The Brunswick news. (Brunswick, Ga.) 1906-2016, November 09, 1922, Page PAGE TWO, Image 2

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PAGE TWO Cook with Gas The cleanest, handiest and cheapest fuel. Don’t be a slave to your old kitchen stove. Cooking with gas Is the modern way of living—it saves money, time, worry and work. Come in and let’s talk it over. Mutual Light & Water Cos. PHONE 7 New Ford Prices! Effective Tuesday, October 17th RUNABOUT, regular $269.00 TOURING, regular . $298.00 Electric Starter with above S7O Demountable Rims with above $25 COUPE . . $530.00 SEDAN, two doors $595.00 CHASIS, regular . $235.00 TON TRUCK CHASSIS $380.00 Ahoye Prices F. O. B. Detroit The new Ford prices announced above represent a reduction of SSO on each model and establish a new low level of prices in the his - tory of the Ford Motor Cos. A, .... ..4 To insure early delivery, place your order at once with GLYNN MOTOR CO. Phone 75 Authorized Ford and Lincoln Car Dealers The World’s Greatest Motor Car Values A Pair of Winners $25.00 and $30.00 Suits $19.50 and $23.50 These are Campus Togs and Spero Mich ael Clothing m both Mens and Young Mens Models.. A wide variety of styles, colors and patterns to selecte from. You’ll be surprised to see what values these are. > ’ V . - -- - 1 — : THEATRICAL GREAT CAST IN “THE j OLD HOMESTEAD” The phrase “'all star” has been much abused, but the cast of “The Old Homestead’’ which conies to the Bijou theater today and tomorrow may truthfully be said to be of that caliber. Theodore Roberts, George Fawcett, T. Roy Barnes, Fritzi Ridg way, Harrison Ford, Kathleen O’Con nor, James Mason, Ethel Wales and others make up a list that, is hard to surpass. Thi s Paramount picture is based o n Denman Thompson’s famous play in which that celebrated actor ap peared for thirty-two years, but is far extensive in character and presents a great drama with plenty of comedy and a smashing climax. The story is familiar—how the son of Uncle Josh is falsely accused of theft and goes away to meet with stirring adventure and finally to be restored to his home and sweetheart. But there is far more than that to the story. There is#dvenure, love, human character in abundance, hum or that is rich am! spontaneous and pathos and is deep and convincing. Tears and laughter abound. James Cruze directed with discre tion and sympathy, this great story which was adapted by Poore Sheehan and Frank E. Woods, scen arized by Julie n JosePhson and su pervised by Walter Woods. WHEN HUSBANDS DECEIVE WHAT CAN WjVES DO? How clever is the mask of decep tion when it enables 'us to see truth where there is only dishonesty and treachery, and when it make s lies of the truth! ...>‘Wh§g . Husbands Do ceive,” the Associated. Exhibitors feature showing at the ‘Grand thea ter today pr<’sc|d. S' Leah Baird as author and featured player of drama •of domestic entanglements, in which a man, through deception, wins a wife and her fortune, and then, in ac cordance with the law of compensa tion—his just deserts.; ■The .cast in spg.pda-I!MjJs Baird i s a particularly splendid one, in cluding WilPant Conklin as tHe hus band Qf the title,"Jack .Mower as the sweetheart, Euiaiie Jensen a s an ac complice, Joh n Ccssar as a business man and Katherine Lewis, as-the new est thing i n flappers j the Joy Fisher. Two animals eontr buting greatly to several dramatic moments are Teddy, a Great Dane, and Josephine, a mon key. Wallace Worsley directed "When Husbands Deceive,’” which was personally supervised by Miss Baird's husband, Arthur F. Beck. To Drive Out Malaria And Build Up The System Take the Old Standard GROVE’S TASTE LESS chill TONIC You know what you are taking, as the formula is printed on every label, showing it is Quinine and Iron in a tasteless form. The Quinine drives out the malaria, the Iron builds up the system. 60 cents. REGISTRATION IN CITY TOTALS 275 IN EXCESS 1921 WHITES NUMBER 1,009, WITH 6QO MALE 109 FEMALES; COLORED 95 MALES, 125 FEMALES . After the closing of the registra tion books by Secretary N. U. Rus sell, of the board of city commission ers, it was shown by totals that; 275 names this year were added over 1921, a showing which indicates that Brunswick is really adding to her population. \ There is a total of 1,129 and of 1,009 are white and 220 colored. The whites registered are 600 males and 409 females and the colored registered are 95 male s and 125 females, show ing that the women have taken more interest in politics than the men have. The board of city registrars, com posed of Moso a Daniels, It. S. Pyles "and J. T. Lambright, AvTtl meet at the city hall this afternoo n at. 2 o’clock for the Purpose of receiving the list from Secretary Russell and fix a time for holding of a meeting to receive complaints and purge tile lists. I EE! PEPPER FOR GOLDS !N CHEST Ease your tight, aching chest. Stop the pain. Break up the congestion. Feel a bad coid loosen up in just a short time. Red Pepper Rub is the cold rem edy that brings quickest relief. It can not hurt you and it certainly seems to end the tightness and drive the conges tion and soreness right out. Nothing has such concentrated, pene trating heat as red peppers, and when , heat penetrates ,right down into colds, congestion, acliing muscles and sore, stiif joints relief comes at once. The moment you apply Red Pepper Rub you feel the tingling heat. In three minutes the congested spot is warmed through and through. When you are suffering from a cold, rheumatism, backache, stiff neck or sore muscles, just get a jar of Rowles Red Pepper Rub, made from red peppers, at any drug store- You will have the quickest relief known. CASTORIA For Infants and Children In Use For Over 30 Years CO- OPERATION ,-. 4A' A,! j Firms listed below have participated in campaign conducted by Brunswick Union Labor . r o / ■ j Spend Your Money At Home UNION. MEN Patronize Your Local Mer chants. CONEY & PAKER COMPANY l • 1120 St. Fhone 18. L, ORTNER Photographer t 1317Is,Newcastle St., Brunswick, Ga. ABBOTT’S COLD STOR ‘ AGE AND MARKET Phones 865-866 1205 Newcastle St. BRUNSWICK SERVICE STATION A Local Institution A. J. GORDON Clothing, Hats, Shoes and lAuriisHmiS 1 for Men, Boys, Women and Children. iwS* 8 * The package suggests it Your taste confirms it. The sales prove it. Over 7 billion sold yearly. |% £ , • *bt, v W. m ; ; ‘,V;...-C".. .*-/ A7 Convenient package —glassm- -wrapped. {hestS*Bdd XW*' CIGARETTES nt'fjff' 10 Liggett & Tobacco Cos. x • TAX COLLECTOR’S. NOTICE OCHJ9 1 will be at the places named be low o n the following dates for put pos e of collecting State and Countv taxes: 25th District—St. Simons Pier, Oct- 23rd, iipv. th, Dec. 4th. 27th District—Brookman, Ga-, Oct. 24th, Nov. 7th, Dec. sth. 1356 district—Sterling, Ga-, Oct. 25th, Nov. Bth, Dee. 6th. LYNN-GOULD HARD WARE COMPANY ~ “The Winchester Store.” EDO MILLER Funeral Director Telephone 196. / B. A. LEWIS Phonographs 1602 Newcastle St. Phone 166 FARLEY CLOTHING CO. Cash or Credit. GLYNN ICE COMPANY PIGGLY WIGGLY All Over the World BRUNSWICK BATTERY & MOTOR COMPANY Gloucester St., Opposite P. O. Phone 251 1499 District—Bladen, Ga., Oct. 26th., NoL 9th, Dec. 7th. Special Trips—Everett City, Ga., j Nov. 14th; Thalmann, Ga. Nov. 15th; | Pennick Nov. 16th. Dates not mentioned above will h”* at my office at the Ccutr House, until December 20th. W. L. HARWELL, Tax Collector, Glyn n County, Ga. 10 — 20—22 HOLTON & GARDNER Phone 855-856-857 A 1411 London St. X MUTUAL LIGHT & WA TER COMPANY . Light—Water-Gas THE SURPRISE STORE Dty Goods, and Shoes. THE UNION STORE • " ✓ L. Silberstein, Prop. Buy Your Drugs From Us GLYNN DRUG CO. GILLICAN & CO. Jewelers r * *t< V* ' MW iNf’jy 1 1 rr.tufcm*' M J.H. MORGAN Auto Supplies and Ac cessories. 203 Gloucester Street. N " SAFELY relieves catarrh bladder | pg ? ular r o ONS | ANP CUl?3f. THE GUARANTEE STORE DRY GOODS 1506 Newcastle St. ' UNITED SUPPLY CO. Hardware, Mill Supplies, Ma chinery, Building Material VIENNA BAKING CO. 1614 Newcastle St. JPhone 520-374^^ W. A. O’QUINN & CO. "' Telephone 920 1522 Newcastle St. CHAS. V. COLLIER A Good Drug Store With the Right Prices. Phone 116. * l GEORGIA HARDWARE CO. * *.•../ ' \ The Best of Tools. i !