The Brunswick news. (Brunswick, Ga.) 1906-2016, November 23, 1922, Page Page Two, Image 2

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Page Two O>PORT!SNAPSHOTS||kjPI| Floyd Fitzsimmons’ ho go box ing arena at Michigan Cty, M .'.. Will be sold at public - ion to satisfy a icn held again;t the rro perty by the govemme;... This an nouncement was made by Bert Thurman, coke: to; of internal rev enue for Indiana, who went to the recorder's office at Laporte, lnd., abd filed notice of a $5,730.95 lien agaifist the blue bowl. Thus end eth another dream. ** * / A1 Schacht, Washington club clown but recognized as brainy pjayqr and good judge c* players, speaks a good word for Jack Bent ley. International star l night -by Me Craw. “Bentley,” said A1 recently, “is a great pitcher i the Inter-latioi \ l eague, and, to my way of think ing, is ready to step right ' vto the t-’g show. It isn’t as .h„ugh he been held in the 1 .ernationSl to: development. He —a finishc 1 L„!! player and should hot been ibe majors long ago. There isn’t anything Bentley can’t do with a br-eball. He’s a big, stro g, rug ged *c!low who can hit, field and rut: the bases as well as any regu lar liific’.der or outfielder in his lea gue ed when it comes tc skill as . si'cser.l bar nobody in either the or minors. He’s on a foot toy ith any of them. If McG.a. • **•. him he’ll be a big help to the Gve'.s next year.” * * * (Viler College, which -allooed Illinois early in the fal ! and Wa h>-sh recently, is expected to make v bid for entrance into the Confer ence sooner or later. Athletical’y directed by Pat Pa. je, former as sistant to Alonzo at Chicago University,, the little institution has adopted a series of and rolled up a string of porting successes that put it ii. the same A source of prld when critical Quests are present, its Good to the last drop* R.G. U.S. PAT. OPP, * ANNOUNCEMENT ~~ i mini -rmrnmwiaiwr i—ii———i—i— ■muh i inn ~n n.itrirwnrrri—frr-i— : <wiar-piwijimwiiawi[nawwimn.mrjiunfiiwmii n.—ut_ -r.otwiuw— WE beg to announce that we have been designated as AUTHORIZED representatives for the FAMOUS CHEVROLET cars in the territory of GLYNN, McINTOSH and CAMDEN COUNTIES. s Jor Economical Transporfiti&t - ■■ * We will not only carry at ail times a line of these STANDARD ECONOMY CARS regarded by many as the best car for the money in America, bill We shall make OUR SERVICE DEPARTMENT as near per fect as possible. \ i \f ti • ■ ■" x ■ t ■ If jjdti tire a comtemplating the purchase of anew car, We would be pleased to have you confer with us. Please bear in mindoui: “SUDDEN SERVICE** in the gas, oil, tire and accessory line. Brunswick Service Station / Teiephove 1002 . M f class with any of tiy Bi * p cti. Pity the poor former profess'.op al baseball sir.'-, who mei must retire and cf 1 upon colle t .; , coaching for a , eg. Ra Fisher, former star c' :s Yankees, has just announced that his earnings for nine months at the Univc ity ■of Michigan during the i.ast ye. ;, combined with three uonths in semi-pro circles, have netted him a sum in excess of anything he ever landed in the big leagues. leff Tesreau, director of baseball at Dartmouth, has the sqme sort of story to tell. * The acquisition of Jack Bentley probably will mean a considerable strengthening of the Giant’s pitch ing -taff. Bentiey has seen a good deal of service as a first baseman with the Orioles, but l.j is a left handed pitcher by inclination, and as a pitcher he will be considered by the Giants. “Un'ess an injury to one of . y regulars should cause a gap in tho infi Id,” said McGraw after the deal was made which brought Bent ley to New York, “I will use Bent ley solely as a pitcher. He is. a clever fielder and a fine hitter, but my infield needs no bracing and he will be more valuable to me as 5 pitcher. I have been told that he is about as good a left I ad erf pitcher as there is in baseball. * * * C. S. Wilson of Mississippi CoL lege has suffered the year ; freak iest football mishap. Wilson, wno is a member of the Mississip and gridiron squad, was subject th other night to a nightmare in which he saw himself bucking an op ponent’s line. When he came to he found himself doing -.i- Lest to beat one of the bedposts into sub mission. Incidentally he found his nose smear " all over his face. REAL XRTISTS IN SUPPQRT OF WALLACE REID TODAY There’s no dearth of talent in the cast choosen to support Wallace Reid in his nevt Paramount picture "The Ghost Breaker,” at th e Bijou theatre today and tomortow. A Lila Lee, the leading woman, plays Marchesa Maria Theresa, a Spanish girl and owner lof ancient castle in which the ghost episodes of the new picture transpired. Miss Lee is proving highly capable and popular in Spanish roles, this being the third successive art Of that type she has Portrayed. Th e other two were with Mr. Reid in “The Dictator,” and as the wife of Gallarado, played by Rr dolph Valentino, the star in “Blood and Sand.” Walter Hlers, who is featured em ploys burnt cork for the first .time in his screen career. He has an ieadl comedy role as Rusty Snow, the negro valet of Warren Jarvis, the hero. A great deal of fun will be derived from the ghost scenes in the old Spanish Castle when Jarvis and Rusty encounter the armored spirits and Rusty almost tdrns white wits fright, he having a particular Aver sion to ghosts. J. M. PITTS < ■i Contractor and Builder * i i i m -Estimates Cheerfully Fum- ’ • ished. " ■ Large and small jobs will receive •the same prompt attention. ■ . k I have been in this line of • - business in Brunswick for the " past twenty-five years. My best ► references furnished by those ► I have worked for. y ► - 1203 Gloucester Si. V “THE BAT” THRILLING, AS WELL AS MYSTERIOUS “The Bat,” by Mary Roberts Rino ■ hart and Avery Hopwood, undoubet edly the greatest dramatic success in years, which Wagenhals and Kemper will present -at the Grand theatre on Monday, November 27 is now making the second of what are undoubtedly the most spectacular tours of country ever achieved by a play. Ab solute capacity audiences are th e rul e at each performance giveh of “The , Bat,” and thousands, literally, who desire to see the performance, aie finding themselves unable to secure! seats. The success of "Th e Bat” on tour* is not hard to understand. The play itself is 100 per cent entertainment.! It is thrilling, mysterious and dm-1 matic. EDDIE POLO AND MUSICAL COMEDY AT GRAND TODAY People have a habit of envying mo tion picture stars. . They envy their world-wide popu larity, their fine clothes and their weekly visits to th e cashier’s window, but they don’t envy them their worn. Not only i s most that you read about the Perils of motion picture star’s lif e true, but a great many in cidents that only come out in "Ambulance Driver’s Weekly” serve as part of the daily film routine. Eddie Polo js a star. Eddie Polo draw s down a weekly slip of paper that would stagger a Tia Juana boot legger. Yet few sane persons would trade places with the famous Univer sal star. It’s a whole lot nicer to be an hon est foreman of a, dynamite crew ana know that your next meal isn’t to be fed you through a blowpipe while ly ing prone on a hos pita j cot, than to be a serial star. Eddie Polo is' appearing in “The Secret Four” noiv being Shown at the Grand Theatre. r-sa headache^! IMENTHOLATUM J quickly soothes rLM OUGH! HUE! RUB LUMBAGO OA PI M BUCK Ah! Pain is gone! St. Jacobs Oil acts almost like magic. Quickly?—Yes. Almost instant re lief from soreness, stiffness, lameness and pain follows a gentle rubbing with St. Jacobs Oil. Rub this soothing, penetrating oil right on your painful back, and relief comes. St. Jacobs Oil is a harmless backache, lumbago and sciatica cure which never disappoints and doesn’t burp the skin. Straighten up! Quit complaining! Stop those torturous stitches. In a moment you will forget that you ever had a weak back, because it won’t hurt or be stiff or lame. Don’t suffer! Get a small trial bottle of old, honest St. Jacobs Oil from your druggist now and get this lasting relief. ACCOUNT TECH AUBURN GAME ATLANTIS COAST LIN® R. R. CO. Offers one fare for the round trip $9.00 from Brunswick, Ga. Tickets on Sale November 29th, ■limited reach Brunswick prior to midnight December 3rd. Call on A. C. L. Ticket Agent for sche dules, reservations, etc. - 11-29 When Winter Comes You will need a gas heater. • We have them in all styles and at mod erate prices- We are agents for the celebrat ed Clow Gas Steam Ra diator.- Come in and See them. GilmoFe&Wociia DOMESTIC ENGINEERS idK -1 Richmond Best Wood- Dry Pine, Oak and Lightwood Any Length SI.SO a Load Prompt Delivery and Good Loads J. A. HERRIN Cochraft Avene and Mansfield Streets PHONE 1063 Fords USED Fords WE HAVE FOR SALE CHEAP, CASH OR TERMS, AS DESIRED |i ... 1 1919 Modei Ford Truck,new cord tires, bargain 1 1919 Ford Chasis Newtires, Cheap WE SPECIALIZE IN ALL KINDS OF FORD REPAIRING GIVE US A TRIAL At Womack FORDS A SPECIALTY Used Car Dealer 205 Gloucester St.