The Brunswick news. (Brunswick, Ga.) 1906-2016, December 09, 1922, Image 6

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THEATRE Wondt-fifi Jr wITSHOW STARTS 2 :(>; 3:45; 5:30; 7:15= 9:00 I Km-4 ;„.F L"JUST TONY" ‘-~ " • * AlwSfs one bound ahead of the wind, one stridelHß fate,tone league to the good of his pursuers. was WONY”*-the haunted horse who shares thtf with TOM MIX. *| | Also Mermaid Comedy “MY HERO P MONDAY AND 'I'UESDA William Fox presents “OVER THE HILLY human story of all times. Direct from a solid yVHHH Don’t Miss This Wonderful Picture. J ■ • | v | ! Mwunceraei^ Owing to the Vtowndous sue cess we are havinat „7%Lr big sale, and in order to |Hb the opportunity to not attend the Sale before, we decided to continue our Big \ Sale for two weeks longer end ing Saturday, December 23rd, • s ‘ at 10:30 p. m. See our new line BAO of the Hour and Billy Burke Beauty Boxes just received. Ideal Gifts for Xmas. The Guarantee Store Next to Miller Furniture Cos. 1506 Newcastle Street. Suggestions for Christinas Handkerchiefs embroidered to order, nothing quite shows careful thought in a gift so much as a handker chief embroidered with the entire monogram. We are taking orders now for pure linen ones, any color, 1-4 inch hem to be embroidered for men and women. The newest Parisian fancy for the ha'r in gold, silver or black. ; MID-WINTER MILLINERY ON DISPLAY Porter’s Hat dj^op 504 Gloucester Street SOCIETY EDITED BT Phone M 5 ; =}."■. MISS JCATHARIN O’CONNOR Phone 188 CAII Item* meet he phoned not leter than elx o’clock to be inserted next moral**,) | , Adance in Admission • 10c and 30c OVERHEARD Jack says ?he con duct like an angel, Bill swears she can cuddle divine, Boh says she-looks'Sweet when she’s . smoking, Joe tells them she, drinks only wine. Ed vows she can swim, like a wer maid, ’ ' ' i Hl -whispers she • knows how to swea, . Dan boagt* that her kisses ore honey, Jim says he has wonderful hair. {■■ ;r '■ : .. f r-. George tfighs she's -as shapely fs Dan rfcrmurs she taught him to And Vyiy declares she’s an expert a fellow’* coin go. Of coarse, I'm all ears, as I listen Apd ponder the problems of life, For the oy are discussing the flap . 7. peg ' ' _:i-V' .. ■ .Whom I have just made my dear ' ■' ' Wife! '■ —EdgVr'Dahilel Kramer. 7’W ■ a o* Ha Fendtg, hos tel, at 3>S(J p. :. SJcGarvey^ ■s of the Wi 1 Pl Sisterhood. All children re£i I ju qufsted to attend to the Tempi* T I 10:Q0 oMorh- MgSWra are invi^H Jm MRS. S. I%BROWNE. mi Mrs. Waller R. SaaptfK f r Xhrsd> - W* '*"* *%* ty* ,%f. M. F..Jud<j,‘ vif PARon, a proroi 'nwnthriub who baa ben the : guest f Mrs. SCvR MPrott and Mgs. <3. V. Cate, will go over to St. Simon tifltiUn a day or two a*d it wJU be of tobeaet to the; Brunswick paopie to knfO* that Mrs. 1 Judd itf *Ugt lmmadl etafy in the work of beautifying '.the roadways and bridge, landing (tta| .is,' wharf the bridge .will WrtnlndV at ’ the island) which jPUlpi Haybor. It Ik assured thatJßE ! Judjd, who 'k quite, capabirff.'V 'Tp line, will make thla tdtu'e Jy777Jr one to be to in- *"■ more sure td| than ever CHRISTMAS a jk will begin today. 'jgm ; Today >• the bashuriof hvm*r wUh >U hi on by th* le<ki*e of the AHa r I of the Otkolic church, M iff- Grarver’* store. The hasaar' iT gtn today and iat’ through Mo evening and the public la iavitel attend.; have a wogderful/ j-. play of fancy atlriles, ;miUble|i-;. Chnatma* gifts ao<l"t)iey are reflH ;ab|e, Tiiay 1U ,pie>tSH[ lippaa-made. breads and 1 cakes, cSH dies, salads, etc. ' ■*' • Mrs. Lvaaa and Mrs. Schmitx will have charge of the sale. - ' oo o FRIDAY AFTERNOON CEUB HBT WITH MRR. 1. 1. MT-HAN. A lovely alTsUr of fastardgy wa* the meeting, of the Friday Afternoon club, when Mrs. J. P. McLegn enter tained the ch)b at bee boqte on Union street. The home was. effectively decorated in chrysanthemums and autumn leaves. There were two member* absent and playing for them were Mrs. A. A. §Uiier gd J4fi C. Starwood. SOCIAL CALENDAR THE BRUNSWICK NEWS The top.score prize which was a lacquered candy box and the consola tion, a growing poinsetta, was cut by Mrs. C. M. Sherwood. At the conclusion of the game Mrs. McLean served a hot and salad course. The hostess for next week will be Mrs. J. E. Royalle, 860 First avenue, at 3:30 o’clock. INTERESTING MEETING OF LEAGUE OF WOMEN VOTERS. The December meeting of the Brunswick League of Women Voters was held yesterday afternoon in the Y. W. C. A. hall with a fair percent age of members present. It wag a disappointment to all Pres ent that Hon. N. H. Ballard, whose speech was to have been the feature of the afternoon, was unavoidably de tained in Atlanta and could not be present to deliver his address. Mrs. Yfatman gave an interesting discussion of the Gabel bill recently enacted, which allows women citizen ship in their own right, regardless of the nationality or citizenship of their husbands. Delegates to the Macon convention were named, Mrs. G. V. Cate and Mr. C. 11. Mfnvy being nominated. Mrs) Madge Merritt told of the progress of the Home Eonomius De partnient and of the work being done by Secretary of Agriculture Wallace, aloog these line*-. sveral new lakun into thr Mu**’ leaves today to f' Savannah U M o jrifford )ia> n-co\pi Hlginneas A*, l | r,il I 0/T%, /: "i MrsJr tier h to M 7' AV.Bitker^hli^PiPw^gi; cor/ rby Mr. Jd J. Snws. • on o 7 B>hs>, aui O'Connor will unden gjfepafiT operation at the city hosA during today and iur absence, -of a week, J. FUR HAT TO MATCH e c pgN2 artistic _ j When luxurious baave. collar and raff* adoca a coal a baavar bat to watch is factive. This hat 1* •••rtiy done and its only trimming Today and Tomorrow 25 PERCENT I Off on every trimmed rlat in our department - , teLMENfci US* f - War \ pr o ■ ■p. ' • . . uw i- . Via. Luulaon Edward UzaS§ T Mrs. Louiaon Edward of Captain Dzau, secretarjjKSk§| Alfred Tao Sze, Chinese dor to the U. S., is one of the most popular and charming members of the diplomatic social sat at Wash ington. To Drive Out Malaria m. And Build Up The StHßd Take the Old Standard GROVE'S TASTE LESS chill TONIC You know what you are taking, as the formula is printed on every label, showing it iajhhnine and iron in a tasteless forraaßSathiintne drives oot the malaria, up die system, tit) cents. } IE. Lambright will have charge of the |jociul column of The News. boob t ' Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Courier, of i Birmingham, Ala., will arrive soon Ito spend the holidays with their par ents Mr. and Mrs. R. M. Stephens, in Urbana, and Mr. and Ms. Cour -1 rier, on Jekyl island. oa s o j Miss Felicite Gould has returned to her home on St. Simon, after a vis it to Sumter, S. C., where she took part in a schoolmate’s wedding as first bridesmaid. The bride will be remembered as Miss Susie Kirk w’ho visited Miss Gould several years ago. OB O S. D. Lamb and Mrs. William Gig nilliatt will leave in the former s car Monday morning for Modoc, S. C., and will return with Hon. and Mr*. T. W. Lamb and their daughter, who will make their home here in future and will be domiciled with Mr. and Mrs. Lamb, at their hom near Chap- Pel CfO*sin£ *... . x gl lnSfc> H||\ \ j-macy V ftfeep you the corner. these to your WjrVictor Library are all brand new Victor Records, announced. We have them and will be glad to play them for you. There are many others equally worth hearing. Come in. 18902— Carolina in the Morning Whiteman’s Orche Cow Bell— Fox Trot Confrey and His Oroh 18966— Lovely Lucerne— Waltz Great White Way Or Romany Love—Fox Jrot Whiteman’s Orch 87580— G0. Pretty Rose Mme. Homer and Daughter 66101— Salut d' Amour ZimbalistA Vickers & Mann k • SATURDAY. DEI M HPuangUl/! Night or Day. i::® 111- UK ;< Mn m nn m