The Brunswick news. (Brunswick, Ga.) 1906-2016, December 05, 1922, Page Page Four, Image 4

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Page Four '-**.*. morelng astcapt Mon IfiP 4*l by H ff NEWS PUBLISHING CO, p* Brunswick, 6a. 2Th* Nw* Bids., . I*o4 Ntwcattl* St. leavy President and Editor. ■Uttered at the Bran swell, (Oa.) Poet B Office a* aecoud-claes mall matter. E SUBSCRIPTION RATE* iffiftpe Tear 17.60 Mffili Month* 4.00 Months 2.00 ftie Month 70 New* t* the official newspaper ■t the QJty of Brunswick. ■ Member of the Aseoclatud Pres*. ■ The Associated Press is entitled to use for publication of all newt Sftllted to It or not otherwise credlt- Hn this paper, and also to the local published herein. gKtL DEPAHTMENTBPHONF. 188 W '■ K. tlhis sort of weather does not ! tourists in Brunswick, then sure ffltlliey do not know what they arc HbK for. are few movements that are :jKr to the heart of the people than His Educational Week which has worked out in the interest of all People of the country, it. in to in Brunswick att<l it ought Bo 'have the hearty anil co-operative Bid of the people. B Another of those fatal triangle Banes in on in New York with ratn ■ticntioiiH extending all the way to Macon and with the uhuul amount of ■nausea attached. In there not some Ijyay to readh the third party in these Bases? We should think so. HJ'lio -extra session of congrffijs call - ■by President Hording ended Ven > .ithoot having done One. thioY Sst-i' i-Hlic^^^^ngß| A ln seasonn, the new Senator Cott- MiehiKun. who has been nani ■ to succeed Senator Newberry, has ■Seen a democrat, a republican, and a ■Prtfgreasive. Where will he land in ioffitgress and will be form a “one man there?” Kip fjMriic ii!' 1 if <i l *. >.; solilt ton--, ill. ifls rat. f..i reduction and rl '#••••*% dead earnest one that Brunswick just now dcr to grow and develop, is an attradw tivc fnx rate. Thit Savannah Press Atlanta cor-, rettoßlent makes a very übiquitous j sort iff a man out of I'rad Warde. the ! genial secretary of the Brut|*\vick Board of Trade, by having him in At-j lantrf'and Bunswick on the same date, j The brand over Savannah wav must 1 be getting worse all the time. The Dyer anti-lynching bill has ti nally been thrown into the senatorial discard, thanks to that, democratic til ibuster executed under the able lead ership of Senator Underwood. One of these days certain republicans in congress will find out that class leg islation is a tilting of the past in America. The Turk’s are facing a solid wall of opposition at the Lausanne confer ence on the question of capitulations. on territorial guarantees that Turkey has been forced to make for many years. All of the five other na tions represented in the conference insist that Turkey must still make those guarantees. While the city election today is a mere ratification affair, at the same time, the voters of the city ought, to go to the polls and vote for Mayor Ogg. He has made you a faithful official; he has been renominated for city commissioner and it would be a pleasing compliment to him to* give hint a good, rousing voter Congressman Tinkhant, of Massa chusetts, tinkers away with his pet plan to reduce the congressional rep resentation from the. South. How ever, congress and the South seem to go along anti forget that Tinkham Still manages to fool certain Massa chusetts people into believing that he has sense enough to be in congress. We observe.that Moscow has u iit- conference on hand Inf ft* u\Vn account. We hopcit linati ages to— make' better Progress than did the' specially conducted Harding Huabed fiasco, of last .winter. Out side of costing the government or; the tax pavers about a half million dollars, it did nothing else of note. [ DR. WILUAM-OTp The people of le*rn i with real Dr. William Johnson, rector I Mark* church has accepted a Atkn, 8. U., and will leave charge on January ti it. At the News cannot terall any c*m local pastor has won ni‘.i a people rnmp.i’-.oiiy^^^Buri! man wlm revoir to the people J|y *“■ Itr Johnson m ' to the | with Perfect case and get.fji He is extremely poJK&egip'only among the mem he - n"n ' hurih ’ Jg vtt h ,tUi fe’ ; *l'loi’lc “ f on r r grot has Sen expressed^^^^h his ''claJESs -tji I 1 11 Wp^v.,’s- - 1 'tea % 11 Nit, " ■? an 'tljjk 'sfoHffi *r do.o * , X 1 i . X* i tor* 1 r */,~- i"" i ,<■ cni ily ‘ a f 1 .Ik this his 'N&a ditl attainment, a charming i ! personality, as a pulpit orator and a I |devotion- to his work, at once oapti- • Ivating and well calculated to endear 1 jbim to all with whom he oWps ip (ontuct. „ 'x J ! The News will experience , uMteon- [ at loss in the removal of for it will miss his gorti^UKhip,f In a I way a omul and flHßlnel I aud above all his incitt, which he has liberal and helpful In his new illd of cnileiMKf wish for him the ! Ms.,l it, w horn ■f - : ‘ :. o'im| tideltu. M i " rt **Qter- ' m A not he iiiovi'W int o BruJK ■Hi- ' >' X • £-1, Bha.* I uft - ,nid metenul to accomplish Phe' betK her heart on. For |Son Week in Brunswick Is going fh’V vujochal in effect, because is WfejteUnte with a thoi 1 - leuglmcss cannot but ■jeered. Week is to be observed ;throughout today, otlieui cit' ill the i'flß' l . £ -~*m**4 much 1 purpose to m| X I toward the go* of h\3fjf Bk | general education as opi^H here. Civic and bus* .' ‘ftufl j films are uniting | schools in the movement, and the ro • ult will he that at. the end of the [week the cause of education "ill have [been advanced to such an'extent that it will be easier henwforth for any proposal for the benefit oft Tie schools to meet with general favor. No matter what subject of general "rlfare may he under discussion, [whether it be the boll weevil, farm economics, better trade, higher stan dard of living thrift, better streets, religion law enforcement or what not. it ultimately is reduced to the one big question of education and intelli gence. Prosperity on n broad plane ,is dependent upon a broad spread [of intelligence and intelligence is cul tivated by proper education. Beli [gion, law enforcement, commercial and industrial wealth, better public improvements are always outgrowths of a higher order of intelligence. | Although an intelligent Populace is , "ot necessarily immune from mater ial or even spiritual disaster, those [ | people "ho have the highest order of intelligence always rally from a dis- [ aster with more celerity than those [of a lower capacity of understanding and self advancement. It is seldom ithat an intelligent individual under .ordinary conditions is found in the ■ class of “down and outs’’ and even iless seldom that a whole group or! [community of intelligent people re-j [main impoverished after any sort of j disaster. Intelligence, which is the ultimate of education, gives to an j individual or a group the, power of •elf-reconstruction or self-rehabilita tion after n mishap or a disaster. It is toward tlie development of a condi tion of general intelligence among the people of the next generation of Brunswick’s population* that will give them the driving Power and mental alertness tt> overcome all difficulties of a human nature that this weak |a being observed. Upd* the direction of Superinten dent C. I*. Dr7den, of th* local school* a program for the observance of Ed ucation Week ha* been formulated, which will call mtq temporary *#r vlee the beat minda of aqr own pea pic. There 4l) b# aoatethwg of im portance every day of the week. Noth ing e# a spectacular <w rr* immedi ate nature is t be expected to result from the observance of this week, but its effect will be lasting and ft* even tual benefits will be felt in months and years to nxta THE MBN ACE OF SOVIETIBM Senator Borah is right in that the United Htatae Hussion soviet go\. rnmeu ■I 'ionahly i* exists; unqu*( 'holds, ho"'*- over the imift iypy’yof RA*ia. ( Km lisleidosc oMc It the top aA n [ ower fikma timii'd tlirouehojmH^Sk ■ vh ■ iri 11 of h \ “ins E fc .-ij. jk 1 "•< ' wiji F'" r ' ” dial while <"-JT, jjß‘ii-1 *h princ.ipes mpP^cl' . fomiyed. of the ioviet governnient would ’ not iThPljt .mt: nt of It at all. It would Amply tjnrted States is n na l lion a nation each recog ininiiig,. Of the other to its government." - Even thi*. i Is etntemejW , fur Bf- '^SHBhjjyyieCe.scarl:" U *' 1 ,-*• should fjdßmm HvoiAi he based on .j.-MtludrV jaPern their relations with friei^H and iuattce. In that. mi^H ■round, tlie ground where ■utirioii end PrHudjac and ill wfiHH I trol, y the of ■Two peoples may haffieaeh other •J’et if the government? that represent | them treat each other court 1 |nd justly peace null h*-^ k 1 nta !■§ n > o 'liflcationH arc face of the combined the civilized workl to pre ■ent her froni making them. Wo do , not mean the other nation* intend to exert this pressure—-their Intention is thek reverse—but the display of is implied by a refus al to recognize (loos more than could be done in any other way to unite the Russian people in faor of sovietism and the fate of Russia is exclusively in their hands. * y. If this attitude of hostility were abandoned Russia wopld much sooner right herself and take a worthy place in the family of nations than if it were maintained. And until Russia does take her a worthy place in the family of nut ions she is tfjja greatest .danger that ever menaceiUthe world, jin the face of foreign ill will she will : maintain a large army. When she gets ready she will have the support of other dissal-, isfied nations in Europe and she will strike with crushing force. HOW BANKS CAN HEM*. An example of the wonderful help that bank? can render in restoring Prosperous conditions on the farm is furnished by the Bank of Campbell County, located at Fairburn, Ga., an institution that may be classed as a "country bank.” but which is showiiw the city banks a thing or two when il conies to extending to the farmer? a type of service and co ophratior. that others would emulate. This is the Bank of Campbell Coun i ry's contribution, to the prygress and welfare of its community during the Ijresentpy'jear; L''. A' iV i‘.<Piittributedd,lS|jttl pure breji C'ggf'ltin'- olideiyto• stan dard i*c the raising of'poultry in its i county. . v v 2.- Furnished;-the best -grade of . Potato slips to ovary farmer whq • wanted them, furnished cfatev : GOOD MORNING '*Ob, he* wonderful," cried the mgvj e gtar, beoming with tnthusj ajat. ‘’We’ve bceh robbed twnje, and ear house burned, gad our auto wrecked, and J'v e been in a cyclone, and had my life threatened by an anonymous enemy, sin'* w e B m. ployed hjui—Grinned Maltoaser. - mk @’'cxt door i I U Jr nr lit Up e-g* ’ A who has fou-Jn -s *<■ RljßjUiny Hncjjpg t_ k,* n -.-orions for the world as writing a Po”ni The wg mwn lin'd herself wondering at the curious and Unusual look in the objld'n eypr. sp “be could net. rsi*t mWhal yin drawing, RosejUH fficßahi The child as if stariJV a I<ict'fc|a oypPsJ nffir, no ,-iq. j yf' n“' fjflftwia' r\ i’ll ;‘ ld.< ‘■J | wbe-i I HU'' W I M c -hipl’c g iV - - X .'fowr 1 nit :S||| h-ippd iii'jjff x 1 -1 • 4 • ids i 1 " 1 <• J'";- Ty[Xi i ; . *•- iKM-mi '"Ur was -id f.-r can's e *u hid. to wrvi. MjM ■jT in . UvW,, ifcc pluiffPlg under boll gad uho fur ■i.’-'i'p ; , | 'ft-iicv for farmein to Ph’uy <Jirl - •kaenatc. UJ^eti b' * (l1 ' -Ml*. ■- ■ X Mil ■ • - Rial ' pj-| /£!§f b '‘*‘j S' iJH - T’Vflr 'il -n V -1' ’ I c. and ’MkjiJl^l of- jfw iimpTnnphci't-tc;. " With aid *ml l lj>,iaLtar.c■ '? u'd surpri? ng f ' ■of II"' hut■ *atiJßßPfe'X i farmers in Wpr I jjN? chickens and eggs, tjjfl jpcWMapon of a fine herd of daiM TiaUlHand plenty of hay and rough-1 (age. besides considerable cash. | of Ukfi I "I for hidMffiivS^HnttihutiouJ^^jH ■mj io ;,| | (#.|£ yJf - --"I. - •he fiirUJ®. wc ™>t™. tlv^^^H that hßHatik lias al-n the exCßnl' of paying a nice on the; sum it invested for fare of' the community. Il is likely that other country hanks arc serving their respective commun ities iti like fashion. If so, *they should, not hi-le their light under a bushel, the world know of it, • for else in the line that is more j inspiring account of such service s tliat rendered by the Bank of Campbell CoL%ty. Atlanta m.iui hh-- a fed unto her these days ■■ has much to be thankful for I Key is to retire on January first! SPECIAL J NOTICE 1H All persons are fied that no trapping or way wll be permitted lands of the tmdersigne'jlH er Glynn or Mclntosh -25 GEORGIA VEN!j| packs! VII Id against the British sIHR ! ship New York City, must he ■ anted at our office jn quintupljeat* ! hefote uomi tills date, or payment thereof wifi bg -debarred, STRAGHAN SHIPPING CO., | Dec. 1 5," 192’-‘. • ~ Agents- What is '’Sprutg Fevar'' It is simply low Vitality, a laok caused by impure blopd. -GROV E'S . Tasteless cun tonic restores viuiitj and Energy by Purifying and Enriching; the Blood. You cap soor. feel its Strength • uing. luvfguraung t|Jy; 60c. (WANTS ■*%!’ Siugers Danced- h BHif o'iH Sell thjl Prod^flHpl street- 4, FpR RiSNT—Five rooam, house, 1X23 •' M%x *#§r _.*w H& Wja^ Iru -•<■■>l rt thejPS't^ L>) ; ' 'ft l-W : 1 JF >,: WMWr ”■*•• /cel I3P* VP* WJU "WBX yar-I To Fortify the System Against CqJds. Grip and Influenza take GRO'Tt'S TASTELESS Chili TONIC, ft Pa, i fres and Enirchcs the Blood U Builds up sivl Strengthen the Whole System. It tha System 1 tost Colds, Clip aad mHuea v- Price i\. mb : ! s ■BiSHiiiBE SYSTEM. Ri 4 W&C R* r:^;;^if.g*psuLEs: ; POPULAR FOR GENERATIONS' COMPOUNC COr-AITA VhO CU 8 X 3'a AT DRUGGISTS. o TRIAL BO.< BY MAIL 30'' FROM I'LANUN D? HENRY D eROCM.YN. N.Y. - B riWAPtE OF IMITATIONS |g 1 ry QA \ yiardwiliir % ' / I# Hr jt H9Kgtar(.l use. mmm w? B |iity higher, prices*lower Cah and Sec Them WRiGtjJ & GOWEN CO PHUMFS ijjmi .. MANSFIELD 4 BAY STS. TUE3D/flr 'U lor H Jf 4 HU 1/ asfm:,i W * CA/// pic Restores Health, Energy and Rdsy Cheeks, eoc