The Brunswick news. (Brunswick, Ga.) 1906-2016, November 14, 1922, Page PAGE TWO, Image 2

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PAGE TWO ' £■- ing ballings and have them v ; ruined through the use of uncertain baking powders, ALWAYS USE CALUMET the Economy POWDER' because it never varies in / f \ leavening strength —be | • # f cause it lasts longer— goes farther-keeps perfectly and ■mKhk is moderate in price—be cause it is most dependable, Y\ most economical C®2ffl vJ £ sales 150% greater than that other brand. I © No human band ever touches it —it is made in the world’s most • BEST BT TEST sanitary baking powder factories. f NB—— ■ 1 i -■-■■■ - ■■■ —-.....- ■* aragE WORLD'S GREATEST BAKING POWDER Best Wood- Dry Pine, Oak and Lightwood Any Length $1.50 a Load Prompt Delivery and Good Loads J. A. HERRIN Cochran Avene and Mansfield Streets PHONE 1063 Help Brunswick Red Cross, Be to join Sunday afternoon at “Zero Hour’ A Pair of Winners "f $25.00 and $30.00 Suits $19.50 and $23.50 These are Campus Togs an<J Spero Mich ael Clothing in both Mens and Young Mens Models. l ■ * , . \ variety of styles, colors and patterns to selecte from. ’• mil ba surprised to see hat values these are. i, ■ 1,, i , i, ■ , , j- •• . V $ m o'—- * . pmkm Ajy . iSuhND WAlFjp —* JR Norma slf a strikingly handsosme f . j can be transformed into f stive-com plexioned daughter of tropics in “Loves latest First National attraction' tvnieh is showing at the Bijou Theatre today. Miss Tatmadge lias a difflcult part in the rote of (Singer, the young girl of Jamaica who is the heroine of the story; bjit. her effective portray al of the eha r acter places it as one of her best screen accomplishments. it is Ginger’s quaint iack of con vention and strength of principle, that provides the incentive for sav ing the llfe.bta beach-combing Eng lish lish vcl <■' good antecendents. The storyl , . jn tbrills 1 , heart interest ail in which the cont l j'ten the warmth of the \vl " and the frigidity of ißnglisll Ve strongly drawn. • Miss Tlsir.ctifgff is supported by a strong cast of well known film play ers, including Harrison Ford, as the leading man; Montagu Love, Cooper Ciiffe, Ida Waterman, Michael M. Barnes, E. Fernajndez and' Frasier Coulter. BRUNSWICK SEA FOOD 7 MARKET [ Cirnef' Monk and Grant Streets • & W. BRADY, Proprietor today: V Red Snapi'M*;, Baas Sheepshead, Altamaha river'-,fresh water cat fish, Trout, Crab\Meal,' Cedar Key Mullet. ' Bear the fact in mint! that we - dress all fish and make PROMPT • DELIVERY. OYSTERS DELIVERED 40c • PEIS QUART Don’t Forget the Phone Num ber, It’s 89. Grove's Tasteless Chill Tonic Purifies the Blood and makes the cheeks rosy.fsoc GUS HILLS MINSTRELS . If public approval anti acclaim is any criterion th e acme of perfection certainly has been reached in the latest sensation and triumph, the Gus Hill and i George • Honey Boy Evans Minstrel troupe which -will be the steller attraction at the Grand Theatre Thursday, November 16th. This new enterprise marks the great est achievement in theatrical con-, solidation during the past two de eares. It is the unity of two of the foremost minstrel shows, being the culmination of an exalted ambition which has been Mr. Hills aim ever since he graduated into the ranks of Americt’s leading 'purveyor and discoverer .of all that is high-class -and uniqu e in the realm of up to the minute entertainment. In this ag gregation h e has mustered,forty men all past masters in the art of creat ing laugter, disseminating real fun, provoking genuine mirth, surprises and offering features that one seldom in _ this competitive era of progressive ideas .and advaticeiuewt. All is. a glorious combination of music, ; rdvelr.jf, frolic, • a golden flood of novel contributions, reviews" travesties /and a stupendous unity of burnt cork innovations and advance ment . What is “Spring Fever’’ it is simply low Vitality, a lack of Er-ergy caused by impure bioed. GEOV E'S TASTELESS chill TONIC restores Vitality and Energy by Purifying and Enriching the Blood. Y ou can scon feel its Strength ening, Invigorating Effect 60c. WOMAN COULD NOT WORK Made Strong and Well by; Lydia E. Pmkham’s Veg • etable Compound f St. Paul, Minn.—“l took Lydia E. 'P,7jkham’s Vegetable Compound for a n7mmiV>mmr’mt? t ' red ’ AywutWt feel-i ing-and pr.ipful-peri !l IMPIMIII ods. 1 used to get up P a ' n " iuy “nn pains ip my Ijfef I >■ -.<JH loW'ipartsajridb'ack. Oft i"rwas notab'e JjjF jlj to do fny work. I m\ read-in your little SlJtov':- itr*J book about LvdiaJE. 4 . -diIUJ Piui.ham’ii .v ege - Y'ulcj fable Cdfn'noimd and ' I have taken it. I Ii fee 1 so well and strong and can do every bit of my work and not a paid in my back now. I rec ommend youb medicine and you can use this letter as a testimonial.’’ Mrs. Phil. Maser, 801 Winslow St., St. Paul. Minn. ; Just another case where a woman ' found relief by taking Lydia E. Pink | ham’s Vegetable Compound. Many | times thesertireik worn-put feelings and ! pains febourth-AorJi ate from troubles i only women havd. The "Vegetable Com- I pound is especially adapted lor just this condition.,The.goodrosultsaro noted by | the disagreeable symptoms passing away—one after another, j Lydia E. Pipkham’s Vegetable Com ; pound is a Woman’s Medicine for Wo \ men’s Ailments. Always reliable. J.M. PITTS ► Contractor atui Builder ► .Estimates Cheerfully Furn- I islied. - Large and small jobs will receive -the same-prompt attention. I have been in this line qf ■ business in Brunswick for the - PJst twenty-five years. . My he3t - references Are .furnished by those ■ I have wofkod. for. 1203 Gloucester St. | QUILLIAN’S ; Pharmacy Keep you eye on the corner. up AT Where You Want It! No. 52S PERFECTION Oil Heater Xi Heat by the Roomful” With a handy PERFECTION OIL HEATER, you can have heat where you want it, when you want it and just as you want it. It is easily carried about. Ten hours of comfortable heat to the gallon of kerosene—no heat wasted. The PERFECTION is light, strong and dependable. Its warm penetrating rays are now heating over 4,000,000 homes. SSil/' iw Perfection Oil Range rfn i rip} " A beautiful, substantial oil range that cooks with speed and satisfaction. New patented Superfex burner. Costs less than gas, elec r . ■ 1 - tricity or coal. See Your Dealer today about a PERFECTION OIL HEATER and NEW PERFECTION OIL RANGE. If he can’t supply you. write our - nearest office. Catalog on request. STANDARD OIL COMPANY INCORPORATED Principal Offices- Birroingham, Ala. Jacksonville, Fla. Louisville, Ky. Atlanta, Ga. Jackson, Miss. (3) TAX COLLECTOR’S NOTICE I will be at the places named be low o n the following dates for pul" pos e of collecting State and Countv taxes: 25th District—St. Simons Pier, Oct- 23rd, Nov. th. Dec. 4th. 27th District—Brookman, Ga-, Oct. 24th, Nov. 7th, Dec. sth. 1356 district—Sterling, Ga-, 'Oct. 25th, Nov. Bth, Dec. 6th. 1499 District—Bladen, Ga.; Oct. 26th., Nov. 9th, Dec. 7th. Special Trips—Everett City, Ga., Nov. 14th; Thalmann, Ga. Nov. 15th: Pennick Nov. 16th. Dates not mentioned above will at my office at th e Coutr House, until December 20th. r W. L. HARWELL, Tax Collector, Glyn n County, Ga. 10 — 20—22 Do You Use GASOLINE? If you do, them come to our Service Station and let us explain a plan that will mean money for you. Tison and Nightengale S. O. S. Phone 220 FORD SI Owners • BEFORE you make a single tire investment this year see the New Double Diamond tire—a tire especially designed for Fords and lightweight cars. ‘Sidewalls protected against rut wear by far-extending tread. A tread that grips like a tractor. A good, strong tire all the way through—with a price message that will astonish you. Be sure and see it here—today’s a good time. J. H. MORGAN Pecans Wanted - , Will pgy 20cents per pound for Seedling any sizes -1022 crop;.. Ship all you have got.. Prompt seturns. For reference’ First National Bank, Bainbridge Pro duce Cos., Bainbridge, Ga.