The Brunswick news. (Brunswick, Ga.) 1906-2016, December 10, 1922, Image 6

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Wonderful Program ;LJ M.v vJ Admission i Tuesday * THEATRE .c D d M c Y~ SHOW STARTS .? 00; 5:00; >OO and 9:00* Also Christie Mermaid Comedy—“COED FEET” — The following merchants are giving free tickets to this thea tre with every purchase, Jflß Brunswick Meat Market. United Supply Go. Coca-Cola 'Bottling Works Glynn Drug Cos. Brunswick Service Station Brunswick Electric Cos. Y. M. C. Cf#trs Hcftoe Furniture Cos Cecial r incemeniJ Owing to the tremetrakus- suc cess we are having with our big sale, and in order to opportunity to those who could not attend the Sale before, wa decided to continue our Big Sale for two weeks longer end- , ing Saturday, December 23rd, at 10:30 p. m. See our new line BAG of the Hour and Billy Burke Beauty Boxes just received. Ideal Gifts for Xmas. The Guarantee Store Next to Miller Furniture Cos. 1506 Newcastle Street. Suggestions for Christmas Handkerchiefs embroidered to order, nothing quite shows careful thought in a gift so much as a handker chief embroidered with the entire monogram. We are taking orders now for pure linen ones, any color, 1-4 inch hem to be embroidered for men and women. The newest Parisian fancy for the ha'r in gold, silver or black. MID-WINTER MILLINERY ON DISPLAY Porter’s Hat Shop 504 Gloucester Street ('roster 11 ** i, llldll-M li.ll Slulrsfl Gillii'iiii Jewelry A. J. Gordon Dry Good^^^U PitcKb’iJVjßtdy. A, RotTOThild. Jeweler. Arthur Johnston, Auto Tops. SOCIETY EDITED BY phone 680 MRS. J. E. LAMBRIGIIT Phone 188 f All Items must he phoned not later than six o'clock to be inserted next morning.) Mrs. Robert Blackburn, of Allan j 1 ta. was the winner of the line arts) ; pr ! y for the best Poem offered Uv j the Georgia State Federation of i Women's clubs. The prize, Jplo was awarded in ! Athens. j r i he poem follows; DESIRE. | O hungry spirit of Desire | Abiding in rny heart, l Why kildle'st thou this glowing fire i To li\4, and leap, and dart. J To fthe burning wick of life lights the lamp within— dicker dimly through the strife ' Of doubt, and hope, to win ? O spirit, curb the selfish aim That lives for greed alone: Seek not for wealth and gloried name When starves the soul you own. O spirit—dost thou truly know The soul is what the mind desires? So let each spark morg radiant grow In altruistic fires. Nor let thy fire extinguished be, But keep it warm bright glow Alive, that hopeless ones may see Ufcofl&cted light, and grow. or ‘.* course would’st thou pur- implicit child, lead wuw fire S That must consume at last, day The purer soul’s desire. O spirit, lest thou wilt, and die. B One thing remember:J To keep the Effort mutf* | To tff ember.^H ~ qao ci TF . ' J £ 3M W* ♦ ♦ * * /*4| |SUN'I)AV A| * l’hila i ben l Ii Vp chui eh, III: Ifi a. il£||9 I'hilatheii ClassES* . Inn • h. 10: HI a. in.VjNf MONDAY— Educationa^^mnnii ttce ■ dfiP- ■'1 j', w’ ift . ■; * ' ' I H-.U* i * t£c ! % '■ 1 m in ,TX V . r imj \uxilmryV _ Mis. Eh/J Wa*. din o’clock. Mk Mrs. E.lwJ W. Dart wiV ■ Neighborhood Club, with Mrs. aSP thur MitcheiSon, street, at 4 o’clock. Bridge Eight, with Mrs. A. L. Church. Union street, at .‘1:30 p. m. Glynn Parent-Teacher Association at h%h school building, at 3 P. . Melting of executive board of Wo man's club, with Mrs. T. W. Mallard, Prince street, at 10 o'clock. Girl Reserves, High Seim**! Club, at Y. W. C. A. ha'!, at 3:30. WEDNESDAY Monthly meeting of Brunswick Wo man’s club, at 3:30, at the Y. W. C. A. hall. THURSDAY— Monthly meeting of Neptune Chapi ter of Eastern Star, at Mas< P* £ni , pie, at eight oVlnck. Velec of nt}';c>'^fejg|tfefcy t ’ FRIDAY- • Friday AffWßi CW‘ : ,#th Mrs. J. K. Roval, First Harmonic Club, with Mrs. Church, at 3:30 p. m. Girl Reserves. 7th and Bth MU Y. W. C. A. hall, at 3:30 p. nfl SATURDAY— Christmas sale by Mercy at Piggly Wiggly store. D. A. R. meeting with Mrs. J TT Whittle, at 3 o’clock, instead of with Mrs. A. L. church, as scheduled in year book. OO a O INTERESTING NOTES OF THE WOMAN’S CLUB. The monthly meeting of the execu tive board of the Brunswick Woman’s club will be hel l on Tuesd .y morning at ten o'clock at the home of the president. Mrs. T. W. Mallard, on Prince street. j The regular monthly business meet ing of the Brunswick Woman's club [will be held ou Wednesday afternoon l at three-thirty o’clock, at the Y. W. C. A. hall, over the Bijou annex, oo a a SPENDING TODAY ON CUMBERLAND ISLAND. Misses Nell Hill. Catherine Spence, I Clara Pyles and Messrs. Joe Hand, Judge Akin and Cargyle Ward, form- THE BRUNSWICK NEWS [ed a'congenial party spending today on Cumberland island. ao o o ANNUAL MEETING 1). A. R. SATURDAY. The December meeting of the Brunswick Chapter of the Daughters of the American Revolution will be [held at three o’clock Saturday after- Inoon at the home of Mrs. J. T. Whit tle. on Carpenter street, instead of with Mrs. A. L. Church, as stated in the year book. The annual dues will be collected at this meeting and a large attendance is urged. aa O o '( HARTER MEETING OF BAPTIST MISSIONARY. Chapter No. 1, will meet with Mr< Sam Ward, 720 Amherst street. Chapter No. 2, will meet with Mrs. R. A. Eddy, on Union street. Chapter No. 3. will meet with Mrs. W. H. Taylor, at 1200 Union street. Chapter No. 4, will meet with Mrs. J. D. Brown, 902 Lee street. Chapter No. 5, will meet with Mrs. S. E. Brown, at 1721 Norwich street. The above chapters will meet at 3:30 Monday afternoon. Chapter Mo. 6, will meet with the Misses Ferguson, 707 Howe street, at 8 o’clock. GIRLS CLUB MET YESTERDAY. Jl of bridge if '< of Mi-- Selma Fendlg. |'M i of red hei - aided the holiday sea son. poinsettas were used jfpynraceful to placcdjjgS' J V the woaEfgSßp afternoap on r.lal.on *< ’’aBHL... . p. i I * - W' S, A" f ; m S ftfff* f 'oi Mi ‘ Ik *ii fh.'U: afWv , *t! * t n:.„. ■Flits .vi' *■ p roperl y .leligh en- gta#f when sandwiches were served by f consisted of a lnvelji c school rirh, lucom pflpPy Mrs. M. Walsh; an original pißrby Miss Margaret Stilas, “Mu sic as a Nation Builder;" “The Atti tude of the Public Toward the Schools,’’ by Mr. Millard Reese, which was especially appreciated; a piano solo, by Miss Annie Lyle Mann; a vo cal number Stacy; arnMthe : poem was tiy Mrs A. is printed in today’s NewsA i The second Vocational meeting of | the club will cAur in January, when I the subject “Georgia's Con tribution to I.^Ature.’’ KCEMBER MATING OF RE>a-TEACHER ASSOCIATION ellynn Parent-Teacher Asso- Htion will hold their December Heting on Tuesday afternoon. De- Hrnber 12th, at the high school build pg. The meeting wilt open prompt ly at 3 o’clock. Rbv. W. A. Sadtler, pastor of St. James Lutheran church, will be the principal speaker. His subject will be "The Spiritual Nurture of Child Life." A group of songs and recitations by pupils of the first grades has been arranged and will be presented by these little folks under the direction of Misses Lila Stallings, Rosine Har ris and Alma Harris, teachers. Miss Margaret Hummell will give a vocal solo, accompanied by Mrs. Clifford Akin. Elizabeth Wingate will recite “How Santa Claus Came Down the Chim ney." A demonstration of the work of the eighth grade pupils will be given un der the direction of Miss Catheiine Spence and Miss Nell Hill. It is urged that all “Grade Moth ers" be present if Possible, when the meeting is opened and are requested to sit with tte teacher# of the grade Today # and Tomorrow •2 5 PERCENT Off on every trimmed Hat in our milli?Ci&ak * ■ " departmefm m A /; A. ZELMENOm^S ’Mr IB ’ jgpfamed JjW!'-- .jffle KrA having t pl*a :, M;f * *>" " ’ |Pi # >■'• Kiris for the of mothers who wi-m iW. f meeting A 1 rge :, t SWiUPSted. ° ? sf ■ Si >1 i on l T n■.-n stint. gp . - ♦ gf. ‘ r m §': ■. : V ;, 3 i IW 3 IBHr WK Em ' 1 4 : ■ ! M ? i-- : Mi #1 ■HP a K j®.. ’igMelty. vv Jff wini relF nves. Hr aa o a Mrs. Gamble and Mr. Fred Sims, of Greenville, S. C., arrived last night, Called by the illness of their 3ister. HP M. B McKinnon. VOO O Q and Mrs. W. W. Heaton anil A BIG VARIETY OF TOILET ARTICLES ALL THE TIME— It would be a physical impossi bility to enumerate the entire line of gift goods embodied under the heading of Toilet Articles. There ate so many things that e carry, so many things specially selected for gift giving, or gift offering, so many wonderful suggestions to help >ou complete your gift list. To see them is to admire them, to want them yourself—-suggests to you the advisability of giving them to others. Come and see this line before you finish your list. Chas. V. COLLIER Prescription Druggist Phone 116. hki i V* g II f ■ ' Mi -I Roa< h, > f iFiHMBno sPemf A days with relatiWs in ao a a Mrs. Truwick who has ho<™ Jgg 111 rs. R. 1. Philips, left f |,! 1 ’■ 111 mb'.i (ill.. & tfe's ijymiet i •,1 1- before 1 n ;n nmc to in A lahama. oa O a Bessie and Atnele Golaner, [(■Baltimore, are the guests ~f Mi land Mrs. A. Rothschill and Mis. Btn Borchardt at her home on Union BteeeP ]■ O O Cl D BPSfrs. Sidney Shroeder of West Palm (Beach. Mn., i expected the last ol the week to spend the Christmas hoii days with her parents, Mr. amt Mrs. T. W. Mallard, on Prince strew* oa a a Mr. and Mrs. John Grid % T, ‘ pleasantly located in the apartments, in the apartrrum^^^tP Nathan. o r u "■ ■ ■ ri ■“ fr Add these to your Victor Library I These are all brand new Victor Records, |j II just announced. We have them and will I | be glad to play them for you. There are [i ■ many others equally worth hearing. Come | 1 in * |!|H 18962—Carolina in the Morning Whiteman’s Orrhe j| Cow Bell—Fox Trot Confrey and His Orch B 18966 —Lovely Lucerne —Waltz Great White Way Or Romany Love—Fox Trot Whiteman’s Orch |i 87580—G0. Pretty Rose .Mine. Homer and Daughter || I 66101—Salut d' Amour Zinibalist* I j Vickers & Mann gj SUNDAY, DEC. 10192^^ sir O'Qui'in, on I 'ii l *1 of the young Pl'opl|h •!I i- :l< 1., V rVrtl j/ n.*. o <■.<• * <> > "• a 'Wfml . % f/$ iff !or Atßnßpff f?Sm K-nd several days wTlh Mr. and BV alter Miller before going to en.s to spend Christmas with her tevs, Mrs. Thomas Scott and Miiß Howard F ott. “ oo a c News has just reached tliis city of the sad death of Mrs. S. C. Farrar, which occurred at her home in Grit fin. (ia. Mr and Mrs. Farrar spent several months in Brunswick during 1921 and made many friend . Mr. Farrar was connected with the de partment of internal revenue and his many Brunswick friends will sym pathize with him in hi-, deep sorrow 00 0 0 Ml ijMouise Pfeiffer was one of a Agnes Scott girl giving UwMFtor the Atlanta Journal radi >. ■jSplAy jA’ening, December 2nd. PfeifWr gave a mandolin solo. ■ n attranßve picture of thi group *> IBlies apjie ied in last Sun i jHkjournal. After the concert they 1 w,•Bluest.' of honor at delightful (dinner given by the Journal.