The Brunswick news. (Brunswick, Ga.) 1906-2016, October 31, 1922, Page Page Two, Image 2

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Page Two Cook with Gas Ibe cleanest, handiest and cheapest fuel. Don’t b a slave to your old kitchen stove. Cooking with gas is the modern way of living—it saves money, time, worry and work. Come in and let’s talk it over. Mutual-Light & Water Cos. PHONE 7 New Ford, Prices! Effective TJiesday, October 17th j RIJkIbOU TANARUS, regular ' $269.00 j T(J®WG, regular . $298.00 Electric Starter with above S7O Demountable Rirns with above $25 COUPE . . $530.001 S*~DAN, two doors . $695.00 j CHASIS, * . $235.00 TON TRUCK CllAifelS $380.00 Above prices F. O. B # Detroit The new Ford prices announced above represent a reduction ol SSO on each model and establish a new low level of prices in the his- j tory of the Ford Motor Cos. To insure early delivery, place your j Phone 75 * Authorized Ford and Lincoln Car f Dealers The World’s Greatest Motor Car Values 7 SPECIALS FOR 1 7 DAYS * $25 SUITS $19.50 30 SUITS 23.50 35 SUITS 27.50 40 SUITS 29.50 One lot $2.50 and $3 Shirts $1.95 One lot $2.50 Caps . $! , .85 $35 and S4O Overcoats . $29.50 “NUFF SED” Qtf'- 1 , 6M7' Off A . <vf. COULD NOT TURN IN BED Operation Avoided by Taking Lydia E. Pinkham’s Veg etable Compound Dayton, Ohio.—“l had such pains that I had to be turned in bed every time I illllllllliUllllilit w ‘‘ ; hed to move. They HUH If aid an operation va mWMmX 1 necessary. My . * lnot her would keep saying:* Why don’t ® you take Pinkham’s, ■P®*- i ***l&s Henrietta?’ and I’d j ‘ Wm eay, *Oh, mamma, it ni •,./> Jff won’t help me, I’ve “11 tried too much. ’ One ill day she said,‘Let me * ■; I get you one bottle ol' ■each kind. You won’t '" be out very much if it dott’t help you.’ I don’t know if you will fclieve mo or not, but I only took two ■ttles of Lydia E. Pinkham’s Veg efabjp Compound and one of Lydia E. (PWanam’s Blood Medicine when I began to (?et relief and I am regular ever since without a pain or a headache.. When I lie down I can get up without halo and without pain. I can t begin to •tell you how I feel and look. I have be fun to gain in weight and look more like ought to. I think every day of ways 1 have been helped. Any one who door not believe me can write to me and 1 will tell them what shape I was in. I am ready to do anything I can to help your medicine. Mrs. Henrietta Miller, 137 Sprague St., Dayton, Ohio. If you have any doubt write to Mrs. Miller and get her storjfcirect. IF OUR SERVICE FAILS IN ANY WAY, PLEASE TELL IS, WE WANT IT TO BE AS GOOD £ IT IS POSSIW.E TO MAKE IT. BRUNSWICK LAUNDRY Goo. Griffin. Mgr. DON’T FORGET WF. ARE DRY CLEANERS * //Is* I fS v! J) THEATRICAL MANY SURPRISING CAMERA EXPLOITS Dangerous camer a exploits were demonstrated over and over again in in the filming of “The Valley of Sil ent Men,” anew Cosmopolitan pic ture from the novel of James Oliver Cur wood, which comes to the Bijou theater today. The picture was filmed i n the heart of the Canadian Rockies, in which Curwood laid the setting fer his story. The Cosmopolitan com -1 any made the trip to th ( , mountains c: rly in the spring! hue wh.n snow slides and avalanches were common as Indian guides. Every bit of camera equipment, had to be packed o n th e back of the men of the company. In many instftMens camera* were tied to ropes and let down from tops of mounta’n peak when difficult “shots” were made >:i the interior of crevasses and caverns. L'tv Cddy plays opposite Miss Rub en :,in this excellent picture of life in the Canadian wilds. COSTUMES OF REAL INDIAN RAJAH ARE WORN BY FILM STAR Earle W illiam* will be seen at great advantage iij '*Th e Ma n From Downing Street,” which will be shown at Grand theater today. He will wear various uniforms of the Brit i: h soldier and als- appear in the regalia of t n Indian rajah. Mr. Williams’ Indian costumes are ve'*y striking rnd something alto- K 'thcr new for the famous star Be fore assuming the o!e, Mr. William Paid a visit to the famous Hindoo colony in Los Angeles, and learned from the native* just how a rajah wexpected to dress and deport hihis* If. He was very fortunate ilk securing the complete outfits jmdH rajah <> n state "hie li had been sent to this lor sale to - collector*. One of tlice costumes Is \a(B ' ‘ s*,ooo. § ; S'me of the most beaut fuliß |” t| is !|..!!\ w<:od and I’i adona y * .immured in tmos|hi“ I’.iiadeira is JtfmMgm 1,. variation -t i< nn-hrMf:^ nos *i many f J " iw. ' throughout > jtirko a very atractivo backgrfllpMror *in exceedingly thrilling stoi-y *li a surprise ending. • 9 Hill! 1881558 i SO EASY TO DROP CIGARETTE CIGAR OR CHEWING HABIT NVTo-Bac has helped thousand* to I break the costly, nerve-; battering to i bacco habit. Whenever you have I longing for smoke or chew just phu e ’ a harmless No-To-Bre tablet i n your . mouth instead. All desire stops. ■ shortly the hab'l is completely brok en, and you are better off mentally, financially. It’ s so ei ™. i simple. Get a box of No-To Bar And if it doesn’t realea e you from ail craving for tobacco 'n any form your druggist will refund your money without question. TAX COLLECTOR’S NOTICE 1 will be at the places named be low i„ the following date* for pm of collecting State and Count / t ix- . ; „ * 25!h District—Rt. Simons Piei, Oct 23rd, Nov. t'\ Dec. 4th. 27th District— Brookman, Ga . Or*, i 24th, Nov. 7th, Dec. sth. 1356 district—Sterling, Ga-, Oct. 25th, Nov. Bth, Dec. 6th. 1499 District—Bladen, Ga.. Oct. ( 26th.. Nov. 9th. Dec. 7th. ! Special Trips—Everett City, Ga , iNm 14th; Thfllmunn. Ga. Nov. 15th: l’c-r.nick Nov. 16th. Dates not mentioned ah -vc will h* at my office at the C- " H ise. mitii December 20tb. VY. L. HARD KM. Tax Collector, C,lyn n County, ;.r 10—2D 2° S!. SIMON IR VNSIT COMPANY f| ; UN3WICK TO OCEAN PIER, ST. SIMON ISLAND vVmter Schedule Leave Brunswick 9:30 am Lfftve Brunswick 4:00 pm Leave Ocean Pier 11:00am 1 . c ve Ocean Pier 5:00 pin SUNDAY SC HE 111 I.F Leave Brunswick 9 • w aw, . heave Brunswick ..2:30 pm Leave C-. an Pier 11 00 am 1 eav@ ocean Pier s:on pm J B. WRIGHT, Manager. V. hrnever You Need A Genera! Strengthening Tonic Take the Old Standard GROVES TASTE LESS chill TONIC It Strengthens and Builds Up the System by Purifying and Enriching the Blood. You can soon -eel ; its Strengthening, invigorating effect. 63c A CARD. To the Wcme n and Young Men of Comden County who are as yet in experienced in public affairs, and to others who are inclined to leave the Democratic ranks: Do you think you ea n go into a primary and vote and lose and then refuse to vote in the general election for the of that primary without dishonor? Do you think if you refuse to do so that you ought never to be trusted in another pci mary? Do you think if you refuse to ote for the nominee after having gene into th e primary you would ever njoy the same confidence of the best people of your county that you do ow? If you think so or are in doubt shout it ask such men as Mills B. Cane, of Savannah, C Downing, ofi Brunswick or Wm. Mize 11, of FolkJ ton, who are not parties to this coi m test * n Camden County. Ask they would be as willing to lcan*§; money ort your honor or very best of security as they wouib ' -fore you bolted the Democrat™ party after Participating in the prfl .ry. Mew watch and see if every! g tered negro voter does not rujjJ :o the polls °n election day and ! r the independent candidate, hcH i.uv to divide the white vote ami gain the power they once held ' a nut- n and •Clyrtn counties. u have read this go to bed . • i ly moni’iig when vnußfe have Bomev.yhi.-tt su!B v. In n your nr'lid is clear and\ ® Clink it over and determine whtßlft i will Pay vou to do this. If yuflEg u it listen <o this clip it out anriflHgi ii i n your scrap book and 15 K van from now sec if you i|.' then thhik, I‘lloiw foolish I tf disregard th e advice of a n old tfflH whom I now believe must have liafl the irdcrcT of hi- young friends an his country at heart. Respectfully. g? . DR. B \TKIf ; Bpe, ini Mile iioysard \\ ••nil'll - -ll,Mice Cm C tl Ko - 825 r iBesKsasESEiS Heat in Gvcry Room ( In ir drc‘*:r room early' fte raonjlnf?-~ a V- - \ in the dice ? room (or breaklast—bt the nut* erv for baby’s bath ti)e PERFECTION vTY ’• OIL HE.' i rR iti-mres a constant ?rpply of I clean, comfortable beat. ' K m Light, sU jug, and durable, it is easily carried from our com to the olher. Ten hours of co.’,y \v r.lh on a gallon ot kerosene. I“T ™ [ Cheaper than coal, itiL rc -r - Hundred? o* convenient uses. Now giving #i ? warmth and cheer to over 1,000,000 homes. CL^. y. >■ gr( Tf oXT Y T>pi i Pl* r r -— tcabout a pf'P r 'FC('!<~i V Oil, —r ■ -.1 fy IFR xmtl S: W PfKFEiTTIOM cn ” A ,VG. : :\ If he ■ >n't supply yoo, w : t- ur nearest t>Hice t dialog on , %° o \ STAND, m OIL COMPANY ) .t -•>-"■ 2- - - j INCORPORATED Pit - r L-] Principal Ofhv— '•'Ts " It 1 Lirmiryham. A In. Jacksonville, Fin. Louisville, Ky. M—i—l —J All an la, Gau Jeckson, Mias. OjJ Healer m “Heat by the Roomful“ ~ ■ - - . -i iigi~ in ~ iniii ■ i sii'iiTiir'Ti I’ ittF** A million men fi or <./v turned to ' One Eleven | Cigarettes itCh^ rm ver dict for ™fperior quality , | ' r * :> lO* I I L V&iLAV- Csfcf-. if. ts-sir.