The Brunswick news. (Brunswick, Ga.) 1906-2016, December 15, 1922, Image 9

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FRIDAY, DEC, 15, 1922. 2 or SCans of Baklsig Powder Are Not Worth the Price of.One If the- ; c the “big can and cheao; } \rd because they may *.m baking failures. r:: ats why CA I/JHET The Econosn:/ BAKING POWDER Is the biggest selling brand In the world; Its sales are over 150% greater tha t that of aay other brand S Don’t lea BIG CAN oi a very r~( ~\ low pri e mis- v ® lead yo fkg&L. Experir anting with ar uncer- \., / BEST BY '\y THE WORLM ML • u A Christmas Present w 1 hat is valu fui, ana most accept able. Daniel Greens' Felt Comfy Slippers We have them for every member of the family SI.OO to $4.00 All Colors HIRSCH’S “Complete Shoe Store” 1424 Newcastle All Baking Powders Look Alike—BUT Is your baking powder abso lutely pure? Royal is. Is your baking powder abso lutely wholesome? Royal is. Is your baking powder un varying in strength under all conditions? Royal is. Is your baking powder eco nomical in keeping baked foods fresh longer and mak ing home baking so satis factory that it takesthe place of more expensive food? Royal is. Royal Contains No Alum Leaves No Bitter Taste h V ' :t ty , r, ffr J prTcjifcj : * : t. # r him PARTICIPANTS IN HERRIN MASSACRE ARE POINTED OUT (By Associated Press.) Marion, Ills., Dec. 14.—March of several hundred armed men driving before them through the serorts six blood-stained prisoners ar.d later' finding twenty bodies, was described to the jury by several witnesses to day at th e trial of five men in con- nection with the Herrin riot. State witnesses pointed -jilt three of the defendants u‘ the men they had seen with weapons on the morn ing of ihe tragedy. The speed with which the address es to tile jury by both the prosecut'd-, and tb, defense re completed yes terday and the. examination of three available witnesses practically with out ci'ot- examination, forced an early conclusion of yesterday',, ses sion when jt wa s found that many of the state’s witnesses Were nlt>t in court. A list of more than lijtrtv people has been prepared by the state, while the defense, to support its conten tion that the live defendants were not present at the scene of the ’kill ings, was said to b e ready for call of 100 more. Take Salts to Flush lyaf""" J % iißßfiflii t ishM. .... - } . M r.itTi^ * ' •. r v r w' v, ‘ * !;< I'kr < l>owoln, lvniov mg Jill and podson, else they may feel a dull misery in the Md my region, sharp pains in the back or i■!. Imidaciie, dizziness, the stomach HHirs, is coated, and when ]Ai wvather is had they have rheumflß twinges. The urine is cloudy, full of sediment:* often got irri -1^ ‘ vot>l■jHHkij to -ret, \ or Li# i • •• = ! * • ■•A *si-' * i’i' ; I* ' .i n99 ‘ i \ fWO y, l y,J ■M' • and 1 t/> help W^- ,n ' •>! ' '.!<<• kidnbys ariij MtafUMa.Mrr irritation. .Tad .Salts is inevjionsive. harmless and makes a *1 ! I "'hi fnl i-lf rvf scout litJmi water d'Hii. wliirli millions of men and women tiiko nov- a.itd i • n to help prevent SOT* ‘<n kidn v ami bladder disorders. Bui i r ’i ■*l.lll vV, Marked, .>l2 Monk si' f' !, phone !')(). jn addition fo < i’njrc wonteni meats, will in future hioujp. 1 '• I* i oysteiv. 40c j><.> quart, delivered. f&pjkures Alalari;;, Chilis il aTI and l ever, oV MWW Ciiioiisiicss. * .f. AT. PITTS f K Conlrnctor find Builder f y - T >.Estimates Cheerfully Furn ► ished. y ► Purge ;iml .-mall joba will reccivo - ►the same prompt attention. ► I have been in this line of - business in Brunswick for Ibe • ► past twenty-five years. My heal • ► references are furnished- by those - ► I have tvorked for. - ► < 1203 Gloucester St. ¥/hen Winter Comes You will need a gas heater. We .--ve them in all styles and at mod erate prices- We are agents for the celebrat ed Clow Gas Steam Ra diator.- Come in and See them. difniQrß&Weeili DOMESTIC ENGINEERS 1418 Richmond otrw. %fnjtar7 ,PkpibHf,, t rjrTOFOTPF^TtI LOCAL VAUDEVILLE AT T HE (IRANI) TONIGHT Tonight will open another weekly 1 fun night. Several well known local artists have decided to contest for the prizes, and according to the line uii this shi>!d he a very pleasing bill, Miss Pauline Bosarge will dame the Russian vampire dan.-e and the Irish jigg. Sister Mary has an act entirely different from those previously Pre sented, and Miss Cook llag a n act which she refuses to state what it is, all you can get out of her it ‘‘just wait and see,” then comes Marion Sparke, as the cornet soloist and Martin and Newman jn little bits of nonsense, these two boys have been reliearseing the act for the past three weeks, and they say it is a knock- out. Then the rustic dance done by four pretey litele maidens under the careful direction of Mrs. Davies, a song and the shimmy dance will he included in this net. Ooriniie Griffith in her latest pic ture "Divorce will be pre sented on the screen, ®niig with an M Christie comedy. (lot, your s e-d, early, the price being tbe regulad gninteur night prices. , Tike Droadwhy will A'alunlay. changing at the m.-fneo and night giving s on this day in i'iin.ium-H<2MMBfthe picturi proi’am of Jack Hoxle Til the “Brok- L'-n Sni:i-,” :iit an extremely funny Aimeii' - *" A pimll KA*% OF MO’tTIIORS (Hv Am neialetl Press.l Washington; I). C„ Dec. 1-I. Tit- Department of Commerce annuuuce ' that tin- compilations Mudo^H^h-' bureau (f, the Census :-.ho^B^S*| death rntea .of mothers birth nt |us -pei-Ui gneses in lp2l thali in any year k Fot tin- the District \' ff i r '* 1' h-.- •' I • exelo \V 1 ' nf|V: 1 i Mf ii - b mi , i /heavy |)f-o. Ti- ratio of dcf'tiis from childbirth to the number of women bearing' children in the year 11)21 wi,:i about 1 to 150. Of the 2V states for which ligur-. are available, South Carolina lias tin- highest 1921 death rate per il cause; (!>K per 1..000 {^^■rths) and the loweßtjppKi I’aies for Ibe while and are - liown only for t-ho six. st.',.®V|p''eu tueky Mary land, Missi Carolina, South Carolinußand Vii inia. For ii)2l the higluxt rate for :be white (7.K1 appears Tio- South Carolina, and the lowest (5.7 eanli) for Kentucky and Virginia; while f<v the colored the highest rate (14.8) appears for Kentucky and the lowest (!).(>) for Maryland. GET A NEWS TRAVEL POLICY; IT IS ABSOLUTELY FREE In a short time it may be too lab' to get a News travel policy and those who can possibly spare the money to pay for a year’s subscription should do s o at once as there is no telling when an acciident will come A phon c message to the business of fice, 188, will he answered by a mem ber of this department who will fully explain the policy in every detail ST. SIMON TRANSIT COMPANY BRUNSWICK r* OCEAN PIER, ST. SIMON ISLAND • Winter Schedule Leave Brunswick 9:00 am Leave Brunswick 3:00 pm Leave Ocean Picj- 10:00 am Leave Ocean Pier .. 4:15 Pm | SUNDAY SOHEDULP Leave Brunswick 9:30 ami Leave Brunswick ..2:30 pm Leave Ocean Pier 11:00 am Lcav e Ocean Pier 4:3.0 pm i J. B. WRIGHT, j RUN DOWN PEOPLE NEED RICH BLOOD YOU never heard a doctor say, “He is ali run down, but his blood is pure and rich.” The best thing—the biggest thing— that Gude's Pepto-Mfangan does is to purify and enrich your blood. Then tho:-:e weary, run down, dragged out feeling:; will disappear, and the oldtime vim and “pep’’ come back again. Get Guide’s Pepto-Mangan today. At your druggists—liquid or tablets, as you prefer. Cjude’s, Pepto-Mangan feme and Blood Enricher tawsatßßaiM?” TtiWi,iwiiMiri. “QUIiEN OF SHEBA” AT THE BIJOU TODAY in, throwing the romantic love story upon a background of exotic splendor William I'Yx lias created a superb apectaclo that fills the heart as well as the eye. ‘‘Queen of Sheba” of arhay, bless ed daughter of a hundred Pinas, ruled j the hearts of men and wtm imper- | vious to the appeals of all ttMtil final- ! Iy she met tli e supreme 100 which i dominated her whole lif,. tV. gr>nt i King Solomon. Here in opulent splendor with tl'ei gorgeousness and glory of the ancient I Orient as its background has been j screened thl s greatest love story. “All the world loves a loved,” so let your public know that "Queen of Sheba,” is the greatest love spectac le ever conceived. What is ‘‘Spring I'ever” it is simply low Vitality, a lock ef Energ> I caused by impure blood. G.ROV E'b i TASTELESS chill TONIC restores Vitality j | and Energy by Purifying and Enriching the Blood. You can soon feel its Strength ening, Invigorating Effect BOe. wBF Your Clirirtmas Dinner IIA l \TMk nwt matmammmmwmmaamammamm tK Specially dressed western Christmas • meats of ail kinds j|S|HE Fancy Tennessee j and Chickens j|39mP Oysters * Certified Hams , Baumgartners Market J fflf |A]w, , 212 Monk. Phone 100 Spend Your Money Judiciously will [>ay you to call al our slore and let us show you our many useful things suitable for ChrioLms. i 1 eaters and Hanges always come in handy, fhe boy might HKe an Express Wagon, a Scout Knife or a Gun. Mother or Sister would like an Electric Iron, a Casserole, a Jardineer or set of Silver Knives and Forks or Spoons. Our slock is new and complete and is priced in keeping with the times 835 Phone 836 Georgia Hardware Cos. “Money Seated Is Money Made Your Christmas Candies Nothing adds to the joy of the Yuleiide Season like the right . thing in Candies WE HAVE v Leggetts Chocolates J “With the Wonderful Center” j Nunrdlys “The Candy of the South” Sizes one to five pounds, in Christmas packages wrapped in holly paper. Andrews Drug Store 37 Phone 38