The Brunswick news. (Brunswick, Ga.) 1906-2016, December 14, 1922, Image 7

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THURSDAY. DEC. 14, 1922, Enjoyment begins with the first schnt of its fragrance, and it’s "Good to the last drop"' NIC. U.S. PAT. OFF. * SggjgPE Your Christmas Candies Nothing adds to the joy of the Yuletide Season like the right thing in Candies WE HA VE Leggetts C wcolates “ With the Won erful Center ” Num llys “The Candy c Sizes one to packages VI Andiif*VsJlk „ •37 A Chrt Jtft Present Thai is valuable, use ful, and most accept able. Daniel Greens 9 Felt Comfy Slippers We have them for every member of the family SI.OO to $4.00 All Colors HIRSCH’S “Complete Shoe Store’ 7 1424 Newcastle KNOWN IN BRUNSWICK FOR 25 YEARS F. SCHARF PIANOS TUNED AND REPAIRED V ■ . ■ ~’y r>, it l Absolute Sitfefactkw. At Doerilinger's Jewelry Store GLOUCESTER 51. OR PHONE 299 Now located at my former headquarters 1207 NEWCASTLE ST. (Next to the City Hall) Any and all kinds of AUTOMOBILE REPAIRING % Done promptly and satis faction guaranteed U. A. EDWARDS ASPIRIN GARGLE 111 TONSILIIIS Cut 1 his Out and Save if Sub ject to Tonsilitis or Sore Threat. A harmless and effective gargle is to dissolve two Bayer Tablets of As lrin in four tablespoonfuls of water, and gargle throat thoroughly. Repeat in tvto hours jf necessary. Be sure you use only the genuine Bayer Tablets of Asprin, marked wjtb tile Bayer Cross, which can he had >"*'■l boxes of twelve tabliets for few cents. WANT CONGRESS REOUI AH WOMEN Cllil DREN WORKERS ( : y \ o. iaied I’ress.) Washington, Dee. Iff. — A. resolu lio'i proposing a constitutional amend men! giving eongress the power to regulate employment of women an'l children under eighteen years of age Was introduced by Seisatoh 1 .edge, republican, of Massachusetts, today. Baumgartner’s Market, 312 Monk street, phone 100, jn addition to choice western meats, will in future handle select oysters 40c per quart delivered. Uod^ uri ' s Malaria, Chills flHband lever, WUW lniimDlK’Sc 1. • Je V Aiff i jAt> pm 1 cave .. I*oo Leave OceglWvr 4:ls Pm SUNDAY SCHiODULIA Leave Brunswick am Leave Itruuswi< I . . 2:30 puj. Leave Oc< an I'D r 11:00 ail Is uv L . Ocean l'm-r 4:30 pm f "\L B. WRIGHT, ’ J. M. Contractor in'l^ni%*Tt : ► % f ► - Estim.iJ§3 Cheerfully Furn ished. v v Cargo and small jobs will receive Him same prompt attention. ’ 1 have been in this lino of k business in Brunswick for Iho ► past twenty-live years. My best 'f references are furnished by those ► 1 have worked for. %203 Gloucester St. Expel impurities with M|! Dr KINGS PILLS JM •~jor constipation jCL-I When Winter Comes You will need a gas heater. We have them in ail styles and at mod erate prices- We are agents for the celebrat ed Clow Gas Steam Ra diator.- Come in and See them. Gilm&WQQds DOMESTIC ENGINEERS 1418 Richmond Bfenwri Sanitary Pliunfcxw?* f" , " I,J "i.ArEcr'Relieves" ccmt r-mi r-y&bixti* V.*c* ryjß-Mp at n* timav :,v mail. $o v Lsssssssss "QUEEN OF SHEBA” AT THE BIJOU TODAY, TOMORROW In throwing this romantic love s tory upon a background of exotic splendor, William Fox has created a superb spectacle that iills the heart as well as the eye. ‘ Queen of Sheba,’’ of Arab}’, bless ed daughter of a hundred kings, ruled the heart s of men and was imper vious to the appeals of all until final ly she met the supreme love which dominated her whole life—the great King Solomon. Here in opulent splendor with the gorgeousness and glory 0 f the ancient Orient as its background, hag been screened this greatest of lo'e stories. F.\II the world loVo s a lover,’’ s o let your public know that ‘‘Queen of She ba” is the greatest love spectacle over conceived. Sure Relief FOR INDIGESTION iCvfy Bell-ans ot a ter DELijtfftiS 2S<t and 7A C Packs ges<^&rvwhere F i For Your Christmas Gifts j| < Keep the fact in mind that wc are offering a f, 27 Percent Discount | • on our beautiful line of holiday jewelry—This is a I t ' £1 Come am] lei us show you the |L Gillican&Co. 7}, m Pi I ' Jewelers %. VAUDEVILLE AT GRAND IS CHANGED DAILY I'Yaiik Tuttle, who lias writteu most of the light comedy .stories, as well as dirtoted them, responsible for "The Cradle Buster” a whirl wind comedy which will be at the Grand theatre today. "The Cradle Buster” stars Glenn Hunter, who uresents to the screen anew type of the small town adolies oent youth. The ph't#'e i s ail infant comedy, but will cause sma lusty laughter that the world vMI rock with mirth and it will Tn audi ence to the highest pitch ol\ci£cite ment. Tlie picture is repute witli clean wholesome comedy, has more thrills than most melodramas, and tells a beautiful romantic story of an inno cent youth and an actress, who helps make a man out of a boy w'ho has been “mothered” to death and who lias been known as “sweetie” all his life. ‘‘The Cradle Buster" is a youth who oil his twenty-first birthday which also is independence Bay, July 4, decides to be a man. He starts to smoke, swear occasionally, even takes a drink. He gets started in an ■innocent Way in a love affair with an actress, elopes only to have his plans go astray, but when be has a battle, tight aud shows his grit to win her, he become,, a leal man, goes the complete route and wiuds up by foiling a plot to take her life. IF SICK, TODAY! TAKE NO CALOMEL Liver Tone” Straightens You Up Better Than I Salivating, Dangerous Calomel and Doesn't Upset I You—Don’t Lose a Day’s Work—Read Guarantee 1 discovered a vegetable t ! that doe s th)B work of Wiigerous, 1 sickening calomel and I wit every | reader of this poper to buna bottle j for a few cents and if it doesn’t! straighten you up better and quicker thau salivating calomel just go back to the store and get your money back. 1 guarantee that, one spoonful of Godson’s Liver Tone will put your slflggish liver to work and clean your thirty feet of bowel s of the sour bile and consitpation poison which is clogging your system and making you feel miserable. I guarantee that ono spoonful of this harmless liquid liver medicine will relieve the headache, biliousness, .Then he is a man. He has busted out of the cradlo and shows his friends that, the niekuame "Sweetie’’ is not: for him. In addition to the above feature Art Candler’s "Broadway Follies” will be seen i,n a screaming comedy with wonderful musical numbers, singled with the saxaphone numbers, the ac cordian and jaxz band. Hhis com eoated tongue, ague, malaria, £|H stomach or any other distress causw ed by a torpid liver as duicklgghs al dose of vile, nauseating sides it will not make youß keep you front a day's- work^SHp; Calomel is poison—it’s I attacks the bone s often causing rhetbJ ntatismj. (\glomel, Js dangerous. M sickens —while my Dodson’s Liver Tone is safe, pleasant and harmless. Eat anything afterwards, because it can not salivate. Give it to the child, ren because it doesn’t upset the stomach or s hock the liver. Take a spoonful tonight and wake up feel mg fine and ready for a full day's work. Patty will play here today and Sat urday, changing twice Saturday with three hours shows. If in your opinion VELVET Is not the BEST flour you have ever used you may return it, to yoi'r grocer and get your money back;.—IXJTT- I.EWIS CO., Distributors,