0 LEVY SALE. NOTICE OF SALE OF PERSONAL PROPERTY. GKO R(! I A. —G LY X X CO TINT Y. By virtue of an order grant'd b | the court of ordinary of gaid cousuy at flit Inn * lernt. Iii"l). thereof, that- | will be sold at No. Msb4 .X<-tvea-• e street, Brunswick, Ga.. ail of the: ' e. t lain Tot and Stock ttf -* . war merchandise and store fixtur* -i K .loctger deceas'd; also all of ,h household and kitchen fnmitim ■ and on the second floor of said bui’e ing; a complete itemized detaile, statement of sa’d slock . nd fixtur. - and said household and kitchen fur niture can ' • seen by application - the unders’gned, or to the ordinary oi raid county, on the 21st day of .It: 1909. Ra and sale to continue from dt\ to day til! all of said property ho ands poaeit of. Terms of stile cash. Th' June 7tli. 1909. Ernest Dart, D. W. Krauss. Administrators Estate of F Toerg’'. Deceased. & The Medicinal Value of Whiskey p is admitted by the highest medical authorities In Iced for H BB many slight disorders it is a safe and certain cure. But to bj K effective, it must be tho genuine, pure, natural articie like 1 Sunnyßrooß 1 I Whiskey I SUNXY BROOK is unsurpassed as a wholesome pleasant !S| ■B stimulant or an invisoratin? healthful ’onio. Every drop is dUtiiled, aned and bottled under the direct supervision of l r . S. Government H Inspectors ami its absolute purity and mellowness muke its use perfectly flB safe and free from harmful efferls. The “Green Government Stamp i HB over !h° cork of each boale states the correct proaf and quantity |B SUNNY BPOOK DISTILLERY CO.. Jefferson Cos., Ky. £ i =FULL QUARTS=SiT 1 £m T BY EXPRESS PREPAID O IN PLAIN BOXES. SEND REMITTANCE WITH YOU 9 OP3E6^B the Germans say. This mean.-; that ;f you can't afford to sw 1 cent cigars for your da l;- pi \ \ | Ijjt lire that we can give you a cigar ,r that will fill the bill it: both : at - isfactlon and enjoyment at five X>7 cents. A’ou can’t heat this tielici ' ous - fragrant cigar f. r the money anywhere in the city. SANTA CLAR/ CIGA R MFG. CO., 7