The Brunswick news. (Brunswick, Ga.) 1906-2016, June 19, 1909, Page 3, Image 3

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Hellol Hello! .JL'- Have You Seen the LATEST w *W anc * ,110 St MODERN Time • Saving Device of the Age? THE CROWN METAL TELEPHONE For Connection Between Your Neighbors house and your own. Your house and your stable. Your kitchen and servant's room. Your office and wareroom. Or any other two points. Have you considered what it would mean to you in your own home? Have you ever dreamed that it would be possible for you to enjoy this convenience at so trifling a cost? Think about if! Your house is equipped with electric call bells, all modern houses are. Wouldn't you rather push the button and communicate at once with the cne called instead of waiting for an answer in person? OF COURSEI Then Substitute for the bells the little CROWN TELEPHONE. The Additional cost will be but a trifle. We install them complete, ready for use, and guarantee them to give perfect service. Call onus for information. Colson Hardware Company. Exclusive Agents. LEGAL ADVERTISEMENTS, MARSHAL'S SALES. State of Georgia. —County of Glynn.— City of Brunswick. Will be sold before the court-house doer of said county on the first Tues day in July next, the following de scribed property, to-wit: NO. 1 That certain lot or parcel of land, lying and being in the City of Bruns wick, County and State aforesaid, and known and described on the plan of said city as follows, to-wit: Northwestern quarter of New Town lit No, 2379 and improvements tln.-i •- on. Levied on as the property of W. B, Bell under and by virtue of a tax fi fa issued by N. D. Russel), clerk of the mayor and council of said city aeainst said W. B. Bell for taxes .Le the said mayor and council for tha year 1908. Taxes, $7,85 and costs. NO. 3. Also at the same time and place, that certain lot or parcel of laud, lying and being in the City of Brunswick, County and State aforesaid, and known and described on tha elan of sa'.d city, as follows, to-wir: N'onhwest. one-quaiter of Old Town lot No, 497. Levied on as the prop erty of C. A. Bunkley under and by virtue of a tax fi fa issued by N. I). Bussell, clerk of the mayor and coun cil of said city, against said C. A. Bunklex for taxes due the said mayor and council for the year 1907. Tax- s. $10.79 and costs. NO. 4. Also at the same time and (dace, that certain lot or parcel or lfr.d, lying and being in the City of Brunswick. County and State aforesaid, end known and described on tin; plan of said city, as follows, to-wo' Western one-tliird cf eastern one-half of Old Town lot No. 183. Levied on as the property of Mrs. JE. Drohcn under and by virtue of a tax fi fa sued by N. D. Russell, clerk o: the mayor and council of said c , . against said Mrs. K. Drohcn tor tax> due the said mayor and council for the year 1905. Taxes, $13.30 and -costs. NO. 8. Also at the same time and place, that certain lot or parcel of land, lying and being in the City of Brunswick, County and State aforesaid, and known and described on the plan of said city, as follows, to-wit: Northwestern quarter of Oid Town krt No. *JB. Levied on aa the prop erty of Est. of J. P. Harvey under and by virtue of a tax fi fa issued by N. D. Russell, clerk of the mayor and council of said city, against said Est of .7. P. Harvey for taxes due the said mayor and council for the year LEGAL ADVERTISEMENTS. 1908 and 1907. Taxes, $21.20 and costs. NO. 10. Also at the same time and place, that certain lot or parcel of land, lying and being in the City of Brunswick, County and State aforesaid, and known and described on the plan of said city, as follows, to-wit: Northeast quarter of Old Town lot No. 250. Levied on as the property of John J. McGuire under and by vir tue of a tax fi fa issued by X. D. Russell, clerk of ihe mayor and coun cil of said city, against said John J. McGuire for tax*•- due the said mayo: and council for i lie year 1907. Taxes, $15.19 and costs NO. 12. Also at the same time and place, that certain lot or parcel or land, lying and being in the city of Bruns wick, County and State aforesaid and known and described on the plan of said city, as follows, to-wit: Evansville lot, No. 35. Levied on as the property of Amelia Patrick tin der and by virtue of a tax fi fa is sued by X. I), Rissell, clerk of the mayor and council of said city, against said Amelia Patrick for taxes due the said mayor and council for flic year 1907. Taxes, SS.GO and costs. , NO. 13. Also at. the sane time and dace, that certain lot or parcel or land, lying and being in the city i.l Bruns wick, County and State aforesaid and known and d<- cribod on .he plan of said city, as follows, to-wit. Eleven t welfths of Old Town lot No. 877. Levied, on as the property of Mrs. Lila B. Scarlett, under and by virtue of a tax li fa issued by X. D. Russell, clerk of the mayor and conn ed of said city, against said Mrs. Ella Id. Scarlett, for taxes due the said mayor and council for the year 19 5. Taxes. $10.20 and costs. NO. 15. Also at the same time and place, that certain lot or parcel or land, lying and being in the city of Bruns wick, County and State aforesaid, and known and described >n the plan of said city, as follows, to-wit: Southwestern one-quarter of Old Town lot No. 532 and improvements thereon. Levied on as the- property of Ellen Wright under and by virtue of a tax fi fa issued by X. 1). Russ- ii. clerk of the mayor and council of said city, against said Ellen Wright for taxes due the said mayor and councd for the year 1907. Taxes, $17.55 and costs. NO. 16. Also at the same time and place. that certain lot or parcel of laud, THE BRUNSWICK DAILY MCM T* ~ SATURDAY, JUNE 19. 1909. LEGAL ADVERTISEMENTS. lying and being in the City of Bruns wick, County and State aforesaid, and known and described on the plan of said city, as follows, to-wit. New Town lot No. 2380. Levied on as the property of Est. of Samuel W<i son under and by virtue of a tax ti fa issued by N. D. Russell, clerk cf the mayor and council of said dry. against said Est. of Sami Wilson f>■ taxes due the said mayor and council for the year 1907, 1906 and 1907 Taxes, $6.22 and costs. NO. 17. Also at the same time and place, that certain lot or parcel of laud, lying and being in the City of Bruns wick, County and State afoievji’, and known and described on the plan of said city, as follows, to-wit Eastern two-thirds of New Town lot No. 1841. Levied on as the property of H. R. Ward under and by virtue of a tax fi fa issued by N. It. Russell, clerk of the mayor and council of said city, against said H. R. Ward for taxes due the said mayor and council for the years 1907 and 1908. Taxer, $20.96 and costs. A. L. Owens, City Marshal. Brunswick. Ga., June 4, 1909. COMMISSIONERS’ SALE. State of Georgia.—County of Glynn. By virt le of an order issued from the superior court of said county, dated May 31st, 1909, to us directed, in the petition for partition of Charles A. Russell and W. It, Burroughs, ten ants in common, there will be sold, for the purpose of partition, before the door , of the court-hous in said county, for cast,, to the highest and best bidder on the first Tuesday in July, 1909, the following described lot or parcel of land, situated in the Old Town of the city of Brum wick and ‘dontified on Baldwin’s ms of said cfty made in 1837, as Old Town lot No. sixty-three (No. 63); said lot con ta’ns ninety by one hundred and eighty feet. Su'd sale is subject to confirmation or rejection by said su perior court. The success's! bidder is required to deposit a: earnest money with the undersigned 10 per cent, of his or her bid and the re mainder to be paid on confirmation of sale, if made; if rejected, the sail 10 per cent, to be returned ti the bid der. This June 7th, 1909. H. F. du Bignon, Wm. H. Berrie, Edwin W. Dart, Commissioners. fF YOU DON’T BELIEVE FIND LEY’S COW FOOD IS THE BEST, TRY IT. EVERY POUND GUARAN TEED. RING 44 FOR TRIAL ORDER. LEGAL ADVERTISEMENTS. SHERIFF'S SALE. W.ll be sold In ion r the court-house door in the city of Brunswick, Glynn county, Georgia, during the legal hours of sale on the first, Tuesday in July next, the following described property, to-wil: One bay horse, name Frank, about 15 hands high, ten year* old; one bay horse, name Lightfoot, about 15 hands high, seven years old, and one double horse wagon. Levied on as the property of J. Basil Davis under and by virtue of an ex eunt i.n issued from the city court of Brunswick in favor of A. Kaiser and tiro., and against J. Basil Davis. W. H. Berrie, Sheriff City Court of Brunswick. SHERIFF'S SALE. Georgia.—Glynn County. Will be sold before the court-house door of said county on the first Tues day iii July, 1909, between the legal hours of sale, till of the following de scribed property, to-wit: All of that certain stock of merchandise consist ing of staple and fancy groceries, green groceries, vegetables, etc., ci gar?, tobaccos; also the entire stock of fresh and smoked meats, sausages, country products and poultry; all of tile fixtures and furnishings, butcher supplies, tools, one iron safe, office furniture and one delivery wagon; in short the entire business as now stored and contained on the first floor of the Wright building corner of New castle and Monk streets, in the ci;y of Brunswick, said county. Said prop erty being levied upon and to 1 e sold as the property of Albert Arnheiter and Charles Arnheiter under and by virtue of a mortgage execution is sued out of the superior court of said county in favor of Mrs. Augusta Arn heiter, individually and as executrix of the last will and testament of Chris Arnheiter against said defendants, as said property consits of articles dif ficult and expensive to transport same will be sold without carrying and ex posing same at the court-house door, hut prospective purchasers may ex amine the same prior to sale on ap plication to the undersigned. This June 1 i, 1909. Wm. H. Berrie, Sheriff. IF YOU DON'T BELIEVE FIND LEY'S COW FOOD IS THE BEST TRY IT. EVERY POUND GUARAN TEED. RING 44 FOR TRIAL ORDER THE HOTEL CUMBERLAND TS NOTED FOR GOOD SERVICE. IT'S A GREAT PLAYGROUND FOR CHIL DREN. WRITE L. A. MILLER, MAN AGER. FOR RATES. PIANO AND oiiGAN TUNING AND REPAIRING, 25 YEARS’ EX PERIENCE. G. W. SCHULLER, 725 GRANT STREET, P. O. BOX 498, CASTORIA, The Kind You Have Always Bought, and which has been in use for over 30 years, has borne the signature of— and has been made under his per /f* sonal supervision since its infancy. /-cccc*it/bi Allow no one to deceive you in this. Ail Counterfeits, Imitations and “ Just-as-good” are but Experiments that triflo with and endanger the health of Infants and Children—Experience against Experiment. - What is CASTORIA 4 ©astoria is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare goric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is Pleasant. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic substance. Its ago is its guarantee. It destroys Worms and allays Feverishness. It cures Diarrhoea and Wind Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation and Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates the Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep. The Children’s Panacea —The Mother’s Friend. GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS The Kind You Have Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Years. T*r CENTAUR COMPANY. 77 MURRAY STREET. NEW YORK CITY. FINDLEY’S COW FEED If you don’t believe Findley’s Cow Feed is the Best on the Market, Try it. It’s Guaranteed. Every Pound. N. W. Findley,^ 3