The Brunswick news. (Brunswick, Ga.) 1906-2016, June 12, 1909, Page 2, Image 2

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2 COUNCIL MINUTES. OFFICIAL COUNCIL MINUTES. REGULAR MEETING. Brunswick, Ga., June 10, 1909. Present: Hon. R. R. Hopkins, uMyor; Aldermen Ludwig, Calnan, Cox, Goldsmith, Leo and MeGarvey. Absent: Aldermen Baker and Tay lor. Minutes of previous meetings were read and confirmed. The privilege of the floor was ex tended to President A. V. Wood of the bcatd of health, who addressed coun cil, urging that the ordinance provid ing for the muzzling of dogs running at large on the streets be not repealed as contemplated. Petitions and Communications. From Geo. H. Cook, petition for reduction of license on broker in machinery, mill supplies, etc., from $lO t# $lO. Referred to taxes and revenues committee and city attorney. From members of the fire depart ment, petition for five days’ vacation each on full pay. A motion to refer to the fire committee with power to act was lost and by direction of the mayor the petition was ordered filed. Reports of Standing Committees. From police committee on petition of officers and members of the police force to grant them each a vacation of ten days, viz.: Having been empower ed to ad, granted petition. Respectfully, J. H. Leo, Chairman, C. T. Calnan, Adopted. Committee. From ordinance committee with ref- f erence to ordinance to amend sec tion 522 of the city code, hereto at tached. viz.: We find that sections 424 and 430 of the city code refer to and probably cover the same subject as this ordinance, but we see no con flict between the two, and recommend the passage of the ordinance if the mayor and council desire otherwise to adopt, it. Respectfully, L. Ludwig, Chairman, L. Ludwig, Received. Committee. From ordinance committee with refernce to ordinance to amend ord inance No. 128, adopted December 22, 1904, pertaining to sewerage and san itation, viz.: We find that so far ns there's any existing ordinance touch Jag the subject matter of this one, that the present ordinance is amend atory thereof, and more full, and that no reason exists why this ordinance should net he adopted if the mayor and eotincil desire to do so. Respectfully, L-, Ludwig, Chairman, L. Goldsmith. Received. Committee. From taxes and revenues commit tee on application of David Davis for a lease to four acres of Town Com mons marsh land for a term of 99 years: said marsh land to be used in developing an Industry in oysters, shrimp, etc., beg to make the follow ing report: Wj recommend that a lease be made to petitioner for four acres ot Towns Commons marsh land, lying immediately south of a line ex tending in an easterly direction from a point on the eastern side of the boulevard where it intersects the southern boundary of Ocean avenue, to the eastern line of Town Com mons. for a period of ninety-nine years upon the following conditions: Lessee to pay the sum of SI.OO per annum per acre during continuance of the lease; payable annually in advance; and all city taxes that may be assess ed against the land and improvements thereon. The right reserved to the mayor and council to cancel the lease at any time the land may lie desired, in which event the lessee is to re move the buildings without expense to the city or claim for reimburse ment for improvements. Respectfully, L. Goldsmith, L. Ludwig, Adopted. Committee. Reports o* Officers. From Marshal Owens, for period beginning May 1 to May .9, 1909. Or der* and filed. From City Engineer High, reporting an estimate of cost of extension ot the sewerage system through certain ecctiens of the city, viz.: South Wolf street extension, $300; Dtxville ex tension. $2500. and a separate system for New Tov n north of L and Nor wich and M and Wolf, estimated at $33,000.00. The report in full was ordered published. (Will appear later. Ed.) Resolutions. By Alderman I.eo: Be it. and it is hereby resolved by the anavor and council of the city of Brunswick, That the treasurer of said city be, and he is hereby instructed that from and after the passage of this resolution: Ist.—He shall make no payment of any alleged salary or other compen sation at a rate by the day, week or month exceeding forty t $40,001 dol lars per month, to any alleged officer or employe of the mayor and council of the city of Brunswick, except to such employes or officers of said city as have been elected to office by the lawful voters of said city or have been elected or appointed by the mayor and council of said city in, council assembled, and the fact of such election or appointment entered of record upon the minutes of said mayor and council. I’d —That for a v'c'-iion bv sa'd treasurer ot tils resolution, he shall be held liable along with the sureties upca his official bond for the repay ment of any sums of money that rnayi be laid bv him (o any person or per-1 sens in violation of the terms of this resolution. Id.— Provided that nothing in this resolution contained snail apply to compensation to be paid to the sub ordinate employes of the fire-depart ment the public works department or the sanitary department. A motion to table was lost on the following aye and nay vote: Ayes, Aldermen Ludwig and Goldsmith: nays, Aldermen Calnan, Cox, Gold smith and MeGarvey. The resolution was then adopted. The following resolution was offer ed by Alderman Calnan: Be it, and it is hereby resolved, by the mayor and council of the city of' Brunswick, that a special committee composed of five members of this body, to-wit: Cox, Goldsmith, Taylor. Baker and Leo, be, and it is hereby appointed, whose duty it shall be to ascertain what, if any, revision of tile existing ordinances of the mayor and council of the city of Brunswick is desirable to be made, and what, if ary, additional ordinances, in the Judgment of said committee, ought to be adopted by this body, and make report both of such ordinances as it may desire revised, and of such new ordinances as it may recommend to council to be adopttd, and shall have su;h revising and new ordinances re spectively drawn and attached to the report of said committee, as a part I i reof. and make such report of all' their findings and recommendation;] to the present or any adjourned meet -1 ing, or to the next regular meeting of, the mayor and council of the city o!I Brunswick, as said committee may i find most convenient." A motion to add the mayor to the: j committee wag lost on aye and nay vote, viz,: Ayes, Aldermen Ludwig j Calnan and Goldsmith; nays, Alder-1 m n Cox, Leo and McGarvey. Tie' vote, mayor voting no; motion lost I The resolution was then adopted. Akl- j erman GnidsmiSi declined m serve on I the committee. Ordinances. The following ordinance was read the second and third time, passed and adopted: AN ORDINANCE to amend section 522 of/the cod* of ordinances of tin mayor and council of the city of Brunswick so as to prohibit the ob struction by any person or persons, of any water pipe, sewn ror other fixture connected with and pertain ing to the sources from which water is supplied to the mayor and coun cil and the citizens of said city. Section 1. Be it and it is hereby ordained by the mayor and council of the city of Brunswick, in council as enabled. That from and after the pas- sago of this ordinance, section 522 of the code of ordinances of the mayor and council of the city of Brunswick now in force, is hereby amended by inserting after the words "or to tap any of the same,” in he seventh lire of said section, the following words: "Or to close or obstruct any b >wl basin, water-closet, urinal, water-pipi sewer, or other fixture connected with or pertaining to the sources from which water is supplied to the mayoi and council and the citizens of said city.” So that section, when thus amended, shall read and be as follows; "522. It shall be unlawful for am person who shall not have been au thorized so to do to meddle with, al ter or injure any machinery, pipe, me ter, wire or other fixture, apparatus or property used about the business of furnishing gas. water or electricity to the public; or to make any connec tion with any gas or \vater pipe cr electric wire, or to tap any of the same; or to close or obstruct any bowl, basin, water-closet, urinal, wa ter-pipe, sewer, or other fixture con nected with or pertaining to the sour ces from which water is supplied to the mayor and council and the citi zens of said' city, and every person so offending, on conviction in the police court shall be punished as prescribed in section Tt of this code.” Sec. 2. Be it, pu:l it is hereby 1n like manner ordained, that all ordi nances and parts of ordinances in con flict herewith, he and the same are hereby repealed. Alderman Cal nan. was excused from the meeting. The following ordinance was read the second and third time, amended, passed and adopted, viz.: AN ORDINANCE to amend ordinance No, 12S. entitled “An ordinance en titled an ordinance to amend sec tions of the code of the city of Brunswick compiled hv Owens Johnson, and approved by the mayor and council of the city of Brunswick, as the code of said city, as to certain sections pertaining to sewerage and sanitation in the city of Brunswick, by repealing certain of sßid sections, amending others and by adding certain sections" adopted December 22, 1904, and for other purposes. Section 1. Be it ordained by the mayor and council of the city of Brunswick, and it is hereby ordained by said authority, ihat said ordi nance. the title of which is above set out, and said code sections pertain Coughs, Colds, Croup, La Grippe, Asthma, Throat r-,!, ir, and Lung Troubles Prevents Pneumonia and Consumption - TO MUNIWiCK DAILY NDNTD. SATURDAY, JUNE 12, 1909. ing to sewerage and sanitation in the city of Brunswick, be, and the same are hereby amended so that, the code sections hereinafter named, amended by said ordinance No. 128, and such sections as are hereby amended, shall, when amended by this ordinance, be, read and appear in words as follows: "Section 371. If any owner or agent of real estate fails or refuses to con nect any closet, urinal or privey, up on any real estate or in any building thereon when ordered so to do, after ten days’ written notice, then the mayor and council shall cause the same to be connected; and execution issue against said owner or agent and the property for the cost of making such connections, and be enforced as provided in section 60 of the code; and such delinquent owner or a e -kit shall be prosecuted for so failing, in the police court. ■•Sec : < n 284. No brick, sheet-metal, earthenware or chimney flue shall oe j used as a sewer ventilator, nor to i vtntilate any trap, drain, soil or waste pipes. “Section 385. Every vertical pipe and waste pipe must be of east iron and unless they are branches of lim ited length connected to a vent iated line as hereinafter provided Lr they , shall be extended above the roof of I undiminlshed siz r , at least two feet 1 higher tthe point they pass] through or above it, and if alongside a coping to at least two feet above p. They shall not terminate in any case lower than the top of any win dow or ventilating opening which is within 25 feet. j t'lon 359. Every connection of a water closet, s'nk, basui or other | vessel connected with a soil pipe or, drain must be separated from i- I v a trap offering an obstacle f o the passage of air equal to not less than | one and one-half Inch depth of wa- ' ter \ Section .189, Paragraph B. Hereaf ter wife > v sewer coun-.c turns a.- mad .', or where they have already i been mad-: and only a closet has been! put in, either a sink !r. the house or* a slop sink in the yard shall be pro- i vided for I Ik- disposal of wa,;. water. Where a slop sink i:: the y:;:d is used! and b bit of non-a- -atT in in.-ter al; and whore terra coda is used a .. slop suit, it not be b , i ;..itui twelve inches iu diameter or twelve] inches in depth, with r trap not less than four Indus, and th* opening in-] i tile trap shall be prol-eled by al neavy iron mating fart, i• nl into it tight. Where a branch line for a slop sink does not exceed fifteen fe< ti in length for the main-house line, reventtng nifty he omitted. Grease traps shall be put in when ordered by 'lie city engineer or plum,ing inspec tor. ••S'-ot’on 390. Al! pipes must be sound and free from any imperfec tions. Cast iron pipe must not be lighter than one grade known in com merce as standard and must weigh, including hubs, not less than the fol lowing per lineal foot, 2 inches 3 1-2 pounds; 3 inch 4 3-4 pounds; 4 inch 1 1-2 pounds. All cast iron pipe must >e tar coated or asphalted inside- and intside. Lead pipe must not be light er than "D” pip*. "Section 392. All connections of lead pipe with iron pipe must be made with a brass sleeve or ferrule of the same size as the lead pipe put in the heel of the branch of the iryn pipe and caulked with lead. The lead pipes must be attached to the ferrule by a wiped joint. No cup or bolt joints al lowed. "Section 397. Every trap construc ted which is situated as to be sub ject to siphonage by momentum or by suction, shall be of a kind that cannot have its water seal broken by siphon age or it shall have an effectual me chanical sea! or a revent. "Section 399. A branch frefrn a ven tilated pipe line may be 10 feet long where it serves but one fixture or 5 feet long if it serves more than one fixture. Where these lengths are ex ceeded the branch must be extended, of undiminlshed size through the roof. No trap shall be placed in any soil pipe, waste pipe or vent, but each fix ture connected thereto shall have its own separate trap. “Section 401. Traps must be placed as near the fixture as practicable and in no case shall a trap le more than Mott’s Jewelry Store - -* —•----- WEDDING PRESENTS The Best in Cut Glass, Silver and China ♦- K. MOTT, Jeweler, 1405 NEWCASTLE ST. two feet from the fixture. “Section 402. All openings, except from water closets, must be provided with strong metallic strainers. “Section 405. Bvery safe under a wash basin, bath or urinal water clos et, or other fixture must be drained by a special pipe cot directly connect ed with any soil or waste pipe, drain or sewer, but shall be discharged into an open sink upon cellar floor or out side the house. The waste pipes from the refrigerators shall not be directly connected with the waste or soil pipes or with the drain or sewer or be dis charged into the soil pipe. It shall be discharged into an open sink. Such waste pipes shall be so arranged as to admit of frequent flushing and shall be as short as possible, and disconnected with the refrigerator. "Section 409. Tanks for drinking water are objectionable, if indispen sable, they must never be lined with lead, galvanized iron or zinc. They must be constructed of iron or woed lined with tinned and planished cop per. The overflow must be discharg ed upon the roof or trapped and dis charged into an open sink, never into any soil or waste pipe or water closet trap, nor into the drain or sewer. “Section 416. Front a point five feet outside the foundation walls of a building, no material may be used, vith.n the building, for soil, waste ;r vent pipes, other than wrought iron or cast iron pipes with wiped joints. Cement or putty joints, tin or sheet (ton pipes, whether galvanized or not, shall not be used. "Section 42t.f. The sanitary inspec tor or inspectors of said city shall, In connection with their house-to house inspection of the sanitary con ditions of tin premises, report an; in Julies to the plumbing connections with the sewerage system, to breakage of piping or other serious deteriora tion, as well as the condition of the water closets and other fixtures in regard to cleanliness; such report to ! -e marl-- to the city engineer, and the attention of owners or tenants called to such conditions mid the matter followed up until tectifled. Sec;ion 429, Paragraph B. Provide.l that -,vh never it is required by this ordinance or by either of sections 367 to 430, both Inclusive, of the Code of Ordinances of the city of any act or thing shall be done y the city surveyor, now known as the qj’;. engineer, or to be ate.roved by li: i:i, the ame may be done by or approval by the plumbing inspector if there is one then in of fi< e, , . i! with the same fori e and ef fect as if it had teen done by said surveyor or engineer. "Section 425. Paragraph C. Any owner or agent, failing to remedy any defects :n the plumbing of any prem ises according to this ordinance, with ihi the time specified in any written notice front the city engineer or the plumbing inspector to remedy such defect, shall upon conviction thereo: in the police court of this city, subject such owner or agent to punishment for a violation of this ordinance, as prescribed in section 71 of the city code.’’ Sec. ?. Be it further ordained that all ordinances and parts of ordinances in conflict herewith, be and the same are hereby repealed. BilD and accounts properly approv ed and audited were read end ordered placed in course of settlement. Adjourned. N. D. Russell, Clerk of Council. APPLICATION FOR LEAVE TO SELL. Georgia.—Glynn Coun; y. Notice is given to whom it con cerns that the undersigned adminis trators have applied to the under signed ordinary tor leave to sell th-- lands belonging to the estate of Rob ert Moses Sawyer, late of said county, deceased, and which real estate is de scribed in said application now of file in the office of said ordinary, and said application will be heard at the next t> vru of the court of ordinary of said county. This June 9th, 1909. Allen Frankiin, William C. Cain, Administrators of the Estate of Said Robert Moses Sawyer, Deceased. Horace Dart. Ord'nary, Glynn County, Georgia. Avoid the Heat of the Summer & AND KEEP COOL BY INSTALLING A GAS STOVE AND USING _ electric fans, we can supply YOU ON , SHORT NOTICE. MUTUAL LIGHT and WATER COMPANY, PHONE 7. TO Mr OLD PATRONS: / beg to advise that I am still in the "Booze’’business in Fernan dina, with a large stock of goods, with prices in reach of everyone. Ail orders filled with the old time promptness. Magnolia beer a specialty at $1 per dozen. YOUR PATRONAGE IS SOLICITED C. C/CALIFF, "THE BOOZE MAN” Ferr.andina, - - - - Florida. PABKFR-HESSELL EBSISEEIISG Cl MACHINE. FOUNDRY, BOILER SIPS rrEAM FORGE ANL MARINI RAILWAY. BRUNSWICK, QA. Electric Bitters Succeed when everything else fails. In nervous prostration and female weaknesses they are the supreme remedy, as thousands have testified. FOR KIDNEY, UVER AND STOMACH TROUBLE it is the best medicine ever sc!d over a druggist’s counter. ATLANTA, BIRMINGHAM &. ATLANTIC RAILROAD -The Standard of Excellence in Passenger Service.- SCHEDULES. EFFECTIVE MAY 9TH, 1909, FOR ATLANTA AND ~ " * Leave Brunswick 6.30 am Arrive Fitzcerald msr ' ' "90 p.n, ' Cordele " Oglethorpe , rn P ' ! f' 12.55 a.m, “ Atlanta ’ -o r P ' L “ 210 a.m. " p m ’ 7.35 a.m (Pullman Electric Lighted Sleeper, Fitzgerald to Aslant* lac,a ’ on Mght Train) Arrive Lagrange r,„ „ " Talladega '. n'm 5 -25 a.m. Birmingham " ' &-20 a.m. * _.. 12.20 p.m. to Florida! ‘ —— __ Arrive Thaimann Q ' “ Jacksonville ajB ’ 2.4^Sgj| — • I—o P.m. 5. 00 TO SAVANNAH AND THE EAST Leave Brunswick „ 0 , Arrive Thaimann . u \ n am- 8.45 p.m “ Savannah 9.25 p, m . “ Washington ", ~ ' p m H-40 p.m. “ New York if. 8.35 p.m W - H LEAHY - J- 7. NORRis General Passenger Acent. —. . b ' ATLANTA, GA. BRUNSWICK, QA. ] KlLLthe couch m CUBE. THE IUHCS ■ ™ 53r. King’s New Biseoyery FOR Cocos ® AND ALL THROb’* AVP IUFG 7R<iH3i.ES. * GCARAiITSIIi: SATIJFACIOKT* 03 LIONET 2