The Brunswick news. (Brunswick, Ga.) 1906-2016, June 22, 1909, Page 2, Image 2

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2 FRUIT MIT COME HIGH THIS TERR I *W* - BHORTAGE IN THE PEACH CROP MAY CAUSE THE FRUIT TO SOAR SKYWARD. Macon, Ga., Jane 21. —Commission men, representatives of the larger fuilt dealers In the northern and eastern cities and local growers have just realized that the peach crop will be far short of the average yield in this portion of the state. For three days no little concern has been shown and the unrest that has attended the shipping has caused a feeling to pre vail which, it is believed, will push the price for Elbertas high above that of last year before the end of the coming week. Commission men working from this point have been very much interested in the condition, and are beginning to fear that their waitng for the crop to ripen will last through the season without netting good results. Own ers who were in the orchards south of Macon last week returning yester day for the week-end at home show ed marked disappointment about the duality of peaches that are promised. It is said that the Elbertas which must go to market during the next two weeks will be the largest portion of the crop In this section, other va rieties having proven sparse and un satisfactory in quality. The prediction in Macon is that next week will witness a scramble in the local market for fruit in car load shipments, and a consequent in crease in the price to be paid. The man who owns a good orchard this season has the pr'ospect at. present of realizing very handsome returns. In this community there are more deni es calling fnr peaches than usually get into the market in this commun ity. HOWS THIS? We offer one hundred dollars re ward for any case of catarrn that can not he cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure F. J. Cheney & Cos., Toledo, O. We. the undersigned, have known F. J. Cheney for the hurt 15 years, and believe him perfectly honorable in ail business transactions and fi nancially able to carry out any obli gations made by his firm. Walding, Kinnrr, & Marvin, Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, O. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken inter nelly, acting directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the system. Testimonials sent free. Price 75 centn rer bottle. Sold by all druggists. Take Hall's Family Pills ft-r consti pation. ♦ Foley’s Honey and Tar is especially recommended for chronic throat and lung troubles and many sufferers from bronchitis, asthma and consumption have found comfort and relief, by us ing Foley's Honey and Tar. —4 To Cure a Get*, in '•tr* Day. Take Laxative Bromo Oulnine Tab let!. Druggists refund money H It fails to rime. E. W. Grove’s signature Is on each iocx. 250- ♦ Stop in at Fearringlor’s druq store if you want a good smoke—it’s the "•runrwick Smoker." Stop in at Fearrrngion’s drug store If you want a good smoke—it’s the "Brunswick Smoker." * NEW CROP CLAY PEAS, GOOD BTOOK. RTOKT PRICE, ORDER QUICK. J. M. BURNETT. I JOHN GAVERAS Prop. Tha “Metropolitan Restaurant" la r nown 0, Mara a meal or lunch aiwaya can be Elegant Roaate. Steak, Chtpa and Cut let, too; Beat Coffee In Brtnawlck wa eerve to you. At 1407 Newcastle street. Call Night or day. “John Caveraa" can please you all; Delicacies in season; Oysters, Fish of every kind; Metropolitan the name, be euro to bear in mind. .1E C_L A R DINNER. 12 *.O 8 8c METROPOLITAN Restaurant Buy “Brunswick Smokers” at Fear rington's. _ _ ITIMTI IS NOW VERT ROST PENCE LEGISLATURE CONVENES TOMOR ROW; NEW GOVERNOR TO BE INAUGURATED SATURDAY. Brunswick and Glynn county will be ably and creditably represented at the inauguration of Georgia’s next governor, Hon. Joseph M. Brown, next Saturday. ‘The occasion will be entirely shorn of the hurrah and fireworks incidetU to gubernatorial events of this kind but will be none the less interesting and important. | The railroads have announced low rates to the capital city on account of the inauguration, which will be an In ducement to many who had not con templated witnessing the event. During the next few days there w il be much activity in the capital among politicians and Georgia law-make’s in anticipation of the approaching ses sion of the legislature which con venes Wednesday. While the Inaugu ration will he the principal event of the opening of the general assembly there are quite a number of events Incident to the assembling of the law makers which makes the session one of unusual interest. During the past week numerous ru mors have come from the office of Governor Hoke Smith regarding his final message to the legislature a' <i it is believed by Brunswick people that the message will be one of the most notable ever sent to the a ncal assembly of state. Among other things to be recom mended by Governor Smith, accord ing to these rumors, 1s the ah dish ment of tbe prison commission of Georgia. While nothing is deft i.telv known as to what the message "ill contain, it is known that Governor Smith is very much oppos’d to the prison commission, he being even hostile to the indvldual members of that body, and it is believed that he will advocate its abolishment. Governor-elect Brown has been quoted as declaring In favor of Idem nial sessions of the legislature and it is stated by his friends that he will recommend and even urge that a change be made from annual to bien nial sessions of the general assembly in his message. The local representatives, it is sa'd, are heartily in favor of the abolish ment of the abominable fee system of Georgia. Semi-Annual Dividend No. 26. The National Bank of Brunswick, Brunswick, Ga. ■Tune 17, 1609. The Board of Directors of the Na tional Bank of Brunswick has this day declared a dividend of 4 per cent. ($4.00 per share) out of the earnings for the current six months, payable on ar.d after July Ist, 1909, to share holders of record at close of business this day. E. D. Waiter, 7-1 Cashier. FOR A TWO-WEEKS’ OUTING VISIT HOTEL CUMBERLAND. COOT SERVICE, REASONABLE RATES. IP YOU DON’T BELIEVE FIND LEY’S COW FOOD IS THE BEST, TRY IT. EVERY POUND GUARAN TEED. RING 44 FOR TRIAL ORDER. GET IN ON THAT MO.OO LEVY SALE. ALL SIZES OF LATEST PATENT FRUIT JARS AT WRIGHT A G OWEN'S. GREEK-AM ERICAN | RESTAURANT i REGULAR DINNER . . . .Me [ ' From 11.30 a. m. to 3 o'clock p.m. . CLEANEST RTSTAUKANT IN TOWN. OPEN ALL NIGHT. t MEALS also A LA CARTE. ! VICTOR POLETES I I PROPRIETOR. Colds, Croup, La Grippe, Asthma, Throat t,, tomt in tt-e Jl cri< j Lung Troubles. Prevents Pneumonia and Consumption r u - r y F _ ACKA ?J : ▼MS MUNIWiCK DAILY NBW& TUESDAY, JUNE 22. IW. ROYALIB • Baking Powder M ABSOLUTELY PURE Where the finest biscuit, cake, hot-breads, crusts or puddings are required Royal is indispensable. Royal is equally valuable in the preparation of plain, substantial, every-day foods, for all occasions. Royal is the only Baking Powder made from Royal Grape Cream of Tartar —made from grapes— SUNDAY EXCURSIONS 10 JACKSONVILLE ~1 /IA~ Atlanta, Birmingham & Atlantic Railroad $1.50 Only—Round Trip 4, Commencing Sunday, June 6. ape-cial train will leave Bruaswi-'t every Sunday at / la. m., arriving Jack-sonville at 10.30 a. m. Returning, leave Jacksonville 7.00 p. m.. arrive Brunswick 10.35 p. in. TAKE ADVANTAGE OF THESE DELIGHTFUL TRIPS. W. H. Leahy, J. F. NORRIS, General Passenger Agent, Ticket Agent, Atlanta. Ga. Brunsvuck, Ga. A. M. CALDER, BWO H> Electrical Supplies and Equipment House Wiring c ’specially Promptness - - - Accuracy - - - Safety •rlascnick Bldg. . . , Newcastle St. Phone 410 ROBERT’S CHILL AND FEVER TONIC • This la a prescription prepared especially for chill and favar. H la tha most effective remedy known. FIVE OR SIX DOSES will cure any cate of chill and fever, and If taken than aa a tonic, the fever will not return. It acta on tha liver, but does not gripe r nauseate. Malarial Fever and Chills Malarial Fcmor ’■ c * u * e<l by ■ s*™ whlch Irldldlldl I ClfCI , nto the blood through tha bite of a particular genus of mosquito, and the CHILLS are caused by extractions of the muscles due to the pretence of malaria in the system. Chills and Fever is the common name for Intermittent Fever in which there is an intermission and recurrence of the symptoms at regular intervals. * * ROBERTS' CHILL AND FEVER TONIC It a specific for malaria; it Is a prescription successfully employed by a practicing physician far twenty years In hit private practice. IT IS A FINE TONIC TO TAKE AFTER THE FEVER IS BROKEN. WE BELL THIS UNDER A POSITIVE GUARANTEE. ® No Cure No Pay. Price 25c. Bottle J. SIDNEY ROBERTS, Pharmaci . • Brunswick. 6a. Mott's Jewelry Store Fine Assortment Justin of Cloisonne Enamel Ware in Handy Pins and Broochas THE BEST IN EVERYTHING JEWELERY CALL AND LOOK K. MOTT , Jeweler, KEEPER CITY AND CO UNTY TOWER CLOCKS. 1405 NEWCASTLE ST. Hotel Cumberland' CUMBERLAND ISLAND,'GA. The Ideal Summer Resort of Georgia. Fine Surf Bathing Plenty of Fishing and Boating. BEAUTIFUL DRIVES Rates Address L. A, MILLER, Manager. f>3 Avoid the heat cf the Summer AND KEEP COOL BY INSTALLING A GAS STOVE AND USING ELECTRIC FANS. WE CAN SUPPLY YOU ON SHORT NOTICE, MUTUAL LIGHT & WATER COMPANY, PHONE 7. PARK Ell-HE II SELL ESIIiSEERIRR Cd MACHINE, FOUNDRY, BOILER SHOPS •TEAM FORGE ANW MARINI RAILWAY. BRUNSWICK, QA. Electric Bitters Succeed when everything else fails. In nervous prostration and female weaknesses they are the supreme remedy, as thousands have testified. FOR KIDNEY, UVER AND STOMACH TROUBLE it is the best medicine ever scld over e druggist’s counter. ATLANTA, BIRMINGHAM & ATLANTIC RAILROAD “The Standard of Excellence in Passenger Service.’’ SCHEDULES, EFFECTIVE JUNE 15TH, 1809. * * FOR ATLANTA AND BIRMINGHAM. ”* Leave Brunswick e on , Arrive Fitzgerald 10.55 a.m. “ Oglethorpe 15Q p‘ m . If- J®- At!ant * ~' 23 P 8.30 a.m. (Pullman Electric Lighted Sleeper, Brunswick .to Atlanta, on Night Train.) K Talladega 9.30 p.m. 10 H “ Birmingham : . arn TO FLORIDA. ~ " Brunswick 9.35 a m Arrive Thalmann 9.50 an p ' tt * “ Jacksonville 12.30 p.m slo TO SAVANNAH AND THE EAST. ’ Leave Brunswick 9.05 am 0 Arrive Thaim.ann .-. 9.50 ami. At Pm ’ “ Savannah 12.45 p.m ,'j p - m - WaAtagtoa 5.50 gIU m W. M. LEAHY. j. jr. NORR[ S General Farser 3 er A-rnt, Ticket ’ ATLANTA, GA. BRUNSWICK, QA, J KILL the COUCH ua> CUBE the LUNCS v ™ jgr. King’s New Discovery FOR CSHSr ,jSSk AND ALL THROAT ANDIUNG TROUBLES. GUARANTEED SATIS FACTORTI OR MONET REFUNDED.