The Brunswick news. (Brunswick, Ga.) 1906-2016, December 19, 1922, Image 5

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TUESDAY. DEC. 19. 1922.’ IH S^ The package suggests it. Your taste confirms it. Tlie sales prove if. Over J billion sobl yearly msSii . _ u fcw ■ if &V W. iff % / ! l \ ? *V V j Convenient package v v -V*y;;. y\J gtussine-w rapped. Chesterfield ** Liooett & Mrm Tobacco Cos. t PIGGLY AAfIGGLY Don’t let your money slip lhr*jN:ui lingures Self-serve knock the H out of H. C. of L. “It you want nn\ thing well done, do it yourself!”- Ilenj. Franklin MORRIS SUPREME EfiOS dor. 39c PREMIER CRANBERRY SAUCE No. 2 can 32c ROYAL SCARI Ef APPI E SAUCE No. 2 can A WHITE ROSE PUMPKIN No. .1 can 19c CHOICE MUSHROOMS No. I can 51c ARMOURS VERY BEST ORAPE.IUICE qf 51c MINCE MEAT - Bulk, Ih 30c NATIONAI. BISCUIT PLUM PUDDING No 1 can 35c no 2 can 65c NATIONAI BISCUIT FRUIT CAKES, 5 pounds $2.95 GARDNERS OR DELUXE FRUIT CARTS, I pound .. .. 75c Eatmor Cranberries, qt. . . 15c Red Emperor Grapes, lb. . . 18c Grapefruits, sealsweet, large size . 05c Fancy Oranges, doz. . 30c and 40c ;We sell Skookum Apples, none better special price per box . . $2.00 CITATION State of Georgia. County of Glynn: To all whom it may concern: Alvan B. Row e having id du e form applied to m e for’-petfugnent letters of administration upon th e estaee of Mary Cora Rowe, !at e of said county, deceased. This is to cite all and singular the next of kin and creditor s of said Mary Cora Rowe, deceased, that said ap plication . will be heard before m e at the regular term, being the January •term, 1922, of the court of Ordinary of Glynn county. Witness my band ant! official signa ture, tfljs 29th day c£ November, 1922. ® % EDWIN W. DART, Ordinary Glynn County. ..... CASTORIA For Infants and Children In Use For Over 30 Years Always bears V? Signature of MINUTES COMMISSIONERS CITY OK BRUNSWICK (Official) Regular meeting, Brunswick, Ga-, Deo. 18. 122. Present: Hon. C. D. Ogg, mayor, and Commissioners J. !,. Andrews and M. B. McKinnon. Minute* of previous meetings were read and confirmed. Petition and Communication The following communication was read and oidered spTead on th e min utes published and filed. State of Georgia, County of Glynn City of Brunswick, We the undersigned, the managers of the general election held in the city of Brunswick, Georgia, on this the sth day of December, 1922,, under and by virtue of the amended charter of th e city of Brunswick, Ga., for the election of on P commissioner of the city of Brunswick, Ga., do certify as follows: 1. That >•fore beginning the per formance o( our duties a s such mana gers, we, each of ns, took and sub scribed to the prescribed by law; that before the opening of the polls we publicly exhibited the ballot box to be used in said election, thereupon sealed the same except the opening to receive ballots, and did not. open the same again until the close of the elec tion. I W 'WW 2 Wo further certify that w e kept a list of the persons voting at said elec tion, anil, after the close of th„ elec tion, did count the votes, keeping a tally sheet of such count, Ohl de clare th P result, a duly certified list of voters, and a well the tally sheets hereto attached. 2. We further certify Mini said elec tion was conducted in such and every Particular as prescribed by law, and that no ballot* were received from any voter except official ballot furnish by the superintendent of election and that no persons ..aid election eYoept the names ap- Ptiared upon the bR of registered voters as furnished gngOkthe Board of Registrars which en- closed . 4. We further certify that the fol lowing persons received the following number of votes set, opposite thefr re siled tve names: " Eor commissioner, C. D. Ogg, re ceived 87 votes. Vitpesg our hands and official sis naftres. this sth day of Decemher, \ w it •• k. r \ 4 >*SS r I \ 1 W Manager ■ W. #, SYMONS, 9 | Manager i 1 Btuey of she Mutual Light i Vu;". k,, r!fc er fates. GlPlfiW'iWv dra, j/be Aded until a recess melfenS to iHVeld Thursday, Dec. 21,-1.92; lat S unlock pm. From L. Roten, petition, allowed redeem his lot, New Town number Wf>, purchased by the city at tax sales in March 1921- (See resolution*:) Report: From City Manager Oram lihg, report * operations for month of November 1922. Ordered (mbllshed and filed. Motion: The following motion wA adopted: That ihe manager be iflrju e#to issue a notice that the <W prohibiting the s ale and djschJF (if flroworks and the discharge of ti re Srms within the city limit,, willjbe strictly enfprned during the holidays. Resolution, by Commissioner Mc- Kinnon: It appearing that New Town lot number’ fir>7 was sold at tax sale for taxes fo the city for the year 1920 and said property w a s at the time of sale apparently owned by D. L. ito ten and. the sgjd D. L. Roten having petitioned the Commission for a re conveyance of said property to him, dfferlng to Pay all assessed tax and costs. It is hereby resolved that said prop erly be reoonveyed by puit claim to sld D. L. Roten, he being the appar ent present owner of the same, upon his Payment of alt secured taxes In terest and costs and that the Mayen bo and fi e is hereby authorised to ex ecute such quit claim deed for and ih the name of the City of Brunswick. Adopted. Recessed until Thursday, Decem ber 21, 1922 at 6 o'clock* p. m. N. I). RUSSELL,* Secretary Commissioners, City of Brunswick. P“PM HHn FOR THE RELIEF OF Pain in the Stomach and Bowels, Intestinal Cramp Colic. Diarrhoea - SOLD EVERYWHERE - MOST OP OUR CUSTOMERS (JSS CALUMET Tk*Tem>my BAKING POWOFR . CROBBY’S STOMACH IH. GAS. INDIGESTION "PAPE’S DIAPEPSIN,” CORRECTS SICK, SOUR STOMACHS’ AT ONCE l “Pape s Oiapepsin” is f he quickest surest relief for indigestion, gasses, atuence, heartburn, sourness, fer lnetilation of s touim h distress caused by acidity, a few tablets gives almost immediate stomach relief. Corrects your stomach a ud digestion now for a few cents. Druggists sell millions of packages. PERSONALS J Crank A. Witt, of Atlanta, yesterday in the city. Clarence Isaac, of Savannah, s pent yesterday in Hie city. J. 11. O’Rouke, well known Savan nah salesman, spent yesterday here. I. Ralph Pine, of Baltimore, was among the visitors here yesterday. S. |_, Merritt, of Jacksonville, spent yesterday in the city. James T. Colson has returned from a business trip to Savannah. M. T. Searleet, of Fancy Sluf&| nt yesterday here. J. D. Dillingham, of Macon, was anmng the well known visitors hero yesterday. J. S. Durant, Ford agency, expects to spend the holidays at his home at Merridian, Gu. Proprietor J. O. Brown, of the Bf- Jou%lieat*'e, has returned from a busi ness trip to Atlanta. Irvie Williams, of Fleming Broker age company will be among tlypse io spend the, holidays at "his hoMQfet Hazlehurst. R. B. Maine, of the Georgia Cre- Boeting company, leaves within a few to s pend Chrlntmas in New Or leans, I.a. Fled K, Decker, of Palm Beach, former welljpnwn Pitizen, is in the city hflViin;#T)et u called here on ac <’lr'“e death of his father, F HpPl’p'Hler. Many friends weye greeting Phil, tt. Goette yesterday. Mr. Goette has be?n ill in Macon for the past four weeks but. has now almost entirely recovered and only remained here yesterday returning to Macon Ill'st night, but h e will h e back here in January. Grove's Tasteless Chill Tonic Makes the Body Strong. Makes the Blood Rich, eoc Boils Quit Quick! S. S. S. Will Prove to You in Your Own Casa the “How” and “Why” *of it* Remarkable Blood-Cleansing Power! Thr* i* a reason for everything that happens. Common-sense kills misery. Common-sense also stops boils! 8. S. S. la the commou-atuae remedy for holla, b- Pimples May be Small Boilst cause It ia built on reason. Scientific an thorltles admit its power! S. S S. builds blood-power. It builds red-blood-cella. I That la what makes fighting-blood. Flgfat !ng-blood deatroy* Impurities. It fight* bolls. It always wins! ft fights pim ples! ft fights skin eruptions! It builds nerve-power, thinking power, the tight fisted power that whirl# a man np Into success. It gives women the health, thu angelic complexion and the charm that moves the world! These are the reasons that have made 8. ff. 8. today the great blood-cleanser, bodybuilder, success build er. aud It's why results have made tears of Joy flow from the aouls of thousands! Mr. V. D. Schaff, 657 15th St., Washing ton, i). C„ writes: "1 tried for psora to get relief from a bad case of boilt. Everything failed until t took B. S. S. I am now absolutely cured, and it was S. S. S. that did it." Try H yourself. S. S. S. Is sold at all drug stores In two sizes. The lurger size bottle is the more economical. S.S.S. fifJsysftgS Buy Automobile Xmas Gifts Bumper, Spotlight, Motor Meter, Stop Light, Windshield Vjjpr, Tire Gauge, Rear Vu IVwror, Step Plates, Tire Covers, Seat Pads, Jack or Monogram Radiator Cap, Handy Tools, Gabtiel Snubbers. Why not a practical gift this year? J. H. Morgan Phone 405 Cook with Gas The cleanest, haiWiesl and cheapest tael. Don’t be i slave to your old kitchen stove. Cooking with gas is the modern way of living—it saves money, time, worry and work. Come in and let’s raik it over. Mutual Light & Water Cos. PHONE 7 A Xmas Gift for tjiOh Whole Family i A NEW FORD We can deliver any type before Xmas, provided you order is plac ed at once. Terms if desired. GLYNN MOTOR CO. Phone 75 Authorized Ford and Lincoln Car Dealers I he World s Greatest Motor Car Values WOOD Pine Oak Light Wood Mixed Quick Delivery Thone 600 SMITH’S WOOD YARD R. L. Bunkley, Mgr.