The Brunswick news. (Brunswick, Ga.) 1906-2016, June 19, 1909, Page 5, Image 5

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A STEEL FRAME FREEZER Three motions, hidden gears and new thumb catch, non breakable steel frame, built like a bridge. This freezer has re volving cream whippet* which makes very fine grain and palatable cream, securing a thorough mixing of ail ingredients and a fine smooth appearance and flavors. Will freeze ready for eating in less than six minutes . This freezer will last an ordinary lifetime. • t. McGARVEY. Get in Touch with the Rest of Us BY HAVING A BELL TELEPHONE In Your Home, Your Office, Your Store CALL CONTRACT DEPARTMENT ir Southern Bell le'ephoee aid Telegraph Cos, AND WE LL TELL YOU HOW. j.G.COUNZELMAN Architect , Contractor and Builder. Plans and Specifications A Specialty Office in Oglethorpe Hotel Block. Telephone 523. An IDEAL INVESTMENT 5 0/ REGISTERED /0 BOND OR CERTIFICATE OF DEPOSIT ISSJED EY YWBBI The National Bank of Biunswick YOU CAN LOCK IT UP !N YOUR SAT E, YET GET YOUR IN TEREST REGULARLY EVERY QUARTER. CALL AT THE BANK FOR A SAMPLE AND LET . S EXPLAIN ITS MERITS. THE BRUNSWICK " V V v>w ' 19, 1909. AT TUT CHICKS t 1 First Vethodist Church. Services at 11 a. m. and at S p. m. Sunday-school 4.30 p. m. Epworth League 5.30 p. m. Midweek prayer service oa Wednesday at S p. m. Cordial welcome to all. First Baptist Church. The pastor will preach at 11 a. m. r.nd 8 p. m. Morning subject. “The Tests of Conversion.’ - Evening sub ject, The Busy Church, a Successful Church." Special music by a good chrir. Sunday-school. Baraca and Philathea classes at 4 p. m. Prayer meeting Wednesday at 8 p. m. It is our purpose to make our church the heme for strangers. _* Everyone would be benefited by tak ing Foley’s Orino Laxative for con • st pation, stomach and liver trouble, as it sweetens the stomach and breath, gtntly stimulates the liver and regulates ti e bowels and is much superior to pit's and ordinary laxa tives. Why not try Foley’s Orino Lax ative today? LOW EXCURSION RATES VIA ATLANTIC COAST LINE FROM BRUNSWICK, GEORGIA. 116.90 RICHMOND, VA., and ra*urn On sale June 15th, 16th. 17, 1 Sth ',Bth, July sth and 12th. Limit Hi teen days from date of sale. B\ depositing within two days after arrival Richmond, ami upon pay ment SI.OO, limit will be extended to September 30th, 194 >. $25.00 NEV/ YORK AND RETURN via all rail. On sale every Thurs day and Monday, beginning ' June 17th until August 30th. inclusive.. Final limit to reach orlrginal shut ing point, not later titan Septumbei 30th, 1909. S32.3O—WASHINGTON, D. C„ ANT return, all rail. On sal. dailv tinti September 30th. 1909. Film! l ; iui' October 3let, 1909. To cet the best service, s:.e that your tickets read via THE ATLANTIC COAST LINE. W. J. Mangham, E. M. North, Ticket Agi u’. Dlv. Pass. Age. Brunswick, Ga. Savannah, us Many of our citizen' nr ■ drifting inwards Uriel;!’ disease by :v gleetin; -■)mptoms of kidney and bladder trou ble which Foley's Kidney Remedy wii Quickly cure. Dissolution notice. The firm of Allen & Tlnash Tins been dissolved Ly mutual consent t beg to advise my friends that. I havi ; tirchased the barber business form erly conducted by Mr. Fred Lebei; 'n the Opera House building, wh re I will be pleased to see all of my friends, assuring them the usual prompt and efficient service. Respectfully, G-20. WILLIAM THRASH -AND TIMBER CO, MANUFACTuftERS, SHIPPER# DEALERS in crossties AND LUMBER. New York Office, 11 Broadway. S. K. BROWN, Mngr, Cumberland Route Steamer Emmeline EVERY DAY EXCEPT SUNDAY. || RETURNING. || Leave Brunswick 8.45 am. || Leave Fernandina 2.45 pm. Arrive Jekly Island .. 9.45 am. || Arrive Cumberland 5.15 p.m. Arrive Cumberland ...10.45 am. j| Arrive .Tekyl Island ....6.15 p.m. Arrive Fernandina .... 1.15 p.m- ij Arrive Brunswick 7.30 p.ia. SUNDAY SCHEDULE. Leave Brunswick ....: 9.0 b a.m. Leave Cumberland 5.30 p.m. Fare to Cumberland on r undays, Round Trip, 50c. Company / q; u/pifur r... J • * —*- * f --- - . j% • • fits? PHYSICIAN ADVISED Taking Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vegetable Compound Columbus. Ohio. —“ I have taken Lydia K. Pinkham’s Vegetable Com r~ pound during ''jfßPfc change of life. My doctor told me it was good, and since taking it 1 I't <Bll 1(0* m,u '* l '"‘tter that 1 can do all my work again. I think Lydia K. Pinkham’s " Vegetable Com pound a my friends what it has done for me.” —Mrs. E. H anson, 304 East Long St., Columbus, Ohio. Another Woman Helped. Graniteville, Vt. “1 was passing through the Changeof Life and suffered from nervousness and other annoying symptoms. Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vege table Compound restored myhealthand strength, and pro veil worth mountains of gold to me. For the sake of other suffering women I am willing you should publish my letter.” Mils. Charles Barclay, R.F.D., Granite ville, Vt. Women who are passing through this critical period or who are suffering from any of those distressing ills pe culiar to their sex should not lose sight of the fact that for thirty years Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vegetable Compound, which is made front roots and herbs, lias been the standard remedy for female ills. In almost every commu nity you will lind women who have been restored to health by Lydia £. Pinkham’s Vegetable Compound. + NOTICE TO DEBTORS AND CRED ITORS. S'at, of Georgia. County i.r Glynn. All creditors of the estate of Mou Yuen, lately of satcl count*. deceased, are h> lvhy notified to render In limit several demands to the uiulersignd, i'.-conliiiß to lew. Ai:d all persons 01 1-. bed to sail estate are required ,o make immediate payment to me. This June 10'h, 1909. A. H. Boyle, Administrator upon the Estate of Men Yuen, Deceased. Stop, in at Fearrir.gtor.’s drug store f you want a good smoke —it's the Brunswick Smekr.." Stop in at Ffcarringfon’s drug store if you want a good smoke —it!s the "Brunswick Smoker.^ ♦- — CITATION. To All Whom It May Concern: Ward L. Lang, having, in proper form, applied to me for permanent letters of administration on the es tate of H. W. Green, late of s'd coun ty, this is to cite all and singular the creditors and next of kin of H. W. Green, lo be and appear at my l office within the time allowed bv lav/, and show cause, if any they etn. v/tiy per manent administration should not lr granted to Waul L. Lang on H. V. Green esiaie. Witness my and hand official signa ture. this 9ih day of June, I )09. Horace Dart, Ord nary. IF YOU DON'T* BELIEVE FIND LEY’S COW FOOD IS THE BEST. TRY IT. EVERY BOUND GUARAN TEED. RING 41 FOR TRIAL ORDER °*UthT* Early SMsss's Th'J hfitoes UHls Dtllf. THE t. /HE FT KENNEDY'S LAXATIVE COHfH-* KVS up THUOf.iGiHA*. % -z&UTM f SVRUP KENNEDY'S LAXATIVE HONFV^TAP ft** nv.r ftfe-p . 5 , - ■ Steamer Atlantic to Fernandina Every Sunday r r. * a LEAVE BRUNSWICK 9AM LEAVE FERNANDINA SPM ARRIVE BRUNSWICK 8.30 P M FARE FOR ROUND TRIP ONLY $1 MOST PLEASANT TRIP IN BRUNSWICK WATERS CONEY&PARKER CO. COAL and WOOD ■RICK, LIMB, CEMENT, PLASTER HAIR, SHINGLES AND LATHS, •BWER PIPE, CHIMNEY FI UES, FIRE BRICK A/<D FIRE CLAY. 1109 BAY STREET. 'PHONE 18. ST. SIMON TRANSIT CO. ELEGANT AND COMMODIOUS SIDE -V/HEEL STEAMER "ATTAQUIN” r- ** ! -f; | f. ■>-,*, ;/ --- ... ■* V : y■ j 1 | - - DAILY EXCEPT SUNDAY. Leave Ocean Bier G. 45 a m Leave Brunswick 2.30 p.m. Leave Ocean Bier ....10.30 u.n Leave Brunswick 5.30 p.m. Leave Ocean Bier 4.00 p.m Leave St. Simon Mills.. 6.00 a.m. Leave Brunswick 9.00 a.m Arrive St. Simon Mills.. 6.30 p.m. Leave Ocean Bier (Sat. 0n1y).7 p. SPECIAL SUNDAY SCHEDULE. Leave Brunswick 9.00 a.m. J -ave Ocean Pier 10.00 a.m. ’Leave Brunswick M.O a.m. Leave Ocean P’er 11.00 a.m. Leave Brunswick 2.20 p.m. Leave Ocean Bier 5.30 p.m. Leave Brunswick 2.1 • p.m. Leave Ocean Birr .... 7.00 p.m. “Or immediately after arrival >f A . It. & A. exeudsion train. Special icheduie fer every Wednesday night excursion, leaves Brunswick 8 p. m„ returning, leave Ocean Pier at 11 p. m. Music and dancing at pavilion. BOAT LEAVES FOOT OF MANSFIE LD STREET. 1. B. WRIGHT, Manager. LAST CHANCE To Take Advantage of THE GREAT BANKRUPT SALE WHICH IS NOW TAK ING PLACE AT SELIG'3 OLD STAND. OWING TO THE TREMENDOUS BUSINESS WE HAVE HAD, THE STORE WILL NOT BE OPEN MUCH LONGER, AS THE STOCK IS DIMINISHING. WE HAVE THEREFORE DECITED TO LET THE PUBLIC KNOW THAT THE SALE IS ABOUT TO CLOSE AND IF YOU HAVE NOT OBTAINED ANY OF OUR NUMER OUS -BARGAINS YOU HAD BETTER CALL AT ONCE. EVERYTHING at5C% tn the DOLLAR NOTHING RESERVED EVERYTHING MUST BE SOLD M.HCFTI / IJ & BRO. AT SELIG” OLD PI. AC IT. CCT MCNK AND GRANT STS. 5