The Brunswick news. (Brunswick, Ga.) 1906-2016, June 19, 1909, Page 6, Image 6

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6 PERSONAL - - . AND SOCIAL WOMAN THE HOME BUILDER, , Man. thou hast built the house, Hut I have built the home; And wheiesoer’er thy feet may fare, Wherever thou mayst roam, Bach to this hearth which I have lit Thy weary steps shall come. / When unto dust thy house Shall crumble In dismay; When stone and tuiret shall fall down On some disastrous day, Onr children's children shall not see My silent work decay. Thine the imperial power Races tinhorn shall learn. But mine -hall be the victory For which high kings must yearn. When time at last shall wreck thy house, My hearth's faint spark shall burn! " Munsey’s Magazine. Mrs. J. B Wright is quite JJI fo the regret of friends. f~,* — Miss JaiiV Dug.;an leavey for her home ili Star'a Mot,day. - .* Aliss Margar.'* Oslo is spending some time on St. Simons. _ - 4 Mrs. A. K. Leyboitrne nnd children nre in a cottage on St. Simon —— Mrs. C. F. Taylor left yeaterdur to visit relatives in Gainesville. FI i. ~lrs. I. X. Bishop is quite ill from fever, to the regret of her friends. .4 Mrs. W. H. Hardy and children leave Tuesday for White Springs - .si— The Sisters of St. Joseph after a most successful school year leave tonight for Washington. 4__ Mrs. TANARUS, Q. Fleming leaves Tuesday for Wacissa, Fla., to visit Mr. anil Mrs. Stetson Flemiig. - *• Miss Annie Kirtley will attend the teachers' convention on Cumberland before returning to Atlanta. „4 Misses Benny and Mamie Ross left Thursday night for Chicago, where they have already spent several sum mers at the university. Mrs. Mamie Burns and Mr*. Childs and children, of Atlanta, arc vUMug Mrs. Julia 1 Verson. Mrs, Childs and Mrs. Burns are old residents of Bruns wick and have many friends who will welcome them to the city. I A Corking; Story of our Navy, by Robert Dunn, the well-known war correspond ' et)t, with pictures by Reutkr- Dakl, the man who threw such • a scare into the naval authorities last year; six other fine stories •of assorted kinds; four arti cles that mean things, two of which were written for the spe cial purpose of saving you mou sey ; bright, crisp humor—ail bound in a stirring Memorial Day cover—that’s the JUNE EVERYBODY’S FOR SALE SY ALL NEWSDEALERS I ANNOUNCEMENT i - - I We wish to announce to ! our many customers and ! friends that we will inaugurate f j A GREAT FREE PIANO CONTEST, J On or About June 15, 1909. J We are going to give .away * Absolutely FREE : A MAGNIFICENT COTE PIANO l VALUED AT $400,00 tc tc * Watch for our later announ * cements, or come to the store •c and have us explain the plan. tc If I Rose’s [)rug ft tore tc * riß r, nr. _*T *5 KK*IKKKXKKKK Kltlt*! X K K Mr. and Mrs. F. H. Marshall and little son have returned to Meridian, Aliss., from a pleasant visit to Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Kennoc. —> Mrs. Lillie Ward and famiiv. are now located at De-Bruce, near Augus ta, where they will reside in future with Mrs. Ward's sister-in-law. —..4 Miss Frances Hopkins, Latin teach er of the Glynn high school, left yes terday for Chicago to visit friends I tor a few weeks after which she will I ‘■pend the remainder of the summer with her parents in Lyon, Mich. ,* — Mrs. Jo'.ip R. Doerfl'tiger was called by a telegram to Barnett this week announcing the extreme illness of her two sisters, the Misses Battles. One sister died before Airs. Dodrfltnger reached the city, congestion of the lungs having m in, and the other sister is dangerously ill. Mrs. Doer fling-r has the sympathy of many friends in her trouble. Tjfce following record of Brit Fa, I b|ao. formerly of this city, ip tip. th , <J academic class of the Tampa schools has been received by- a teacher m it ;- public schools hero, where he was :t pupil last, year; fn English, second premium; edoewtipn, si con and premium j Latin and penmanship, credits with distinction, and a passing mark in all other branches. These good narks not only apeak well for Brie, who Is very popular here, but for the snioois which prepared him for the woik Mr. Ralph Newton, who has just completed a Successful year as the principal of the Glynn school, will spend next week at the teachers' convention on Cumberland. Mrs. New ton leaves Saturday night for Man j where later she will be met by .\, . Newton aral they will leave for air: i to Tallulah, Mr. Newton has made a splendid principal and under h i management the scholastic and disci , plinary record of the school has been most satisfactory. Both Mr. and Mr-. Newton have been delightful social acquis'tions and their many friends rejoice that they will return nex-t year to our city. —jt — It will inters! their many trieuds to know that Mm. A. V. Wood and her two daughters, Misses Clara and Marian wood, and Miss Lula Coles berry will spend the season at Cha tauqua, N. Y. This will prove a most delightful place to spend the heated term, the climate and scenery being unequaled. The Misses Wood, who are interesting members of the high school, and .Miss Colesberr.v, one. of its most popular teachers, will lake advantage of the educational advan tages offered by this unexcelled sum mer school. During Airs, Wood's ab sence Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Hopkins will keep house In the Wood resi dence m Gloucester street. CASTOR IA For Infants and Children. The Kind You Hays Always Bought Signature of i. K. 8.-.UNS.viCK DAILY NEWS. SATURDAY, JUNE 19. 1909. COOL and HEALTHY Fine Watermelons, Sweet Canteloupes, Ripe Pineapples, Strawberries, Huckleberries, Fancy Tomatoes, Florida Oranges. Thos. Lloyd PHONE 6=4*6 GREEK-AMERICAN RESTAURANT REGULAR DINNER . . . .Me From 11.30 a. m. to 3 o'clock p.m, CLEANEST RESTAURANT IN TOWN. OPEN ALL NIGHT, MEALS ai&o A LA CARTE. VICTORPOLETES PROPRIETOR. Women Who Are Envied. Those attractive women who are lovely in face, form and temper art , the envy of many, who might be lik< them. A weak, sickly woman wii ; be nervous and Irritable. Consfipa ; tion or Kidney poisons show in pirn* i pies, blotches, skin eruptions and . wretched complexion. For at! such Electric Ritters wrrk wonders. They regulate Stomach, Liver and Kidneys purify the blood; give strong nerves bright eyes, pure breath, smooth, vel vety skin, lovely complexion. Man, charming women owe their h’altli an? beauty to them. 50c at Rose s Drup Store. Foley's Honey and Tar is especially recomnu nded for chronic throat and lung troubles and many sufferers from bronchitis, asthma and consumption have found comfort and relief., by us ing Foley’s Honey and Tar. FOR A "i WO-WEEK S' OUTING VISIT HOTEL CUMBERLAND. GCOf SERVICE, REASONABLE RATES. NEW CltOf CLAY PEAS, GOOD STOCK, RIGHT PRICE, ORDER QUICK. .1. M. BURNETT. JOHN GAVERAS Prop. jr. ■ i* J f.r T\/ - The •Metropolitan Restaurant’’ Is re nown fl; Msra a meal or lunch t'waya can bs fame. Elegant Roasts, Steak, Chti>o and Cut let, too; Best Ccffee In 3rt.ntwick we aerv* to I you iAt 1407 Newcastle street. Call ■Night or day, “John Caveraa” can please you all; | Delicacies in season; Oysters, Fish of every kind; Metropolitan the name, be suro to hear In mlnW. ! .',EC-LAR DINNER, 12 *.o 3 Wo METROPOLITAN Restaurant Buy “Brunswick Smrkers" at Fear rington’s. ; I*_JE ilj_ Wedding Gifts Sterling Silver Fine Cut Glass SPECIALTIES IN REPAIRING Railroad Watches, CHR ANOMETERA CHR3NOGRA°HS, REPEATORS. Flf.c. JEWELRY WORK. GILLICAN’S. Gold and Silversmith. Watchmaker, Engraver, 1420 NEWCASTLE ST. PHONE 498. The Selection Of the grauuation gift for the “Sweet Young Graduate” can best be made here. We have a splendid assortment of small gold jewelry, watches, chains, bracelets, lockets, necklaces —all of the very best and of the character that win give mutual pleasure to both the recipient and tbs purchaser. All spe cially priced for this occasion. Your examination is< res peer fully solicited. jv C. J. Doerfiinger The Jeweler 506 Gloucester St. The man who will rot Ids family suffer from the fly pest deserves all coming to him. Lang & Orr will screen all your house at o price which will please you. 1 No kick coming when you buy a five cent smoker at Fearrington’s. the Arcade Under New Management, Everything Up-to Date. THE BEST SOFT DRINKS POOL ROOM In Connection Free Lunch Daily From 11 to 1 S. D. LEVADAS , Mgr 1318 ■JAY STREET. New Bicycle Shop on Monk Street. J. \\. Nimrno has removed his bus iness from 1606 Newcastle street to Lll Monk street. Mr. Nimmo has been in the city but a short time and has already built up a fine business in fats line. He sells and repairs bi cycles, also does repairing to sewing machines, pistols, guns, locks, and key fitting. He Ls prompt in all or ders and will be found at 2U Monk street ready to serve you at anv time. 6-16. GET IN ON THAT SIO.OO LEVY SALE 4. , FOR BUILDING MATERIAL OF ALL KINDS CALL 400. LANG & ORR. T reel We Maker* Ousted When a sufferer from stomach trou ble takes Dr. King's New Lite Pills he’s might glad to see his dyspepsia ar.d indigestion ny, but more - he’s tickled over his new fine appetite, strmg nerves, healthy vigor, all be cause stomach, liver &ud kidney* no* work right. 25c at Rose'* Drug Stove FOR RUSH ORDERS CALL ON G yNO & ORR Could Not 6* Setter. No one has eve- made a salve, oint aier.t. lotion or balm to compere \vi:li Buckler's Arnica Salve. It’s the one perfect healer of cuts, corns, burns, bruises, sores, scalds, boils, ulcers, eczema, salt rheutu. For sore eyes, cold sores, chapped hands it’e su preme. Infallible for piles. Only 25 cents at Rose's Drug Store. Colds t; at hang on weaken the con stitution and develop into consump tion. Foley's Honey and Tar cures persistent coughs that refuse to yield to other treatment. Do not experi ment with untried remedies as dela/ may result in your cold settling on your lungs. ♦ To Cure a Gvx. tn <~na Day. Take Laxative Bromo Ouinina Tab let-:. Druggists refund money it it fails to cure. E. W. Grove's siensture is on each box. 25c. KSLLt couch 1 >w> C’JflE the lungs Dr. King’s New Discovery FOR Colds* JSft. VO AU TKRC -T 4Jf? , _CTCT"O*J3I£I s I'GKJABAJSXISI’D SATISF ACTOB-i I 02. MOITKY B.EFUXDED. You Can tasily Op erate This Typewrit er Yourself # Don't worry your him anything by hand that takes make out—that he can't easily .read. And don't fill out legal papers or card memos—or make *sut accounts or hotel menus in yoar own handwriting. it locks had. reflects on your stand ing, makes people think you can't af ford a stenographer, anj is sometime* ambiguous. You can write out youi letters— make out an abstract —fill rn an in surance pohicy—enter year card me mos—make out your accounts, or a ho tel menu—or do any kind of writing you need, on ANY kind, sire or thick ness of paper, and any way you want o* TTjc — OLIVET* "TVpeWrHfci 4 THE STANDARD VISIBLE WRITER. 1 ou can write any of those things yourself if you do no: happen to have a stenographer. little practice, to write just as rapid erator on the OLIVER. Because the OLIVER ds the SIMPLIFIED type writer. And you can see every word you write, because it has about SO per cent, less WEARING POINTS than most other typewriters K-hty per cent. EASIER >o write Ohau these other COMPLICATED, IN TRICATE MACHINES that require “humoring" technical knowledge long practice and special skill to op erate. Than Machines which cannot be ad justed to any special space—with which it is impossible to write ab stracts, insurance policies, or odd-size documents except ysu buy expens*ve SPECIAL attachments requiring ex- For the OLIVER is the typewriter (hr the doctor, the lawyer, the insur ance agent, the merchant, the hotel proprietor—or any man who does his own writing. TTrite us now for onr booklet on the SIMPLIFIED features of the OLl ym I * The Oliver Typewriter Company