The Brunswick news. (Brunswick, Ga.) 1906-2016, November 07, 1922, Page PAGE TWO, Image 2

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PAGE TWO Cook with Gas The cleanest, handiest and cheapest fnei. Don’t b* a slave, to your old kitchen stove. Cooking with ga* is the modern way oi living—it saves money, time, worry and work. Come in and let’s talk it over. Mutual Light & Water Cos. PHONE 7 New Ford Prices! Effective Tuesday, October 17th RUNABOUT, regular $269.00 TOURING, regular . $298.00 Electric Starter with above S7O Demountable Rims with above $25 COUPE . . . $530,00 SEDAN, two doors . $595.00 CHASIS, regular . $235.00 TON TRUCK CHASSIS $380.00 Above Prices h. O. B. Detroit The new Ford prices announced :bove represent a reduction of SSO on each mode! and establish a new low level of prices in the his tory of the Ford Motor Cos.. To insure early delivery, place your order at once with Phone 75 Authorized Ford and Lincoln Car Dealers The World s Greatest Motor Car Values $25.00 and‘s3o.oo Suits $19.50 and $23.50 These are Campus Togs and Spero Mich ael Clothing in both Mens and Young Mens Models. A wide variety of styles, colors and patterns to selecte from. You’ll be surprised to see what values these are, THEATRICAL “FACE IN THE FOG” TO BE SHOWN AT BIJOU TODAY In the prologue to “The Face in the Fog,’’ Jack Boyle,s famous “Gos ton Blaekie” story picturized by Cos mopolitan Productions for Paramount with* Lionel Barrymore in the leading role, there is graphic glimpse what happenede when Russia "went Red,” A magnificient palace of the last of the Grand Dukes is wrecked by a Soviet mob, led by the brutal Petrus. Massave wroughtiron candelabra, six feet tall and bearing . dozen lighted candles, are used as battering rams! to break down the solid oak doors;] beautiful statues and objects of art are smashed, furniture wrecked and cabinets Rifled —ana in frantic'search for the famous Romanoff diamonds. But Grand Duchess Tatiana, played by Seena Owen, and a faithful serv ant smuggled them to this country, where the redoudtable ‘‘Blaekie Daw soil’ portrayed by Lionel Barrymore, takes a trump hand in foiling the Soviet emissaries and smoothing out the course of true love. The face in thg Fog, will be the feature at the Bijou theatre today. It is well worth seeing. Earle Williams and Rodolph Val* entino in “A Rouge’s Romance” A receiver of stolep. gauds is call ed a fence. In many countries and cities famous fences spring - up, flour ish and Pass out of existence. A. fence may run a jewelry store. Pawnshop, cafe or cigar store; but the most com mon is the pawnshop where the goods may be received and disposed of with less suspicion than any of the others. Police in most cities, however, keep a close watch .of pawnshops and in this manner large quantities of stole n goods’are recovered'each year. The . jeweler and especially the manufacturing jeweler is . favorite business of the professional fence, for they enable 'him to recuf gents and so change pieces of jewelry that they are not easily recognized. Mahy fences have their offices in their hats'; so to’-speak; that is, they frequent cafes, restaurants and pool rooms where prospective ‘ customers j and clients may be easily approached. It is seldom - that a thief takes it upon, himself, to dispose of the ar ticles directly., tie much prefers pay ing a fence an‘ekurtVitadt eotnnrssion to taking the chance' of getting ar- | rested. S A typical fence is depicted in “A ! Rogue’s Romance,” which will be shown at the Grand theater today. This type of fence ,s the cafe or dive keeper. He is essentially a business man and does his jewelry business in his inner office, which is well guarded. Whenever You Need A General Strengthening Tonic i Take the Old Standard GROVE'S TASTE i LESS chill TONIC. It Strengthens and | Builds Up the System by Purifying and ; Enriching the Blood. You can soon feel i its Strengthening, Invigorating effect. 60c "CHSGABETS”IOC FOR BOWELS IF CONSTIPATED Clean your bowels! Feel fine! When you feel sick, dizzy, upset, when your l ead is dull or aching, of your stomach is sour of ga§sy, just 'take one or two Cascarets to relieve constipation. No griping—nicest cathar tic-lax tive on earth for grown ups and children. 10c a box. Taste like candy. v CASTOR iA For Infants and Children in Use For Over 30 Years Signature of SPENT HALF HER TIE IN BED Faraier’s Wife Tells How Lydia E Finkham’s Vegetable Compound Made Her a Well Woman Carter’.-,Creek. Tenn. “Threeyears ago I was almost an invalid. I spent m if ‘ “ ; r M!!|i|||bs beings alfficted Ijjr 'I; with a trouble which Ml women of a certain Isage are apt to have. 3%. jSI took Lydia E. 4s|H- M jjPinkham’sVegetable “ '■ is j Compound Tablets I ' A and used Lydia E. Ij Pinkham’s Sanative |b >- ‘<M Wash. lam a well - woman now and have been for two years. I can work as well as any one who is younger and as 1 am a farmer’s wife I have plenty to do for I cultivate my own garden, raise many chickens and do my own housework. You may publish this letter as I am ready to do anything to help other vcmen as I have been so well and happy ince my troubles are pa ‘t. Mrs. it.*. Galloway, Carter’s Creek, Tenn. Most women find plenty to do. It they are upset with some fftnaic ailment and troubled with such symptoms as Mrs, Galloway, had, the smallest duty seems a mountain. If you find it hard to keep up, if you are nervous and irritable, without ambi tion and out of sorts generally, give the Vegetable Compound a fair trial. Wo believe it will help you greatly, for if has helped others. Five Compelling Reasons for Peach County FIRST: You should vote for Peach County to end forever a condition of political discord that is stilling the business, agricultural, educational and community life of one of the south’s richest sections. The citizens of Houston County and those of Peach County have been political duelists for years. , f Realizing that the progress of both sections was being* retarded by their quarrels they have three times gone to the polls and voted for the formation of anew county. They have three times voted to make a division which would bring new peace and happiness to both sides. • Your vote for Peach County will help to end this progress stunting condition and will give 10,000 people the government that they want. SECOND: You should vote for Peach County because, while the formation of the new county will bring new prosperity to over 10,000 people it will work no hardship on the counties from which portions are taken. Houston and Macon counties (the only two affected) will still be greater in size, population and tax value, after the forma tion of Peach County,' than 75 other counties in the state. You Harm No County. You Bless a Great Section. THIRD: You add your O. K. to the action of the legislature of the State of Georgia who, representing you in Atlanta, passed the amendment to create Peach County. Two-thirds of this,. legislature voted '‘Yes." They had full facts before them when they took their action. ioJRTH: ■< If you believe in fair play—in justice—in the Golden Rule, you should vote for Peach County. The campaign to create it has been earned on cleanly, honestly and fairly. Look at the names of the men who have signed this appeal. You know that not one of them would stoop to chicanery or political trickery to carry a measure even though it was that which was closest to their hearts. W| won honestly—fairly—squarely. Now our opponents ask you to vote away our victory* FIFTH: v You should vote for Peach County because in Casting that’ vote you express your belief in the greatest of Democratic principles—“ The right of self determina tion for all peoples in matters of local government.” ' More than 10,000 people look to you to vote on November 7th for the creation of Peach County, a county which by all the laws of justice has the right and should exist. We endorse all of the above statements. H. A. MATTHEWS, Judge, Superior Court. D. A. HOWARD, Pastor, Baptist Church. A. C. RILEY, Judge, City Court. LOY WARWICK, Pastor, Methodist Church. J. A. McCOWAN, Chairman of .Commissioners. J.E. DAVIDSON,/Senator,-2?.'d District. M. C. MOSLEY, County School Superjotendehl, C. ’if,'’.FA’ClfSfiN,/jßeprcsepiii'.ivs'. Hou tori County. J* & TJDt?J!k’, ( r,V llet T t , or ' ■ EMMETT HOUSER, Houston County, ££* J?.°,VrS D J. RLL ’ l ax Rcce,vcr * RALPH NEWTON, Supt. Schools, Pori Valley. 9* £* **? y ®*’ Bvro ?; „ „ A - J - EVANS, President, Citizens Bank. A. C. RILEY, JK., Mayor, It. Valley. W. G. WRIGHT, President, Exchange Bank. SISTER OF SLAiN f IRISH LEADER IS ' TO TOUR STATES 1 1 Miss Kathleen Boland. New York, Nov. 4.—Miss Kathleen Boland, sister of Harry Boland, one cf the lirisli Republican leaders, who when he was killed was secretary to IJamon <le Valera, has come to this country to aid in a financial drive in behalf of the Irish Republican Sol diers’ and Prisoners’ Dependents Fund. Miss 'Boland told today in detail of her brother’s death on August 1, pfter he had been shot in a hotel at Skerfios, near Dublin, o n the night of July 2S. She said that her brother was asleep when six Free Slate sol diers entered hj s room,and shot him while lie was in Miss’ Boland said that she and her mother vmnt to her wounded brother’s bedside i n the hospital where he was taken, but that another brothel*, Gerald, a prisoner of ihe Free Staters, was refused per mission to see Harry before he died. The sister said that the refusal to grant her brother's dying request caused a sensation in Dublin. Mhs s Boland Vaid that Harry spent his last night at home on the Thurs day before he was killed. Soon after he left his home, because he had re ceived a report that he was being -ought, she said, six Free State sol diers entered the home. On the fol lowing Sunday her brother took refuge in a hotel in Skerries, she said, and on the following morning at 1:30 o’clock the six soldiers forced their way into the hotel. Miss Boland said that the hotel was. surrounded by sixty Free State soldiers. Boland’s dying statement was re- Gfl £> Don’t listen to cheap or big can baking P° wc^r stories. Ke r 0 „ member low priced Are Expensive a j c j n g povyders are . - not always economical —their use many times _ means disappointments —results are what rmmt. USE CALUMET The Economy BAMim POWDB ? fbe positive of results—and cut down your baking expenses— you are throwing away baking powderand expensive materials if you are not using Calumet. Millions of housewives use it, so do leading Domestic Science Teachers—cooking experts— great railroads and big hotels. Calumet sales are 150% greater ’ than t’~rO any other brand. BEST BY TEST Buy it—try it— be convinced. THE WORLD’S GREATEST BAKING-POWDER lated today by his sister. “Ah, Kathleen, I haye been done in,’’ she quoted huh as saying just before lie died. “What harm; but it was a chap that wn s in Lewis jail with me that fired the shots. But I forgive him.’’ Miss Boland herself is engaged to Sean Donovan,, a prisoner with her brother, Gerald. O’Donovan, she said has been in prison nine times and re cently took part in a long hunger strike. Cures Malaria, Chills and Fever, Dengue or Bilious Fever. it kills the germs. IF OUR SERVICE FAILS IN ANY WAY, PLEASE TELL US. WE WANT IT TO BE AS GOOD AS IT IS POSSIBLE TO MAKE IT. BRUNSWICK LAUNDRY Geo. .Griffin, Mgr. DON’T FORGET WE ARE DRY CLEANERS