The Brunswick news. (Brunswick, Ga.) 1906-2016, December 20, 1922, Image 5

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WEDNESDAY, DEC. 20, i922. /®t&N§ BRUNSWICK S FOREMOST HOME OF ENTERTAINMENT' F > Living Today Corinns Griffith, in “A Woman’s Sacrifice” A story wich tingling moments also Charles Warrel’s VIRGINIA BELLES and Vaudevi le Specialties Special Popular Prices PRICES I )c and 35c Friday Local Fun Light-Pesky Hodges, Lester Schaver, Sistei Mary and others. Don’t Miss h This Week Coal-Co ie-wood CEMENT SEWER PIPE dVactcd HDI SIIIU !iS AND LATHS pastor fjrh cla^Pp e/E HAVE LIME IN SMALL PACKAGES EOR WHITE’ washing and all disinfecting purposes. Coney & Parker Company .J Phones 17 and 18 1129 BajT With Christmas Only Fifteen Days Off, It Is Time to Get the Holiday Spirit. Get busy while our slock is complete. We store toys and deliver them as near Christmas as you want them. Come in and seiect what you want, make a payment on them, and we will deliver them at the proper time. Our line is most complete and here are a few things you will be interested in: Boys riding size automobile, Irish made 00t ,§ uis base balls and bats, rollerskates, real sewing machinal express wagons, doll carriiages, mechancial toys and hundreds ol others things. • j \ Our display of dry goods and shoes is large and well selected. We invite you to see our ' line of Crepe Knit goods, just the thing for dresses.. We have a full line of cherries- pine* apples, citron, and in fact everything for your fruit cake. Keep in mind that we always carry > a foil l' n c of groceries and meats and our country made sausages are delicious. Telephone us an order. We deliver. Open until half past ten evenings. Free tickets to the Bijou Theatre with each purchase. ' CROSBY’S 21z,d Norwich Cor. L 6 Blocks From High Prices Telephohe 128 News Notes of General Interest the dides to DECEMBER 23 Wednesday High 8:56 am 9: IS pm Dec. 20. Low 2:42 am 3:21 pm Thursday ’ High 9:40 am 10:04 pm Dec. 21. Low 3:29 am 4:07 pm Friday High 10:25 am 10:52 pm Dec. 22. Low 4:16 am 4:52 pm Saturday High 11:10 am 11:40 pm Doc. 23 Low 4:04 am 5:39 pm STEAMER MERCIAN IS ENROUTE HERE. Tli e British steamer Mercian, due at Savannah Dec. 20, to complete for Liverpool sailed from New Orleans Dec. 16 for Brunswick. She will be handled by Strachan Chipping Com pany, gaul s . SHIPPING BOARD STEAMER WEST KEENE HAS ARRIVED The U. S. Shipping Board’s steam er, West Keene, reached port yester day f*om Philadelphia and will takeon a cargo of naval stores for South American port K from the Downing company. The vessel is being handled through the Strachan Shipping Cos. LISSNER BUILDING, MONK AND NEWCASTLE READY. I Painters r c busily engaged in put ting the finishing touches on the Lis snei building, corner Newcastle and Monk streets and which is In be oc cupied by B. A Lewis, furniture deal er. It is s tated lie will remove there on or about January 1. CERTIFIED PUBLIC ACCOUNTANT SPENDING A FEW DAYS IN CITY. S. P. Driscoll, member of the firm of Eaton, SaUss.v & Cos., accountants Savannah, is in the city for a few days Mr. Driscoll ba s been handling ac counting assignments in Brunswick for several years and i s well known tc tlie busbies,, men here. CHRITMAS HOLIDAYS^ SCHOOLS START TOcQA. Beginning mAo else|f school this nfteitfoon ‘at/ '•’Ainuing until Ttles ll: '> WMsrt Ijjiteyhe children 1,1 Jj Brunswick .•i:nia J bav(,*Ktheir j 'vwvunA sion has been JSst sm-cessfii in I history or flie- ehools. of ifL j will visit their jvhil7| f |[ieTrwill sPend the holjEgH \re-I 5 > JAls PRINTED dP column 1 City Manager Gramling giv e s notice of theexact limits in which fireworks can be discharged during the Christ mas holiday s is given and all should be governed accordingly. These who are to celebrate in this maimer should study the notice and avoid violation of tlig ordinance. WEATHER FORECAST AND CONDITIONS: Locally: Cloudy, becoming fair, slow, rising temperature. Conditions elsewhere: Moderate to heavy rains occured in the Gulf, south Atlantic and uort Pacifiic coast states during the last twenty-four hours. Elsewhere fair weather continued. The cold wave covers the east and south, with freezing temperatures northward of the central portion of the Gulf states. Temperatures ar c rising rapidly west ward of the lakes. ORDINARY DART ADMINISTERS OATH TO JUDGE HIGHSMITH. Before returning to his bom. in Baxley, Judge J- P. llighamith ap peared before Ordinary Edwin W. Dart and took oath of office a s Judge of tlie superior court for a term of tom- years, beginning* on January Ist. 1923. These oaths are usually taken in the home county of the success ful candidate but in this cage the Papers wer e sent here. * YESTERDAY WAS AMONG WINTER'S COLDEST DAYS The mist of early yesterday morn ing and the high wind which prevailed throughout the on^ t . day, made it one of the season’s coldest and heavy clothing was pressed into service while Hie fuel firms had their trucks and horse drawn vehicles basy all day and until a late hour lusynight- The forecast for today says it will continue cloudy with not much change in temperature. TO ROTHSCWCD’S BIG SALE J edging business being doi) t , by A. BopIHF tlie jeweler, Bruns wick must 'Be in the best, financial, condition that she has been jfc for years. People are oertainlly irking advantage of Iho genoroUg offer he is making, every dollars’ worth of goods you at his store lie gives you 25 per cent discount. Now is certainly th e time to do your Christ mas shopping. You will find the’ finest diamonds, rings, \Vatches33939 finest line of ,P |mods, rings, watch es, Ny, Bias; and^jchinn v'wßtec* fiiKay lie Was,| ' i’ ' tile people n r | 'wonderful pall 10 lie j HEAD STUFFED FROM CATARRH OR A COLD , Says Cream Applied in Nostrils ' Opens Air Passages Right Up. Instant relief—no' waiting. Your clogged nostrils open light, up; the air passages of your head clour and you can breathe freely. No more hawking, snuffling, Mowing, headache, dryness. No struggling for breath at night; your cold •r catarrh disappears. Got a small bottle of Ely’s Cream Balm from vour druggist now. Apply a little of this fragrant, antiseptic, heal ing cream in your nostrils. Tf penetrates through every air passage of the head, soothes the inflamed ur swollen mucous membrane and relief comes instantly. It’s just fine. Don’t stay stuffed-up with a cold or nasty catarrh- What is “Spring Fever’’ M It is simply low Vitality, a Ink of EpcrJl caused by impure biood.AwJROV E’H TASTELESS chill TONIC r jTores Vitalii" and Energy by Purifying and Enriching the Blood. You can soon teetets Strength ening, Invigorating Effect 609 SHERIFF’S SALE f State of Georgia County of Glynn: Will be sold before th e court house door of said county, on t he first Tuesday in January, 1923 within the legal hours of sale, to the highest and best bidder for cash, all of that certain lot, tract or parcel of land situate, lying and being in said county and state, and in th e City of Bruns wick therein, known ,as and described upon -the official map of sai deity as,the southwestern one-fourth of Old Town lot Number live hundred fifty six, ( together with file improve ments thereon, said property being levied on as the Property of L. M. Orr to salisfu an execution issued from the superior court of said coun ty at the May term, 1922, in favor of Gilmore jm Woods against said L.- M. Orr. “ This, the Bth day of December, 1922. R.IS. PYLES, ,9 16 23 30 ' Sheriff * APPLICATION FOR DISCHARGE GtßOßGtA—Glynn County: Whereas, Mrs. Ella G. Whitfield, administratrix of Hollins Whitfield, deceased, represents to the court in her petition duly filed Ad entered on record, that slier has fully administer ed Rolling Whitfield’s estate. This is, therefore, to cite all persons con. ceriiod, kindred and creditors, to rlup cuuse, if any they can, why said ad ministratrix should not be rigeliarg od from, her administration and ve reiV'J letters of dismission, on the,first Monday in January, 1923. EDWIN W. DART, W l6 23 30 'Ordinary. NOTICE DIVIDEND NO. 6J. A quarterly divident of $2.00 per share hag. been declared by the di rectors of the Brunswick Bank & Trust company payable on January 2, 1023, to stockholders of record of this date. Checks for divideuts will be mail ed. I. M. AIKEN, Dec. 14, 1322. Cashier. 12-16 23 30. % Buy Battery that Lasts The best protection you can have in buying a battery is to get the one with the best reputation for toughness, long life arid faithful service. Hundreds of thousands of car owners agree that this is the Willard Threaded Rubber Bat tery. Used by builders of 194 makes of trucks and cars. We have the size for your car. Brunswick Battery & Motor Company Representing Wllard Batteries (THREADED RUBBER INSULATION) and Batteries • (WOOD SEPARATORS) To Drive Out Malaria And Build Up The SystflM Take the Old Standard GROVE’S TASTi* LESS chill TONIC You know what yofl are taking, as the formula is printed inß I every label, showing it is Quinine andjj i iron in a tasteless form. The Quinin*? drives out the malaria, the Iron builds uy the system. 60 cents. AO p Cures Malaria, Chills yQ nand Fever, Dengue or Biliousness.