The Brunswick news. (Brunswick, Ga.) 1906-2016, December 13, 1922, Image 3

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®^pirin SAY “BAYER” when you buy Aspirin Unless you see the name “Bayer” on package or on tablets you ar e not getting,the genuine Bayer product Prescribed by physicians over twen ty two years and proved safe by mil lions for Colds Headache Toothachp Lumbago Earache Rheumatism Atlanta Birmingham & Atlantic Ry SCHEDULF EFFECTIVE SUNDAY, OCTOBER 22, 1922 (This schedule published as Inform atlon-and uot guaranteed.) A r.-From Lv.-For 11:55 a. m Savannah and Jacksonville l!>:1 r > a. m. 7:16 p. in Savannah and Jacksonville 6:10 p. m 11:00 A. M Atlanta. Blrmlngh am and Savannah .. .. .. 6:40 p. m. FOR FURTHER INFORMATION AND SCHEDULES APPLY TO H. G. DOWLING Phone R. H. WILLIAMS ..Gen. Atrent 398 Pass. Tkt. Agt “Big Specials^ Kersey is offering bargains lines. Come in il you don’t buy. FASHIONABLE RATINE Worth $1.25 per yard, in stripes and block checks, 7 5c yd _ ovm m 1 lot light weight, Oc yd SHIRTING mWKs 36 in. wide 35c value, specially priced at . . . . 25c yd Dollar Sale of Aluminum Consisting of 1 2 qt. buckets, double Boilers, Perculators, Kettles, and several other pieces, all large size, sale prices, each . . . $ 1.00 A Nice Line of Toys Now on Hand 10 lbs. Good Head Rice, 55c N. B. C. Lemon, Zu, Vanilla and Macaroon Snaps, pkg. 5c 24 lbs. Flour, guaranteed SI.OO We Have Materials for Fruit Cake. THANK YOU KERSEY’S BARGAIN STO RE “SELLS MOST EVERYTHING." 2127 Norwich Phone 1050 Best Wood- Dry Pine, Oak and Lightwood Any Length $1.50 a Load Prompt Delivery and Good Loads J. A. HERRIN Cochran Avene and Mansfield Streets PHONE 1063 ' 1 Neuralgia Pain, Pain Accept “Bayer Tablets of Aspirin” only. Each unbroke n package con tains proper directions Haddy boxes of twelve tablets cost few cent*. Druggists also sell bottles of 24 and 100. Aspirin i- the trade mark of Bayer Manufacture of Mouoace.ic acidester of Sulieylicacid. PERSONALS L. E Waverly, of Atlanta, is spend ing s everal days in the city. Rev. D. Watson Winn was over from St. Simon yesterday Kelly Lilep, of White Oak, sepnt yesterday in the city. Edward Miller spnt ystevday an Owens Ferry, Camden county. Edward Miller spent yesterday at Owens Ferry, Camdtn county. F. I. Benner, .of St. Augustine, Fla., is spending several days in the city. Postmaster L. J. Leavy, who has been ill for s everal days, much better yesterday and will he out again within a day or two. Edwin •'. Humphries, of Atlanta, *pent yesterday here in the interest of his firm, the Virginia Bridge. & iron Cos., %i connection with the open ing of bids for the St. Simon high way. __ < n-v Sheriff Carter come down from Baxley yesterday morning and will spend a day or two here. He is a brother of S. Carter, who is In the Glynn county jail charged with murder in connection with the death of Miss Crosby, which oceured at the city hospital here last. Friday night. If in your opinion VELVET Is not the BEST flour you have ever used you may return it to yoi’r grocer and get your money bach—lXlTT LEWIS CO., Distributors. UP A Cures Malaria, Chills HKhand Lever, Dengue or Biliousness. IP OUR SERVICE FAILS' IN ANY WAY, PLEASE TEL E US, WE WANT IT TO BE AS GOOD AS IT 1 IS POSSIBLE TO MAKE " J BRUNtMCK LAUNDRY Geo. Griffin, Mgr. DON’T FORtiET WE ARE DRY .CLEANERS CASTOR IA For Infants and Children In Use For Over 30 Years Signamre of '^HOf/XT&ZcJUtI Now located at my former headquarters „ 1207 NEWCASTLE ST. (Next to the City Hall) Any and all kinds of AUTOMOBILE REPAIRING Done promptly and satis faction guaranteed U. A. EDWARDS CHAMPION Dog Biscuits Puppy Biscuits Puppy Meal l l-2, 2 and 5 Packages Also in bulk, 15c lb. Glynn Drug Cos. Phone 827 LOCAL MARKETS CROSSTIES AND TIMBER (Furnished by Mutual Timber Cos.) Heart Pine: Grade No. 5, 7x9xß 1-2, $1.20; grade 4, 7xßxß 1-2, $1.10; grade 3, 6xßxß t-2, SI.OO. Sap Pine: grade 5,65 c; grade 4,60 e grade 3, 60. Cypress: Grade 6, $51.00; grade 4,90 c; grade 3,80 c. Mixed Oak: Grade 5,90 c; grade 4, 80c; grade 3,70 c. Timber, 6x6 to 10x10, short leaf, $12.50; long leaf, $16.50. 30 cube, short leaf, $14.50; long leaf, $17.50. 3x9 deals, short leaf, $17.00; long leaf, $20.00 6x12, short leaf, $20.00. sap pine. 65c. NAYAL STORES Turpentine market, firm. Regulars 1.32. Sales reported 400. -Receipts 448. Rosin market, firm. WW 6.50; WG 5.75; N 6.50-5.55; M 5.30-5.45; K 5.15- 5.25; 1 none; H 5.15-5.20; rest, none. Sales 1.071; receipts* 1 865. NEW YORK COTTON New York, Dec. 12.—-Cotton opened steady. December 24.83; January 24.80; March 25.03; Ma.v 25,05; July 24.60. NEW ORLEANS COTTON New Orleans Dec. 12.—Cotton op ened quiet. December 24.67; Janu ary 24.57; March 24.65; Mfay 24.61; July 42.37. * Brunswick, (la-, Nov. ,28, 1922. $225,000 CITY OF BRUNSWICK. GOLD Sealed proposal- - o'clock p. 12, 1922, by the com misscity of Brunswick for purchase tsf $175,000 Bridge and Road Bonds of said city, -maturing $7,000 annually October 1, 1928 flB 1952 and $60,000 additional Sewer^Md H of said city, maturing $2,000 1928 to ", All bonds denominatlans SI,OOO, principal and in tercet (A & 0 1, 5 per cent), payable In th 6 city of Brunswick General obligations, HiiKmllejflß •registrable ns to principle .'l’Mj both principal and interest by Superior court for (lUmK JfcPT-oving opinion otWriff I i jf!* Esq. on a f'V J vl'Wyid V? tion a,, to the dttJon including deposit, will tion 'jr "nd • to ndei 1 ’’I.V mid & . 12-12 g Secret Ccg&l OOTAnSTTCHEu- APPLY SULPHUR n Tost the moment you apply MentW ahur to an itching, burning m en out skin, the itching stops ft j healing begins, says a noted stun cialist This salphur preparation, n>.j| if to a pleasant cold cream, gives SiMt M quick relief, evedPlK fiery ecte®, that nothing hajt V I'M) fonadjo take its place. & . : • Because of iimPißstroying prop* erties, it quickly subdues the itching, cools the irritation and heats the ecretn* right up, leaving a clear, smooth skhs in place of ugly erupt ioas, rash, pita* pies or roughness. ‘ You do not have to wait for improve* merit. It quicldv shows. You can get a little jar of jtowles Mcntbq>Sulpbut at aav drug store, KNOWN IN BRUNSWICK FOR 26 YEARS F. SCHARF PIANOS TUNED AND REPAIRED Absolute At Doerflinger’s Jewelry Store GLOUCESTER J‘i. OR PHONE 2V9 J. M. PITTS f ► 1 Contractor and Builder " ► 4 • i , i '.Estimates Cheerfully Furn- " ’ ished. " >• i i- Large and email Jobe will receive - >tbe same prompt attention. • ► 1 have been In this line of < ► business In Brunswick for the - ► past twjoty-flve, years. My beat * 5 references are furnished by those ■ y l have worked for. y 1203 Gloucester St. ► II PIT! TO LOSE ANOTHER HAIR 35c “Danderine” Saves Your Hair—Ends Dandruff! Delightful fonic w i k Only fools let hair fall out and dan druff stay. Neglect means a bald Hpi){ shortly. A little “.Danderine” now will save your hair. This de lightful tonic cleans !he scalp of ev ery particle of dandruff, tightens the hair-root Pores, so the hair stops coming out and o the vitalizing oils, which are the very life and strength of the hair, can not ooze away. Danderine i s not. sticky or greasy. It has made weak, .sick, neglected hair strong and healthy for millions of men and women. Your comb or brush i s warning wou. Hurry to any drug store and now. Don’t wait! Baumgartner’s Market, 312 Monk street, phone 100, in addition to choice western meats, will in future bridle select oystera 40c per quart, Winter §||lipWes f need a gas \We have them cf % an d at mod | j g We are Im-g'Mts Ifjthe celebrat i flow Cas Steam Ra- Come in and K^hem. imore&Woods j DOMESTIC ENGINEERS i 1418 Richmond Btr<wn a Sanitary Plumbaiw m. ■*?> DR. B. 0. QIJILLIAN Office Phone 47 Residence Phone 1054 Calls Answered Night or QUILLIAN’S Pharmacy “On the Comer” Phone 47 At Your Service New Fount Full Holiday Line Buy Automobile juntas Gifts [|umper, Spotlight, Motor Meter, Stop Light, Windshield Visor, Rear Vi i Mirror, Step Plates, Tire Covers, Seat Pads, Jack or Pump, Monogram Radiator Cap, Handy Tools, Gabtiel Snubbers. Why not a practical gift this year? J. H. Morgan Phone 405 with Gas the cleanest, handiest and cheapest fuel. Don’t a slave to your pld kitchen stove. Cooking with gas is the modern way of living—it saves money, time, worry and work. Come in and let’s talk it over, • Mutual Light & Water Cos. PHON E 7 SERVICE/* Have you ever stopped to con sider how often the average Au- Dealerships change hands? The Qlynn Motor Com pany has been authorized Ford dealers in Brunswick for five years. All others have changed hands several times, some have been as long as a year without any representation at all. This is a large item to be considered in buying anew car, SERVICE. Let us show you what REAL SERVICE is. Don’t buy your car from one man and then have to go to another for your SER- „ VICE. GLYNN MOTOR CO. Phone 75 Authorized Ford and Lincoln Car Dealers The World’s Greatest Motor Car Values