The Brunswick news. (Brunswick, Ga.) 1906-2016, December 16, 1922, Image 5

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HIRSCH’S USEFUL GIFTS Silk and Wool Hose for Ladies Sii. Ha;e for Ladies Comf' SlippeiS for Ladies Satin L ress Pumps for Ladies Walkin Oxfords for Ladies Houst. S ippers for Men Silk and Lisle Socks for Men Silk Sox for Children Silk and Wool Sox for Children Comfy Slippers for Children Dress Shoes for Children Every article gi aranteed and reasonably priced OPLN EVENINGS * i ("ft If JW ie SpiH" We are markiqy ps the holidays notice. Give us a call. MENS CAPS Special from . . . $ 1.00 up ALUMINUM All large pieces nice for grits sale price, piece . . $ 1.00 Home Made Apron Dresses A dozen different styles, special $ 1,00 We have a line of medium priced toys for the children Large washed Brazil Nuts 20c lb English Walnuts . 35c lb 1 0 lbs whole grain Rice 55c Lipton Coffee . 35c lb 24 lbs High Grade Flour 1.00 THANK YOU KERSEY’S BARGAIN STO RE “SELLS MOST EVERYTHING-” 2127 Norwich Phone 1050 ■ Baumgartner's Market, 312 Monk street, phone 100, in addition to choice western meats, will in future handle select j#sters 40c per quart, delivered /' If in your opinion VELVET is not the BEST flour you have ever used you upturn it to TaVx grocer andgggif J r money bach LOTT-; i jDibtrihuiors News Non (>1 General Int^B DECEMBER 17 B. mrd:i\ High .. 1 a n.reß IV> • lti. Low 12:0S am, Dec. 17. Low 12:17 am MANY ST. SIMON VISITORS TODAY. The si . Sim ni Transit steamer Emmeline, will likely tine business today nil both numbers of islanders wjl come o do their Christmas shopping. 11l SOLICITOR SCARLETT SPORTS HANDSOME CAR. F. M. Scarlett, popular solicitor of the city court of Brunswick, is “sporting” a handsome now Buick car, which, by the way, is one of the prettiest in' the city. it is dark reddiSh-brown in color and with up bolstering to match. t MANY VISITORS ARE EXPECTED IN TODAY. Indications Point to a large number of country visitors who will come i t today from points within a radius of one hundred miles or more of Bruns wick and it is thought that all the merchants will have good business. The visitors will come by rail, river and automobile. YESIEROAY A REAL INDIAN SUMMER DAY IN THIS CITY. Brunswick enjoyed another heauti fn' day yesterday of 111, Slll i I" I: if" .""lev t Be-' be pen. liniler ef Hie •* AND RIDLEY GET A STILL. A still of the lard can variety iva captured by Chief Register ohd Of j liver Ridley yesterday siftertioon a! 505 M street but owing to t.h fad that th negro who occupies the bouse wa not there, no arrest was made Along with the slid the -'Ulcers se cured fifty Kalians of mash ‘ all ready to run.” While tin mash wysaif tin Ix-I >mr grade the (Itstilling outA w.-r Dm-W the. roughest yet taken by the ollii ct s. PRICE OF EGGS HAS ADVANCED RECENTLY. Eggs, always higher at this .mason 'of ttic year, now are selling for GO, fir, and 70 cents per dozen and vvhjlfe (here is no .scarcity reported these' figures invariably prevail. In connec tion with Christmas 'edibles it may be said that the commission men state there will bp no scarcity of turkeys and, the price will range about forty cents on the feet. Baring the next few days .fruit dealeijr, will begin receiving large stocks and this city will lack nothing in the line of ‘‘eats.” WEATHER FORECAST AND CONDITIONS Locally: Cloudy, colder and prob ably rain: moderate southwest winds becoming northerly. Condi tions elsewhere: Local rains occur red generally in the south and snow flurries in the. north during the last twenty-four hours, while fair weather was prevalent in the central west ern districts- It is colder in the cen tral valley and plains Wittes and warmer in the Atlantic coast stales. | Freezing weather continues north | west of Tennessee and Arkansas. j COUNTY OFFICERS j BREAK MANY JUGS, l County Gltic rs Norris and Free-: I man visited Hie riverfront section at j 1 the west foot of George street, just! j north iof the Texas company’s oil | distributing station yesterday after-! j noon and proceeded to destroy altj j the white lightning they got their] hands on. Several iug s were smash ed which contained the wet goods and a number of empties were also made useless for fntucr use. A large num ber of fruit jars were also destroyed. It L evident that some person in ‘‘Punkville” tipped the officers off as they had no trouble in locating the ‘‘goods.’’ ADVENT CHRISTIAN SUPPER AND DINNER. The Ladies* Aid Society ef the.. Advent Christaln church will give, a dinner and -upper today and this! I evening which will prove of great in-, ' terest' Th' e rnt L- being put on fori the purpose of raising funds for linui-1 •ISOMk> HDi l)i-muke, of Atlanta the Whittier, of Jacks*,> v'iUle, Vent yesterday here. F. L. BeAlura, of Tampa, is spend ing a few days in the city. G N_ Tharin, who lias been ill at his home on G street, is better. Frod.Vi k Weaver, of Mobile, Is peudiiifp several days/ in the city. Louis NV Tharin, has returned to Albany afthr a visit to relatives. Fred. K. Mo it-.', auf Jacksonville, was among the visitWs here yester day. l>. 11. PoPe aIIII A. H Cruvatt have returned from a trip to Savannah. * Major S iv, ihwii and K L. Phillips will s peitd the day at Mi l ox. l ,T. O. (of the Popular Bijou the Bta. I a-cksoiiviUe, who ei'al days in the lome yesfertmy. ] will enter the where he jßjh-; ui w • I] : f jkla jl" S A WHO f oi if" Mby the Way, made an |HhUic Brunswick IGlUonmi HfShay relumed to hi head Dublin. It military man and W§tr '-ting f "dti FOR RENT FOR RENT Krount Rry nold 8 strect.Apply to LLtOr- FOR SALIJJ FOR .SALE OR K'iiNTßi i: k stoic on Bay street, Wildi* BO x SO feel, also one large *’ar-'y salt-, fi feet ltigh, 45 inches wid,. double inside and outside doors, wjll tkc small safe in trade, —Lcvision. tr FOR SALE—6 dining room GiaM- li| llirseb, 1120 Union street. Li 22 FOR SALE OR RENT—Ballard home, corner Union street and First avenue.—Apply at 528 Union street. tf IflO-R SALE —My entire stock of gro ceries, fixtures and household furni ture. Also horse and wagon.—Mrs. G. Hess, Telephone 428, 1110 George street. 12 12 SPECIAL NOTICES Notice * All persons are hereby noti fied that no hunting, fishing, trapping or trespassing in any way wll be permitted on any lands of the undersigned in eith er Glynn or Mclntosh counties -25 GEORGIA VENEER and PACKAGE CO. NOTICE DIVIDENT NO. til. i A quarterly divjdcnt of $2.00 per I share ha3 been declared by the di rectors of the Brunswick Bank & Trust company payable on January 2, 1:122, to .stockholders of record of this date. Checks fgr divideut will he mail ed. T. M. AIKEN, Dec. tf, 1922. Cashier. 12-10 23 30. What is “Spring Fever” It is simply low Vitality, a lack of Energy caused by impure Wood. GROVE'S TASTELESS chill luNltrestores Vitality and Energy by Purifying antj J'.nrtctnnii the Blood. You can soon feel its Strength ■.rung. Invigorating Effect 60c. l * r ’if'.-, t'j faction guas&j j \ ' I'. A. ™ 1 Paintingfand Triming, 1 tains and|seat painting and paper hangiwg. Prices reasonable. Fifst class work. j(..f E. MATb*ls & SONS. 2520 Norwich st. Shop ar.d resi dence. 1-5 •JIIF For Your Chrirtmas Dinner Spend Your Money Judiciously ti It will pay you to call at our store and let us show you many useful things suitable for Christmas. Heaters and Ranges always come in handy. The boy might like an Express Wagon, a Scout Knife or a Gun. Mother or Sister would like an Electric Iron, a Casserole, a Jardineer or set of Silver Knives and Porks or Spoons. Our stock is new and complete and is priced in keeping with the times 635 Phone 63 b Georgia Hardware Cos. “Money Saved Is Money Made