The Brunswick news. (Brunswick, Ga.) 1906-2016, November 29, 1922, Image 7

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WEDNESDAY, NOV. 2.9 ,1922. 4 Complete Shoe Store for Ladies and Children This means a complete stock of up to the minute High and Low Shoes and Hosiery. We guarauntee our merchandise tor Style, Wear and Prices, and your money cheer fully refunded if yon are not pleased. Agents for Daniel Green Comfys, Agents for Dr. i choils Foot Appliances. Silk Hose for z ;i Occassions HIRSCH’S “Complete S hoe Store” 1424 Newcastle WOOD Pine Oak Light Wood Mixed Quick Delivery Phone 600 SMITE’S WOOD YARD R. L. Bunkley, Mgr. Jj The Great ■ Radient Home / f Heater neater iff a! II ornament and a real JS feljEk j° y and comf °rt to any household. Keeps fire all W.- ~—' night, and most econom- "p * ~' l ! heatt-r lu.iirifa- mr “Ask the Lady Who tes \ Owns One.” Georgia Hardware Cos. Phone 835 -83 b “Money Saved Is Money Made Cook with Gas Ibe cleanest, handiest and cheapest fad. be a slave to your old kitchen stove. Cooking with gas is the modern way of living—it saves money, Mm?, worry and work. Come in and let’s talk it over. Mutual Light & Water Cos. PHONE 7 %}; SJHEaTRES# AUTHOR 01- “FAST MAIL.” WROTt OVER IGO PLAYS * After fifteen years' retirement on a farm in Indiana, Lincoln J Carter, who has been called "the Wizard or tho American stage," has emerged from secUsion to supervise the adap tation of hi s melodramas for tin screen. Mr. Carter is th e author o more than a hundred plays tha' thrilled audiences of a generation ago. "The ast Mail" his most succcs: ful melodrama, and the first of th' railroad dramas to reach the Ameri can stage, has been made into a photoplay by William Fox. Thi s Pic tVre will be shown at the Bijou threa tre Thursday and Friday. The thrills which Mr. Carter in vented to satisfy the popular lov e for meloiaania won a fortune for him. Hi s nßrvelous mechanical and elec triealMtago effects gained him tV title Wizard of. the American Stage." and many of his original in ventions are still being used today ‘‘The public of today loves thrills just as the audiences of a generation ago liked my melodramas," sa.d Mr farter in discussing the screen ver sion of his Popular play. ‘‘After all the society and crook plays of todav ar e ' simply the old melodramas rc Polished apd rewritten. Most, peoplc love thrills, and now that my melo dramas ai ; c to be done on the screen I am going .to see that they are pre sen ted right • Furthermore, I think the screen would take a great step forward if it would concentrate more to Bond; healthv melodVam v s like 'Tbg. Faßt Mail,' rather than upon ♦he type of material now being used generally" Expel impurities with "M|| Dr. KING’S PILLS Si ~f or constipation figSi L™2T^[fl PUT CREAM IN NOSE • AND STOP CATARRH Tells How To OgnffeAJiagged Noe trils and End HeaiHßl>% . Vou feet fine in a few momeSß. cold in head or catarrh will he L Your clogged nostrils will open, ii air passages of your (load will clear l you can breathe freely. No more d* noss, headache; no hawking, smifflifii/ mucous discharges or dry nets ; no m l gbug fo t breath at mght. 10 Tell your druggist you want a jfell bottle of Ely's Cream Balm. Apafy *, little of this fragrant, antiseptlo jsraam in your nostrils, let !t penetrate sftrough every air passage of the headiw-othe and heal the swollen, mem brane, and relief comn^JHßitly. It is just what and catarrh sufferer needs. stuffed-up and miserable. ■ 810 IS ROUNMBOXING BOUT CO^NO To L Street Park* Thuiksgivifig Day, Thursday- Nov. aQ. 1922. Kid Davis, of Boston, Mass., wilt face Tiger Flowers fur fifteen hard rounds, fight to decision, each mau under heavy guarantee contract, nc fight, no money. Now you ail know who “Tiger" Flowers is and you know when a man whips Tiger he whips a good boy. Thi B man, Kia Davis, is rom Boston, Mas?., and hss a large record. I found him at tfie Freeman the first of last year ana kept track of him up to date. Kid Ds*is .in from Boston, Mans, and lias land, Battling Monroe, Batthng John- Kid Norfork, Buddie Lewis and Ham ■ Langford. So this means a real battle at L Street Park Thanks giviug night, Thursday, NoVembor 30, 1922. Oate s open at 7:00 p. m , bout called at 8:20. There will be two good prelimin aries anti special seat* for our white Pattons, comp-and'be our • guest to : the'evenjug. Admission vac, reserved neats sl.z*, box seats $1.72, ring-side $2:25. Doirt forget, Two Good Prelim en arjes and One • HEAL 'BATTLE. '• - Yours for clean sport, ’L.'E.-BAILEY, L Street Park, i LIVE BABY GIVEN AWAY GRAND THEATRE TONIGHT Muuager Spencer announces that during the “Country Store” this even ing, he will present to the pcrgoi: wishing to adopt a real ljv e bady, free, providing that they promise t look after it and give it the prope care- Th e parents of this child ur unable to care for It and an appe; was mad® to Mr. Spencer so he ha ferided to find a home for* it th evening. Many handsome gifts \v a ! -e given away at the Country Stor tonight and groceries that are a! ways helpful will be included in thr list, as well a s gifts for the gentleme and the unmarried ladies. So ge there e a! ‘iy thi R evening and do no forget to come up for the prize whor you are asked to. “MY HAVANA GIRL” Featuring himself, Jimmi e Hodge? ith his brother 011i e Hodges, am :,om e forty otherc including such we' known musical comedy entertainer as Edith Ros c Scott, Majy Pnrrc' Edna Jacques', Annette Itard, Raf, Poulliott, Billy Ashbuvr, 1*- Hamp ton, Fred Reynolds, Ralph Cameron :• hnnnouy quartette and wjtchin eh orbs JJlinraie Hodges will presen for th (! firs* time in this city ot.Jtlv 1 ; rand for one performance SaMiikp- December 2, his newest and best ni' •ml com e dy oft-e*‘;on “My Hit ijh- Olrl.'* This is acknowledecd by pTo,, find public to h. the best musical vn 'Hie by far, evey produced by thl clever little comedian and produce- In as much he has been mukijv the world liappy fo r many years wltr hi s witty sayings 'and funny manor isniii, is is saying plenty for “My Hf>v nn-i Girl.” It, is chucked full of bean Mful son? numbers, good clean ar wholesome comedy, and ever a B cnr~ of fast dancing, all ! s id in a scenh environment that'!- beautiful. A : load of scenic and clo-fin! -ff er" w i , l h e brought, to Brunswick f, this engagement. v-;\- VTO BE HUNGRY! j/f % uI'JP. V.-t!l . f Mi o <iu prop- in-; •.,„.. 1 can’t strong unless vo n Mteetitefegflixl. a keen appetite, good dig-V fcch red blood, and the “punchi ■per>” that rois with perfect b-.-lth Wu need Gude's I'epio-Mui'r-i:!. pude’s inAc tfie'big difference in the v.jy you loot:, eat and feel. Your druggist haa it—hquid or tab lets, as you prefer. Gude’s Tonic and Blood Enrhhcr ; BRUNSWICK SEA FOJTD MARKET \ • Corner Monk and Grant Streets O. W. BRADY, Proprietor We have today; Rod Snapper, Bass Sheepshead, ■ Altanpha river fresh water cat • fish, Trout, Crab Meat, Cedar ■ Key Mullet. Bear the fact in mind that we ■ dreas all fish and make PROMPT DELIVERY. OYSTERS DELIVERED 40c PER QUART Don't Forget the Phone Num ber. It’s 89. OYSTERS BENT’S MILK SWEET CREAM Aand BUTTER MILK For Sale at CHURCH’S 508 Gloucester Street, NOTICE All persons arc hereby noti fied that no hunting, fishing, trapping or trespassing in any way wll be permitted on any lands of the undersigned in eith er Giynn or Mclntosh counties -25 GEORGIA VENEER and PACKAGE CO. WMIS WANTED; Lecal Singers • Dancers- Musicans for ioca! vaudev.Sie nights. B!Q CASH PRIZFS Ages fnim 7 years and up. —Apply Manager Grant' i iieatrc. WANTED—YeIIow Pine Lo S, either ou car® or by water-—fa vannah Plaining Mill Company, vanaah, Ga. Vi 3-20 WANTED—Man with car to Bei guaranteed cord tires. Will arrange '•lary and expense* with right m# Ji-.i-O-Van Rubber Company, CUica ■>, 111. U . WANTED—Man with car. Satistac -v compesation to the right Write Clyde L Rubber Co-, 600 N. merick St-, South Bend, lyd WANTED—Thg Commercial Hotel and Grant streets, wants room ers. Good tabl B board it desired. New furniture at*-l running water in all rooms. 12.1 COLORED diniug .car waiters and sleeping car porters wanted. ‘Ex perience unnecessary. Wo.irain you information free. Write 607 Railway -xAaufce, Omaha, Nehraslsa. WANTED—Thirty-five men to catch crabs for tha Wallace M. O’Quinn 0., located at’American Ship ard, -i. Wilson, Manager *l2 1 MEN—More men wanted- lo put In till and yard station at four mile post on Broadfield j-oad. dlcet the -ruck at 6:30 a. rr^f, corner Norwich nd Gloucester streets. Can its e fifty u&y off every Saturday at noon.— F. W. Burtiged, 111 6 Carpenter street. 12-2 NOW ready, Mao Donald's Farm r's almanac for 1923 (26 edition). The best ulnnanac we have published, iontairig mor e Astrological and Agrl . ultural information. Price 20c. —’At- las Piloting Cos., Dept. 12., Bing- Y. 30 PorrenFT ’OR RENT—Rooms formerly occu pied by V. W. O. A., over Bljo.T Annex. —Apply T. J.Wright 12 1 FOIt RENT—Five rooms, two story fiouue, 1123 Grant street, Park, Ap iy at 1616 Carpenter St, or pnnne 700. for sale ’OR SALE—Cheap, thre e Ford used Touring cars.—Brunswick Service Station 11 28 FOR SALE —For your Thanksgiving dinner, fluo hom e capons Pruig hatched, weight, njp'; Pounds. -IN H. Latimer, 1200 Union St., phon e 199 11 "9 COR SALE —Ford touring car, 1920 model, in first class condition- Spotlight, Bumper,cut out and accel erator Phone 677. / ti OR SALE—Seven passenger Wyllys Six, 1020 Model. Is i n first class onditlon in every way. Apply to J. 0. Register or phone 708. tf LOST STRAYED—One female 3eUer, black and white, lost on Nov. 18j an swers to name “Minnie” or ‘‘Puppy,” brown spots around eyes and under chin gasho on 6 left side healed over— Notify Butler YoPP, court house, or 1800 Stonewall street- Reward for recovery. 1.1-29 SPECIAL NOTICES SPECIAL NOTICE Last day for payment of city taxes November 30th. Pay now and cave cost. Lr. A. ROBINSON. 11-39. City Treasurer. SPECIAL NOTICE Notice is hereby given that truth: ' il'c master, owners, agents nor t conßignees of tho American skip “Lake Hector" will be responsible f°n any debts contracted by any men. her Of th e crew, whatsoever, othot than the master- STRACHAN SHIPPING CO., Nov. 29, 1922 Agents. SPECIAL NOTICE Brunswickk, Ga., Nov. 28, 1922, Thursday, November 30, Thank. . ei v ing ay, being a legal Ralidav, Uk offices, in the City Hall will bo dosed for th 0 day. esdor :;f f. xinvr c. D. out;, Mayor, City of Brunswick. Attest: N. r>. RUSSELL, See-rotary Commission, City of Brun^wjck. SERVICE \ Have you ever sloped to con* sider how often the average Au* fomobile Dealerships change hands! Th e Glynn Motor Com* pany has been authorized Ford dealers in Brunswick for five years. AH others have changed hands several times, some have been as long as a year without any representation at all. This is a large item to be considered in buying anew car, SERVICE. Let us show you what REAL SERVICE is. Don’t buy your car from one man and then have to go to another for your SER* VICE. Phone 75 Authorized Ford arid Lincoln Car Dealers t „ 1 lie Worlds Greatest Motor Car Values I %> W' Ifl • ?'• j l,\ " II ilf J It make Mho engine powerful, i’co- Njj nomical and dependable. The won dorful Compensating Governor keepa the engine operating smoothly and efficiently at all speeds without you having to touch the sparl. I”. o, Brunswick Vulcanizing Cos. Home Millinery Where the latest and most attractive creations can be made at 25 percent less than prevailing prices. Call in and let us show you our hats. Mrs. G.L. Whilden ikuata in Millinery, Dressmaking and Ladies Tailoring. 1014 P Street Phone - 262-W