The Brunswick news. (Brunswick, Ga.) 1906-2016, November 15, 1922, Image 2

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DOROTHY PHILLIPS APPEARS IN “MAN-WOMAN*MAKRIAGE’ Dorothy Phillips, the superh emotional aetres s with a string ot successes to her credit, demonstrate; her versatility as never- before in Allen Holubar-’s ‘‘Man, Woman, Mar riage” the young producer's latpst super feature, sponsbred by the First National, which comes to the Bijou Theatre today. She is seen as a lovable young girl with ideals of true affection; ai a drudging housewife; as a society butterfly; then as a mature woman oi national affairs; as a cave wortan cld in leopard skin of the Neolithic age; as a head-stroni young miss of the age of knighthood; as the Queer of the Amazons when WQimfti ruled and as a, Christian slave at the court of the Roman Emperor Confetantine. She wear in turn a score of dif ferent constumes and is called upon to enact big emotional parts in each of the different types eho portrays Only a finished actress, such as Miss Phillips, could handle this yide diversity of roles with the per fect ease with which the star of “Man Woman, Marriage” " " encompasses them. , ~ MAN'S ANSWER TO “THE SHEIK” “A man’ s answer to Edith M. Hull’s ‘The Sheik.’ ” Buck a line is inspired by the Paramount pieturi zation of Arthur Weigall's novel. “Burning Sands.” which will be the view at the Bijou Theatre nex Thursday and .Friday* Tills is the powerful story" of an English girl who seeks th e man she loves and makes him love her. As in the case; of “The Sheik,’’ the on e who sought love triumphed. Wa'nctfc Hawjey is the girl and Milton Fills the man,' and there is a powerful supporting; cast. , ■ ■ f 4 oirin gen gfokage Sr&r'ons. et’s cost 53 bottles the trade *f Mono ' a. Ry Lv.-For a. m. i p. m. . 40 p. m, TO iAMS \ ■Y mmmm MIS i CHEST Ease your tight, aching chest. Stop the pain. "Break up the congestion. Feel a had,.odd iqosen ug jc just a. snort time. . Red Pepper Rub is the cold rem edy that brings quickest relief. It can not hurt you and it certainly seems to end the tightness and drive the conges tion and soreness right out. Nothing has such concentrated, pene trating heat as red peppers, and when heat penetrates right down into colds, congestion, aching muscles and sore, stiff joints Telief comes at once. \ The moment you apply Red Pepper Rub you feel jhe tingling heat. In three minutes the congested spot is warmed through and through, When you are suffering from a cold, rheumatism, backache, stiff neck or sore muscles, just get a jar of Rowles Red Pepper Rub. made from red peppers, at any drug store. You will have the quickest relief known. Cross t “Zero Hour ’ mers 1 Suits /SO^ a Spero Mkh*- j and Young ; I • ■ 7-- A ,v.r 4 ♦rs and patterns a. J to see e are. ■ Urnim Wfif id 'ym^***^ - LOCAL VAUDEVILLE MAKING j BIG HIT AT THE GRAND Th e local- vaudeville night is get ting to b e a big hit at the Grand every Friday night will be one of •the biggest that has ever been offered yet and many well known local peo ple will take part in the contest.Thi ß week A1 Womack has promised Mana ger Spencer that he will go, and this should be 'big drawing card alone as AI sure can shake a wicked hoof. Forres Browping, anew comer to the contest, will offer some classic steps and songs to go along with it, and Paul Martin, has decided that •he will sure get one of the,prizes with his latest comedy “nigger” song. Charlie Craven has been asked to go on again and has something up his sleeve that he will not tell anyone about, but say,, it’s sure to be a knock-opt., Miss Margaret Hummei will render some musical numbers, and Miss Eagin will dance -fhe “Springdance.” Mr. HavijcJson will al so be with us on Friday, and Oh, Harry Lauder Will Sing in the pedson of Mr. Allen, a real Scotch comedian, so Friday night will be a regular night of real sipgers, and the Osats will be filled long before the show starts,’ so littery arul get to the Grand on Friday night; and be lire to get a seat. DOUBLE MINSTRELS THURS= DAY. The success of the Gus tHill and Georgo “Honey Boy’’ mins trels, twhioil is to-be the neyt ! attrac tion at, the Grand Theatre Thursday. November 1§ no doubt will ' inspire Mutators firtg'elf busy. Alread s sever al rival troupes fiave striven to .emu late, s/mra ,of jtii salient features, povelties. and style .' However,' to the. originator s Invariably the spoils' Arid thus for,-fife;isfelis, has endorsed :lie original. Upwarua forty stairs in the burnt cork constellation li'aVe been mustered and they all contribute •tp one of , unique arid' un usual eritei'tamments one has; seen in some time. The street ’briie&ssioA' wkleli ireftofetg the offer ipg’in composition is said to be a treat extraordinary. IF SKIN BREAKS OUT AND ItCFES APPLY SULPHUR Just the moment you apply Mentho- Sulphur to an itching, burning or broken out skin, the itching stops and healing begins, says a noted skin spe cialist. This sulphur preparation, made into a pleasant cold cream, gives such a quick relief-; even to fiery eczema, that nothing has ever been found to take its place/ Because ,of ffs gerra-desffoying prop- quickly subdues the itching, cools tne irritation and heals the eczema right up, leaving a clear, smootl}__ skin m place of ugly eruptions, rash,"pim ples or roughness. You do not have to wait for improve* ment. It quickly shows. ■ You can get a little jar of, Rowles Mefitho-Sulphuf at any drug store. ' J. M. PITTS Contractor and Builder ► '.Estimates Cheerfully Furn ished. - Large and small jobs will receive •the same prompt attention. I have been in this line of - business in I Brunswick for . the - past twenty-five year/. My beat - references are furnished by those - 1 have worked for. ♦203 Gloucester St. QUILLIAN’S Pharmacy Keep you eye on the -c Drier. The package suggests it! Your taste confirms it, ' The sales prove it. Over 7 billion sold,yearly : ' ojj : I--'-/ Convenient package ■■ c- 4* —glassmc-wrapped. CEeste^idd CIGARETTES LIGOF.TT & MvERs TofiAfccO Cos. - - - --- - - - * TAX COLLECTOR’S NOTICE I will be at the places named be low, o ;11 the following dates for pur pose of .collecting' State and Countv taxes: - ‘ ‘ ’* '2sth District—St. Simons Pier, .Qct- 23rd, Nov., tb., Dec. 4th. ,27th District—Brookman, Ga-, Oct. m; fi'or?pec. sth. 1356 district —Sterling, Ga-, Oct. 25th, Nov. Bth, Dec. 6th. #. 1499 District—Bladen, Ga., Oct.,’ Nov. 9th, Dec. 7th. Special Trips—Everett City, Ga , Nov. 14th; Thalfnann, Ga. Nov. 15tji: Pennic-k Nov. 16th. Dates not mentioned above will b* at my office at the Coutr Holuse. until December 20th. W. L. HARWELL, Tax Collector, Glyn n County, Ga 10—20—2‘! KEEPS CHILDREN WELL AND STRONG THIN, pale, impoverished blood makes children frail, backward and delicate. Gude’s Pepto-Mangart creates a bountiful supply of pure, red blood, restores bodily strength, brings back color to the cheeks and builds firm, well-rounded flesh. For over 30 years Gude’s Pepto- Mangan has been recommended by leading physicians as a tonic and blood enricher. Your druggist has it — liquid or tablets, as you prefer. Gude’s pepto'A|angan Tonic and Blood Enricher Do You Use GASOLINE? If you do, them come to our Service Station and let us explain a plan that will mean money for you. Tison and Nightengale S. O. S. Phone 220 Best Wood- Dry Pine, Oak and Lightwood Any Length $1.50 a Load Prompt Delivery and Good Loads , J. A HERRIN Coqhran Avene and Mansfield Streets PHONE 1083 FORD® Owners BEFORE you make a single tire investment this year see the New Double Diamond tire—a tire especially designed for Fords and lightweight cars. Sidewalls protected .• against rut wear by far-extending tread. A tread that grips like a tractor. A good, strong tire all. the way through—with a price message that will astonish you. Be sure and see it here—today’s a good time. J. H. MORGAN Pecans Wanted \ ■ ■> .... --.. J . ; Will pay 20cents per pound for Seeding any sizes- crop.. Ship all you have got., For reference- First National Bank, Bambridge Pro* duce Cos., Bainbridge, Ga.