The Brunswick news. (Brunswick, Ga.) 1906-2016, December 05, 1922, Image 3

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t *|tes ( l > 'W't'est i m i-. •'W&t* jM w k '}/■ ■■■ ' JP I<;4 ' ' > V Thu. ' Iti.'ii P^Raf I'.Ma.v in it; ivf. s i,, i w t 117 m Saturday High 11:0-Mm- I 1 K- 1 X.-\V. I. ~ ,|V } . 'f | i' s la|l%f y OLA I JE' ’ • I- ! ; V X*v Janu^-*Eirst. / must s^||i®|F and a large lot of household goods. Hei ” % Some Bargain Figures. V>. 2 R0HINI1002) AO. i. ROBINHOOI) II! k|j| v.l. :. PREMIER DRV I 1 \ttr Xjyjfe >0 I. KOYAi . SCARI.ETjB 1 /. hiMiiiws coefflH VI. SCAKII I IWH jj|||V PORK \\|) BLA'S i'okk m \>r^B I I • ■ ""wM I 1 !!/. tl! IN/ L\ I JM I ! 51/ 111 |N/ C\ fl| 1110 George St. f 1 G. HESS Telehone 428 Delivered 1 V<* !•. l.nw smi am 5:42 pm s "nil u v Ifigh 12. ii.". pm 12:11 pm ld < . |O. I,(>w 5:57 am fi: :!7 pm Outer bar calculations—about an b f ; e harbor. ORDINARY yfp c yfste rday. vJej ijf :1 • I'; 1 ' did * IYOR^^fl \ i ? i^H which ha> been handled through the sam e company, lias sailed for Brazzil and the American schooner Melba G. Hamlin reached; jport yiyUerdfiy Ito take on a cargo of piling from H. Cook . S| BLOCK r.AKinv nri' ■ . AT BIJOU ' 1,11 -‘re ' demonst rationHCji"' jo,, • A JL ■ Rulsw IC K . AMP YESTERDAY. Kgj|rc/wick tourist camp Was ■. twenty cars yesterday and over tiiglit it is noticed increasin' nL Nac "CASCARETS" 10C WR ROWELS IF CONSHPATEO ; Clean your bowels! Feel fine! When yen feel sick, dizzy, Upset,! whe n your head is dull or aching, or I : your stomach is sour of gassy, just ■take one or two Cascarets to relieve ' I constipation. No griping—nicest cathart e-laxtive c„ earth for grown s and children. 10c a box. Taste \e candy. I y - V.ordoi and tILJ t"iii j.fl M'c^gjJ j fp V-' 1 . .hnTgc Rnili^d^B loin got the record by J } fino winter trout in a few hfflP fishing Saturday afternoon. I). A. Curry came second with • thirty-five 111 made JpM T OF £ - | 'SES.^V the Jn\ ldpr lat Grubb ikes A]\f lit lie apfn-eciative. per, the build iVch furniture, tt spots where ts are used by ; recent house e grocery store nk streets. JL f*dt will i |MO:3Ii K WE SELL AND RECOMMEND ca urn JT!. “ifln Vj mm a | SsflL©4r?tieorgia. County of Glynn: To all whom it may concern: ! Alvan B. Itowe having in due form j applied to in e for permanent letters of administration upon th e estaee of! Mary Cora Uo've, late °f said county, deceased. This is to cite a ll and singular the next of kin a nd creditors of said Mary j Cora Rowe, deceased, that said ap- i Plication will he heard before nip at j the regular term, being the January ! i (erm, 11*22, of the court of Ordinary i of Glynn county. Witness my hand and official signa ! lure, this 2!itb ,i>iy of November, 1922. EDWIN W. DART, Ordinary, Glynn County. To Drive Out Malaria And Build Dp The System Take the Old Standard GROVE'S TASTE* TONIC. You know what you as the formula is printed on showing it is Quinine ami ' \ Be/ fsteless form. The Quinine 1 / | nmlaiia. tlie Iron builds up ■ iHO cents. 8 '”i > {. f ' 50c m taken I ShipriK ies to Wtejootmmserve 5 I=2 OZ. CRUIKSHANKS PICKLES, sour, sweet chow chow IS 7 OZ. HEINZ STUFFED OLIVES 35c I QT. PURE STRAINED HONEY 50c HEINZ WORCESTERSHIRE SAUCE 19c 7 12 OZ. ROYAL SCARLET PICKLED ONIONS 15c 7 OZ. HEINZ INDIA RELISH 15c 6 BEEFSTEAK SAUCE 15c OLPACKAtiE SPAOHETTE AND MACARONI 8c SALTED MAKERAI 7 I 2c CALIFORNIA DRIED PEACHESAND PRUNES 15c lb. BEST MOCA AND JAVE, FRESH GROUND COFFEE, 3 lb SI.OO WRIGHTS SILVER POLISH 15c jar 8 OZ. GELFANDS COMBINATION RELISH 28c 3 OZ. GEI.FANDS COMBINATION RELISH 12c IMPORTED OLIVE OIL M 6 gal 35c can COMMISSIONERS IMPS BRUNSWICK ortirial I IHt-ar meeting Bhyjruns'Wiek, Ga., '. 4, 1922. L. Andrews and Acting Mayor M. 11. McKinnon. Absent: May^^^n. Ml ii lit* of meetings were read and | Recessed Decem ber 7th, 1922 ~ p. m . Secretary <'mj^^K,ners, Hi MK|,:TINf : >" court of tile I'liited >I at [e, n j lof Georgia. ■h of bank^^H^BpFlnkruptcy. of J. W. DtLke. of BrunsßM‘Ythe Glynn, said , iife*j fc J ! >ankrupt|/% given jStul on the Ist* l^^^y.N'iiVeiilbpi.jJl. the v il Illy M ** ! t- X*-.\ I el } dav i,r * s *| y|B| i ,,,! 1 ‘ fX. vifU - • 11 .up Uj|| f 1 e batik • I J lii uHn i", y Bi* i ho ... yJ -j ia,'*X i !f‘! ; :''jit.'. helefe t and it : ' r i-'leiee I rl lrunsW(t‘k, Ga , Nov. *225,000 CITY OF BRUNSWICK, GEORGIA fIOLD BONDS Sealed proposals will be receive! until 3 o’clock p. m., December 12. 1922, by the commission of th e city of Qiiinswjck for the purchase rff sl7nßlO Tlridge a nd Road Bonds of <)ct<o®: to 1952 and *50,000 11, Ronds of s nid ejty, annually 1928 to itti dated October 1, 1922, |KatUns *I,OOO. principal and In 0 1, 5 per cent), naynhle *Bty in gold. Jbßuj(|rs ■ t.i\, TL.v ' j ?kfcle •i'iiii.. or ' H ji j f ' - fT_ iWVv ' poout ').*. Lady ClaRI Contains an j Attraction fa l- Evcriu Ncal-The Lure °/ [Healthful Food |g LAZARUS & CO., ' Wholesale Distributors Hon a s to th e city, its financial ffi| ilition an<l the condition of including two per cent good l'aH| deposit, will be furnished on appljsH tion to tbe undersigned. The right] to reject any and all bids is reserved.l N. D. RUSSELL, > 12-12 Secret iry to the Commission u JUGO-SLAVA MINISTRY i STEPPED DOWN AND OTTi (By Associated Press.) i | Belgrade, Dec. 4.—The ministry] [ lieaded by Premier Nikola PachitetJ and was acepeted a s soon as a iiejfl ministry was formed. ifl Always bears /"