The Brunswick news. (Brunswick, Ga.) 1906-2016, December 02, 1922, Image 6

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BIJOU THEATRE Big Double Program Today SHOW STARTS 2 :00; 3:45; 5:30: 7:1.5 : 1:11# " l X ' \ f*EBENT3 ffijfftg Qfoe Man Who Saw tomorrow" CC (paramount (picture Also wonderful Fox Sunshine Comedy “PUPPY I.OVI;” MON DAY Adolph Zukor Presents “ON THIS HlflH SPAS” and A&cjt yolt. to •; H ■ ■" ! ';v Also Larry Seamon in a won lerLd two reel sing the Buck.” I^Rp 03 SALE It has been the and most success ful event we haveVvei had. Ihe proof of it was that the people of know values and sure ldly hor the balance of this* we!T offer far more wonderful vm j> the final climax of this tremlroous sale. Furs $4.95 up Coats $f2.95 up Dresses $6.95 up Suits $ I 4.95 up Just received a shipment of children Dresses and Ccats specially priced for this sale. The Guarantee Store Next to Miller Furniture Cos. 1506 Newcastle Street. "ARE YOU A WELL DRESSED WOMAN’ Do you study yourself? Do you study the style you should wear? We are judging largely by our Hat:. Every successful woman knows what the right Hat means. Fortunately it is not a mere matter of spend ing money; many a woman who dresses in perfect taste does not spend large sums of money. What she does spend is care and thought, in choosing the right sort of Hat. To do that successfully one must go where hats of individuality and style are to be had— minus excessive prices. WHY EXPERIMENT? BU\ AT Porter’s Hat Shop 504 Gloucester Street SOCIETY •SDITE D BY Phone Mo MISS KATHAR IN O’CONNOR Phone 188 (All items must be phoned not later than six o’clock to tm inserted next morning.) No in AffgJ 10c and 30c THE MONTH BEFORE CHRISTMAS (With fl|>oligies to “Tho Night. 'Be fore Christ mar;.’'. ’Tii t,lu- mon til i before Christ mas, n-1 all through the land. I The Christmas Seal: wait, a big, happy hand, Kor winter';, cold blasts they rare not ! • a rap. j Nor a minute have they to seize for a nap; ■’Cause all hound the land they must make Hueh a clatter, That folks will all wonder what ran Jie the matter. ! When Choppers for Christmas begin toAppea r, Amljpioughts are all centered on San reindeer. jThese busy little Seals vet lively and quick, 'On all Christmas mail thejj so want to stick. |lf folks will just use them, how hap , py they'll he, They’ll all feel ike dancing and shout ing with glee. More rapid than eagles they’ll come if you all. By spending for eah a small; / j If many you'll use, the peiipit^H 'Til the number of them hard to count, And higher the pile of pennies, see, The less will the hosts of the T. B. germs he. Be sure then this Christmas to stick on all your mail, The Seal of Good Health that you VUin<yd£^}on spend will not he a But will help the sweat cause of the double-bathed cross. Aud the Seals will unite in wishing for you. A most happy Christmas, glad New Year too. -TaU-'J^Bry. The d . Who 11 1 Ifctle at Swlfitarium. She BKflflML. I'UBftj** and is selling seals in Chfiatm4a J> S<sl ram SATURDAY— Girls Club. Miss Eliabeth Taylor, hostess; 919 Union street, at 9did P. m. MRS. KENNEDY ANXIOUS TO MEET PHILATHEAS. Mrs. W. M Kenneu.v, Savannah, state president of the V nil tube. work in Georgia, is the guest of Mrs. Surah K. Lee, for the week-end, and is an xious to meet as many of the Pliila jiheas of thftAity as possible during |A moeffig of all tho Pldlathea [classes in the city lias been arranged ptor at the Baptist church Sunday MENU HINT Breakfast. Half Cantaloupe. Toast. Coddled Egga. Coffee. Luncheon. Sausage Holla. Apple Sauce. Cup Cakes. Tea- Milk for children. Dinner. Stuffed Flank Steak. Broiled Potatoes. Health Rread and Butter. Tomato Fan Salad. Peach Shortcake. Tea TODAY'S RKCI P ES St idled Flank Steak Have but'her make poekefWthick flank, or if flank steak is thin fo one half over other. After filling with dressing skewer together. To in: ke dressing take pint of bread, soften with cold water and drain. Season crumbs with salt, pepper, chopped or on and sage and two tablespoons dro nings Pack dressing closely to the meat and bake for one hour in covered roaster. Broiled Potatoes—Peel potatoes mid cook in salted wat until near ly done, cut in two or three pieces lengthwise, lay in pan in which flank steak was roasted, baste with the fat in the pan. adding more i 'cried; sprinkle with salt and pep per and cook in boiler until done and slightly brcfvn on Lath sides. Serve on platter surrounding stuff ed (lank steak. Snnsoge Rolls—To make about on-- dozen rolls, puncture and coo'- one half pound of thick shop-' for from three to four minutes in hoi dig water, then ski\ and cut them across and lengthwise; cut thinly rolled rough puff paste into squares of three and one-half inch es and in them enclose the sausage, moistening and sealing the joint SOCIAL CALENDAR THE BRUNSWICK NEW* morning at tihe regular Sunda school hour, to which every Philathea in the city is must cordially invited. AWOI N< KM ENT OF < IKCLK MEETING. g Circle No. 2, of the First church, w ll meet Monday*i" ut 4 o'clock at the home of Mt Jr !’ : ii. ConVers. Id'Jl Union streN®Pjf this time Mrs. G. V. Kate will joint hostess. o r> o o * ATTENTION GIRL RESERVES <■ AND THOSE WANTING TO JOtH A Girl Reserve rally nil Il*e heljh at the Y. VV. C. A. hall m, in. December sth, at JMbock. Any girl between the ages oyMEo> IW.J1 W .J years may join the Girl whether she is in school, busi iM]* * -industry, and may share in times, hikes, canip.s and service to the other girls of the world. This rally will he the opening of the Program for the winter. Work will lie out- Mned and groups organized. Every Girl Reserve of last, winter is urged to be Present and bring anew mem her with her. FRIDAY AFTERNOON CLUB Ulus. .i.jf. ROYALK. JR., HOSTESS l At thOTiome of Mrs. J. E. Royalle. 81, tin- Friday Afternoon Club was Tkert-aineri very delightfully Venter ..jyTlie decorations consisted of a of Ghr.vsantlieinuuis. rose-' af ferns that were gorgeous in ef Top score was made by Mrs. •I I,mnl. "ielit, She prize being a cut ■ ukk deeanteff The consolation was "it, by Mrs. C. Holmes Sheldon, whose prize w„.s a hand embroidered guest towel. Low score prize was awarded to Mrs. Paul Morton. Mrs. C. Holmes Sheldon was the only guest of the club, while Miss Fannie Thomas and Mrs. N. H. Bal lard came in for refreshments, the latter assisting Mrs. Royalle in serv ing a very tempting plate luncheon, n <in t> MR. AND MRS. (’. A. AVKIKTT GAVE A THANKSGIVING DANCE Thunksgiving evening was very pleasantly by a contingent of friends Mb*. ('. A. Aviet.t, at oil where dancing was The spacious rooms were VLS Hr.'SK l\ decora I -flowers ’ k'eelN was '" ■ fpMfpßnW' 'KjL Dur ing the evenly, at inTwv d*g punch wa servgMW'he in\*. listj#as foj|..s-**|gaEmli.q- 1 -i \ l.£| Giroilmit. 'iVFois Bur,ray, Katharin ItcWiie and Ki'inu Karchnj^kM^J*. - / I tons ami i "theriiie Petcri*® I'N an, Thelma Gilmoi I ang, Katherine ( lark, Mary Langford. Alberta Mary Dean Galnan, Messrs. I. \V. Met'idlers, 0. M. Rozar, Byron 7,eig ler, C. P. Watson. Julian Meeks, Wade Lewis. Olio Allen, A. V. Morgan. Fail Burney, Edward Miller, “Pes ky’' Hodges, Jennings Burns, Mr. and Mrs. I,eroy Bern. Mr. anil Mrs. W. A. O'Quinn, Mr. and Mrs. K. Du Bose.' Mr. and Mrs. L. G. Sutton. Mr. mK Mrs. Cal RamseV, Mr. and Mrs. Arlie I 'iveWfc moo a o M hm Irene Gramling is the guest ofjßk Ethel Nlall, m Atlanta. but leaving tne end* open. Brush over with beaten egg before baking in a fairly hot oven until browned. Tomato Fan Salad — Peel and slice tomato down nearly to stem end; pre.j slightly open and Insert between the division.: alternate slices of cucumber and onions. Serve with French dressing. For French dressing, place four t; 'de spoons olive oil, one-half salt, one-hulf teaspoon red two tablespoons vinegar in ; Shake vigorously and aerve. SUGGESTIONS ™ There are many of us who will not feel wp can give a large Hal j jowe’en party, but most of us can | inviteuone or two of our friends,. ?nd aftecially the children’s friends |in corn, make ear ly . qj., | eat apples and have a jolly evening.: | True hospitality is not | so much with the elaborateness ofli j the entertainment but with tho j spirit of it, and all of us can look j back on some wonderful tine spent Jin some one’s kitchen helping male j randy and pop com. or sitting be j fore an open fire telling stori.s | and eating apples and roasting | marshmallows, Blesser is he or \ she with recollections of happy home gatherings of friend- in i childhood or vouth to help them.- | through the harder times that coma to us all. Where shelves must be placed above a stove nr heater protect the underside from heat and do not cover shelf with naper. Leave plenty of ventilating space between lamp shades made of parchment m cloth and light bulb. Turn oft the current before leav mg elecivic iron or other heating apparatus Anew shipment of made by Hanse and Grinnefl in the 1 2 button Chamoisettesj. Colors, Tan, Cream, Brrfj $2.00 , J Chamoisette GauntflW Brown, Creanv. Grev% P m $1.95 i rSelr-trirnmed, White I rimmed Priced for Ladies 50c to $5.50 Priced for Men 35c to 85c A. ZELMENOVITZ Mrs. A. M. Drury and clnMf a! At kinHnii l * ‘“'t •“ 4’.; •' , f/il" '' ! 1 1 \\i £ i jfjflllH-l " ■' - - • I f 0 ° j H'-lcn l.of, of Valdosta, is- the • Hew of her rs. B. D. Wl - < ‘"- ,-W* Mr. and Mrs. Justin l.aComb are welcoming a little daughter at their heme. uo n a Mr. and Mm. Walter Browher have returned from their wedding trip through Florida. o 0 Q O Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Lambrlght have returned from a visit to friends and udativofl in West Palm Beach, i O Ct o o ; Mrs. W. 11. Dyer, of Douglas, spent ! Thanksgiving with her mother, Mrs. i\V. H. Bertie, and will return home i today or tomorrow. After a parents. Mr. and Mrs.- J. H on Union street, Mr:-. >A- 'McCormack has returned tfehea ndtne in Wayeross. CL# n ° Mi 4 and Mi '.. Jk H. Greenfield re turn® 'esterdaHf f’-om Wayeross, 1 — , -J ' jHB v' - y Vsttsspt ffilffSMHl M:r^ss t?. : : ■ It’s an Art easy to ; Achieve, too, with i ; LADY CLAIR I _ SUPERLATIVE SELF RISING FLOUR : l AiARL'S & CO, ’ 1 ! WtovLehiic . Distributor* j I £ ‘v ■s|-~gSskcTrx where they spent the last two or three fejTtH n n o o Brunawickians. will regret to, H Mr. and Mrs. A. I>. ,l nd family are leaving today |k>mpa. where they expect to reside. Mf n o o o Miss Pauline Brock is quite ill at her home on Union street. During her absence from the Y. W. C. A. Mis Marion Cook will act as cus todian. OO O 0 Mrs. Mary L. Stacv leaves soon for Wet Palm Beach, where she will spend the winter with her daughter, Mrs. K. E. Decker, who recently re moved there to reside. oo O O | Mrs. W. G. Alexander and ohil idren. Billy and Jean, and Mrs. W. J. ; Hodgson, Va> cross, were guest - M ,s - w - N’- Graniiing. day. oo a o The friends of Mrs. William Mor irison, of Philadelphia, Pa., will he j glad to know that her little girl, who ihas been quite ill. is greatly improv ed. Mrs. Morrison will he remember led as Miss Julia Gould, of St. Simon I island. Bread is the staff of life. Have the I hest money can buy— VELVET. There are Victrolas in wide var- .oeasgryawiL iety to suit every taste and purse, from $25. $35, SSO. $75 $125 and up. Let us demon strate the superior tone qtrtli- -I- 1 * ties of the popular Console mod- i|> *ls, and explain our very attrac ♦jve easy payment plan. | We believe the Victrola to be the greatest musical instru ment of its kind in the wot Id. We love to sell it. .s' - - jHvTr*i qffwit • We have a large and carefully selected stock of Victor records, and put on sale the first of each month a complete list of the new ones. VICKERS & MANN Au thd icc 1 Victor Dealers day. Dh. A fFtifed L Sr ** E^ery Neccessity and Luxury for the Whole Family at Prices That Are Fair Whitmans ] Candy Sampler j