The Brunswick news. (Brunswick, Ga.) 1906-2016, November 02, 1922, Page 2, Image 2

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2 Cook with Gas The cleanest, handiest and cheapest fuel. Don’t be a slavt to your old kitchen stove. Cooking v ith gas is the modern way of living —it saves money, time, worry and work. Come in and let’s talk it over. Mutual Light & Water Cos. PHONE 7 New Ford Prices! Effective Tuesday, October 17th RUNABOUT, regular $269.00 TOURING, regular . $298.00 Electric Starter with above S7O Demountable Rims with above $25 COUPE . . . $530.00 SEDAN, two doors . $595.00 CHASIS, regular . $235.00 TON TRUCK CHASSIS $380.00 Above Prices F. O. B. Detroit The new Ford prices announced above represent a reduction of SSO on each model and establish a new low level of prices in the his tory of the Ford Motor Cos. / To insure early delivery, place your order at once with GLYNN MOTOR CO. Phone 75 Authorized Ford and Lincoln Car Dealers The World’s Greatest Motor Car Values 7 SPECIALS FOR | 7 DAYS $25 SUITS $19.50 30 SUITS ,23.50 35 SUITS 27.50 3 , 40 SUITS 29.50 V One lot $2.50 and $3 Shirts $! .95 ‘ One lot $2.50 Caps . $1.85 $35 and S4O Overcoats . . $29.50 “MUFF SED” UNITED STATES GETS ADVERSE CRITICISM (By Associated Press.) Mexico City, Nov. I.—The United States was adversely criticised and a vote of confidence in President Ob regon Proposed in the chamber of j deputies last night i n the discussion of the situation resulting from the closing of the Mexican consulate in New York. The vote failed because of a lack of a quorum, but the suggestion was apparently well received by the members present- CONSULATE IS REOPENED New York, Nov. I.—The Mexican consulate which was closed o n Friday in Protest against the action of the courts in. issuing a writ of attach ment on property in connection with : •a suit brought by the' Oliver Amer ican Trading Company, wag reopen ed today. DATE FOR TRIAL OF GOVERNOR CATTS SET Pensacola, Fla., Nov- I,—Wit nesses have been summoned for the trial of former Gov. Sidney J. Catts under a federal indictment of Vvv count s charging peonage. The case has been set for trial November 6- Originally the indictment held twelve ccunts, but at the last fernt of court te n were dismissed. - Boils Quit Quick! S. S. S. Will Prove to Vou in Your Own Case the “How” and “Why” of its Remarkable Blood-Cleansing Power! There is a reason for- everything that happens. Common-sense kills misery. Common-sense'also dtdjis boils! S. S. S. t is the common-sense remedy for boils, De- Pimples May be Small Boils! cause It is built*,6h reason. Scientific nu-. thorities admit its power! S. S. S. builds blood-power, it 'Builds red-blood-cells* That is whqt makes :iihting-b100.d.. Fight ing-blood destroys impurities. It fights' boils. It always wins! It fights pim-t pies! It fights skin eruptions! It builds, nerve-power, thinking power,, the tight fisted power that whirls a man up into success. It gives women the health, the* angelic complexion aml> the charm that moves the world! These are the reasons that have made S. S. S. today the great blood-cleanser, body-builder, success build er, and it’s why results have made tears of joy flow from the souls of thousands! Mr. V. D. Schaff, 557 15th St., Washing ton. D. C., writes: l tried for years to get relief from a bad case of boils. Everything failed until 1 took S. S. S. I am note absolutely cured, and it teas S. S. Si that did it.'* Try it yourself. S. S. S. is sold at all drug stores in two sizes. The larger size bottle is the more economical. Sc? ZL akes y°,v f eel * IhsPe 0 • yourself again THEATRICAL FILM HIT BASED ON PRIMITIVE EMOTIONS A rough log cabin hidden away in the Canadian mountains, almost buried under a sea of snow that ttretched for miles and mites; in ,the cabin a beautiful girl and two men; not a chance i n th e world of their escape for four months.. Surely a situation bordering on the primitive and- one replete with interesting pos sibilities: On this' plot -was written one of th e greatest ■Stage Success of history-*—’’The Storm,” 'which shat tered all records in New York City— and is now duplicating that success on the screen. ' ' Those who have viewed ‘‘The Storm” at the Bijou Theater term it one of the most powerful and human Pictures they have ever seen. House Peters is the star of this Universal- Jewel, with Virginia ValF'ab' leading woman. Matt Moor e plays the oth er man in the case. ; Surely a- better combination' tha n this trio one cast, [each is an admirable foil to the others. 1 The forest fire and; ‘ storni scenes n this picture far excel'the stake presentation because'they are ,npt Produced mechanically, but were made i n the great outdoors with Mother Nature as master of proper ties. . Rescues Her Leading Man While Making Picture Scene Alice -Calhoun,' star of “Th P Girl in Hi s Room,” 'which Will b t . shown at the Grand theater today became a heroine irf real life during the film ing of scenes for Ihe production. The sequence showeif the hero, a role as sumed by Warner- Baxter, climbing a loader Pipe and peering into his tvinddw to 1 learn Who was' occupying his house. • ■ ' i Thg ‘house sgfeeted' fop-the Scenes is I .'one of’the mbsf picturesque in Hol lywood, : and'a test niadef of the leader showed that' it was’ secure enedgh to'' suStrfin Baxter's*’ weight. Tii e scene ' whs rehearsed several times before Director 1 Edward ■ Jose decided it was in sliaPe to “shoot.'* '* ■ A'libe'Caihoiin ill-die loom*‘on the 'second 1 flioi* tv*a s at’ die' piano silly ing- “‘Auld Lang'-Syne” • as- Baxter dlirribed* th e ' leader ; pipe. l • The. action was taken at- night, ' and' a* heavy giriwth of Xhrdbber\r >’-c a sf loVig ’ shiidowg akdig : hD 'route’ to'- the bah cony b n ‘Ah£‘''Se<‘6nd floor. 1 AlWii,’ at ; : tCadet! k’-noise, nlotfis “to ‘ the 'Window''Pntl iteeos tßeofanfe peering *at hei!;'-...i-l-i til x.-i r is.-.;* i * Ag- Baxter climbbd .ht missed his Tooting anti hung in a perilous Poor tioa. Adiee* rushed To; the windojwnSfld recognised the -peril of her leading man. ’ln the room-and nearcthe win dow wag a fire escape. She threw, .the rope to Baxter and aided him in climb-, ing through th e .windows. MARSHAL’S SALE There will be sold •at the City. Pound on the 4th day of Novembe, 1922, at MP-o'clock, the following stock: One white and black spoted sow, marked over square in right ear and crop in left ear; sow has three small Pigs, one black pig and two spoted, pigs- v a-tS '• One" black and white spotted sow unmarked; .spw has three small red pigs. Said stock 'are noyr.,in the city. . Pound and will be sold to Pay im pounding fefis and cost. This, the I 20th day of October ' 1922. J. E. REGISTER, Marshal, City of Brunswick, Gs i ll_4 ST. SIMON TRANSIT COMPANY BRUNSWICK TO OCEAN PIER, ST. SIMON ISLAND Winter Schedule ■Lefeve- Brunswick- .. :. .. ..9:30 am Leave Brunswick 3:30 pm Leave Ocean Pier ll:00amj Leave Ocean Pier .. .. *. pm SUNDAY SCHEDULF Leave Brunswick 9:30 am Leave Brunswick .. .. 2:30 nm Leave Ocean Pier .. .. .11:00 am Leave OeeaiP Pier .: . . . : .. 6:00 pm J. B. WRIGHT. Manager. When Winter Comes '...' \ '■ f ; i ■ . ! You will need a gas heater. We have them ih all styles and at mod’ crate prices- We are agents for the celebrat ed Clow Gas Steam Ra diator.- Come in and Scejthem. Qilmore&Wooijs * m DOMESTIC ENGINEERS 1.418 Richmond Street &*wu>rjr PlomiWa Some of the delegates to the eleventh convention, of the World’s Woman's Christian Temperance Union, to be held in Philadelphia November 11-16, will circumnavigate the globe in their jour ney to take part in their first conven tion ever held on “dry” land. Dele gates'from 40 nations will attend this ivorld rally which will take place in the Academy of Music. Many delegates are now on their way from Australia, Japan, China, In dia, Egypt, Turkey, Africa, England, Scotland. .Ireland, Germany, Erance, Ov.;>::, Mexico, .Canada, arid several of Ihe South American countries. 1 fAar. Kubnshlro, national corre .e* -n hag secretary of Japan’s W. 0. T. a ntpce of Mme. Kaji Yajilna, fano;S most famous woman, will come is nr. official delegate. She wlii repre ni!ii il'Vi. I .in',l. I I limn ‘T"T How Many Objects Picture Begin With the Letter '“S”? tf <i i,lftncc you sfie.skßte, sliovel, shoe, etc. The other objects arc lust 9*4. pnv to fiori a < ;- no t 1 - —; c;Wp, ~e d to the objects, and there is absolutely no trick tothe puzzle whatever n"A In h,™i I te wir.otTeV them eWaiS nd the ‘‘S-Word” objects. There are fifteen big prizes; surely yon should be tbl ■ S A TRULY WONDERFUL OPPORTUNITY Truly wonderful opportunity for you. Wouldn’t it be wonderful to win the $1250.00 or Buick Six Touring Gar?, Think” of yflfut- surprise .'*nd delight, and think what'ali your friertds Would i.v. It is so easy tq^ place yourself in line for one of the big prizes. Do not toss’ and" chance To win sub'ti’a Big ITize away. The Puzzle Game is open to everyone. We have made it very i-le'AT and simple to solve, but placing yourself in line is up to you. YOU CAJN WIN $1250.00 OR BUICK SIX TOURING CAR The “S-Word” .Picture Game is a campaign to increase the popularity of The Macon Dally Telegraph. K costs nothing to fake part in this game, and you do' Vi of have to send in a single subscription to win a prize. If your list, of S'Words is awarded First Prize by the judges you will win $25v00, but if iyou would like to win more than $25.00, we are mak* I ing the following offer whereby you | can wip larger . Cash Prizes by send ] ing in one vor two subscriptions to I The Macon Daily Telegraph,' I Here’s The Way To Win: It your ! answer >0 first prize and have sent in one six months subscription to The Ma con Telegraph at you will .re ceive $350.00 instead of $25.00. sjeo * ond Prize $200.00, etc. (See second column in .Prize List). Or Should Vour Answer Win First Prize and yup hav'e sent in month subscriptions at $4.50, each or ONE yearly subscription to The Ma con Daily. Telegraph at $9.00, you will receive $1250.00 in place of $25 00. Second Prize..ssoo.oo, etc. (See third column in; Prize List >. How is that- -for a liberal offer? Now, further; a? a Special Offer we will allow the participant having the Best List of “S-Words" if fully qual ified, the choice of $1250.00. Cash or a New BtiiVrk Six Touring Car, value $1350.00, F. O. 8., Macon, Ga; It takes, but TWO 6 month s'Jp scrlplionp ,at $4.50 one yearly suS scriptidh' at $9.00 fnew or old) to qualify for the Big $1850.00 award. is the. maximum. Your own subscription can count. \\ e will also take subscriptions to start at some future date. SUBSCRIPTION RATES Payable In Advance. By .Carrier,'or, Agepl;.^. DAILY AND SUNDAY " .Six Months i STSO One tear $9.1/0 Upon Request We Will Send F,xtra Large Puzzle Picture Free THE MACON DAILY TELEGRAPH J. T. WEQB, P-vza !le Mgr. sent her organization which owns its own headquarters at Tokyo, and lias a membership of more than 5,000. Miss Uta Hayashi from Osaka, dec orated by the emperor for her work among women, will accompany Mme. Kubushiro. Miss Marie Stenroth, an author of national repute, will represent her gov ernment which has commissioned her to study prohibition and the problems involved in its enforcement and make a report. The Baroness de Laveleye, president of Belgium’s W. O. T. U. t will be the official delegate of her country. Miss Dagmar Prior will rej . tent ’Norway and ( Denmark. Prom Edinburgh c.a,as Miss .Tatie Darling, proprietor of t’.-c Darling Re gent hotel; known tA* vae '■& over. It I THE PRIZES —Winning Answers Will Receive Prizes as Follows: Prizes if No Prizes if One 6 Month'oM Subscriptions 6- Month Sub. Yearly Sub Are Sent Is Sent' Ara Sent Ist Prize $25.00 $350.00 $1250 00 2nd P>-ize 15.00 200.00 500 00 3rd Prize 10.00 100,00 300 00 4th Prize 5.00 50.00 150 00 sth : Prize 5.00 25.00 100 00 6th Prize 5.00 20.00 75 00 7th Prize 5.00 . 20.00 50 no Bth Prize 2.00 10.00 25.00 9th Prize 2.00 10.00 25 00 10th Prize 2.00 10.00 25 00 11th Prize 2.00 10.00 Ug 00 12th to 15th Prize 2.00 10.00 16.00 AUTOMOBILE FREE—As a special prize for the best effort shown In the game we will allow the participant having the best list of “S-WORDS,” if fully qualified, the choice of $1,250 00 cash or a MEW 1923 BUICK SIX TOURING CAR. Value $1,360.00, T o b Macon (This car Is now on display at the Dunlap-Huckabee Sales Rooms Corner Third and Pine Streets, Macon, Ga.) CONTEST RULES 1 -~A n , y °? e , C! j id ! l ?F in fi 16 „ St ?:s o of Georgia, outside the cities of Atlanta and Athens, is eligible to compote in this contest exeunt the employes of The Macon Telegraph and members of their fam ilies. and previous winners in our recent "E-Word" puzzle 2.— A1l word lists and subscriptions must be received and envelopes postmarked not later than December 2. 1922 envelopes 3 _Two or rnor* people may co-operate in answering the puzzle but on,ly one prize will he given lo any one household, or to any one group , y I—Only English word* will be counted. Obsolete, hyphenated or compounded words will not be counted. Either the singular or plural of a ™d may be used but both singular and plural will not count. Each article or object can be driven only one name However, any visible part of an object may also he named Single worm* made up of two separate words will not count' Webster s International Dictionary will be the final “uthoHtV Where sev m' synonyms are equally applicable Jo an object shown ■ in the pic'ur . a person submitting any one of such synonyms will he given credit for one word only. -yuonyms t -The large-, lid of words which correctly name visible nhlenfli be ginning with the letter “S" in the picture will receive first prPzV and so on down the list of 1o prizes. The winning list wfllbe mode up from among the words suitnitted by the coiiteeiente ' and not controlled by any predeter-nfhed list word "NelSted by the Judges as being the "correct" or “master” list G.—One point will be allowed for each correct word and' one mint deducted for each incorrect word. ne polnt 7.—ln case of ties for any prize offered, the full amount tied for will he awarded each tying contestant--* of pli2B B—The final decision will be made by three Judges entirely |nde pendent of and having no connection with the Macon Dally Tele fv>ph. They will Judge the answers submitted and award thJ at the end of the contest. Each participant entering ASP contest agrees to accept the decision of the judges .... conclusive. All answers will receive the same consfderPß ;: whether a subscription Is sent or not. At the close of Ue when all lists have been graded, the list winning firs’ prize the nantes of- the prize winners will be published ' 1 B.—Write word* on one side of the paper only, number o,„„ ' cesslvely 1. 2,2, 4 etc., with yotlr name and address in no, l '2‘ right hand corner of each sheet. Typewritten lists are S p -eferred wi " not count you Pr I U* —Aii, .ehWi gctf pivttjie-. on gloss paper will be sent imm, 11.—If a 0.-,nlet„„t ...ends us mbre than pne-list Under'‘wi K!^K' a,r,ri lhen aU llsts of has been in the family many years ]nnt has always been conducted on teniiier ance lines. Miss Consuelo Vaidez is the delegat< from the Pliilippine islands. She‘is i graduate of the School of Pharmacy University of the Philippines, anti it now taking special courses at North western university, Chicago. Fraulein tVillielmina Lehmann is one of the German delegates, -.‘itu was the moving spirit of the recent semi-official vote, the first prohibition vote ever taken in Germany, where at Bielefeld, the unexpected number o£ 12,021 votes was returned for pro hibition out of a poll of 14,001. Frau lein Gustel von Blueher, tlio ' great grand niece of ihe famous field jumr ahal, will also attend die World con yontion is a delegate. maco^i. GEORGIA