The Brunswick news. (Brunswick, Ga.) 1906-2016, December 22, 1922, Image 6

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Jffiruti’iWirK ’’HjWf ought to rflp* WXs lot- of jthe opinion SPn PreaWwtt Having arise# on TBornlkir, be wiU not find tie ship subsidy measure in hi# stock *t '/ '• ' “tbe Tiger" 1# back in hi# beloved France and a real cordial welcome -w accorded to him on his home oomtag Potncaire and Miller and were not in the receiving party. W*“ hot* that the new government h ia about to arrange for loan of dro and a half million pounds in London. There is where our friend Bull to become the owener of Branawick b*s every reason for lonkiwr forward to 1923 with hope and with con&denca. There is going to be an ImpremJfcen, wgi a Mg one. 1* We will go Mtter the things that belong to uaJ> I*B3l. #wfll prove to ha a banner year. Ho 1 community Should make any Lrhange tn the head of Ha health and **njtsary .tyurimenta unless there is |au emtafanding reason for such change. The public health is very Hose to the public heart. , f 'Wfth the thermometer twenty-eight degree# below the other day in north Dakota prohibition officer* went oat in the iron* ami in twenty prohibition violator*. Wonder what those atfktt* were really bunting for the'men or the evidence. While of comae we have np w#y ot Proving the assertions, w e are yet very sure that iahmet Pashu and his ■vreriatew are Bitting fnploelr down •waiting for the erpfcetion of that AWkI uWmatum, mm to tbplr hearts that:it ia merely a diplomatic bluff. (levmany has gall a# well aa brains and brawn. She Wants the Allies to make her a great loan before she is Willing to Settle on anything defi nite * to preparations. And that, too, remember, more than four years after the armistice. Bnuwvrkk will always be on the wrong kie of the commercial cash jed When .the money- order depart •“•wt t# the; post office continues to b* * che competitor with the local •nepahant*. There is no sort of a doybt about that. Tbp Yonng Men’s eiub a its regular dinner- meet today is to discuss the jyark important matter of. Brunswick • Certainly these young |Mrkmg a most important nd in Hrg' subject. Incidentally, wc WM&* I® see the club join hands ■pr roll# in 1923. ;• |mch money b-s been sent out Upfwkk for Christmas prewnts It is not ftair to the mer prho deaerve this trade and It Bplr to the city oi Brunswick, |&u five and where you eujof ||l- Keep Brunswick money in W&NqBMi, if you would build a city V r tax kxkmpt sbgubitiks [ We cannot e* why anyone should lew his ahlrt over the question of the exemption of bonds from tahtioo4 Pw bonds are exempted from tax ffioS H Is With the idea that the Wst*** p*j> hh tax on them to ad ifftby buying f'ondu for. a lowtsx HHpW'ay be t-*lk in this but 'pi The question o|ll immaterial. efrtintry would be by one million hundred doilars each for in tax exempt securities as if O n?H had withdrawn one hundred mS for that purpoae. . m With all this tn#nnd -SM lending of a few n s sjH end of tiie war in foreign,. > we do not notice that nionflS gone out of the country of oes ha shrunk. We see thy we do not see the condilf: are supposed to inspire itt If men are driven out J it la not by tax exempt seal by the fact that that the buslnetcs stand. “o®|j il •/ inter.-nly % : .X Sf taxes iciTfi- t& fi [rate of interent lower j exemption from taxes. It looks much like only a choice between pay ing a man more and getting some of it back and paying him less and getting none back. But financier and writers and statesmen ariiMßHear statesmen are making ■bout it. | (iIYK THEM A t'H.rW-ay Authorities appear to the railroads of the country viding u maximum of transportation P*iblo under the present conditions and the of the rood*. It is also shown that in practic®j oil Parts of tlic country the cry w* heard that transportation is not ali that }# deal red; that there is a short age of oars and lack of extensions •nd limited area, eovejfd where tlie tracks are needed far and extended, and generally that transportation ia fot sufficient or at leuawit is not all that 1# desired to help the United States expand and develop in enter prise and industry.!! There ia a de mand for railroad expansion —and yet there exists a narrow, bigoted Policy fnti-oduced into the govern ment by enemies of the people and for the purpose of furthering special interests, which hampers and pre vents rail extension and expansion. Secretary Hoover, of the depart ment of commerce has recently said in his annual report “We must have increased transportation if we are to maintain our growing productivity. We must therefore find a way out of the cycle of systematic starvation of ,3 large part of our milage and the denudation of our railway munagers of their responsibilities and iuititav©.” This Should be pondered well by those habitually decrying the railroads and their work. Distribution is one of the biggest problems of a country’s advance and the rail and Btanmship lines are de pended upon to do this important ser vice, and then legislated against and directed and governed and controlled and hampered in a thousand ways. unnecessary, mainly, inadvisable gen erally. A liberal policy towards trona portation should be encouraged; it is essential to develop. Politician have for years made the railheads a buffer for their schi-reug-and it ha# been fashionable aniong near-statesmen to “do some thing” that would hold up lie trans portation eystem to redicule or criti- cism. Abused for every,f|ult in con ultion and miagasaffaagjfe^w,Mi M . totrury and unjust 3ws, the rail rood-* l> , i |grivgu tO i-fevc the pub- HO ft/ public, it : however, ta ta ■*d emtn cordv. ****^*BB3B^3^ Then tiieftf much depend* on th courts. As we have, ll fore, the chaingung the presistent * iula j.itead act fears. Jpj hfCoine win, your Ib-esldcnt. Wo I'elioiP^ljH a* ; Wtotor ■ .jfs W™** ifSftt - “5 ’ . pm I -"are v ! r TO Uru A | jjk J It ia simply of Imergy caused by to , Jt blood GRQV E’S TASTELESS restores Vitality and Energy by Purifying and Enriching the Blood. You can sooc. feel idhtffcgth “nln<. Invigorating Effect tKaH ALWAYS ASK US TOR CALUMET -pie fcreiw BMtms POWOf* KERSEY’S BARGAIN I HOUSE bi.unders '&£'■ i" - m W f WHT is Tm wwu :: SiilfeiQ& & a*. ' I 77>r J "V\Pf / § K,r^rti 0 Phone 321 XMAS SPECIAIii Fruit Cakes 1, 2 and 5 pounds Plum Pudding TaW<|Raisins • Cranberry Sauce Potato Chips Nuts, All kinds Celery (large white) Lettuce (large head) Tomatoes, fresh Egg Plants, Fresh Beans, Snap Hens, Fat Friers, Fat Broilers, (> w eeks old Qeese, Stall fed Cocoanuts, fresh Oranges Tangerines Grape Fruit Bananas Apples (all kinds) Komquarts Fresh Country Eggs 'V/T. ;-g 9JL 1 iPhtH® '’Jr! : We . gi'’H hoi H ’ -\vt UUP 1 '••• - • ipF >.■< ii I ora CAPONS OYSTERS MILK SWEET CREAM AT CHURCH’S 508 Gloucester Street. When Winter Comes You will need a gas heater. We have them in all styles and at mod erate prices- We are agents for the celebrat ed Clow Gas Steam Ra diator.- Come in and See them. Gilmors&WQOili liOarBSTIC SNGINKWta# 1418 Rfchnxmd street |/Give a ■Jt for One dr To The (fend Opera House With Every Bottle of ifoiA-COLA them everywhere Cr*™ w ,ol a Bottling Company / 4 A. Copeland, Mgr. Georgia Try Our Hardwear Cord Tires built for hard use. Quality higher, prices lower Call and S#e Them . ; ii WRIGHT & GOWEN CO PHONFS .131—337 .. MANSFIELD k BAY STS. DR. B. O. QUILLIAN Office Phone 47 Rtetdenae Phone #054 Calls HItVE SYSTEM. IF OUR SERVICE FAILS IN ANY WAY, PLEASE TELL US. WE WANT IT TO BE AS QOOD AS IT IS POSSIBLE TO MAKE IT. BRUNSWICK LAUNDRY Geo. Jgfrjffin, Mgr. DON’T DRY CIW