The Brunswick news. (Brunswick, Ga.) 1906-2016, November 28, 1922, Image 7

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TUESDAY, NOV. 28. 1922. ACompleteShoeStore for Ladies and Children This means a complete stock of up to the minute High and Low Shoes and Hosiery. We guarauntee our merchandise tor Style, Wear and Prices, and your money cheer fully refunded if yon are not pleased. Agents for Daniel Green Comfys. Agents for Dr. Scholls Foot Appliai ces. Silk Hose for a i Occassions HIRSCH’S “Complete S- oe Store” 1424 Newcastle Best Wood * Dry Pine, Oak and Lightwood Any Length $ i JSO a Load Prompt Delivery and pood Loads J. A. HERRIN Cochran Avene and Mansfield Streets PHONE 1063 Time to Retop? Drive In! Ford Top Recovers $6.00 and up Chevrolets and other small cars 12:50 and up Buicks 17.50 and up Dodges 17-50 and up Other prices quoted on application Up to date plant equip ment, expert factory mechanics and quality production, combined with our large buy ing power, makes it possible. Our customers are sea ttered from Miami to New York and from San Francis co to Philadelphia. WHEN IT LEAVES OUR FACTORY IT IS RIGHT. CALL 1076 Top and Trimming Dept. General Accessories, Inc. Cook with Gas Ihe cleanest, handiest and heapet fu# Don’t b a slave to your old kitchen stove. Cooking with gas* is the modern way of living—it saves money, time, worry and work. Come in and let’s iatk it over. Mutual Light & Water Cos. PHONE 7 ”TO HAVE AND TO HOLD” AT THE BIJOU THEATRE It's been 9 long time since a pic ture wjth so many thrills as ‘To Have and to Hold," which is now on view at the Bijou theatre ha s been see Brunswick. Betty Compson and Bert Lytell have the featured role*, and there are rapier duels galore. Tbeo. doi'e Sosloff fights young Arthur Ran kin (cousin of John, Lionel and Drey) Lytell and Kosloff fight aboard a man of-war, aboard the pirat ship and later in the court of King James I. These are real fights as Lytell i s an experienced fencer while Kosloff has w o n medals in both France and Rus sia- Lytell fights three pirates in succession on an island. The picture is chocked full of dramatic action. LOCAL MARKETS CROSSTIES AND TIMBER (Furnished by Mutual Timber Cos.) Heart Pine: Grade No. 5, 7x9xß 1-2, $1.20; grade 1. 7xßxß 1-2, $1.10; grade 3, 6xßxß 1-2, SI.OO. Sap Pine: grade 5. 70c; grade 4,00 c; grade 3,50 c. Heart Cypress: Grade 5,90 c; grade 4,80 c; grade 8,70 c, Mixed Oak: Grade 5,90 c; grade 4, 80c; glade 3,70 c. Timber, 6xo to 10x10, short leaf, $12.50; long leaf, $15.50. 30 cube, short leaf, $14.50; long leaf, $17.50. 3x9 deals, short leaf. $17.00; long leaf, $20.00 NAVAL STORES Turpentine, firm, $1.45. Sales, 200 i casks.. 4 Rosin, firm, WW, $6.; WY, $5.95 1-2; N, $5.60 to $5.65; N $5.80 to $5.55; K, $5.30 to $5.22 1-2; H. $5.22 1-2; Y, $5.20 to $5.22 1-2; F, $6.20; G, $5.20; E, $5.20; B. $5.20. Sales, 1,704 barrels. NEW YORK COTTON New York, Nov. 27—Cotton opened; easy. December, 26.45; January, j 5.52; e’H'd uarv, 26.20; March, 25.20; May,* Jr July, 24.75. W To Drive Out Malone And Build Up The System Take the Old Standard GROVE’S jfASTF.- LESS chill TONIC. You know wflat you are taking, as the formula is ipinted on every label, showing iti* e-amine and Iron in a tasteless jf he Quinine drives out the mals]H *on builds up the system. 60 mumSM BIG IS RO®l BOXING BOUT CfllNG ! To L Street ParkWranksgivinn Day, Thursday- NofkJO. 1*22. <>• I Kid Davis, oi Bostou, Mass., will fane Tiger Flowers for fifteen hard rounds, fight to decision, each mao under heavy guarantee -contract, no fight no money. Now you all know who “Tiger’’ Flowers is and you know when a man whips Tiger he whips a good boy. This man, Kin Davis, is rom Boston, Mass., and has a. large record. 1 found him at the Freeman the first of last year and kept track of him up to date. Km Davis is from Boston, Mass, and has land, Battling Monroe, Battling John son, Kjd N'orfork, Buddie Lewis and Sam Langford. So this means a real battle at L Street Park. Thanks giving night, Thursday, November 30, 1922. Gate a open at, 7:00 p. m., bout called at 8:30. There will he t'no good prelimin aries and special seats for our white Patrons, eonie and be dur guest to the evening. Admission 75c,, i1 .25, box seats $1.75, r ing-side $2.25. Don’t forget, Two Good Prcbmeii aries and HEAL BATTLE. Y'ourt* for clcau sPort, L. E. BAILEY, L Street Park. MY HAVANA GIRL” AT GRAND DECEMBER 2 A real comedian, a beautiful prima . donna as to face, figure and voice, a Petite souorette, a dainty Eugene, a handsome straight man, a nasty vil lian, a quartette of male harmony singers, a male chorus, a score of Pretty singing and dancing girls, surrounded by a scenic, environment that i s extremely gorgeous are. \he chief ingredients which makes Jim mie Hodges newest musical play, “My Ha'annah Girl" the best comedy a" yet produced by this little producer and comedian. Jimmie him self will play the leading comedy role which is ample assurance for all who have seen him bfeore, that they are in for a hilarious evening’s en tertaisment, Pretty Mary Farre', Edith Scott, Ollie Hodges, Annette Ford, Lew Hampton, Rate Polliouu, Billy Asbui-ry, Freddie Reynolds, Pet er Cameron; a male quartette and chorus, and a score of chorus beaut ies of the Hodges type fill out a com pany of thirty-five entertainers who hav e been breaking house records as a box office attraction The big show will b c at the (aid on De cember 2. * WORN OUT AFTER SHE COOKES 7 • J MEAL Took Lydia E- Pinkham’s Vegetable Compound— Read t|te Result Cincinnati. Ohio.-)-"I suffered for a /ear with nerveus trouble:; .'imnrregurir Vo eto bi 0 Com po:,i. My ba.k ;$&/ pained ail the time OV >4 and 1 uru unlit for M’ jffli I *-ooked mI '* moaWnd was un fell. .llshable to do my wash A 1 inf. My pel friends ■; 1 ‘.Ui and m iot-c told j-Jja u ,me b i would taka *, wA-Jjyo-. '■ :iil'Coni HH|Hnd LlPhr Pills 1 would bo re- After taking the first bottle I [■t better, tnd neglected it awhile, but HKjnd I could not do my workVntil I Kas stronger. So 1 took the Vogßablo Kompound again and now 1 am the fcother of a 1.9 months old boy, He is At and healthy and i urn sure l could | have carried him if it had not I been for your Vegetable Compound. J ! recommend your medicine to al! women although 1 am young to be advising some one older.”-Mrs. Christ. Pbtroff, 318 W. Liberty St., Cincinnati, Ohio. Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vegetable Com oouhd contains no harmful drugs and can be taken in safety by any woman BRUNSWICK SEA FOOD ; MARKET f Corner Monk and Grant Sheets O. W, BRADY, Proprietor We have today;—• Red Snapper, Bass Sheepshead, Altamalia river fresh water cat fish, Trout, Crab Meal, Cedar Kc# Mullet. Bear the fact In mind that we dress all fish and make PROMPT DELIVERY. OYSTERS DELIVERED 40c PER QUART • Don’t Forget the Phono Num • her, It’s 89. When Winter Comes You will need a gas heater. We have them in all styles and at mod erate prices- We arc agents for the celebrat ed Claw Gas Steam Ra diator.- Come in and See them. QiIIMS&WOQIIS DOMESTIC ENGINEERS i 141 Richmond street I %juut&ry Piuaab*r Wants WANTED—YeIIow Pine Logs, either on ears or by water Savannah Plaining Mill Company, Savannah, Ga. 12-20 WANTED—Man with oar to sel gnat.teerl cord tires. Will arrange .alary :.nd expenses with right ma of.l-O-Yan Rubber Company, Chica go. Til. 11 t WANTED—Man with car. Satisfac tory ompesation to the right . Write Clyde L Rubber Cos., 600 N. tmeriek St., South Bend, bid WANTED—The Conunmljal Hotel Monk and Grant streets, vints room ers. Good tabl e board if New furniture and running rooms. 13-1 WANTED—Thirty-five men to catch crabs for the Wallace M. O'Quiun Cos., located at American Ship Yard, E. Wilson, Manager 12 1 MEN —More men wanted—to put in lill and yard station at four mile post on Broadiield road. Meet the truck at 6:30 a. m., cdWer Norwicli and Gloucester streets. Can use fifty pay off every Saturday at. noon.— F. W. Burnsed, 1116 Carpenter street. 13-3 COLORED dining car waiters and sleeping car porters wanted. Ex perience unnecessary. Wp. train you. Information free. Write 607 Railway Exchange, Omaho, Nebraska. 11 26 NOW ready, Mac, Donald's Farm er’r. almanac for 1923 (26 edition). Tlie host alnwmac we have published. Contain- more Astrological anf Agri eulturnl information. Price 20c. —At- las Priuting Cos., DePt. 12., Bing hampton, N. Y. SO FOR RHM FOR RENT—Rooms formerly occu pied by Y. W. C. A., over Bijot? Annex. -Apply T. J.Wright 12 1 or RENT —Five looms, two story house, 1123 Grant street Park Ap ply at 1516 Carpenter Wt, or phono TOO. FOR SALE FOR rJle—Cheap, three Ford used Touring cars.—Brunswick Service Station 11 28 FOR SALE—For your Thanksgiving dinner, line home gVown capons spring batched, weight nine Pounds. ~P. H. Latimer, 1300 Union lit., i>h o n o J 99 11 -9 FOR SALE—Ford touring car, 1920 mode!, in first class* condition Spotlight, Buraper.cut out and accel erator—Phone 677. tt FOR SALE—Seven passenger Wyllys Six, 1920 Model. Is i c first class condition in every way. Apply to J. E. Register or phone 708. tf LOST STRAYED—One. female setter, black and white, lost on Nov. 18, an swers to name “Minnie" or ‘‘Puppy,” brown spots around eyes and under i chin gasho on e left side healed over , Notify Bufler Yopp, court hou*e, el 1800 Stonewall street. Rewafrl ic: | recovery. 11-29 SPECIAL NOTICES SPECIAL NOTICE Last (la y for payment of city taxes November 30th. Pay sow and wave cost. L. A. ROBINSON, 11-30. City Treasurer. NOTICE All persons are hereby noti fied that no hunting, fishing, trapping or trespassing in any way wl! permitted on any lands of the undersigned in eith ! or Glynn or Mclntosh counties -25 GEORGIA VENEER and PACKAGE CO. SPECIAL NOTICE All bills against the Japanese steam ship "Texas Mam*’ must be present cel ac our office, in triplicate before, 900 a. m., thi s date, or payment thereof wilil be debarred. STRATCHAN SHIPPING GO., Nov. 28, 1822. Agents. SI. SIMON TRANSIT COMPANY BRUNSWICK. TO OCEAN PIER, ST. SIMON ISLAND Winter Schedule Leave Brunswick 9:00 am L‘.av. Brunswick 3:00 pm I Leave Ocean Pier 10:00 am ! Leave Ocean, Pier I(6 Pm 1 SUNDAY UCULDULB I Leave Brunswick 9:30 am ! Leave Brunswick 2:30 pm I ! Leave Ocean Pier .. .. .. ,11:00 am Leave Ocean Pier 4:30 pm J. B. WRIGHT, SERVICE \ \ Have you ever stuped to con*. skier how often the average Au= tomobile Dealerships change hands ? The Glynn Motor Com= panylias been authorized Ford $ dealers in Brunswick for five years. All others have changed hands several times, some have been as long as a year without any representation at all. This itf a large item to be considered in buying anew car, SERVICE. # Let us show you what REAL SERVlCftjis. Don’t buy your car from one man and then have to go to another for your SER= VICE. GLYNN MOTOR CO. 1 Phone 75 Aiuthorized Ford and Lincoln Car Dealers The World’s Greatest Motor Car Values - 1 '- H* ill ' |j , .liar , It make :dho engine powerful, ecu- ' j nomical and dependable. The won derful Compensating Governor keeps | the engine operating smoothly and | efficiently at all speeds without yen } having to touch the spark 1 c. j Brunswick Vulcanizing Cos. Home Millinery Where the latest and most attractive creations can be made at 25 percent less than prevailing prices. Call in and let us show you our hats. Mrs. G. L. Whilden / .G-.-ndijate in Millinery, Dressmaking end Ladies Tailoring. 1014 P Street Phone - - 262-W