The Brunswick news. (Brunswick, Ga.) 1906-2016, December 17, 1922, Image 7

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SUNDAY, DEC. 17. 1922. HIRSCH’S USEFUL GIFTS • Silk and Wool Hose for Ladies ' Silk Mose for Ladies Comfy Slippers for Ladies Satin Dress Pumps for Ladies Walking Oxfords for Ladies House Slippers for Men Silk and Lisle Socks for Men Silk Sox for Children Silk and Wool Sox for Children Comfy Slippers for Children Dress Shoes for Children Every article gv iranteed and reasonabl j priced OPLN EVZNINGS HIRSCH’S “Complete * iflj i Srore” 1424 NeplfiSle Holiday Special - We are marking prices left the holidays worthy of your notice. Give us a call. MENS CAPS Special from . . . $ 1.00 up ALUMINUM All large pieces nice for grits sale price, piece . . $ 1.00 Home Made Apron Dresses A dozen different styles, special $ 1,00 We have a line of medium priced toys for the children Large washed Brazil Nuts 20c lb English Walnuts . 35c lb 1 0 lbs whole grain Rice 55c Lipton Coffee 35c lb 24 lbs High Grade Flour LOO THANK YOU KERSEY S BARGAIN STORE “StLLS MOST EVERYTHING.” 2127 Norwich Phone 1030 i / ; ifaumsartner’s Mjtrket, 312 Monk >tie©l, phono 100, jm'- addition to moitfc, will jn future bnr-AJar rutlecl njuWT;; 48c per quart, it ia VJKLVBt U not ■ you have owed you, to ynvr groper' i ■ bu tors. SUNDAY SERVICES HI IRE CHURCHES FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH. Corner Union and Mansfield streets, O. P. Gilbert, Minister. A special inviation to the tile public to attend both morning and evning ser viee s at the First Baptist church is mad 0 and some good music has been arranged: For the morning services tlie fol lowing numbers will be rendered: ‘‘Home Where the Loved Ones Dwell’’ —C. S. Briggs, by the choir. Hold Thou My Hand, Dear Lord’’— C. S. Briggs; by the choir. Rev. O/ P. Gilbert, pastor, will preach morning and evening services. Th e musical program for the even ing service will be: “My Savior,” — Ballou; by th e choir. Bv special request Mrs. Gotilding Stacy andqMrs. H. O. Hotte, will repeat the number, ‘‘Oh! Morning Land - ’ —Duet by B. H. Phelps. Avery cordial invitation is extend ed to the public to attend these ser vices at U:3O a. m., and, 7 1 30 p. m ST. JAMES' LUTHERAN CHURCH Gloucester and Wolf Streets, llov W. A. Sadtler, l'h.D., Pastor. Sunday School with Pastor’s Bible Class at 10:15. Morning church service at 11:15; Theme, “Welcome to the King." , Luther League ap 7:00 o’clock.' Evening church services at 7:30 All are cordially invited to thesr services. PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH. The F. D. Thomas will a. m. and 7:30 p. m- Sunday school is held MAhM** All f■tjftjtmj'*'* ' wtp diaily iijtsßßmtoJSßbMm j 's■ i cmAcii 'flics', JjMnmaon. Pastor.* ~ the pastor at 11:30 a. m. anil 7:80 P. hi. Sunday sMiool a( 10:15 a. ni., T. F, Glover superintendent. , Fpworth League at 6:45 a. m., C. Lillie, president. Prayer meeting Wednesday at 7:30 m. m. j ' /T^ I gvices the. puL'i' | Ted. S M’K-KNIIKE METIIOMibX Corner N Opwjeh afey’jfljjje' ip T. \l. Luke. L* Preaching 11:30 a nVd, hU\ ftp m. Uy the pastor. ip '|H or church at 10 o’clock t Sunday school 3:30 p. in., W, E. Pom he, Special program at li/ayer meeting Wednesday night. ■Subject Sunday morning 'PQonfl dence in God.'’ Subject Sunday evening “What we Pay for the Privilege Of Sinning." IKverybody come! ST. MARK'S PROTESTANT EPIS COV’AL Coiner Egmont and Gloucestrti l(8v. .Telinson, Rector. f Holy Communion 8 a. m. Church School at 10 a. m Morning prayer and sermon 11.15. Evening service and address at 7:30 p. m. Everybody cordially welcomed a‘ all services. ST. FRANCIS XAVIER CHURCH. ’ Sunday: Masses 7:00, 1(V:00. Con firmation class 11:00. Week days: Mass 6:30. Meetings Monday: St. Vincent dc Paul conference, 8 p. m. Ladies Al tar Society, 3:30. WESLEYAN METHODIST CHURCH EUi s street between M and N. Sunday school at 10.30 a. n. Preaching at 11:30 a. m , and 7 30 p. rn. Monday evening at 3:00 o’clock the W. H. and F. M. Society will , meet at Mrs. -I J. Sapps, 2207 Reynolds street- The public is cordially in vited to attend the e services. Mrs- Sarah Howard, pastor. SALVATION ARMY Sunday school 3:45 a- m. All the children taking part in the Christmas entertainment are request ed to meet at th ( , hall at 3 P- m., for rehearsal. Preaching and praise service. 8 p. vn. When Winter Comes You will need a gas heater. We have them in all styles and at mod erate prices- We are agents for the celebrat ed Clow Gas Steam Ra diator.- Come in and Sec them. , s Gilmore&Woods 1 H>M l>:n c ENG INKERS 1418 Richmond Sanitary Plumb** BASKET BALL SEASON START! MONDAY NIGHT Glynn High and Athletic As sociation are to Have Fine Contest (By T. A. Scott) ■the basketball season will be open id here Monday night at. ihe Elks’ Court when the Glynn Ac a defny Quin tet meets the Glyriri Athletic associa 'tion team. Th e boys of both teams are in mid-season cpnditfon and the fans are assured of a hotly contest ed battle. Much interest and discus sion has bCeii expressed by th P fans as to the relative strength of these two teams. The ffigh fea’iVi tlifs sea son is praetically blade up on new material, Jones and Kfaitss being the only meh of feet yeir’s Cham pionship team to return, however with the addition of Miner, Knight, R. Levinson, F. Mufdaugh, Wen- Grow, If. Leyftison and several oth er boys to the list of asptrgnfs, (he High should put oift another winning team The Athletic bfiibfus assenf bled a team that should ®Cijte state wide attention (his season. The team consists of Harley Martin, Runjhon Burns, V. H. Royal, E. Sheriuan, "Rip" Wileher, Fred Clark, Wart Colley and Red Mock. " The fans should thank flic mem bers of tile Elks dub for providing a wonderful basketball courtrfor the games this Kijurtt They Have gotie Wconsidera 1 in arrang- Ifljwthis Fred Waffle and rtiwerni others be commended for the interest they have shown _ The seatfflv capacity a* the Elks court js about oiie h (miffed and fifty, however, any ’number can he taken care of • • Bo lets atari fire An'flon "If fii oh day night with a capacity crowd. The admission will be small, the time is night p. m „ and the place ‘‘Ff*B court " R P there when the whistle rtiknvs. . * \adiousiN toEHL^SS Alj4r.|jwo°d IhtraAf Bur- in Good Two \ Out of Three file W. B. E. tennis club came on' victorious in the set of live matches Played against the T. T. 1. club- I he first match began promptly al three o’clock ...‘nioon In llic boy’s singles, Af/Mr*Wood Burdick Farr, the “chainp"-pjthc T. T. I , jn a most exciting t®b>ul-of three. K e.lS. l/oth boys have Mp mak ings of eyxccllcnt tennis plaMrs The first and second s ets were waken by Alfred Wood. This m a tcn scored one for the VV. B. E. Following the hoy’s singles, came the glrl’ s singles, played in the same manner. Mis s Fannie Aiken was the delegate from the T. T. 1., while Mrs Carl XnHth defended skillfully, the title of flip W. B. E. However, Mtg. Smith’s back-band could not return all of the drives made by Miss Aiken and t.h e match was won oy two straight sets. The shore was then one up. The girl’s doubles were begun atJen o’clock Saturday morning with Miss Aiken and Miss Margaret Stiles bat tling against the “down but never out" Mrs. Carl Smith, and Miss Dorothy Symons. The T. T. I. offensive again proved too much for IVfrs. Smith, and here coll©agu e for again two straight, sets were taken by them making the score two-one in their favor. The battle Provfd not to -be up, however, when ‘‘Billy’’ and Smediy Missiidine bucked up against the strong offensive of the W. B. E, namely, Benito Artajt and Howard Leavy. The first set turned out six-four in favor of the Artau- Lea.vy, defensive. The next set hap pened to be a love one in the same di rection. This again tied tb c score, making it two up. The deciding match was played by Mis,; Annie Llye Mann and Rennard Nightengale, for the T. T. L. and the übdaunted Mrs. Carl Smith and ftobsob Travis. (Once more the match w'as won by two straight sets and Robson Travis s aved‘ the day for the W. B. E., by making the score thre tw o their favor. BRUNS WICK=ST. MARYS GAME WAS CALLED OFF f)n account of ttic fact that mem bers of the (tiff’s basket hall team w-pre HI the club did not come oyer for yesterday’s bout vwrth the iligh gfTK,''s(hedi^led’for last night ■at the Elks’ court, did not tfia’teffal ize. ! . ; •Tiip local team will play Ravenna 1> on famtim 'ith, and who pur--, cchased JffAe.ts for yes&RWSflb game can e threnne for the date mention ¥* , i. !Society j i . r- ~ (Continued from page 6.) ] ing business college in Macon, will ! retui n in a few days to spend the hol idays with,her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Philips, in Urbana. OO O 0 Henry ‘Beach who is attending the University of Georgia, will arrive home during the week to spend the holidays with Judge and Mrs. J. L. Beach. . •* e p J. C. Stiles spent th-jjfreek end inlSayannah. with and "as among the out-of-town tuests at the Seecven-White weddiiw yes terday. She 4s- expected homeVoday. 66. 0 X Dr. and Mrs. J. H. Branham and Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Branham, who are enroute to places in Florida from Baltimore, arrived In the city yes terday arid are spending a few days with Dr. and Mrs. if. M. Brunham before proceeding on their motor trip. 6a 6 H Mrs. W. A. Jeter returned Friday evening after spending the summer in Brirnesvitle, Ga. with relatives. Mrs. Sidney Shroder, of West Palm Beach Fla., arrived yesterday morn ing and will spend the holidays with her parents. Mr. arid Mrs. T. W. Mal lard. idSlSlpf* ~ 'mmr For Your Chrirtmas Pinner Specially dressed western Christmas 4MHL meats of all kinds jMmßm Fancy Tennessee Turkeys and Chickens JSBm Oysters . Certified Hams S|k Baumgartners Market 212 Monk. Phone 100 Spend Your Money Judiciously 111 will pay you to call at our store and let us show you c*r many useful things suitable for Christmas. Heaters and Ranges‘always come in handy. The boy might like an Express Wagon, a Scout Knife or a Gun. Mother or Sister would like an Electric Iron, a Casserole, a Jardineer or set of Silver Knives and Forks or Spoons. Our stock is new and complete and is priced in keeping with the times 835 Phone 83 b Georgia Hardware Cos. “Money Saved Is Money Made ‘..S' . T >‘V. vS-£r * 4/' . Your Christinas Candies Nothing aeftts to the joy of the Yiiletide Season like the right thing in Candies WE HAVE - 4 Leggetts Chocolates ‘With the Wonderful Center” Nunnllys “The Candy of the South” Sizes one to five pounds, in Christmas packages wrapped in holly paper. Andrews Drug Store 37 Phone 38