The Brunswick news. (Brunswick, Ga.) 1906-2016, December 09, 1922, Image 4

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■* 4 4 HAw -: - . fmrX |Bn'o ro ■Vi'o. • 11,04 Nwc**le Ct. HRfRENCt f CITw V President and Editor. at ttsi feruuxwck. (Ga.j Post fgfcfe as socond-class mail tnattor. Bjlubscription rates. ■I Months 4.00 Rniree Months 2.00 Bbne Month 70 Hv News is the official ncwapaper |Knq Citjl of Brunswick. T Member of the Associated Press. The. Associated Press Is entitled to : we use for publication of all news kdited t 0 it or not otbermadkrodit-i HR). tills ami local He departments P/ ME \oM BBr-nor Russell, of Mississippi, i" In geltlpg a line of free advertising, ■till lie probably does not relish; It much. Week ha sheen Generally in Brunswick and we are HHiat the observation has brought; good results. is no use in talking about The weft the r man has giv w 'ikr‘. " 1,, : i ut £>*• with that Savan- HjoUcaWiiP- Certainly lb'nny Bnatle aflLrd tight for that piece ||k,|ji )( al Ip Will he get H. Ley seem* to V bel'Veen the ■lid the deep blue sea at LUH ■ She must fall out with Russia B present attitude cannot be Kined. ckc rs are promising us 1 Hi •+.•> s for < hri-.t ma • 'll' '** iEtfn ' reaped a h-iY'i.t ", - W (lay .Hid ought to h.‘ SPTmake a alight division at HLuletido season. t hirl ■B^HH| man.' j t" j After all it appear aalK Governor IS. G. P. Harding was gH. ing to stick to his job as governor the Federal Reserve Hoard. Will the other famous Harding be as fortunate in 1924? J y there ever wan a season the local merchant should advortisM that season is here no"'. People mu-in shop for the holidays and they must look for the best values. Why not try an advertisement hi The News? Honav Law’s biggest step yet, since he assumed the premiership of Great Britain, was tho naming of Thu Healy to be governor-general of tiie Irish Free Stale, Hedy is an Irishman; has for forty years been lighting for the freedom of his country and is an able man “Weary Willie” Upshaw, congress man from the Fifth district, rap. Governor Hardwick soundly mi hi" prohibition statement of a few days ago lo the effect that it is impossi ble to enforce the prohibition law hill he did not prove that the Governor was wrong. 'Vnethcr oi" likes to reali/.e the j tmth f tin statement < Govcrnot 1-I.lwick that it m I’t.nm.silde to on force the pr mihition lews, at the same time Past experience has serv cd tn verify his statement. It is cost ing the American tax payers ten mil lions of dollars to make a feeble of fori to and i it. The great Baptist ctiventhm in so* sin in Atlanta has adopted a rule whereby the man who violates the Golden Rule in business is to be ex polled from the church. It’s a tine plan ami should have been done .'ears a,c>. It ought to serve to do away with a whole lot of hypocrisy which ha; been hiding behind the church pews- J‘ ha? finally come. President Harding 1 is prmi&ed nave) njtl. il tlliit hot tunes necessary to km p the ftf&fiur 'dv free, ti will also hi" t" mem.Wretl' that. Mir, one of the fa ~i< |s ;,.n.totii jioihts named in the famous Wilson piau-of peace* Slwjv if Inn : ufely the tlnfiding administra tit.* has I.ioii forted io adopt the Wil son policies or go to the rocks. CHHrniv * j There is no more laudable under taking than that which is engaging i the attention of women in every town land city in the United States—Bruns j Vick inclduded—qt this time in the ale and distribution of Seals. From now until after theMbli j days every IcUor that is pof ml i should bear <>ii>o,f these attractive i little seals, which hears silent ’it- I ness to the fact that the sender of 'the letter has contributed his share jtowad fighting the dread white j Plague, for every dollar realized from jibe sale of these seals is used in. the . < rusado against the spread of tuber- culosis. During 1921, there were 107,- 000 deaths from tuberculosis in the United SlflUnßarwi while this figure is ’appalling, Ml it shows a decrease of 15,000 asKompared with 1920, when there were 122,000 deaths. Un doubtedly the hundreds of, thousands of dollars raised annually by the sale of Chris trolls seals had inch to do with bringing about that decline in the vkalh rale from this cause. jHArlaxatios of the herculean ef- SWrW" “' ntr ' il ll "' I’lague would nut a 10.,s of ground that has been gained, but the death cue, instead of declining, would grow larger every year. - The economic loss trt the country of 107,000 persons, who might have been spared to long lives of useful ness, amounts to hundreds of thq snds of dollars, which is a cold-'j blooded, but practical way of lookingf at a proposition that is mostly re-; gariled from its humanititriari pects, but whatever angle tha Red Cross fight against tub* sis is viewed, everything; is ii^l Vthat should iii! he puh i^gl.. Olii,. v'; i id ri-lf^rfthoi^H heady ladief' in work have set $2,000 as t this year, which means thakH seals must he sold at a i So. Mr. Business or Profession | if yoU have not seruj^^ delay now 11 on leTTErj^^^n I'll ,t I ~ le Sam. "> " h we’r® ; use, and one Cor the ReiW .kg '.great Imnunitarium era® llio ravage ( l ,,,i: w" ‘ hcreulosis. % J gjfl oiA j K Wk r - ■ H 'FuroPe^^^^B ittg the niost^Bj in mill the iiFaSSruff' in I.ondoti will the Parts Pra^^ l hr fcKi' id..i |>t...- i,. w-% H8mI" ' " h ripi.' U? ■""ll '' \l-l. e I"' ifKH " Hie ndPtolerate them.” Imimuom e could hArdl.v go fur liter. The George Harvey who Is Threatening the Prime Ministers with The wrath of the United States if They do not suddenly save a situation j that has grown steadily worse for Two years is the Georg* Harvey who informed Kuropc-at the beginning of .his Ambassadorship that the United States ‘‘"'ill not, 1 cun assure you. |have anything whatsoever to do with the League or with any commission dir committee appointed by it or re sponsible t" it, directly or indirect !ly, openly or furtively.” The two years in which conditions have become so immeasurably worse in KuroPc are the t'Ve years that i have passed since the election of Mr. Ha riling. Mr. Harding and his asso jciutes have watched this steady dis inlegrsticn, sometimes through the ’ eyes of unofficial observers, some times through the e.'es of official oh I serves but with never an effective .gesture, in t.h< name of the United | Stales. Mr. Ilarvey is no'v appalled he i cause the veiy thing is happening that every intelligent opponent of the Harding foreign Policy predicted would happen. And as we have noth in'- to do with Europe, according to tin diplomacy ef the best minds. The European statesmen must unaid cd bring everything to rights before Saturday night or "e may refuse te Tolerate their blundering decision mys The New York Times. While Mr. Hardings Ambassmloi 'to Great Britain is deploring the sit. nation of Europe, Mr. Harding's Sc ■•etar.v of Agriculture is lamenting the stony economic condition of the American farmer. But Se< rotary Wallace makes no seiloue attempt to find the true explanation for the : farmer's plight. In order to da that he w.atld have to turn Ids eyes to the f;ui<:|Rn situation about "huh Am bassador ll.ii c• ds now making soap box speeches for the edification of 1 the Prime Ministers. , The American farmer is worse off l than he was tw o years ago because | Europe is worse off than it was two ! years ago, and Europe is worse off because America has refused help stabilize the peace of the world. The | farmer is having greater and great er difficulty in finding a market for | his surplus, yet it is on the sale of | the surplus that his prosperity de j pends. The Europe that is literally j starving because it cannot afford to buy American food is the Europe that George Harvey is threatening with the displeasure of the United States if il does not settle all its troubles im mediately without help. If the American farmer wishes to ; know what is the matter with him economically he lias only to consult the export fcatisticsjof the United Slates Government, vvbich sho. that during the ptiiod from July to Octo ber of grain alone ey linkage being $1 (if,200,000. i*veh exports of cotton from July to October fell 20 per cent below last ! Vear. The more unsettled Europe i becomes politically and economically! the worse it is for the American! larmer. TluMonger the United States ; the more must pa luxury of shirking I its respoWlwiities. It has probably never occurred to that the domestic re ■■ Republican farm bloc is a of his attempt in mffi n P o, icy on the basis yet that is the I lie farm I ! Sen, and I jf l 'l° not sec the con- Kuropi ; m affairs and f*tore; hut it exists mm niui^i L yjMp L , t ">' ■" . ( " 1..* Rkr'y' . 1 iBBBPBeV"'"^* dent by Uie tipple because it is re membered that several Republican presidents who have been elected since the Civil War were minority candidates, so far as the popular vote "as concerned. Rutherford B. Hu.'es beaten by Samuel .1. Til den 250,(W0 votes, but was counted into office by an electoral commission composed of a majority of KePuhli I cans. Benjamin Harrison was a mi nority president bu received a major i ily of the electoral votes and ".i I Link there were one or two m< - R. J I publican Presidents in the same km£ I The idea of abolishing the long ic.l ef time between a 1 election ami the meeting of idea prevailed "Ot y.VjT ‘ I'ougrci.s. "ilh * .an majority, ‘tN* March It h next until December l!i2fi. ~Tlus I suit the administration a little | but th> Blatter amendment should !adopted, by all odds. When the i pie speuk their ideas should he pntEj; I force Without delay. This thing waiting thirteen months after a nf tional election before the new nieifl hers of Congress take their both w l ong and absurd. SULPHUR A PIMPLY SKIN Apply Sulphur as Told When Your Skin Breaks Ou* Any breaking out,of the skirt on face, rtecj<. arnts or body is overcome quick est by applying Mcntho-Sulphur. The pimples seem to dry‘Tight up and go away, declares a noted skin specialist. Nothing has ever been found to take thirplace of sulphur as a pimple re mover. It is harmless and inexpensive. Just Ask any druggist for a small jar of Rowks Mcntho-Sulphur ami use it like cold cream. GOOD MORMNG l-end me a match.” roquested an Cto out of a in!, to an acqoaint n!■ bp , n-ourtered on Broadway. “Whnt for?” asked the other, mystified, as he glance.' at tht smokeless mouth of hi: friend. “I want to li"ht one of your eigarets, rt was the answer.—New York Morning Trlpgraph. An incur,-nice man had Just bought his first car ”'as having all the delightful .-xp. -ences of a new driv-jf. Practicing his on-rents of his hnsin- ss. h- had taken out all man rr of ir—tira"-? o i “ but never th less h“ morn than usually i ~nt -,.d wi*h ’■'••• iieeesslty ’or slow end eatetq! -!->.or<* -espocial -- slow- w'r.ieV. wa not at all to 1 t ■ lik'ng o th'> younger memfiers o' the feinii?. On one of Cvco earn'nMy driven , t-ips one o’ tVo -1:..' r STc"s pined : m: ‘‘Para •* vr ; don’t drive i faster we will be arrested for j vagrancy.” J “Are those ect” .T"sh?” I "F'resh. mum?” replied the , (Veracious coal, r, in confidential j I lories. “I’ll tejbvt.V 80-; fresh <h( v i are. mum. Wepose ’ friend of j mine wag to com- and-- y. ‘Honrv |THpe. I've got n >u a. t of the fitiest (liquor that waa eve: tasted bv Jr man. I’m mine to make a •JitU •-eggrtttg and 1 rent veu to IX tiwmh*. party.’ Well mumijßg ijliriiie *the S|-:.'ISO. Bl kheaaeu Hpes Quit ,phS.S.S.‘ ihr .™runplc-Poi* nn Coes When Red m/ S. S. S. | Bp v iWB BkV 'M ffu V > ■ ifn:.‘ u'ps - lonj; rich red-blood-colls in Ka C’T/jc shame 4>lemishedfaccl 1 you ll cod wilt'll >. II RCO pfm nt you in th.' itiir .>r lUm-k an* worse! Kcwim is ! You can try everything under H^^sun. —you'll find only one answer, more cell-power in your blood! Tin* tre mendous result h, produced by an increase in red-blood-cells is one of the A. B. i‘.*s of medical science. Bed-cells mean rich blood.®They mean clear, ruddy, lovable complexlms. They mean nerve power, bora use .all your nerves ar>* fed by your blood. They mean freedom forever from pimples, from the blackhead pest, from boils, from eezeuia and ski*' eruptions, from rheumatism impurities, from that tired, exhausted, run-down feel iup. Red-blood-ceils'are the most impor tant tliinp in the world to cub of us. S. S. S. will, build tbejr. for you. S. X. S. has been known since ls2tf, ris one of the greatest blood-builders, blood-clcnpscre nnd system strengtheners ever products?. S. & S. is sold at alldrusr stores in two sizes. The larger bize bottle is the more (chuoitfleaL - 4jP* aj makes you feel yeurself ayam SAVED SICK SPELLS Black Draught Found Validate bj a Texas Farmer, Who Has Known Its Usefulness Over 30 Years. Naples, Texas.—"l have used Thed ford s Black-Draught tor years—l can safely say for 'nnre than 30 years,” de clares Mr. H. H. Cromer, a "Substantial, well-known farmer, residing out from here on Route 3. “fa l 43 years old, and when a small boy i had indig;stion and was puny and my folks gave me a liver regulator. Then Black-Draught was advertised and we heard of it. “I began to taxe Black-Draught, and have used it, when needed, ever since. 1 use Black-Draught now in my home, and certainly recommend it for any liver trouble. “1 have given it a thorough trial, and aflei thirty years can say Black-Draught is my stand-by. It has saved me many sick spells." Mr. Cromer writes that he is "never out of Black-Draught," and says several of his neighbors prefer it to any other liver medicine. "I always recommend Black-Draught to my friends,” he adds. I his valuable, old, powdered liver medicine is prepared from medical roots and herbs, and has none of the Bo effects so often observed from the useof calomel, or other powerful mineral dru*s Be sure to get the genuine, Thedford's. NC-143 Si. SIMjJJV TRANSIT (jW’ANY 3RUNSWICK TO ST. SIMON IsSlto V\ Schedule jje’ier 10:00 am '1 -'AX' l:If> I'm !•; 11 B | ] Ai * '■ ' MBm Fit one 321 CALL LOR Junes Dairy (anmbttie Sau* Haiti Htukw beat \ (icorgia New Maple Syrup Large Fat Hens Large Fat tiecse P. S. x ’ Patronizzc Georgia made goods and buy-Blocks crackers. Phone 321 We Deliver. A REMII^ER Victory 4 3-4 per cent Bonds series A to F inclusive, have been called for redemption December 15 1922 and will bear no interest after that date. We shall be pleased to assist our friends in converting these bonds into others or cashing them in. JsF^jg|jg| •THE BANK WITH A HEART.” member federal reserve system. K ■V- ‘ v : i . ; IrJ J *1 ffl# 4,1 ’ TP .nswi^yß wood r I tMKar Cord Tires for hard use. W Quality higher, pricesjlower Call and See Them WRIGHT & GOWEN CO PHONES 336 —337 .. MANSFIELD k BAY SIS. SATURDAY. DEC. ISRH