The Brunswick news. (Brunswick, Ga.) 1906-2016, November 29, 1922, Image 5

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WEDNESDAY, NOV. 29 ,1922. For Real High Class AUTOMOBILE SERVICE If it service you want, then we commend you to that department ol our business. We also carry a full line of I ires including the following brands: Goodyear, Firestone, United States, Mason, Qlefield and others. Our stock of accessories is always at your service. Phone 405 1 tax COLLECTOR’S NOTICE 1 will be at the places named be low o n the following Hates for pm poH(, of collecting State and Count-.- taxes: 25th District—Si. S.moim i’iei, Oct- 23rd, Nov. th. Dec. 4th. 27th District —Brookman, Gu , OcL 24th', Nov. 7th, Dec. sth. 135 ft district—Sterling, Ga, Oriv. 25th, Nov. Bth, Dec. 6th. 1499 District—Bladen. Ga., Oct. 26th., Nov. 9th, Dec. 7th. Special Trips—Everett City, Ga , w r invite the people ol Brunswickjto visit our store It is the largest and most complete line ever shown in *^ In this department, we are sustaining our old reputation and INdodcratc I^ifiocs* A Cordial Welcome Awaits You . CROSBY’S 2128 Norwich, Cor, L 6 Blocks From High Prices Felephohe 128, Nov. 1-fth; Thalmann, Ga. Nov. 16th; Pcnnick Nov. 16th. Dais not mentioned above will b* at my office at tho Coutr House, until December 20th. W. L. HARWELL, Tax Collector, Glyn n County, Ga. 10—20—22 Whenever 7ou Need A General Strengthening lonic Take tho Old Standard GROVE S TASTE LESS chill TONIC. It Strengthens and Ruilds Up the System by Purifying and Enriching the Blood. You can soon feel its StrensthoninfJ, Invigorating effect. 60c PERSONALS C. L. Mosely, of Montezuma. "as among the vipitors here yesterday. Harry Russell, "ell known Wavor ly citizen, "'as here yesterday. B. L. Newsome, of Jacksonville, wbs among the- visitors here Tester day. Moge Gunther, "'oil known Atlanta travehuau uuu, spent yesterday in the city. N. L. Rowers, of Rainbridgo, spent yesterday in the city- Among those going to Atlanta to attend the Tech-Auburn football game Thanksgiving are Gee Krauss. Garlic Zelmenovitz, .1. 11. Carmieh ael, tried L. Burke. Ma>fci'i iends "ill liegi'et to ! P ai * that lphad Borchardt. is very f in SaAuah and will not be pitj sically tftde to return to th c city in ten days <„• two weeks. Mr. Bor chardt underwent an operation Mon Do You Use GASOLINE? If you do, them come to our Service Station and let us explain a plan that will mean money for you. 1 Tison and Nightengale S. Or% Phone 22w OYE OLO SKIRT mi DRESS IN DIAMOND DYES Kkcli Package of “Diamond Dyes'' contains directions so simple any woman cau dye or tint her worn, shabby dresses, skints, waists, coats, stockings, sweaters, coverings, drap ers, hangings, everything, even if slTe has never dyed before. Buy “Dia mond Dyes’’—no other kind—then perfect home dyeing is sure because Diamond Dyes are guaranted not to spot, fade, streak or run. Tell your druggist whether _th e material you wish to dye is wool or silk, or whether it is linen, cotton or mixed goods. day and this left him in a Weaken condition- Hundreds of fi'iends <u Mr. Borchardt hop,, for his early re covery. Dr. J A Dun woody who went to Savannah with his patient, has turned to the city. Major ii. K. Brown leaves tottigh', for Atlanta where he goes to attend, the Toch-Auburn football game (her tomorrow. It will he of interest IdW'c mar, friends of the following bo\Hto that tltey left last night, to join the navy: Norman Kirkland, Otis Itober-! MOTHER! MB' CHILD’S com -|s/"s f] w Li 1 \ i fj Hurry i Move Little Rowels with “California Fig Syrup" No matter what you give your child to relieve that throat be sure to first open the one's bowles with ‘'California Fig Strap'' to get rid of th e poison:,' ijWi' arc causing the old fl m in for 'nini Melf how thoroughly l*e constipation poison Mr Idle and waste right out. K Ecven if you call your fjimilyßli.vsi- TWO CHILDREN ARE BURENDIO DEATH (By Associated Press) Covington, Nov. 28.—Two Children "'etc burned ;o death anil three prob ably seriously hurt and a score of others injured by burns and wounds received in their efforts to escape when the High Point public school seven miles from here, war, horned today. If in your opinion VELVET is not the WIST flour you have ever used you may return it to you.- grocer and get your money back LOTT LEWIS GO., Distributers. ST. SIMON TRAINS! ! COMPANY BRUNSWICK TO OCEAN Pttfß, ST SIMON ISLAND I Winter Schedule Leave Brunswick I Leave Brunswick H:(!0 pm Leave Ocea,, Pier 10:00 am I,cave Ocean Pier i 4:15 Pm SUNDAY SCHEDULE Leave Brunswick' 3:311 am Leave Brunswick 2:2o,run Leave Ocean Pier 11 DO r,iv Lejiv,. Ocean Pier 4:50 pm J, R. WRIGHT, stun and Lawrence Dietitian. They will go to Atlanta to take the tins! examination arid then tlie.v will g„ in .training at Hampton ltoads, \ . can, lie "ill lira I so' you for having given ‘‘California Fig Syrup" as the. laxative because it never fails, never champs or overacts, and even rick children iov e its plesnnt taste. A.slt your druggist for genuine "GuiiforJi 1 Pig Syrup" which lias c; rectioUsWor babies and children of nti ages printed mi bottle. Mother, you must say ‘California” or you may g ;, t an imitation fig syrup. For Constipated Bowels, Sick Headache, Sour Stomach, Bilious Liver The nicest cathartic laxative to Physic your bowels when you have Headaches Colds Headaches Billiousness Colds Indigestion Dizziness Sour Stomach is candy-like Canc-arete. One or two Roadster Luxury Unexcelled The Buick Six-Cylinder Sport 5162 5 51625 * v ;!■ As strikingly beautiful as it is luxuriously appointed, p the Buick Six-cylinder Sport Roadster brings new zest to motoring. Riding on the long wheelbase Buick chassis With the distinctive Buick spring suspension and the famous, ixowenul Buick valve-in-head engine, this superbly b! fitted roadster contains every refinement for care-free travel. The fine leather upholstery, the shining nick eiled fittings, the complete instrument board, wind shield wings, tailored top and snug fitting storm 'p; curtains are among the many features that distinguish this car in appearance and in comfort. f> Anywhere you meet this de-luxe motor car, it not only is the center of attention but motorists also mark j ■ it as the car that sets distances at naught and makes driving a continuous enjoyment. * The Quick Line for 1923 Comprises Fourteen Models: Fours -2 pMg. Roadster, $865; 5 Pass. Touring, $885; 3 Pass. Coupe, $117*5 Paw. Sedan. $1395; 5 Patw. Touring Sedan, $1325. • Sixen - 2 la:. Roadster, $1175; 5 Pass. Touring. $1195; 5 Pass. T l~>.! ri. yV>35; sPnsr.. Sedan, $1985; 4 Pass. Coupe, $1895; V Past,. Touring. $1435; 7 Pass. Sedan, S2I9S; Sport Roadster, Spot. Touring, $1675. Prices f. o. b. Buick factories. Ask about the G. M. A. C. Purchase Plafi, which provides for Deferred Payments. *J. and MORGAN I elephone 405 better automobiles are built, Buick will build them tonight will mpty your Dowel* com pletely by morning and you will fe e l splendid, "They Work while you Bleep.” Cascarets never s tir you up gripe like Salts, Pills, Calomel, or Oil and the cost only ten cents a box. Children love Cascarets, too.