The Brunswick news. (Brunswick, Ga.) 1906-2016, December 02, 1922, Image 3

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BritRDAY, DEC. 2, /022. FA'ppjA 7 for TWENTY —anti after all, what oilier . igarette is so liiglily re.-ported by so many men? \ Let Fatima smokers ® I Ligctt&Myirs ToascfcoCo. Best Wood- * Dry Ljn % Oak and Lighlwood § 1 .SO a Load Prompt Delivery arid Good Lc^®l J. A. I- ERRIN 4 ; , Cochran Avene an I Mansfield Streets 'PHONE 1083 4TH %K. OF C. OATH l-’MA! XRW VIIRh KVBSOWi SIN. MARCH IK, I'Nil. hts of Columbus uie • minded from time to time, of the ... , porl'n -mu* ri" lain |" i : M to 'ir up religious hatreds in .j , n y<-|.rtJfeLntnL copies -f notorious ''bonus fourth deKree them have lee i ■•imitated in various parts of the country. Ti production, which is about equally blasphemous in. revolt ' . ti dreulali-l oi- a-dotmliy. f r many years. It is n old and w.-rti out imposture ami among intelligent persons defeats 'is ovti ends by its own absurdity. f>, i-hap,' the 1 •' :>\ ii make e! ir what the obligation is assumed ■■ i, \ Kniglds nf ('<>''in: t-us on en •.•jog the Fourth Degree is to Print t. Here it: i . Tit! It 1; \I. 081 !(. VI It IN t:i:\ IIY THE '<■ OF <'. I we i to ruj i'.iirt Lbe Constitu i nof tlie United States. I fledae ... ,If a : . ( i„ : ri i/.in and K .t o f Columbus to enlighten nvy :ci ' fatty upon nv. duties a; a eit in and to conscientiously Perform ■ jel' dut:<•. entirely in the inleiea fmy country anil regardless of all rersonal euiisequence I Pledge i ;Ifto do ~!I in my power to Pre- - ballot, and to promote reverence . i f ; ,r : v and order. I premise to practice my religion a n,| eonsi |y, lm' without ostentation, and to so conduct my* elf in public ..Tv and in ti.e e ci e of Public virtue as to reflect noting hut credit up. our Holy Church, to the end that she may j..h and our country prosper to the greater honor and glory of God. If this ir m*t a ' imfile pledge to good Americanism and honest citi zenship. what Would he? ter furth-r int'oi 1 en , i.ting Catholics and their beliefs, pn dt nil Oil j.uhlif alia: • CVI HOI.H f. \\ Ml VS vS.sOCI VITON, AUGUSTA, CA. Brunwjrk, Hi, Nov. 21!, 15*22. $225,000 CITY OF BRUNSWICK, GEORGIA. GOLD BONDS Seated proposals will be receive until .! o'clock p- m•. December 12. 15)22. hv the commission of the ‘‘tty of a ..wick fur the purchase •' $175 | , ' Bridge am! Ro: and Bonds of ; d city, niatiirin*7,ooo annually October 1, 1928 to 1t25 and $50,000' ariddTonal $2,000 annually 192S to 1972. At! bonds dated October 1, 1922, j denoniUiatl*n* SI,OOO, priuclpal-asd la terest (A & 0 1, 5 per cent), payable in the city of Brunswick in gold. ! General obligations, unlimited tax, registrable as to principle alone or both prin'ipal and interest. Valjdntea ! liy Superior court for Gly-.ii county. Approving opinion of Chester B. : Alasslleh, Est|. Delivery pbout He cernher 20, 1922. Propos t!; must be On a form yhieh additijoiWil informa tion a s to the city, its financial con dition and the condition of bidding including ten; good faith deposit, wilnße furnished cm applica tion to the undersigned. The right io reject any and sU bid s is reserved. N. D. HLSdELL, 12.12 Secret yto the Commission. * News Notes, of General Interest THE TIDES TO )E< EMBER 8. 1 .Saturday, High G:O7 am 6:22 pm Dec. 2. Low 12:32 am 12:35 am Sunday, High G:47 am 7:02 pm Dec. 3. Low 12:35 am 1:13 pn. Monday, High 7:28 am 7;12 pin Dec. 4. Low 1:15 am 1:54 pm 'to . d..y. High 8:06 p?M 8:23 pm Dec. Low 1:55 : vjfcpm i D M B Cull moon 4th, 11th >i w moon, first quarter 2Gth, merest payable on first Lil>erty-\’ic any bonds on 15th. Christmas 25th. '-.Voutlier forecast for tile month state.. :t w ill be rather warmer than lias been tlie case in the Past several Dai's- NEW MUNICIPAL JUDGE * IS HAVING FEW CASES. Judge Edwin VV. Dart presided foi Bthird8 third time at the police coui" rday and only a few cages were lie docket. These wei'e decided tlie promptness and judgement ias marked Judge Dart’s decis L ioii s mnee assuming the judgeship. LOCAL GREEKS PLEASED AT THE MANY EXECUTIONS. Members of tlie Greek colony here or a greater majority of them, ex press satisfaction of former cabiiie' members in tlndr country and all say tiat they got just what was coming o them. Greeks here are firm in the belief that high officials sold out ti i lie Turks in the recent war betwee) .he two countries. WEATHER FORESAST AND CONDITION. Locally: Slightly cooler, moderate south and southwest, winds. Condi ions elsew here: 'Pile Nebraska storm us moved rapidly northeastward to entral over the upper lakes and is lonely followed by a high area and •old wave that now covers the plains tap's and western mountain district, lili temperatures rangitUbfrom freei ng in Kansas to 10 Agrees below zero in Montana. Showers are note' n the ventral valley. CASE OF LOCAL INTEREST mUEARD IN WAYNE COURT. case of George W. Popwell vs Wn^gJP' j i wTfltpßfe ... iiu j th • IV s * . of cai WWiMaiwMsi.**.^... Ji s D* iWaD'is ainJbiJj B*. ■ ; "|b cm ■]u I ■■ ’ F County. '■k? tjj^ ROTHSCHILDS BIG SALE ATTRACT ATTENTION Now i s the time to do your shop ping, Christmas is just twenty-fom days off. Rothschild's jewelry store is putting on a real holiday look - large shipments of beautiful dia uionds, watches silerware, umhdellar and Waterman’s Ideal fountain pens have just arrived and the indications are that this will he one of the larg esl holiday seasons Brunswick has ever experienced. Mrj ilothilehild it allowing 25 per cent off #m every (Hide sold and you will never flip' oriecs as low as this again. >IL STOVE EXPLOSION DAMAGES SOUTHEND HOME. An oil stove in the 'Cjitchen of f'apt. 15. S. Tahbott’s home, 42S \Volf e street exploded last night a: WJOp Annex^ I ry our plate iuncJpF Menu changed daily, on! v jfc 50c \ Orders taken lor all kinds of cakf>s. Shipment of H ajMz Mountain Canri%V arrive soon. one for Xmas. Phone 1001 j ofyjfnip" •mi OREBS IN DIAMOND DYES Each package if ‘ Diamond Dyes” •outa ns direction- so simple any I vonii.ii can dye o, lint, iier old worn, I 'aded things new. Even if she has; ■ever ilyed before, >.|i e can put a rich, I adeless color into shabby skirls,! tresses, waists, coats, stockings, iveaters, covering.), and aperies, hang-1 igs, everything. Buy Diamond lyes—no other kind— then perfect j none dyeing is gun. aiileod. Just ten .llr druggist whether the material ~u vvikh to dye i- w., 1 or silk, or! :nether it is I. non; cotton, or mixed oods. Diamond Dye s never streak, nit, fade, or run. ,i o'clock and a call from box ill car ried the department to the scene in good tim e but the damage reached t considerable .cxlohl in this Particu .ar Part of the house and was quickly extinguished/ Smoke did its share towards making the loss heavier than would otherwise hav,. been the re sult. MRS. LIII.A VANN FULTdH, ABM Suggests to Suffering WoH the Road to Fulton, Arkansas. “I u . dWvdia E. Pinkhain’s Vegetable for a I imm'tLiinujim soreness l jr m y side. U| 1 w,„llds/'e,- soliad-j lICTPI ly I veryßi ■ .11, Ir. :ii ■ my waist down 1 91 could not he on my ! wasiiot able to do my |||| tised in a newspaper 1.. ji! and gave it a fair Lf/ MS trial. Now I am able , to do my work and don’t even have a backache every month. I cannot praise your Vegetable Com pound enough and highly recommend it to those who have troubles like mine. I am willing for these facts to be used as a testimonial to lead all who suffer with female I did, to the right road to health. "• s Vann, Box Fulton, jHfcsthis sort of praise of Lydia E.Pink- IlfTs Vegetable Compound, given by ElK'd of mouth and itf letter, one woman Tuiotiievtliat. iKDM| cause you to con *l this®wi*v-lnuwri medicine, if jpf are Wiubled with such aymptomsas Weak, nervous feelings, misenOTe pains in your and can not weak at certain times.^^ HerWs a woman who grateful and glad to be relieved frJlrra painful nerve racking physical condition she wishes to tel! all sick womens rf}ac/{ackesFM WeMsiii)*' n lbs by warning and circulating bloat: Stoptkose dull, insistent aches, i by relieving tiic painful con- j gestion. Sloan's does this. Without rubbing, it quickly penetrates the sore spot, stim ulating tlie circulation to and j through it. Congestion is ic ducca, soreness aiiuytd, the | pain relieved. Flonr's reliev.-y acre, aching D.uatie). banish.-* the pain* at rheuinatlsij,.,rc neuralgia. BreaU up . . iUa in cf.ett. fetop* eulfi ring - v : erurcr I cougesuoii rmi .ca Sloan's Lini mimt-kilh paint j QUILLIAN’S Pharmacy Keep you eye on the corner. Grand Tonight Only* Jimmie Hodges an d a company of 40 people "imseK “MY HAVANA GIRL” NXlth a big beauty chorus TTever before seen No more £’ jf* buffering has gone * from yoinjace, mother! S. S. S. Is the Great Builder of Hod* and Jmist Got Just Tryj’C "Rheumatism? Me? No.Wtaeert, !t*<# nil gone, every bit of it! It’s sunshine and Joy for me now for the first time in years. I feel a wonderful glory again lr. the free motion T used to have when my days were younger. I Jook at my hands nud think of the twists and hwelliugs they used to have. 1 bend way over to tho Jor. I haven’t been able to do that iu uiy years. I can thank S. ,S. S. for it f To me It was a rising sun of joy ami lerty. Brothers and sisters in misery, f iiolj|Aoso your eyes and think that mill Htreugth are gone fromYgupl&vcr! xt is not so. It is here ami inPv for all of you. S. S. ft. is wait ing to help you.” There Is a reason why S. S. S. will help you. When you inereasd the number of your red-blood cells, the entire system undergoes uggfceiuendo** change. Every tiling blood strength. Blood which is red-uaells leads to a long list of troubles. Khflrmutism is one of them. S. S. S. Is the* great blooiljcleanser, blood-builder, Hysjyn Ktrengthener, nvrve invigorutor. It stops skin Yruptfcim, too, pimples, black heads, acne, boils, eczema. It builds up run down, tired men and women, beauti fies complexions, makes the flesh firmer, Htart S. S. S. today. It Is sold at all drug stores In two sizes. The larger size bottle i ]s the more economic: I. C 6 C wakes mu feel V 9 O ’ yvurw// again CASTOR IA For Infants and Children In Use Fotr Over 30 Years Always bears Signature of Now located at my formal headquarters / 1207 NEWCASTLE ST. (Next to the City Hall) Any and all kinds of AUTOMOBILE REPAIRING U. A. EDWARDS Done promptly and satis- guaranteed • J. M. PITTS t ¥ Contractor and Builder ► ► ►.Estimates Cheerfully Furn- K ished. k ► Large and small jobs will receive ►the same prompt attention. • I have been in this line of • business in Brunswick tor the • past twenty-live years. My best - references furnished by those I have worked for. 1203 Gloucester St. PIGGLY WIGGLY Sunset Gold Butter, lb. . 54c Fancy Sliced Bacon, lb. 35c White Rose Apricots, 2 1-2 can 34ci Premier Cherries, 2 1-2 can 43c Sunbeam Corn, 2 can 17c White Rose Peas, No. 2 31c Sunshine Pirnentoes . 12 l-2c Tomatoes, No. 2 . . 10c Beechnut Catsup, large . 26c Gelfands Mayonnaise, 8 oz. 25c Gelfands Mayonnaise, 3 oz. 10a GrandeplPure pt. s£tJ Grrndee q 99? Tffine Words Don’t Make Good SerJtce^^ It’s what’s bacy of the that makes a gdhd bond or a good service. * Service here is on all makes of L batteries without discrimination ♦ tery|life and greatest possible |i battery reliability. Come in, and let us show you what we mean by Willard Stan dards of Ser vice. i Brunswick Batttery & Motor Company Representing Willard Batteries (THREADED RUBBER INSULATION) and % Batteries (WOOD SEPARATORS! ! TAX COLLECTOR’S NOTICE I will be at the places named be : low n„ the following dates for pui- I po-V of collecting State and County taxes: 25th District—St. Simons Pier, Oct. 2.lrd, Nov. th. Dec. 4th. 27th District—Brookman, Ga.. Oct. 24th, Nov. 7th, Dec. 6th. 1856 district—Sterling, Ga., Oct. j 26th, Nov. Bth, Dec. 6th. 1499 District—Bladen, Ga., Oct. j 26th., Nov. 9th, Dec. 7th. Special Trips—Everett City, Ga., I Nov. 14th; Thalmann. Ga. Nov. 16th; Pennick Nov. 16th. Dates not mentioned above will b'* at my office at the Coutr House, until December 20th. W. L. HARWELL, Tax Collector, Glyn n County, Ga. 10—20—22 What is “Spring Fever” It is simply low Vitality, a lack of Energy caused by impure blood. GROVE'S TASTELESS chill TONIC restores Vitality and Energy by Purifying and Enriching the Blood. You ten soon feel its Strength, fining, Invigorating Effect 60c.