The Brunswick news. (Brunswick, Ga.) 1906-2016, November 28, 1922, Image 5

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TUESDAY MOV, 2B 1922. Far lea! High Class AUTOMOBILE SERVICE If it service you want, then we command you to that department ot our business We also carry a full line of I ires including the following brands: Goodyear, Firestone, United States, Mason, Oiefietd and others. Our stock of accessories is always at your service. J. H. Morgan Phone 405 Which is Larger the Sun or a Cent The sun is the. largest but you can hold the cent so close to your eye that you’ll lose sight of the sun. Don't Jet a cheap price or a frig can baking powder make you lose sight of quality CALUM ET ThelEconorny BAKING POWDER Is the quality leav ener—for real econo my in the kitchen, PAHJMIiT always use Calumet, Vc 0„ one trial will con vince you.' ralllttplfrat Its sales are 2% times as much as | “GPO* J that of any other hi and. best bt test THE POWDER GEORGIA ILCH-AUBIJRN FOOTBALL GAME ATLANTA, GEORGIA IHANKSGIVING DAY. ONE FARE ROUND TTRIP VIA SOUTHERN RAILWAY SYSTEM Reduced round trip tickets will be sold from all points in Geor gia on the Southern Railway System to Atlanta, Ga., and re turn account of the above mentioned foot ball game. The tickets will be sold at rate of one regular fare for the round trip and will be on sale November 29th and for all trains scheduled to arrive Atlanta before 2:00 p. in., No'ember 30. These tickets will be limited returning to start ing point prior to midnight December 3rh> 1922. For further information call on nearest Ticket South ern Railway system, or address the undersigned. £- S. RHODES. Division Passenger Agent. Rai < wa y System, Wmm MACON. GA. PERSONALS B. L. Brinson and son, Louis, ot StllimorO, were the guests ot Mr. and ! Mrs. Sam J. Overstreet yesterday. Stacy Branch, forcmer well known citizen, now of Screven, spent yester day In the city. Many friends will be pleased to learn that an operation Performed at Savannah yesterday on Raphel Bor chardt, well known Brunawjeklaa, was successful and there is every’ I" dication that he will b e w e ll again within a few weeks. Mr. Bor c hardt has been suffering from a swollen gland of the neck and scores who know him sincerely hope that hr will be entirely recovered soon- Mi's. Borchardt accompanied Mr. Bor. chardt to Savannah. TAX COLLECTOR'S NOTICE 1 wiiUbe at the places named be low o„Mlu' following dates for put pos,. oScollccting State and Countv taxes: 25th District—SL Simons Pier, Oct- 23rd, Nov. th. Dec. 4th. 27th District—Brookman, Ga-, Oct. 24th, Nov. 7th, Dec. 6th. , 1366 district—Sterling, Ga-, Oct. 25th, Nov. Bth, Dec. 6th. 14tH) District—Bladen, Ga„ Oct. 26th., Nov. 9th, Doc. 7th. Special Trips—Everett, City, Ga , Nov. 14tJij Thalmann, Ga. Nov. 16th: Pennick Nov. 16th. Dates not mentioned above will h* at my office N at th P Coutr House, until December 20th. W. L. HARWELL, Tax Collector, Glyn n County, Ga 10- JO—22 KNOWN IN BRUNSWICK FOR 25 YEARS F. SCI I ARE - PIANOS TUNED AND REPAIRED Absolute Satisfaction. At Jewelry Store GLOUCESTm t Now Ideated at my headquarters .f 1207 NEWC! M- E ST. (Next to the Hall) Ally and all kind\of AUTOMOBILE REPAI VIG u. a. f:ijwards | Done promptly and sa|i3- faction guaranteed I Whenever You Need A General Strengthening Tonic Take the Old Standard GROVE'S TASTE LESS chill TONIC. It Strengthens and Builds Up the System by Purifying and Enriching the Blood. Yon ran soon feel its Strengthening. Invigorating effect. 60c Do You Use GASOLINE? If you do, them come to our Service Station and let us explain a plan that will mean money for you. Tison and Nightengale S. O. S. Phone 220 ASPIRIN Say “Bayer” and Insist! Unless you see the name “Bayer'' °n Package or on tablets you are not getting the genuine Bayer product, prescribed by physicians over twenty two years am! proved safe by mil lions for •olds Headache Toothache Lumbago Earache Rheumatism Neuralgia Pain, Pain. Accept “Bayer Tablets of Aspirin - oni.v. Each unbroken package con tains proper directions. Handy boxes of twelve tablets cost f ew cunts. Druggists also sell bottles of 24 and 100. Aspirin is the trade mark of Bayer Manufacture of Monoacctic acides'er of da. tyMcaci.i. fresh-' i V You Hope eggs are— * * * *1 Yoii expect meat to be— N, * * ' * You insist on milk being-# * v * Then, why not demand fresh crackers? / * * BLOCK’S (^R ACKERS are, ii y** * 1 For they’re made in Atlanta, ** ¥ I 9 Delivered to your grocer daily ¥ ¥ * | In air-tight packages that keep ¥ ¥ * Their freshness in. ¥ ¥ ’ Get fresh crackers—ash for BLOCK'S. THE FRANK E. BLOCK CO. r • * Atlanta, Georgia. - - SEPARATE TREATY U. S. AND TURKEY I BELIEVED TO HAVE BEEN SUB JECT OF LONG CONVERSA TIONS SUNDAY. (By Associated Press.) I Paris, Nov. 27.—Preparations for | a (Separate treaty , between Turkey -and the United States is under con sideration at Lausanne, says a dis patch to (he TemPs. The correspon ; dent suggests that this was perhaps the subject of yesterday’s long con versation between Richard Washburn Child, American amassador, and Is-! met Pasha, of Turkey. To Fortify the System Aganst Colds, Grip and lnfluenzsk ake CROVE 3 TASTELESS Chill TONIC, ■ and Enr'che.i the Blow It Btilhls npTm ttr.mcthe , the Whole System. It Fo-'ltles fh>- jystcra I ostCo)d9,(Jtlp aad influenza. Pricef.-k-. II Zdid digestion | Dr KING’S PILLS Jj SENATOR GEORGE NAMED ON THREE IMPORTANT SENATE COMMITTEES By Associated Press Washington, Nov. 27.—Unit ed States Senator Walter F. George, elected to succeed the late Senator Watson, of Geor gia, was assigned today to the Postoffice, immigration and civil service committees. If in your opinion VELVET is not the BEST flour you have ever used j you may return it to you r grocer ! and get your money back.-WeOTT LEWIS CO., Distributors. 1 Piles Caw Be Cured (Itching, Blind, Bleeding or Protruding) Many sufferers have been made very happy over the results obtained from the use of PAZO OINTMENT—GOe at any Drug Store. (Follow the Directions Carefully.) After you have tried all the rent, try the one flour guaranteed to be The World’s Best—VELVET. C®S, REMEDY . FOR THE RELIEF OF Coughs, Colds, Croup WHOOPING COUGH, HOARSENESS BRONCHITIS “SOLO EVERYWHERE-