The Brunswick news. (Brunswick, Ga.) 1906-2016, November 29, 1922, Image 8

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Gas Heaters See Our' Display Attractive Designs • Prices are l(tht $5.00 to $10.50 Buy Now Before the Cold Wave Comes. United Supply Cos. HARDWARE HEADQUARTERS (jjjl AAA Insurance policy and The Brunswick News for $7.50 BOTH FOR A N ENTIRE YEAR COLE/S HOT BLAST HEATERS 33 1-3 Percent Less f*€ 4 a BE WISE Lynn-Gnuld Hardware Company THE W! NC^ J ESTER STORE Gloucester St. Rhone 26] WHAT! You never wore a belted Overcoat? Supply vour needs today for Thanksgiving as we close ail day Thursday. Stephens, Lorentzson & Sheffield TENNIS GAME FOR CHAMPION IS ON FOR TOMORROW W. B. E. CLUB. RECENTLY FORM ED, WILL STAGE AN INTER ESTING EVENT. The “W. B. E.” Tennis club, which has been recently formed, is well un der way and bids fair to make a name for itself. This is the first tennis club to be organized in the city, and the members of the club should be congratulated. •J. W. Starr, of Glover Brothers, has offered the club a $7.00 tennis racket, and it may be said here that the members appreciate his support The final tournament which is to be played (' the racket, has been ar ranged f* - Thanksgiving morning at ten o’cloA. The public is cordial!} attend. Throe out of fou ! ■ < to be Played, all being singh matched, the contestants’ names t< appear in tomorrow's issue. As soor as .the tournament is over outside games will bo, scheduled and any one - games either single or dem* hies are asked to communicate wiu. Robson Travis, 'secretary. M'ADOO ARRESTED ON A CHARGE SPEEDING All 10 Frcswo, Nov. 28. —William Gibbf McAdoo, of Lo„ Angelos, former sec retary of the treasury, ws arrested in Tnlarg county yesterday and cited to appear in cofirt to answer fo i charge of speeding at the r ato o' fifty-one miles an hour. Mr- was en route to Frosn where he addressed the bar assoAja tlons of three counties last night. BARITS WHO KILLED OFFICER CAUGHT AT COLUMBUS, OHIO Columbus, Ohio, Nov. 28.—A1l fom bandits who early this morning ho' to death one Policeman and wounded another were taken captive today three were living and one dead. The? were captured after being trailed tv citizens and police officers, the las three were captured aft<-r eyChancinp many shots. FREE STATE OFFICErJgET LIST OF THF IRISH CABINET (By Associated Press.) Dublin, Nov. 28. —The Free State government published a documeh' found in the possession of a captured member of the irregular army coue oil in which Eamon DoValerja, sign ing himself ns president, announce cabinet nominations. The list includes Seaijn O'Kelly Robert Baryon, who sign's! the An glo-Irish treaty, Erskin c Chjldehs who ya sreeentlv executed, Allstir Stack and Liam Mollowes. It’s usually the man of gir'.h who shies at being girthed. “That style is all right for a roadster—but I’m a limousine." said a customer lately. ..When then brought out one V e then brought out one of our Michaels*Stem belted coats which war designed purposely for portly men— He tried it on —you should have seen the expression on his face and you should have heard the nice compliment his wife paid us next day. Yes* belts are popular and so arc fat men here. MICHAELS STERN BELTED COATS $3O to $4O. PRESBYTERIANS TO 1 OBSERVE EQUIPMENT DAY ON DECEMBER 3 CHURCHES OF BRUNSWICK AND ! ELSEWHERE IN STRESSING EQUIPMENT NEEDS. Southern Presbyterians are ener getically putting their hands and hearts to the task of Providing ade quate material and equipment for its home ar.d foreign mission forces, the lack of which for a number of yearn has teen a matter of colossal concern to the respective committees direct ing the missionary programs and to the church at large. The church has a large corps ot men and women representing it in its numerous mis sion fields. Sunday, December 3, has been offi cialyl designated by the church a. “equipment Day,’’ and the churches of Brunswick and elsewhere are pre fr'”’ng to observe it, in the Present" tio.-.i from the pulpit of the distress -rig i quipment needs and a cash offer ing. The goal for the current jysi --dir'"- 31, 1923, is ssooo,OOii. to meet the immediate and pro needs for comfortable and saio; iionies tor m..,sioii. rif s school, hos pitai and church buildings to accom modate increasing attendance. The jeneral assembly’s'stewardship com mittee, Times Building, Chattanooga, fonn.,' didßing the raising of thl T und, suf|?esting that each church rkes shares of stock at slCd each fe n-cry fifty members or major frac -ion thereof ifecoiMlL ClilSli CHIN! However, it is Not Indicated That Other Nations Are Yet Ready to Yield to Demands Made Upon Them. (By Associated Press.) Lausanne, Nov. 28.—Russia andj Turkey working together is expected o make a strmag pair at I,un nine near eajU^Ponference. Other dlwgates to the conference, •©presenting other rr , 'im are vtJk lerini- what effect this combination is -oiiig to have on the fortune deliberations. u | b Fretie. V reit-^^^^B' 'r shown a disposition Jo ieniaiWs forwarded by the insisting that healP oh nil questions brought !ief. he body. M Whatevei [he decision tnay be if. ipparent that -e i/ no dispo d‘ ,m o siiut out Russia. FRENCH CABINET TALKS OVER HR LONE HAND PLAN May T.‘ -r \. Ruhr as a f Part of German R cr nations. Paris, 28.—The intention <V France to “via., herself” in Germany, comes before a full meeting of the; cabinet today. A Plan f i ! ec.tion actionJhrough; 'he seizure -i r part of the Ruhr dis- j "riot and n'-’dute control of the] French so ’.an of theißhineland, j which was ,■ -isidered and approved j at yestei-da;. '•* meeting of military j •" 1 civil a ah,'cities a tthe Elysee Pr ’ will a submitted for final no- I or ' Tie • no longer is muchi 'aith he <■ in -a inter-Aliied Solution] f the -aa 1 ions question, even] thou ah the i.>ussc'.s conference is VI,I. McrshaJ Koch and General Buaf,. ‘he Froinh c! !-f of staff, are under- j stood to hr,- p . id President Miller ] and and Premier Poincare at yester- j at a plan of expand-: lug Ae mih, occupation • f th-‘ ! rgihPbank -t Rhine hu been pre pared with t utmost care and tha f ; it could be uted within twenty- four hours : •(•. M. Tierard, the] French high unilssioner for the] Rhineland, in discussing his part ini any necess; •; action, said that civil! administra, f the terr'torv o-eu- ! tiled by Frame and on the left bank of the Rh 'c could bo immediately taken over ’ competent French au thorities. (CABINET OFFICERS OF D! : VALERA NAMED (By tssoctatert Press.) Dublin, N" . 2S. —The Free State government. publishes a document found in the .-session of a-captured member of : ■ Irregular army coun cil. In •which Famon de Valera, sign i inw himself president, announces his I cabinet nominations. They include Sean O'Kelly, Robert C. Barton (who signed the Anglo-Irish treaty), Ersk ' ine Childers (recently executed), Austin Stack and Lla:- Mellow#s OUT o/* T®^BUSINESS Todays Special Boys Winter Q [J* Union Suits, Munsings $ 1.50 quality *^^C Knit and Silk Neckwear QE? $1.50 quality I/OC Boys BlousJL and Shirts C? Stipova $1 quality , . . OOC Knit and Silk Neckwear C C $1 quality . , -f C Come Quick Come Now A. Kaiser & Bro. GUY ECUS! IS OH CMll GOCKEI Hp of Prohibition Law fciJLVgatiirod Yesterday's Ses laKion—Court Will Recess To -1 iay Unit! Monday. Bulge hutty converted the city court yeßfday morning and resumed worlon the criminal docket and, as a u\*Hy the case In recent years, cases, perdominated. AmongJhoK 0 disposed of were: T. n. T'l.t'. wjNw violation of the pro hibition jury returned a vrrdi t of guW and defendant was lined $250 or six months. Attorneys Powell represent ed him and jj'.lcitor Scarlett repre sented the < fif A motion will be fil' and for a trial Cos "j- colored, wa tried for the ?ame n<?eo. YTo was repre sented by Attorney .Tames T. Colson ■.nd on #he return of the verdict a, eecomnA'drtlon was carried ashing for externe leniency and Judge Butts assessed a flnp of $2", to include cost- Murrell had only a small quajv ttity of moonshine on his person when caueht. He had the packg-’ once.icd in his jumbe r pocket and 'n thA-"eo to eet ew n y from the of flen-sMe discarded this niece w wa- Ing -ftmrel but it was found bv the offic-l who traced its ownership. Ruhin Murrell w-ts freed on a sim ple lareenv charge. Hje was accused of stealing a pair of oars from the governm.ent and after deliberating a ebon time the jury brought in a not ; gui’tf verdict One civil case was tried and that j was the FSde-a! Svr.dicste System ’ vs. K'eetrie Rqutmnept Cos. Verdict j and judgement or plaintiff was ren- : de'ed At the close of business tedav Judge j Pints will rope's over until Mondav rwn'ng. this action b“ ; ng taken 0 r i ac’onnt of tomorrow be'ng Thanks- . giving and not earing to have jurors i parties end witnesses ret"’-n the lest court day in the week —FrfdaV- OI.D CLOTHES A BLESSING. Really it is heartrending to see the number of poor adn needy we have amongst us here in Brunswick. Near ly every day I find anew case, poor widows trying to support large fam ilies, old women, nearly blind, and very rheumatic, tring to care for or phaned grandchildren, or taking care of bed-ridden husbands, and willing to try and work—only work seems to be very hard to find. Truly it will be an act of charity if you will gather our old clothes, shoes, and any old bedding and rags, together, anything you have no use for. If you will phone me at the Board of Health office, No. 154, or at . my home, number 935, I will be only ; Cos glad to come for the things.— 1 Mrs. C. H. Crawford, Chairman. Jkx Overcoats JfWr Arc Here We call your aitention to the speciaily low prices Stylish Young Mens genuine Crombie woven Scotch fabrics m brown heather, grey heather. Chamois cloth lined pocket genuine bone and leather coved buttons Silk and Satin piped seams, some 2 but ton belts, some leather covered buckle belts and somf 3 piece combination belt, all new and right to the minute. $19.85, $22.45, $24.85 See Oar Window Some Long Coats at $22.45 and $18.85 Some Medium Lengths at f|fj[ -wfk $18.45 and $18.85 I'lfl/yl 2 Special Mumbers at M || $30.00 Th Mo BUI Oo X 920 rl-d-£/cfidcm> Home of Hart, Shaffner & Marx Clothes WEDNESDAY, NOV. 29 ,1922,