The Brunswick news. (Brunswick, Ga.) 1906-2016, November 28, 1922, Image 3

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TUESDAY, NOV. r'Rrxsvv icics foremost home of entertainment TODAY ONLY Sp- rial novelty attraction benefit of WOODMEN OF AMERICA 5 big reels of real fun B’S Western feature o Two Reel Knockout Comedy ! Vices 10: Mild 30c WEDN -DAY NIGHT Real Live Baby Will be Given Away FREE Owin !•"> rh ‘ ,) \ va’s of this 3 week tld child being unable to support it, th man agement lias decided to find a borne for it. Country Store nkO '--Free groceries given awe y JACK R DER, in “Rounding up the Law” A 1 briber from Start to F’mish One Night Only Sat., Dec. 2nd Ihe New York lusical Success. “KY HAVANA GIRL” W i JIMMIE LODGES H i triself and a comedy chorus of 40 pec Me. The biggest beauty chorus ever presented in any mucicai comedy production. DANCES-MUSIC--SONGS Prices $1.50, $1.50: 75c anil 50c plus tax Seat Sale Thursday COIN VALUE BOOK You may hav,. u penny, pickle, tl imp or quarter Hint is valuable. Look itt the date on your money be for. you spend it. Money dated before I$S5 is valuable. Our coin book tel la you the value of old' coins and patues of firms where you can sell them. A SILVER DOLLAR DATED Ign.l i WORTH $750,000 Send l'. coin, no stamps accepted, and w i : i. wjll scud you a book that Way mean a fortune to you. Address W. J.WHITE, Box 876, City Hall Station, New ork City. C oal-C oke- wood CEMENT _____ SEWER PIPE LIME SHINGLES AND LA Tie IMASJER ]ii|M EIRE CI.AY BRICK |SJraMp RE BRICK SI AG Bwli.f U EE 11 NINO ME HAVE LIME IN SMALL PACKAGES IOK VVMiT ’V a SUING AND ALE DISINFECTING PURPOSES. Coney & Parker Company r 17 and 18 1129 Bay Street A dant B ririingham & Atlantic Ry SCHEDULF EFFECTIVE S". i AV OCTOBER 22, 1022 .1,1 -i ,1 .Hu- |.iib:istied as triformaiion and not .joarantred i L 1 r>: a m. Savannah and Jacksonville .10:15 a. m. 1 a, Savannah and aaonvllle ... 6: ie * ;i t. m Atlanta Birmlngti am and Savan*Ni 5:40 p. m eOH f'JR CHER INrOHMATiON AND SCHEDULES # APPLY TO t O DOWLING Ph one R. H. WILLIAMS Gen. Mnt 398 Pass. Tkt. Agt. J News Notes of General Interest THE TIDES • Tue.-day "High 11:07 ant., 3:22 p.m. Nov. 28 Low 9:20 a.m., 9:14 p.m. Wednesday High 3:58 am, 4:11 p.m. \ov. 2a Low 10:16 a.m., 10:31 p.ti LOCAL WEATHER FORECAST -OR THE PRESENT KEEK. From the period November 27th t° December 2nd, inclusive: Generally fair and cool weather with frosts, is indicated during the first Part of the week. There is a probability o un set'ied weather with sh.twen oun I somewhat higher temperatures the latter part of the yeek. SUNDAY WAS THE CITY’S COLDEST DAY; SLEET CAME. That winter wa s on hand good and strong Sunday there i 8 no doubt. So much so that sleet came and every body realized that the first of winter ■"as o7i band. While it was clear yesterday, it was cold and heavy orcoat s and wraps were about and tv summer underwear is now a thing the past except with some few v 1% are considered “warm members.” WEATHER FORECAST AND SON DITIONS. Locally: Partly cloudy; continued cold; moderate westerly winds. Con i ditioiif, elsewhere: Snow flurries are : noted in the lake region and the Ohio valley and local rains along the Caro i lina coast. Elsewhere fair weather 1 | prevalent with temperatures rising generally in the interior districts. : V storm disturbance covers the Ohio r alley and thp lake region, while the Pressure is above normal in the fnr west. BAND PRACTICE WILL BE HELD TONIGHT 7:30. The regular weekly Practice of the Municipal Band, scheduled for last night, was postponed until tonight at 7:30 and Leader Fennel requests all members to he on hand promptly • Members of the organizations are taking a great deal of interest lately and the band promises tofoon be one of tbe leading in the state. There Is still a demand for new instruments and the leader is anxious for addition al members. It should be remember ed that the cost of learning will he taken caro of by the orgihanization j and any young men who desire to : become musicians should see Mjw j Fennell at once. ’ ifWjfSnt J H W I (By Associated Pressor • St. Louis, Nov. 27. —Cofsidcrablt property datnag e wft s causal* by earth tremors of moderate intensity i astern Missouri, KogflSern Illinois western lndiaui^# / 'jpf northwestd Kpntuekpy laHM^fl. According to re ports reach in today.. The tremot*,j i ook buildings an homes, from resi !ences broks knocked chinn . :ii e from s h“®w and frightened several person states. Evansville, Matt*n, east St. Louis, Benton, fljjcton and Eldo rado, 111., and pointMfcn the north western part of Kenlfcfky, .reporter' heling t h e tremors o’clock ii c . tremors also wgrliwticeah|e li St. Lin s. Attendants V the seismo granhic observatory at . Louis Cm versity declared the Mentors were recorded as centering Mtitthcast oi this city and lasted ten ■ minutes. BIJOU Annex Special Plate Lunch es, Changed Daily 50c Special Thanksgiving Dinner 1 2:30 to 8 p. m 75c Phone 1001 BOY EMPEROR OF CHINA WEDS UNSEEN BRIDE ON FRIDAY DEPOSED “URCHIN” YET HE RE TAINS HIS DISTINGUISH ED TITLE. (By Associated press.) Pekin, Nov. 26.—Hsuan Tung, 17, deposed boy emperor, of China, will be married next Friday, according t; the customs of the old Manehu dynas ty to a Chinese princess one year his junior, upon whose face he lias never gazed. His only information about his fu ture wife, gleaned from newspapers through the aid of tutors, is that she rides a bicycle, studies English and sews. His first glimese of her—the Prin cess Kuo Chih-So, daughter of Prince Kuo Chin-So —will com’e when she is unveiled during the ceremony, which starts at 4 o’clock Friday morning and lasts for several days. The wedding plans reveal a reviv al of all the regal splendor suggestive of the old Manehu dynasty ami will be carried cut in strict accordance ,vith ancient Chinese customs. MIDDIES SCORED FOR CELEBRATION “VIEWED” THE WINE WHEN IT WAS REAL RED, AND INVES TIGATION FOLLOW* t By Associated Press y Washington, Nov. 27.—... of tlie navy academy were flayed to day by Secretary Deuby for their “overindulgent” celebration of m> football gam e with the army. Th,. disgraceful actions in drinking •ast a slur upon the entire navy ec"rd lie said, and announced that an investigation would be immediate ly started from Annapolis. No word has been received fron Rear Admiral Wilson, bead of the naval academy and in viey of the fact that he has V>cejved no official communication, the naval secretary has not expressed his views as to the action of hipmen. BIG LIQUOR HAUL ATWAYCROSS (Bv Associated Press) NINE PERSONS TAlfcN AND ALSO FIVE AUTOMOBILE TRUCKS IN BAD. Waycross, Nov. 27. —Nine Persons ... of whom > a woman, and five automobile trucks were captured b> state Prohibition officers on the Dixie Highway near her e last night. Those arrested and lodged in the Ware county jail include B. O. Her ron, O'. O. Luke, Jack Thompson and a man named Williams, all ot Columbus. These people were travel ing In three machines and had GSO <piart s of red whiskey ; f well-known brands. Another ;ir contained two Wuvcroßs men and a womon. They had a large quant : L>’ o|pmoonsbine. The agents operating Inder J. W. Griltiin, who made the rapture, Were C H. Parks and arrested bv County Policemen ileir K and Shaw. F G. Dismuke, state prohibition direr [or, is here and received per sonal reports of the arrests. Parks Ml and hurt himself while shooting at the cars. IM’ron, alleged leader of the first party, and three cars him were enroute from Florid, to Columbus, Ga. Big Eaters Get Kidney Trouble Take Salt* at first sign of Bladder irritation or Backache. i ii Thu American mer. and women must uard constantly against ki<iAy trouble, •cause \w cal often too itnil red meat nd till our food is rich. Onr Wood is 11 li*d with uric acid which the kidneys trivo to filter out; they weaken from overwork, become altifg'mh, tie* elimine ive tissue clog and the re*tilt is kidney .rouble, bladder weakness arid a funeral ♦•dine in health. When your kidneys feel like lumps of ,i,d; your back hurt a or the urine i lonely, full of sediment, or you ar obliged to seek relief two or three times , irinef the night; if you aulTcr with sick •adache, or dizzy, nervous spells, acid lornach, or if you have rheumatism when tbe weather is nod, get from your pharmacist about four ounris of .Tad i Its: take a taldeapoonful in a fflass uf water before breakfast for a few days and your kidneys may then act iipe. I bis famous salts jh rna/le from the i.eid of ifnipes an<l h inon ju;• •. com bined with litiiia, and has been used for generations to flush ami stimulate elojrffed kidneys: to neutralize the acids in the urino ho it no longer is a source of irritation, thus often ending bladder disorders. Jn/i Salta is inexo*n**ive; can not in jure, make* a delightful .fTerTefiefuit lithia wat/'r beveracre and belongs in every home, horanne imhody can make r. Mistake by bavin# a #c-I kidiuenr flushing any time. "CUSCAftETS” IOC ! FOR BOWELS IF I i CONSTIPATED! —i Clean your bowels! Peel fine! When >cr. fee! sick, dizzy, upse'., when yuur head is dull or aching, or your stomach is sour of gassy, just take one or two Cascarits to relieve constipation. No , griping—nicest cathart c-laxtive tin earth for grown ups and children. 10c a box. Taste like candy. 0011 TOBACCO SO EASY TO DROP (IcARETTK, CIGAR OR CHEWINK HABIT No-To-Bac has helped thousands to break the costly, nerve-slnH±ering to bacco habit. Whenever youNwivo a longing for a smoke or chew just place a harmless No-To-Bac tablet i n y°ur mouth instead. All desire stops, shortly the habit is completely broken, and you are better off men tally. physically, financially. It’s so easy, so simple. Get a box of No-To Hac and if it doesn't release you from all craving for tobacco i n any form your druggist will refund your money without question. HEAD STUFFED FROM CATARRH OR A COLD Says Cream Applied in Nostrils Opens Air Passages Right Up. , Instant relief—no waiting. Your clogged nostrils open right up; the air passages of your head clear and you can treathc freely. No more hawking, snuf fling, blowing, headache, dryness. No struggling *or breath at- nutfit; your cold or catarrh disappears. Get a small bottle of Ely’s Cream Balm irom your druggist now. Apply a little of this fragrant, antiseptic, healing cream in your nostrils. It pen etrates through every air passage of the head, soothes the inflamed or swollen mucous membrane and relief comes in stantly. 4 “If only ' woulH read /that—” “What a wonderful thing it would be, if all the worn-out, miserable, suffering people would heed this great truth—why it would mean everything to them-—just as it did to us.” , TANLAC - Makes You Eat Better — Sleep Better Feel Better — Work Better These glad tidings have been heeded in millions of homes and tens of thousands of grateful men and women in all walks of life have testified that this great tonic medicine has brought back the sunshine, the laughter and happiness into their lives. Make up your mind to profit by their experience. Gratify your wish for radiant good health—determine that you, too, will be well. Start to-day—take Tanlac. Over 30 Million Bottles Sold Fine Words Don’t Make Good ' Service It’s what’s back of the claims, that makes a good bond or a good service. Service here is on all makes of batteries without discrimination —in thl interest of longer bat tery liff* and greatest possible - battery reliability. Come in, and let us show you what we mean by Willard Stan dards of Service. Brunswick Batttery & Motor Company Representing Willard Batteries (THREADED RUBBER INSULATION) and Batteries (WOOD SEPARATORS)