The Brunswick news. (Brunswick, Ga.) 1906-2016, November 26, 1922, Image 3

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BIJOU THEATRE Wonderful Program Monday & Tuesday SHOW STARTS 7 00; 5:00; 7:00 and 9:00 \’ FitzmauriceHl;. PRODUCTION ’ ■*' "TdUaQe j -ToMold I BettqCombson : 'I; * greatest story of roman aessr: - tic 10. ever written. A pic ’s,<"**s^!ji§ft?jgSgHSEs tur e that races thru a hundred breathless thrills, thru a <l r ed scenes of dazzling beau ty. With Betty Compson the ' sweetest heroin e ever seen and Bert Uytell her daring lover.- Larry Semon in a wonderful two reel comedy “Dull Care” WEDNESDAY CONSTANCE TALMADOE in ' ' 1 “THE PRIMITI VE LOVER" A First National Attraction Millinery All our Hats reduced dur ing this BIG SALE $2.95, $3.95 $4.95, $6.95 Children Hats a Specialty The Guarantee Store Next to Miller Furniture Cos. 1506 Newcastle Street. “ARE YOU A DRESS ED WOMAN* Do you study yourself? Do you study the style you should wear? We are judging largely by our Hats. Every successful woman knows what the right Hat means. Fortunately it is not a mere matter of spend ing money; inany a woman who dresses in perfect taste does not spend large sums of money. V\hat she does spend is care and thought, in choosing t H right sort of Hat. To do that successfully one must go where hats of individuality and style are to lie had— minus excessive prices. WHY EXPERIMENT? BM AT Porters Hat Sho-> a 504 Gloucester Street SOCIETY . . EDITED BY Phone 645 MISS KATHAR IN O'CONNOR Phone 188 (All items must be phoned not later than six o’elock to be Inserted next morning.) No advence in Admission 10c and 30c The Poetry contest, held under the auspices of the Literary study class of the Atlanta Woman’s clubs, brought iforth such a shower of ex quisite verse in selecting the prize winner. The third Prize winner, Miss Louise Bariti, Is well known as a member of a talented family and j niece of Adeline Patti. Her tribute j “To Mother,’’ is most appealing. j TO MOTHER .v j Ah me, it seems like yesterday; j I see the little room, The candle placed by her dear hands ' A star amidst the gloom: For mother never thought ’twas wise! To ridicule a fear; She knew the friendly little light Made shadowland less queer! Now in the larger room of life, Beyond that yesterday, Sometimes grim shadows lurk around, To claim me as their prey, 3ut as in days of long ago, Dear mother still is wise; No gloom has terrors when I see The light within her eyes! —Louise Barili. SUNDAY— Philathea class, First Methodist j church, 10:15 a. m. PhUathea class, First Baptist! church, 10:10 a. m. MONDAY— Woman’s Auxiliary of Presbyterian' church, at the church, at 4p. m. j Bible Class of Temple Sisterhood in the Temple at 3:30 p. m. Altar Society of Catholic church,' at K. of C. hall, at 3:30 p. m. ! TUESDAY— Neighborhood Club, Mrs. J. P. Dav enport, hostess; 929 Egmont street, at 3:30 P. m. Bridge Eight—to he announced Tuesday morning. Bridge party, Mrs. E. E. Croswell, hostess; 1023 Egmont street, at 3:.:0 p. m. , party for Mary Oates, I 1111 Pjrlnce street, af. 3:30 p. m. j WEDNESDAY— Acacia Club, Mbfees Ethel acd Kezzie Conpley, hostesses; 915 Union street, at 4 o’clock. THURSDAY— Thanksgiving Day. FRIDAY— Friday Afternoon Club Mrs. J. £. Royalle, Jr., hostess; 603 First ave nue, at 3:30 p. HL Harmonie Club —to be announced later. SATURDAY— Girls Club. Miss EHqbeth Taylor, hostess; 919 Union street, at 3:30 P. m. O 0 o o GRAMLING-NIAL Mr. and Mrs. William N. Gramjing announce the chgagemeut of their daughter, Irene, -to Nelson Tutiie.r Nial,' of the piarriage to be- Bolemniz’ed tir’the • early spring-. 00 O D ALTAR SOCIETY TO MEET MONDAY AFTERNOON. . The Altar, Society of St. Francis Xavier’s Cathoßfe church will have their usual -weekly meeting at the K. of C. Hall Monday afternoon at 3.30 o’clock. o a CKO WOMAN’S AUXILIARY OF PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH. The Woman’s Auxiliary of the Presbyterian church will meet Mon day, November 27th, at 4 o’clock, in the church parlors. This is the reg ular monthly program meeting with Ia topic of unusual Interest. 0000 INVITATIONS OUT FOR BIRTHDAY PARTY. Mrs. Walter Oates ha issued in vitations to a birthday Party to be given at her home, 1111 Prince street, Tuesday afternoon for her lHtle daughter, Mary, in celebration- of her birthday. The time is 3:30 o'clock. o*oo ANNOUNCEMENT OF BIBLE CLASS OF TEMPLE SISTERHOOD The Bible clasa of the Temple Sis terhood will resume Re studies on Monday, November 27th, at 1 3:3fl o’olbck, in the Temple. Immediately following the class all these wo<- have volunteered to assist in the Shb bath school work, are asked to hold a meeting with- the president, Mrs* Rotholz. , m 0O O 0 W. H. F. SOCIETY ANNOUNCES MEETING. (. At the Wesleyan Methodist, chun it 1 on Ellis streebt, between M.’.'ahd N streets, Sunday school at 10:30 in the morning; Preaching at 11-30 in the morning. Preaching'at 8 o'clock in the evening. ’The W. H. F. Society will meet at the home of Mrs. Gettfe McGrau, on Norwich street, Monde) afternoon a tthree o’clock. .. The pnV lie is cordially Invited"' to attend*/ services. rn'fmm WOMAN’S 9 \ MARK’S TO ciUl T * The Worn- - V-l/—- SOCIAL CALENDAR THt BRUNSWICK NEWS Mark’s will hove u sa-le November 29th, at the Piggly , Wiggly shore. There will be cake, candy bread and other tempting things and it begins at 2 o’clock and lasts all through the afternoon. This will be a splendid chance for all housekeepers to obtain good things, in the way of eats, for Thanksgiving. od o o GIRLS CLUB MET WITH MISS ELVIRA TORRAS YESTERDAY. Miss Elvira Torras was hostess yesterday afternoon to the Girls Club at her home on Richmond street. Tail stately chrysanthemums of va rious’ hues were used in decorating the room where the guests played bridge after which Mias Torras serv ed a hot course which was delicious! ©asides the chib members, were Miss Fannie Thomas and Miss Mari on Wood. The next meeting will be with Miss Taylor next Saturday after noon a\ 3:30 o’clock. [ SCHOOL GIRLS AND BOYS HAVE SURPRISE PARTY. [ A pleasant surprise party was te.n- I dered Louise Nix, by Willie Ramsey | qjul I-ouise Powell, which was a very | happy affair among the school girls j and boys, Friday evening. I Many games were played and danc | ing was ep joyed, after which hot j chocolate and cakes was served for ! refreshments. ■ The invited guests • Louise Nix, Louise Powell, Willie Ramsey, ! Ethel Powell, Leslie Gigniliatt, Elli.- i abeth Young, Mary Cunningham, j Winona Johnson, Rosa Vickers, Sar | ah Thompson, Hazle Murdaugh, Lil j flan Lang, Alfred Brookington, Har i ry Bunklpy, Julius Owens, Jimmie | Proctor, Irvine Glover, Davidson Bul j lard, David Coleman and Osgood 1 i Sfanmon-s. 0o a o BOOKS WANTED EDUCATION WEEK. On Wednesday, December 6th, which is during American Education Week, the educational department of the Woman’s club will' give an enter tainment and book shower, and every one attending is expected to contri bute at least one book. These books are those whose are used' and needed every day in the schools and will be in the children’s free depart ment, at the city library, where they will be cared for and will he available at any time. A partial list of those most wanted follows: “The Battle Ground,” Glasgow; “The Crisis,” Churchill; “Little Shep herd of Kingdom Come,” Fox; “The i i Long Roll,” Johnson; “The Cavalier,” Cable; "The Deliverance—The New ; South;” “Red Rock;” U QJ4 Virginia-;' 11 j “The Pit;” .‘-'-The Turmoil;” “Conia ton;” “The Virginian;” “The Prom- ised Land,” Antins; “The Making of An American,” Hus; “Standish of Stgndlsh” Austin; ’"A BoW of Orange Ribbon," Barr; “Hugh Wynn, Ktvc Qpafcer,” Mitchell; "To Have dml to Hold,’’ Johnston; “Richard Carvel,” Churchill; “Janice Meredith,” Ford; ‘‘Heart® Courageous,” Major; “Alice of . Old Vipeennes; “The Cpnqueror;’’ •"the Winning of the West;” ‘"Blen he'rtuset;” “Lewin Rond;’’ "Fifty fotir, Forty or Fight;” “A Rose of Old St. Louie;!' “The Choir Invisible.” 'oooo Beautiful entertainment a brilliant success. The Y. W. C. A. was a beautiful scene Friday evening when the Jun ior Philathea class entertained the Senior PWlathea class, both erf the First Methodist church, with an elab orate Thanksgiving party. Miss Efoise Miller received the guests and; ushered them into ’the "Y” which was artistically decorated in autumn leave* pumpkins, Klondike cosmos and other suggestions of the Thanksgiving season. The affair was opened with prayer led by Mrs. S. L. High, teacher of the senior Phi la the* class. An appropriate reading was rendered by M rs. W. E. Yatetnan, who is always enjoyed by her aud iences. Mrs. Bertha Stephenson gave a toast of appreciation’ of the party in honor of the seniors. A “Thanksgiving” contest was an other interesting feature and in this Mr. C. C. Dekle was awarded the prize, while in another contest Miss Rosa Cheatham was the lucky win- Misses Vera McLarty and Lois Burgay served punch during the evening, and at the conclusion a Salad ieouree was served by Misses Mary Warde, MarJ* and Laura Gigniliatt, Katie Girvin and Lucille Anderson. The Bst o fnaroes below It the reg istered guests of the.occasion: Misses IMary Warde, Maggie Hendley, Leila yavis, Geneva Hendley, Lillian With, Pauline Brock, Katie Girvin, Aucllle Anderson, Laura Gigniliatt, Ethel M. Clerk. Bennie Karcbner, Jma Karehnek, Ada Barnes, Louise I\aver, Roslna Harris. Olive Smith, Lmie Forrester, Ena Bailey l , Rosalie Meatham, Elolae Miller, Myra Lang, Wena price, Virginia Price, Lois JLray, Vera McLarty, Evelyn I Xp, Gertrude Bunkltey, Nettle P Marion Padriok, “Midget” 1 ‘ \ jt. Mr. and Mrs. Fred G. \ l Vr. Leroy Ramsey, Mra. A. 25 _____ DRESSES _ _ _ _ fk T I fashioned by fk W SALI SALt MW yORK, On Sale Monday Purchased At Low Prices To Be Sold At Low Prices / A. ZELMENOVITZ V. Southard, Mrs. W. F. Guyer, Mrs. Bertha Stevenson, Mrs. Bon Harley,; Mrs. McDonald Harley, Mrs. C. 0. Dekle, Mrs. S. L. High, Mrs.. W. B. Y ate mao, Mrs. W. M. I.angtforrt, Mrs. M. J. Hopps, Mrs. J. W. Starr, Mrs. W. A. Radney, and J. W. Starr, Jr. 0o o o Miss Marie Everett is visiting rel atives in Waycross and will remain through Thanksgiving. cr o o a •Mrs. S. D. Jones, of Jesup, is visit ing her son, E. V. Jones on Reynolds street. oa and o Mrs. F. E Orten has returned to lier home in Savannah, after visiting relative* in the city. ao o o Mis* Marion Padrick will leave during the week to spend the week end with her parents, at Adel, Go. 'OO 0 0 Mr. and Mrs. Julian Torras, of Waycro-ss, will arrive Wednesday to spend Thanksgiving >with Capt. It. Torras. 00 0 O Mrs. S. R. Dull left for her home in Atlanta last night, after conduct ing the cooking school here for the past week. . 00 0 0 Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Ramsey are pleasantly located with Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Avrlett, on Reynolds street. 00 0 0 Miss Mattie Nelson, who was the guest of Mrs. F. H. Mallard, in Jack sonville, has returned home. 0O O 0 After spending the summer in Concord, ass., with her daughter, Mrs. J. M. Heald, Mrs. C. L. Elliott has returned to the city. 00 0 0 Mrs. W. F. Parkef, who spent the past week in Savannah with Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Brown, return home last night. Mi*. J. B. Wright, who has been the guest of Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Fost er, ■in Savannah, returned home last night. 00 0 0 Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Brown are now pleasantly located in the home they" recently purchased at the com er of Ellis and Gloucester streets. 00 0 0 Mias Ann Burnett returned home yesterday morning after a visit of several weeks in Nashville and Louis ville. OO 0 0 Mrs. Frank Orten is spending a few days In Blackshear and Odum be fore returning, to her home in Savan nah. 00 0 0 Miss Maida Sasser will leave the earfy part of the week for Odum, Ga., to spend Thanksgiving with her Par ents. 00 0 0 Mr. and Mrs. Hardy Roughton, Mrs. J. J. Vickers and little daughter, Jacqueline, motored to Scotland, Ga,, to spend a few daye. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph McCrary, Miss Irene Gramling and Mr. Nelson Nial will motor to Atlanta to fapeaf' Thanksgiving and attend the Auburn- Tech football game. 00 0 0 A pleasant party motoring to Way cross to attend the Annual conference was composed of Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Fouche, Mias Pauline Brock, Mrs. Vernon Jones and Miss Ida Vernon Jones. 00 0 0 Mrs. A. L. Church, chairman of the finance committee, of Brunswick Chapter, D. A- R., calls a meeting of her committee for Tuesday morning at 10:30 o'clock, at her home. It is desired that all should be present, as business of importance will be dis cussed. 0O O O Mrs. George Z. Herb has returned from Atlanta, where she was in at tendance at the Georgia Baptist Wo man’s Missionary Union annual con vention, as a delegate of the Bruns wick district, at large, the convention being held at the Second Baptist church, in which the Union was or ganized 40 years ago. After you have tried all the rest, try the one flour guaranteed to be The World’s Best-VELVET. Thera are Victrolas in wide var iety to suit every taste and |§P||OT|Sf3 purse, from $25. $35, SSO, $75 $125 and up. Let us demon strata the superior tone quail- 3|p&f ties of the popular Console mod els, and explain our very attrac tive easy payment plan. " We beiieve the Viotrola to be the greatest musical instru ment of its kind in the wot Id. We love to sell it. We have n large and carefully selected ptook of Victor records, and put on sale the fifst of each month a complete list of the new ones. VICKERS & MANN Authorized Victor Dealers SUNDAY, NOV. 26, 1622. Free Gold Fish See Our Window Glynn Drug Cos. Phone 827