The Brunswick news. (Brunswick, Ga.) 1906-2016, December 02, 1922, Image 7

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SATURDAY, DEC. 2, 1922. ACornglefrakStore for Ladi 3HHNr\jhilaren This meanly stock of up to the minute Hjs ; \nd Low LWe guarauntee our merchandise ifcv* IWear and Prices, and your money cheer fully refunded if yon are not pleased. | \ Agents for Daniel Green Corn! . JL ■ * tkllik Agents for Dr. * - 1 Silk Hose lor ; I OccassiQns HIR3 CH’S “Complete Shoe Store'" Ne A'casirf^ D ' < Fine Oak B Light Wood MixecP Quick Delivery Phone 600 M|*tyOOD YARD JY .jw Bunkley, Mgr. Useful and Practical Aluminum and Enamel Roasters Electric Percolators Electric irons Electric f casters White Enamel Kitchen Sets Y ellow and Black China Tea Sets Casseroles and Pea Pots Georgia Hardware Cos, Phone 835 - 830 “Money Saved Is Money A Cook with Gas *he cleanest, haadiesi and cheapest fueL Don’t bit a slave to your old kitchen siove. Own# with gas is the modern way of living saves "|ioney, time, worry and work. Come in and let’s talk it oner. Mutual Light & Water Cos. pmon e r ; WA I H r /w\hc r H f m L_ v— -n XL HERMAN MAN’S MAN IN THRILLING PICIU& Viceroy of India. Thjg is ouo of • the public offices that "The ," ! ; " M.-li Mai .ii.Jg I • f he- 1: i'*‘ -mirKpl'on at '••<• "MPyißjf ."Id i, |.'ll t lA^i ■•d , , , ■ 1.. He -J9|| J h i ,EhßTi 11 at must he Je-Ct until the ivi'A f otherwise tile pu9E9Mffd. ud N * happily. Ope of the best castSSl ’'JjUld have -been assembled hnsTjpjw ■■ vided by Diirector Alfred Green. trice Joy is leading woman; Eva Np* Elvidge have important |AVvf fli,. villain-; \\ h . W: v tTI'SP Mm : " -'lee Francis JF over, l-hlv aid I’atricU, .lac- EayßMpt*) l is and others arc well Modern, sntooth>alUiiig, t’iipUvin|M&the south seas is p,swayed by .Huberts, who, with 'his Ino vita jjp r, is a host iu himself. I’erley I’oof'e Slicc haii and Frank Condon "rote the *tnvy, and it. was -adapted hi' Hi, latter and At. Richey. * : THANKSGIVING WAS OBSERVED BY ALL MOST of MERCHANTS GbO.SKD COR KNTIRK DAY AND AtiL ENJOYED IT. Tin: observance of Thanksgiving; " more general jn Rruuawick than” i'i before nml few of Unloading meivliniit., opened their trees' for business at all, while all the whole ale houses remained closed us also did the <'iiy hall, court house and ,Um. ltustoflie.o. observed Sunday hours. always 111,! case hero, hull T nkugllt tin- forest alld stream J 4 ■' I ■ J " ts \ .'i>i.. 'on to the many tion should Ajo | delivered. %, ’s| ’•'he had deliKliti 1 dance at tlje EIW home and varioiur ocial gatherings Were held at .sever al homes, 'i'he weather was delight ful and all enjoyed the day til the very fullest extent. Drink Water If Kidneys Hyrt Take a Ü of Sails if Back pains or Bladder bothers. 100 .mi'flc rn J|I | o, , iii | '" acid, says im warns us to^^^^Bp^^Btlv on guard against kidncv^^^WhiP The kidneys <BAheir utmost to free the blood of iMyprritßting ■id, hut, become weak liver wSk; they get * sluggish ; jpe idiiiiinatiiS tissues it! eg waste is r,Mu lied in l!ir '-id i r ,^fc'-.f"iit 1 ' ~ i ifg •i- h * rloii-i y 1 !■ - is ,p during the luadai h,., ‘nervif^^amt -I - sleeplcssin S3, acid stdiuseh oy tisin ,n had weather, p tr pharrnaeist about f„nr , Fell- lal-,'ii tabba.p,,,,, wafer h, fmi- Iri ,-' -f sISSHHK” a <. frmii mid for clogged kid tie* a, to h< ||, a, ids ill urine m if is no l-.ff i source of iri itii.t ion. thus iiflen™4;;J urinary arid Madder disorders. da<l Falls is inexpensive and eanTlit injure; makes a delightful effervescent lithia water drink, mid nobody can make a mistake by taking a little occasionally to help to keep the kidney-, clean and active. Drink plenty of all times. St Hko K S^P SWEET CREAM V Aarid IMJ I I ER MILK lor Sale at CHURCH’S 508 Gloucester Street. I "MV HAVANA GIRL* IS THE BILL FOR GRAND TONIGHT ‘‘My Havana Girl" with Jimmie j Hodges in tile leading comedy vole, | contiiuie. s to break records entonr and | is a big success on the road as it "as ! in New York, and why not, as it is a f* Play with a popular theme, rich scenery, a wealth of Korgeoin •kiywn.i-dnd a bevy „f dark c ycd maid ens to s inK and dance you into an evening of forgetfulness- laivera of clean wholesome amusement haunting melody, ami dauccs that set. the feet (■bitter-puttering will do well to take of thg opportunity t.o spend under the and spell Wonderful island at your very Hr which most of u s know tittle ii.cßltt . Til,- music is by Howard Hfis.<- and the hoe by riiomas Hailey, ivlip has the knack of giving the pub lie-Jftst whab-tho.v want at .ihkt the! right time. Jimtnie himself, will handle the (Oinedi role assisted i,y shell well J known musical comedy favorites as | Edith Hose Scott. "Hit Hodges, Mary j Farrell, Edna Jac'Pies, Hilly Aslnit'yj I’afc f’ouHott, Hobby Goro, Annette I Ford, Ralph ‘"olds, ilhartelte harmony singers end :-,|il^H ehoriis dressed in Hiluiy esl fade alld fane,- ' direct "Jj llliidjsl,. shop. Till- , u;-.aern| pftAbjj he for imp night at the day, tfeceinbef 2. Ticks now oHPBp A lily, reuiii(U*vf will un ur Jg Jim mie Dodges Rusical when Jimmie, hlihsejlt,. a ■■■listed his 111-other "Hie Hodge.;. Ediiil Rose Scott, Mary Eafrell, Edna 'Jae'lUe:;. Annette Ford, Itafe I’otilliott, l!al|ili (’anloroti, Hilly Augury, Holiliy Dor. , Fred Reynolds, I „ w Ilauipton and ah organized nuaif’fte , f sweet singing harniOjiy singm's and a splendid chorus of girls and boys will be seen at lhe Grand tonight. It has been four years sine,, all ,d' these people I'll To In ”M with (he imiej show under Hodges banner hut lie j hii M taken the best play Ife could buy got all the host „t |l rjtfg pcrferniei r.j which ifl.niU hjs iMgphov... fli,. sue-j tear- I he.fiV each! Id ill the most lie.-,a tf, mivri-oniueiit ~v,.r with show. . \ 1 clToillp and there are *" gowns iiiurtLrprgeoiW in 111, the Fl'Giy it n, ■ s it i "i nwH c colors. 9 van.i Dill” ,iir,"( from lla U R it.l n run Will lie seen at Die ,. w V- .. V . u,i^| l .e ■ year tight, aching stop fhr; pain. lire;,;-; up the ■ungestion. l ed a had coin loc. cii upMl just a short time. Ivc! i’.pi - I’eb i-;, rem edy i11.,, bur;.: qtiiiki t relief. Jt can not. I c't no ;ii-i il rrrtaildy seems to end Hi, lighim a’ul drive the cotigcs ti<>n ami soreii'-.s figiit out. Nothing has : u-'h concentrated, penc tintHTg In and ; and peppers, and when heat p,iietrab .lit down into colds, C'm# 'ice. niii,-.i h l , cd sore, slifT joint; ride i conic , at. once. fhe moii). at -.on apply Red I'epper Knb you fed the tingling heat, in three minute., the led spot is warmed through and tli ugh. When you are suffering from a cold, rheumatism, backache, o-ff neck or sore muscles, jtpf get a of Rowles Red JuL mad ■ rid pcjipc , at any ' ’ ci will have the quickest ■Mir. Fm* Golds, a BmfhiMGOza P and as a Prowontiuo Take f £sr laxative hh VLUI, mtfr ißromb 1 iQmninm *%>, w The Fitot and Oiiginnl Cold and Griii Tablet The l>o\ bears this signature (o* sfc£ f /r<nrzs' hoc. cm is a DANGEROUS DRUG NEXT DOSE MAY SALAVATE YOU. LOOSEN TEETH OH START RHEUMATISM. Calomel mercury; quicksilver. It crashes into sour bile like dynamite, cramping ami sickening you. t'aio ’d attacks th c bones and should v< ii) . put into the system, if '■ ’i Gel bilious heat'ach <’ con stipated atul all knocketi ou r , just go r 'lruggjst and get a bottle of Dodson' Liver Ton,. f„r ;; fu-v cents "I'iclt is a harmless vegetable sub stitute for dangerous caltmiel. Take a spoonful aid iif it d<sii't start your liver atul straighten 9oti up bel ter and quicker than Italy calomel itui without making yoiXjtick, you jtt.-t go bar k and get, your Hon't. take calomel; It ; i t the next day; it loses you a d;t“s work. Dodson's Liver Toue straightens you right u i> unit you fe<<l ftreat. No salts necessary. Give it to th e children bt'caiiso it is Perfect ly harmless a itd can not salivate. g ENGINEERING FEAT, ON .RECORD 1 SOON BE UNDERTAKEN Hl-aSalie, Ills., Dee. |. GovorntS |P n I* '"day "avc orders to j>j !■ r’"’d with consti‘uct.jon of the eotnictcl# ini; link in (lie Great Lakes find the Mississippi river, approving plants for live great looks which will raise and lewer a fleet of barges, ships. Lifts, 'l‘e hundred and twenty-three feet in six!.’ utiles between LaSalle and Lock port. It is talud I limlWh of l"‘ 1 ™ke than any of tin Panama canal. WA*NT S ' f' - "“ n ** "* -** *•' >•' ■ :vi £' * itn vjtihifvWe ni 77f)!v M fflLni 1 - 1 Hs*! re. • 1 WANTliD—Experienced lady waiC ress. -Apply S a v 0 y llestauruut. It WANTED— Yellow J'ino Logs, either nu out':; or by water—Savannah Plaining Mill Company, Sav a nnatl, ( *‘L 12-co MEN .Mqi-i; men wanted-lo put in lill and yard station at four mil* boat on Broadfleld road. Meet the Irmk a. nt., corner Norwich and (llotmester streets. Can use fifty Pay off every Saturday at. noon.—: k. W. limn,sed, tilt; Carpenter, street. 12^ I OR I'Oli RENT Rooms loimeAjtj oifS Pied by Y. \V. C. A.. ovßr Jtiflfe Annex—Apply T. J.Wright 12 ji EDIt KENT— Kjve folmts, two story ' lioipte, M 2.! Grant street Pad*. Ap Ply ;i( Lilli t’aipentiT St, or plfftm 70!). FOR SALE BARGAIN One uvorland ear, nmst b,. M) ld Saturday, no reasonable offer refused. —IS. K. CONEY Phone ;:l,i 12 2 J’OI! SALE-- Ford touring car, 1920 Model, in first class condition. Spotlight, Bumper,cut out atul accel erator.—Phone 077. tr POP SALE -Seven passenger Wyllya Six, HI2O Model. L; i„ first class condition m every way. Apply to J. E. or plmnc 708. tf SPECIAL NOTICES SPECIAL NOTICE -Ml bills against American <U;am al'ip ’‘Lake lleetor" must be present ed at ouj- office, in triplicate before a n* ■, this date, or payment thereof will be debarred. STKACHAN SHIPPING CO. ~w 2 Agents. H (HIK SERVICE i'AU.S IN ANY WAY, PLEASE I EI E US, WE WANT IT 10 BE AS GOOD AS II IS POSSIBLE TO MAKf; IT. BRUNSWICK LAUNDRY Geo. Griflii), iVlgt. DON’T FORGE! WE ARE I) R V CLEANERS MOMR! BREAK Jskfh. m cold §y m jam w Spr M , r Xve L'ttle Bowels with ‘ ISornia Fig Syrup" \\ hat % J9HR’ yeti give our child In :tl tb fikW open the little bowels with jaCalifonfla Fig Syrup" LosTt rid. of Wflpoisons C wasw-' ... > cold V ' f ;: ' df/P Eve,, if To I)rit|Kte|Bpßap|L '’W System f ’kc 1 s 'I AS'i 1. ' ' f r . II who: y.i 1 ‘ Priueu! on •?V’ . ; . .• * Quinine ar t .!®P ;L The Ouitmie : •"*: JHrthc matolifeßß Iron builda up SERVICE Have you ever sloped to con sider how often the average An efttnohile l)cjy^ffii|^^hange WoW '’ljL pany lias been authorized Lord dealers in Brunswick for five Ail others have changed severa | some have been as long as any representatijn at all. is a large itemio be considered in buying anew car, SERVICE. ; x ' us show you what REAL is. Don’t buy your car I ‘ roni one man and then have w to go to another for your SER* VICE. GLYNN MOTOR CO. Phone 75 Authorized Ford and Lincoln Car Deiuoio S he World’s Greatest Motor Car Values Home Millinery Where the latest and most attractive creations can be made at 25 percent less than prevailing prices. Call in and let us show you our hats. Mrs. G.L. Whilden Cysdijutf; in Millinery, Dre.sarnukiug and Lulica Tailoring. - 1014 P Street Phone / - 262-W ’ ' cian he will praise you for hyvifl given “Cal fd’nia Fig Syrup’’ as thß laxative because it never fails, never cramps or overacts, and c\%n sick children love it pleasant taste. Ask your druggist for genuine “California Fig RyruP” wh’ch has ilk recti n s for babies and children ail ay : printed on bottle. You must nay “California” or yH may gi\ a n imitation f’g .syrup. H —No. JL3rarA" v a* .teiiauni 'ararr?rauitiOT)j i ELY ft £Li EVES 1 Oi.TA‘H Of- THE BLADDER J ■ r-Oi>*. Lii.n i- C-r.NERAI tONS J a fPtiMtPATiaN or m 9 r.oN’- r t cor>>ia- and conus ■ J Ar V I'ti. cut •TRSAI BOX &/ MAIL SOH I if. •' 1 n■•:? HLNRY rr. BRCOKIYN.N.Y.J I O? IMITATIONS ► J