The Brunswick news. (Brunswick, Ga.) 1906-2016, December 12, 1922, Image 7

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TUESDAY, DEC, 12, 1922, Your Christmas Candies Nothing adds to the joy of the Yuletide Season like the right thing in Candies WE HA VE Leggetts Chocolates “With the Wonderful Center ” Nunnllys “The Candy of the South” Sizes one to five pounds, in Christmas packages wrapped in holly paper. Andrews Drug Store 37 Phone 38 A Christmas Presented That is valuable, use ful, and most accept- Dan^^/eens’ Felt Comfy Slippers We have them for every member of the family SI.OO to $4.00 All Colors HIRSCH’S “Complete Shoe Store” 1424 Newcastle Things Useful and Practical ( Aluminum and Enamel Roasters Electric Percolators Electric Irons Electric Toasters White Enamel Kitchen Sets Yellow and Black China Tea Sets Casseroles and T ea Pots v Georgia Hardware Cos, Phone 835^8 3b “Money Saved l&mSkey Made PART OF OFFICIAL MINUTES Mjuutas Commissioners City of Brunswick. Meeting of Dec. 7, 1922. An ordinance entitled an ordinance tQ regulate and prescribe the maxi mum rates to be charged consumers of water in the City of Brunswick, Georgia, by all persons, firms, or cor j'oj-atious furnishing water to con sumers of said cljfy and chargin3 therefor, to provide a penalty for each violation of the provisions of this ordinance, and for other purposes. Be it and it is hereby ordained by the commission of the city of Bruns wick, Georgia, jn lawful meeting as sembled that: 1. On and after January 1, 1923, the following shall he the maxi mum rates to be charged consumers of water in said city for water to be taken, used or consumed, by any per son, firm or corporation furnishing water to consumers and charging for the same, to-wit: Schedule 1: Bate to be Paid by a cornu tiler or conscumeis having or usiMs. Per Annum Single spigot on premises, house hold use only, (plain bfb) $7.30 Bath tub same premises, iu ad dition (plain bib) 3.5*1 Kacli additional spigot, s ame premises ’plain bibb) 1.75 Water closet 3.50 Each additional water closet, cam,, premises 2.76' Urinal, in addition, game prem ises 2,00 Btatiorjary ivjash stands, premises i.9 Yard hose bibb for sprinkling, in addition jo household spigot, .. 5.50 Yard hose bib for sprinkling when no other water j s taken 12.50| Yard hose use exclusively for sprjtfkllng and outside cleaning fdP stores, to he used not exceed ing \ hours daily 12.60 A maximum rate of $30.00 per an num to be charged consumers occupy ing single dwelling hoiu*| (boarding houses cxccptfd) provj<lWthat extra charges are to be made Ar yard foun tains for service that iyiot provided in the foregoing sordino. Boarding houses at fifty per cent in excess of above rate s or at the option of the company on meters Appartment hojige^SWHj 1 shown above, figfrfing each appafL meiit as separate house or oil rates. Si liijMfe 2. Itatc s for d,.walling] Wimtaiiiingriiot more than fadjJ room a: Single spigot for household, -(tap s3.u*H Water closets wtyere no water is supplied *. jj'.j.y Additional openings at the r a t jk under schedule 1. hi all where than one consumer on li the landlord may he held for an*hilh> incurred. Tlie above are flat rates, and mar! b required to be Paid in advance quarterly. METER RATES For and water supply either the person, firm or corporation furnish ing the water or th e consumer may require a meter installed. When re quired by t ho consumer he s li a ll in stall it at at Ills own expense. Whci th % firm or corporation fnjuishing th('v a ter requires a meter to be in stalled it shall be optional with the consumer whether he or thp furnish er shall install or owu tli,. meter. I| the consumer shall choose to own hi s owii meter he may install it himself, or tli e furnisher will in stall it at the expend,. „f the con sumer Failure to expres s a choice for thirty (30) days, after notice 1 , install shall h a v e been giv c n sliall assume a choice hy tlte consumer to have the meter owned by the furnish er and installed a t the expanse of the latter. Meter rates ghall e as follows: Umg, Cons. cVlcter, Meter 5000 to 7500 gal. mo. 22c 17e 7.'00 t o 10000 gal, m.o, 20c 160 10000 to 12500 gal, mo. 16c He 12500 to 15000 gal. mo. 13c 12c Over 16000 gal. mo. 10c 10c The above on a basis per 1,000 gallons. Over 15,000 gallons may be furn ished at special rates, hut not to ex ceed th e above rates. The following may be the mini mum ch a rge s for meter service: 5-8" meter 75c per month 3-I’’ meter $1.15 per month 1" meter $1.50 per month 1 1-1 to 2” meter ... .SI.OO per month Over 2” meter .... $6.50 per month Tht daily consumption 0 f water may he fixed by averaging readings at the tied of each month or quarter at the optino of the furnisher. In all case s where more than one consumer shell bte served through one curb-cock the furnisher iffey hold the landlord liable for 1| water hills incurred by w a ter flowing through, that curb-cock. Ail consumers’ Shall have the right to make direct connections wflth the wjater 'main. Any l consumer having inch direct connection may, at his option, Permit other consumers to maintain connec tions so as to receive water through the same main connection; hut in such event the furnisher may hold the consumer having direct connec tion .liqbip, Primarily or m purely, as the.Wq may be, ,for,’all water v(fn : iiUmed through this eon neutron. Any | consumer haqird? extended ,<smfiPC ’tlon shall assnm t th e risk of being , cut. off, unles s tlie total consunip ' tiim bill is l 1 *)'! ■ Becton 2. While'the above rates arc lixed as tbc maximum, rates to he ’charged, this shall not be construed to Prohibit any Person, firm or cor- MOTHER! * I Move Child’s Bowels'witH i "California Fig Syrup” Hurry, mother! t Even a sick child loves the "fruity" taste of California Fig Syrup” and it. never fails to open the bowels. A teaspoonful tttday may Prevent a sick child tomorrow, if con stipated, bilious, feverish, fretful has cold, cilic, or is stomach i s sour, ton gue coated, breath bad, remember a good cleansing of the little bo'vels is often all that is necessary. Ask your druggist for genuine "Cbiljifornla rFig jSyrup'’ which has direction 3 printed 0 u the bottle. Mother' Yon mustfcay ‘'California" or you may get an inntation tig syrup. joration furnishing water from mak ing* a less charge a s to any one or more of the items of service before mentioned, thtfe shall the evcnnPHHHprl'argc tli e before Mgr rib" ■ Onla xinin m rate’* shall be any consumer, such charge shall theu and thereupon be and bec'oaik the rate to be charged and all consumers receiving or to t>r demanding the same service, Sectiojj in this ordin ance to ffpeal any existing Q rdinaanee of said c>t> regulating the use of water by con sumers or of pcl'soils, firms or ni#f islcing water to ci®| Sr.ohm t. If F'/d 'Jw I .itbm al"! .cl the It | J scrihcd, to any ■ons*ct tc ’prc>|i®fc|LOr . ' 1 jF Ik ' !' ,l"olii lij ’ '! - f l fW ■-ssL .TVs '' ! 1 "■ f ■' ' l ||l| o'!.-, | fc ill vne onwt^!ge n w i,,y ( . acting therefor a<; prescribed in ErectP* 'fefflOhe cqda of the City of Brunswlr by Owens Johnson. —eafy* Section All #|iart of ordinam c*. in '.|sß any 11I'd e by repealed. MRr f. N. !■-■■ Jfk, of WHIPPED CREAM For Sale at • CHUR C H ’ S 508 Glou*stcr Street. CHAMPION Dog Biscuits Puppy Biscuits Puppy Meal 1 1-2, 2 and 3 Packages Also in bulk, 15c lb. ,r h\.V / ■ * - - Glynn Drug Go. Phone 827 ANNUAL MEETING LOCAL RED CROSS ON THIS EVENING MRS. GEORGE PALMER SMITH, VICE CHAIRMAN. WILL PRESIDE Tke regular annual meeting of the Brunswick Red Cross will- be held in the rooms of the organization in the Board of Health building, corner Richmond and Mansfield streets, this evening beginning at 8 o’clock and all members are urged to i* Present as the regular yearly eleXion of offi cers for the coming yea* will be held. The local chapter numbTs among its members all who joined recent Roll Call, as well as members before this event. Mrs. George Palmer Smith, vi#e chairman, will preside as the chair man; Rev. L. C. Gray, formerly Pas tor of the McKendrce Methodist church, lias been transferred to Ten nille. First an executive committee will be.selected and the members of this body will name the officers. During the past year the Red Cross here has done excellent work along many different lines and even broad er plans are being figured on for the coming twelve months. WANTS WANTED—YeIIow Pine Logs, either on water—Savannah Plaining Company, Savannah, Ga.t 12-20 WANTED—A reliable man to sell monuments and tombstones, big money for th c right man. Must be a hustler. —Write us today for full particulars,—Marietta Marble & .Stone Work* Marietta* CJa 12 13 JUL / ' into 'Oai, business of your territory now open. Jp/V I • It. Watkius Pf? * * Xr.vbodv knows Watkins t . Coffee, Medicines. Stundarn than fifty years. Diggest highest quality ■easy sAng for v„u. Write to- “tnplcs and proufAhat! from $3,000 to $5,00(1 m ' R- Watkins Cos., Dppt. P :! ,* Te nn • 12-30 WANTED—Three tyoni apartment P with private Upstairs pre. fcii-ntl.— O. 610 Howe f street. 12 16 FOR SALE FOR SALE—Ford touring car, 1920 model, in first class condition. ; Spotlight, Bumper,cut out and aecel-1 erator Phone 677. ttj FOR SALE—jjHßrahogauy Dining J 1 Living Room Suite 1 Mahogany Hat Rack 1 Leather Sofa 1 Hoosicr Kitchen Cab-1 inct. 1 Refrigerator 1 Gas Rangu^ All in good condition. Treasonable prices for cash. May be seen any time except Saturdays. MRS. E. HACKED 1627 Norwich iSt. Phone 912. FOR SALE—My entire stock of gro ceries, fixtures and household furni ture. Also liorso and wagon.—Mrs- G. Hess, Telephone 128, IliO George tjafcct. 12 12 fI^LsALE— Ou c real French Pood lE—Call 178. 128 FORMBe—Seven passenger Wyllys Six, 1920 Model. Is i n first class condition in every way. Apply to J. E. Register or phone 708. tf LOST LOST —in the Grand Theatre, bead ed hand bag.—Reward if returned to the General Store, Arco. tf LOST—Ladies Waltham wrist watch, stem ring- pulled loose, black rib bon bracelet attached to watch. Re turn to Mrs. G. A. Stacy, at 11. M. Miller Furniture Cos., and bo reward ed. 12 14 j SPECIAL NOTICES’ ~j ISAAC M. WENGROW Has removed liis ofllce from the | PadrOSa building, Newcastle street, to the Dunwoody building on corner of Gloucester and Grant streets. Telephone 526. NOTICE All persons are hereby noti fied that no hunting, fishing, j trapping or trespassing in any i way wll be permitted on arty lands of the undersigned in eith- ! er Glynn or Mclntosh counties! -25 GEORGIA VENEER and; l £ PACKAGE CO.j You like biscuit i two week’s old- * You like them fresh. Crackers, too, are better fresh. Wl® buy crackers three or four Weeks old, when you can get . ( • , BLOCK’S CRACKERS? Baked right here in Atlanta, Delivered to your grocer daily In air-tight packages That keep them fresh. Buy fresh crackers—buy BLOCK'S. THE FRANK E. BLOCK CO. Atlanta, Ga. Children Cry for Fletcher’s Castor 1A The Kind You Have Always Bought, and which has been in use for over thirty years, has borne the signature of on the wrapper all these year* v J ust to protect the comin’g - SA generations. be deceived. , All Counterfeits, Imitations and are but j Experiments that trifle with and en <#pSjßsto; health of Infants and Children —Experience againstV Jment. Never attempt toirejieve your Diloy with"Ai remedy thatjyoulwould use for yourself.' What is CASTORIA % Castoria is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, ParegorlcjJf Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is pleasant. Tl 1 iiiilnfiiiw neither Opium, Morphine nor other narcotic substance. Itsn age is its guarantee. For more than thirty years it has been in conagant use for the relief of Constipation, Flatulency, l Wind Cnl*r and Diarrhoea; allaying Feverishness arising Jj therefrom, and by regulating the Stomach and Bowels, Aidsff the assimilation of Food; giving healthy and natural sleep J The Children’s Comfort—The Mother’s Friend. GENUINE CASTORIA ALWMK , Bears the Signature of In Use'For'Ovei*l3o YearslH The Kind You Have Always* Bought 4H YHg CENTAUR COMPANY, NEW YORK ,ft|TY, Albany Hardware and Mill Supply Cos. Brunswick, Ga. Albany, Ga. Splendid Service Correct Price Meyers Pumps* Lcschcn’s Rope. American Steel Split Pul leys* K< r toil’s Emery Wheels, belting of ail kinds* Simouds Saws Well Driller’s Supplies. Fittings Galvanized and Black Pipe (Manila Rope r Bar Iron 1 tream Separators ; Snatch Blocks V t ackle Blocks \ \ Belt Lacing Clipper L.acing Machines Machinistss Tools Water and Steam Hose Valves \ Injectors * '■ \ \