The Brunswick news. (Brunswick, Ga.) 1906-2016, December 12, 1922, Image 5

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BIJOU THEATRE Wonderful Program Monday & Tuesday SHOW STARTS * 00; 5:30 and 8:00. * Don’t fail to see this wonderful picture. Ask those who saw it yesterday. Will be shovvn again today for the last time. Also Wonderful two-reel Mermaid cyfljedy—“COLD ILLT’’ WEDNESDAY * t You’ll love after seeing ALICE BRADY “ANNA ASCENDS” . IT ’ 5 A paramount # Special Announcement Owing to the tremendous suc cess wo are having with our big sale, and in order to give the opportunity to those who citlil not attend the Sale before, wc decided to continue our Big Sale for two weeks longer end ing Saturday, December 23rd, at 10:30 p. in. See our new line BAG of the Hour and Billy Burke Beauty Boxos just received. Ideal Gifts for Xmas. The Guarantee Store Next to Miller Furniture Cos. 1506 Newcastle Street. Suggestions for Christmas Handkerchiefs embroidered to order, nothing quite shows careful thought in a gift so much as a handker chief embroidered with the entire monogram. Wo are taking orders now for pure linen ones, any color, 1-4 inch hem to bo embroidered for men and women. Tlie newest Parisian fancy for the ha'r in sold, silver or black. MID WINTER MILLINERY ON DISPLAY Porter’s Hat Shop 5,04 GjJpl Street SOCIETY BDITWD BY Phone 80 MBS. J. E. LAMBRIGIIT Phone 188 (All items must be phoned not later than six o’clock to be inserted next morning.) No Aifcnce in Admisswn 10c and 30c THE ROSE. 1 wandered alone in a Garden Fate showed me a beautiful Rose; And charmed by its fragrant Beauty j I waked it from repose. 1 legged to know all its secrets nd the wonderful mystery Wlich clung to its every petal 1 Eh’ hieh kept its heart from me. ; And then on the breath of the Night wind ' Dreamily—there came; | A melody, soft and tender | Like the flicker of a Flame. In its warmth, my soul was tempered In its lilt—my senses fled; For I dreamed of other Gardens i Other roses, cold and dead. To my heart I clasped this Blossom Hoping thus-—to keep it there; When all others slowly Perished Leaving gardens cold and bare. And I prayer Eternal Springtime Would remain—and thus disclose; All the glorious graceful beauty k I That is fashioned in a Rose. —Angela Dart- j Jacksonville, Fla. j j TUESDAY— i Meeting of Business and Profes sional Woman’s Club, at Y. W. C. A.,- lat % p. Meeting of \ i.t 1 M... ** g&SSf 3 !'• flptjpif V 1 Ms,i liar ‘ i. 9s wkL.Tfe IT* r X -d si", 1 'w- I " Lsl) '$ f i* - ‘ m I 4 ’ *vs f s i v* ? yr Gill P- -cr\,“ £ . .* V Y. \V. ('. A. hi ' '' V^M V MmBB mai.’.-T. jh. at dat A. THURSDAY— M Monthly meeting of Nejwane Ch3i j ter of Eastern Star, at. Masonic TeirS ! pie. at eight o’clock. Autaagm • of officers. (FRIDAY— Friday Afternoon Club, with / !. First avenue. at^Jp II Mrs. C ■< p. m. GirtFßeservos. 7th and Bth grade, V. W. G. A. hull, at 3:30 p m. SATURDAY Christmas sale' by Chapter of j Merry at Piggl.v Wiggly store. i D. A. K. meeting with Mrs. J, 'IJ AVliitHe, at 3 o’clock, instead of \irs. A. L. church, as scheduled fl ; year book. Oao o w EXECUTIVE BOARD Ol WOM VN’S C! 115. An important meeting of the Ex ecutive Board of the Brunswick Wo man's Club will be held this morning at 10 o’clock at the lyone of the pres ident. Mrs. T. W. Mallard, on Prim? street. 000 c _ LUTHERAN LADIES WILL HAVE SALR^V The Ladies Aid Siof tlie I.utli- I eran church, the Girls Missionary Society * | conduct a sale of fancy work, dolls, cakes and candies on Thursday ,Friday and Saturday of this week, in the vacant 'store next to l\ MeGarvov’s. Many attractive and useful articles will be i ion sale and the public is cordially in vited. | CHRISTM AS SALE ON SATURDAY. The members of Hie Chapter of Mercy will conduct a fancy uVrk sale all day Saturday in the front of the Piggly-Wiggly stove. Home made candy and cakes will also bo sold. Many poor families in flip city will be caved for and made happy at ‘Christmas time by this chapter and the public is asked to patronise this sale liberally in order to help supply (bountiful baskets for those unfortu nate ones. OO O O MRS. MARK VKRUEKY WINS FORD CAR. At the recent Florida State Fair. Mrs. Mark Verder.v, of Jacksonville, a sister of Mrs. D. D. Atkinson, of , this city and a well-known visitor I here, was awarded a Ford touring jcur fo rsubmitting tho best essay on an interesting subject. The ear was, offoroq. by the firm of \Y. M. MvCp'A , CotnpMtV, and Mrs. Virdery’s easi> N 'was selected as the best from hum dreds essays submitted. , 0o o 0 (.1 YNN PARENT-TEACHER MEETING TO* Hlf HELD TODAY. THE BRUNSWICK NEWS SOCIAL CALENDAR .noon will be the meeting of the Glynn Parent-Teacher Association, which will be held promptly at three o'clock > at the high school building. An at-1 tractive program lias been arranged. | including an address by Rev. W. A. [Sadtler, on “The Spiritual Nature of ; Child Life.’’ The little children of mothers who wish to attend this meeting, will lie taken care of and entertained b n (group id high school girls, and the: grade having the largest number of j moth< rs present, vdb t>o Pres • ’t< and with a framed picture, for their class j room. O 0 O O ANNUAL MEETING OF RED CROSS TONIGHT. ( The annual meeting of the local j | chapter of the Red Cross will be held i ! tonight at the Board of Health rooms ; at eight o’clock, for the purpose of! elci tnie new officers and/ directoas i ifor coming year. organi- | nation has accomplished a splendid i work in Brunswick during the last \ I year, and the public is urged to at-1 tend tiiis meeting tonight and hear of) I the many splendid projects being car-j : i thtMted Cross in Bruns- j ile •C; hi the s. liool.- t< 1 j children. Tlie meet - ing will the Red Cross Clinic ' in the Board iff Health rooms and the Public is cordially invited to attend. SPLENDID \\EKk DONE BY A. An ■ an denlhusi.istie j meeting ottjvhard of directors of' the Y. W. held recently a mi! from the detailed reports made by of the various st andejjt• 1 there Was e. n|K9e i w ork being arcnmplt-lf>l; branch 'of the assnciwjn j <^|ivci s , l illlere-l W ’e Uy-.' fjf >e Girl Reservi >SA, J " v *e’’ Ihe direction MT Mi . Y. W. to move ini ,'!e V 1. .lii-1 . , the last. <<H|||lbreek, or M V next. E m m Ant W vr 9 J 1 * * * mai'teJ| I I.O T-. i I < I b •**' J -• •' w f f,impish -. IfUm'-i kitchen and dining room ) /SWBfrangetl, t)nd greatly facilt the serving of dinners, and social ” actions. <. . rentrnl locatiinc of the ne" - "ill make more pop-! a rest room for tourists and | ■Vi's, and it is being used mt#e as a cumiMinity center anVinds and af fail 11ns i ' Tk' new 1 1 11 ,■ tors were d. They Acre Mrs. R. LTeox Mrs. K. O. Quil- Btn, and Mrs. W r . A. Dannielly, AOQ O O HtMr. and Mrs. A. S. Glover motored; K Savannah Sunday to spend the fria.v. 0 0 0 0* : Mr. and Airs. Bruce Decker and Mrs. S. A. Lamb are spending cvctal days in Savannah. 00 0 0 Airs. Jennings Butts left Sunday night for Jacksonville to visit Mrs. h. C. Gray. aa o a Franc* Grain!ing, of AVaycross, is the cuestwf his parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. N. Cißjling. A 0 0 0 0 Aliss Gramling returned yes terday from Atlanta, "here' lie ha. iho cm 1 o', friend . 00 0 0 lr. and Airs. A. C. Jones and Airs. 1 VV. H. Johnston drove to Savannah: Sunday and spent, the day. Airs. A. ,1. Wood and little son. Jar vis. left Saturday for Lu on. to | (spend the holidays with relatives. O 0 0 o Aliss Katherine Cla ' it the "eok-end on Jekyl island, with her parents. Mr. and Mrs. H. W. Johnson mo- j Itored over to Savannah for the week-; end. 00 0 0 ; Mr. and Mrs. H. Al. Baumgartner' | announcu the birth „f a daughter.! | Monday. December lUh, at their I ! home. 0 ,0 0 D Mr>. It. K. Colo ami little daugh i tor. Betty, loft yesterday to spend I Christmas with relatives in Baltl | more 00 0 0 The manV friends of Mrs. M. 1!. McKinnon ill b e glad to know that i’bp.js .PMlsjdeiablv better, and doing fvefy'nifteDibi • o*o and a ‘ Mrs. Gamble and Mr. Fred Symmos ! returned to' their home in Greenville, jS, C., last nii*ht, after few days visit ' " 'tli Air. and Mrs. M. It. McKinnon, iOO 0 0 i ‘A TL-rMantling The Great Christmas Gift Shop of all Brunswick All gilts are wrapped in sentiment and love. But a gift wrap* ped in a Zelmenovitz box, is also wrapped in that security of gift=-rightness. Little wonder that this s the Great Christmas ggft shop of all Brunswick. Not Only are the gifts assortments large here but those who help in your gift selection have all caught the Christmas idea' and are fill ed with it. t The Top Coat as a Christmas gift is certain warm reception and is irrestible, deep down in her heart every woman longs for one and would be so raptprously happpy to snaggie into one all her very own- on Christmas morning. These Top Coaas are of selected Styles, soft and clinging, with huge cape collars or small fur ones or if you will just the plain collars. And meanwhile the prices is so low that they w ill perhaps startle you. Hosiery Takes Unto Itself ike Dual Pu&ose of Beauty and Utility Whether you deck* upon the sheen silk or the weaves of wool, the clocked silk or the gorgeous heather, they/jiilovely, all. ADD decidedly serviceable, lor men and women, Lor boy and girl—and prices- all low, A. ZELMENOVITZ jalpH' vh:> operated <>n Ju*t week at hospital, will In- p!ad to Jf Wtl)at six- i- doing n:ccl v . HHP O O 0 o €. Downing and Mis Mar- Nightiugalc returned last night Jp, r several rip.ntP!' ' stay in Now York city. o*o 0 0- Mrs. U. B. Maxey and Miss Ftor onco Maxey leave tomorrow for Chi earn to spend the Christmas holidays with Mr. and Mrs. S. S. Watkins, oo o o Mrs. Pi M. Nightingale and sons Brailesford and Downing, arc expect - t-d home tile last of this week, after several weeks’ stay in Nw York and Atlantic City. ¥ O O ft Q Mr. ami Mrs.* Charlie Jeffers, Mrs. W. .1. Hodgson. Mr-. Willed Alexan der and children, of Waycross are the guests of Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Steph ens. O 0 O O Mrs. Hampton Parker nd little daughters, Betty and Ethel, leave the la t of this week to spend-the Christ mas holidays with Mrs. Irvin Barge in Atlanta. f oa o o Mr. and Mrs. Raymond D. Knight A BIG V ARIETY OF TOILET ARTICLES ALL THE TIME— It would he a physical impossi bility to) enumerate the entire line of gift goods embodied under the heading, of Toilet Articles. There are so many things that we carry, so many things specially selected for gift giving, or gift offering, so many wonderful suggestions to help you complete your gift list. To see them is to admire them, to want them yourself—suggests to you the advisability of giving them to others. Come and see this line before' you finish your list. .Chas. V. COLLIER Inscription Druggist . Phono 110. oil ri -lie .Run,lay tiivht with Major Downing Nightingale, on Halifax square. aoo a v Friends of Miss Katharin O'Con nor willin’ gratified to know that she is doing nicely at her home on F street, after tonsil operation per formed Saturday niernipg at the city hospital, by Dr. Holton. , 0000 Mr. and Mrs. Geoiee E. Benson, (T New Jersey, who have been the guest,; of Mr. and Mrs George Bail ey far the last week, left yesterday morning in their car f v Orlando, Fla. 0000 Mr. and Mrs. 4 Culrian Misses Mary Doan and Bridget Galnan and Mr. Brown, leave next Monday in their ear for Miami, to spend the Christinas holidays with Mr. and Mrs. James Calnan. 0000 Miss Vivien Morgan arrived Satur day night from Maiy Baldwin Semi nary. in Staunton, Va., to spend the Christmas holiday, with her parents. Mr. and Mrs. J. 11. Morgan, on Union street. ootid Miss Alice Stiles will leave the first of January to visit Mrs. Ralph Jacobs, in Allentown, Pa., and Mrs. Frank j Woodcock in Jersey City. She will | Add these to your These are all brand new Victor Records, just announced. We have them and will | be glad to play them for you. There arc many others equally worth hearing. Ome ! in. Si tile Mofning Whiteman’s Orchc | -Fox Trot Confrey and His Oreh j ucerrte—Waltz Great White Way Or J ove—Fox Trot Whiteman’s Orch I Rose t Mmo. Homer and Daughter fij niour j 5 & ManiT TUESDAY, DEC. 12, 1922. visit relativi-. in New York City and expects to he away about t wq| months. . 0000 ™ Mr and Mrs. \\ T. Johnston will leave Friday for Cordelo to make Mieir future home. Mrs. (Johnston ‘ has been the. manager of the Piggly V\ irgiy store since its opening and ! both he and Mrs. Johnston have made . many friends in Brunswick, who will j regret their departure. 0000 Mrs. George Z. Herb and district |office/*, with a party of friends. went to Wayftesville to visit the JitUe church of which Rev, r. p Ogg is pastor, Sunday afternoon, for the pur t pose of organizing a missionary so < iety, TlSose composing the party ! were Mr. and Mrs. George Herb, Mrs. Wallace, Mrs. J. J. Myers. Mr. ; and Mrs. H. L. Johns Miss Louise •Johns. Mrs. VV. R. Walker. .Mrs. G. jW. Tomberlin. The time was Profi tably and pleasantly spent, with the Promise of good results in the future. Baumgartner’s Market, :tt2 Monk street, phone 100, jn addition to ! choice western meats, will" in future j handle select oysters 40c per quart, delivered.