The Brunswick news. (Brunswick, Ga.) 1906-2016, May 16, 1923, Image 2

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REAL ESTATE LOANS Wo are now if position you money in any amounts from $r.ftn,00 on up o homes in Bruns wick moreover, vie offer -yop; our special, -easy mornbly 'cptymeiu plan. Just write us about, the money you need’ and whect ybur liomt is located in Bruorw i<d ’nd we will do the rest. We will, of i burse continue'to make loans on belter class i.msi necs property at lowest, interest rate’ MORTGAGE BOND and TRUST CO. Brroau an' - ,. Walton Streets - - - Atlanta,. Georgia mmm »w—in ii —i ii»nw» READ THE NEWS ADS iMmk i i ■ mm m Gum Cards j ! Gailrang Mew Fame £®r Service 194% Salas lit Last Six i Shows Treiffid Toward FIrostosae The public has emphatically spoken. The popu¬ results in economical mileage of the Firestone lar preference in all territories is unmistakably the process of double gum-dipping. The buying-swing Firestone Gum-Dipped Cord. toward Firestone shows how it has advanced the A standard of -service has been set by these fa- public’s standard of tire value. ff»OUS tires without parallel iu the past. It. hn Ask nwprrs about Firestone performance on thflr brought a sales increase of I'M' lor the p st six. c i s. Note the big 1 vxicab flectf Firr.'.tone-equipped. .; Watch the sec-—just from the fac¬ month* over the same period of a year ago—-the n vv cos you ■greatest gain in all Firestone history. tories: Firestone Gum-Dipped Cords are seen every¬ where in fast increasing numbers. The Firestone Gum-Dipped Cord is the mi-hty Get the maximum extra mileage that only the achievoraenr which h..s enabled Kiifstonc to br< -k Firestone «;•>.sures you. Only by insisting ?V. trerpendouH recoul of past Firestone success. name on this i, me c• i» you he Lure of'getting the genuine The the bo puhL.- h . ; be U aoniAed t>. t o -tnn-uipp d. const* uction. Most Miles jj«r Dollar i * GUM-OIF V£D conns fimt m Met of these Cvm-Dippcd Cords from one o( the following deol* r s: J. H. MORGAN ■rtelfrr GLYNN MOTOR COr ‘Old ?*&**>< i*V r> ■Hi iltid k, b .Xcr: . fitpr. t •• ‘ • -.s- '-T - ' — iu*"?". •.Atlanta, May t.5.—Luis' E. DeShel le.y, Neiv York counterfeiter, under a ten-year sentence in the Atlanta federal penitentiary, took advantage of Mothers’ Day exercises at the prison Sunday morning and sawed his way to freedom. He had help from the outside, prison officials de¬ clared. This is the second case in recent years where a convict sawed out of the prison. The safne method was, used several weeks ago by Gerald Chapman- and Frank Gray in their sensational getaway. Grey was caught but Chapman is at large. DeSheiley’s chance came while the throng of visitors \Vas joining nearly all of the prisoners in the special ex eu.-ises. He chosi a barred window in the front, wall of the administration building olid did his work quickly and i quietly, officials said. lie slipped awaj i from the prison 'grounds unobserved Police in many cities are on the lookout for the' fugitive. He fled wearing the regulation prison garb but officials said confederates proba ibly were waiting for him nearby with (ivi)ian clothes. DeShell.ey was received from New York in April, 1918. He is 33 years old, weighs 145 pounds, is five feet and eight inches high and an artist by . profession. He is well educated and , speaks English, French and Spanish fluently. As far as officials know he : has no relatives in this country. He i : ; a native of Venezuela, but later be came a resident of Spain. PHOTOPLAY OF THRILLS - -I IS THE TIGER’S CLAWi* In ■. — from fiun.- is j response to letters rlretls $( Jack Holt’s admirers, who asked that his my;t Paramount pic¬ ture be a sjiccessiOti of genuine thrills. The Tiger’s Claw was espec¬ ially written. With what, success this was done, will be apparent when the picture is shown here for the first time at the Bijou theatre today. Orders er e given Jack Cunningham the -scenarist who adapted The Cov¬ ered Wagon, to write a picture story for Mr. Holt filed with as many kicks as are ordinarily found in an entire stntjal^jMr. Cunningham got busy first time in his screen career Air. Holt was given ;a triangle love plot—one In which hjs own love, balanced between two men. i India, the darkest and most mys- ; : terious country of the world, . offer¬ ing a background of thrills, was chos¬ en as the locale. Into the background of jungles and mystery the story was woven. A man-to-beast battle with a Bengal tigssy.a leap, on horseback, over a deep'lgulch fjfteen feet wide; a battle against a gang of Hindus; near-assassination at the hand of the ! Thurgees, ruffains masquerading!" under the cloak of religion: a fight for life the flood ‘ in the waters of 'rom the dynamited dam; these and j tther equally powerful situations vere embraced in the action. r The result is perhaps the most ex ■iting photoplay evet -produced. A rasp a minute yet uot so thrilling as ly relief, the picture speeds onward i o one of the biggest climaxes • ver corded b.v a camera. The leading feminine players. Eva ; * ovak a,Kl A,,eerl Rp ‘nK'«- gasped null 1)1 y when they saw they were to lo, blit nevertheless swallowed thou: nisgivings and ,came out alive anfl 'inscratched. The supporting cast is excellent. -, s ; - 3USINESS MAN SINGS PRAISES; “I-suffered for years with stomach I trouble and gas continually. Doctors; hought I had ulcers or cancer. After last attack they advised going to Ro- 1 ■hester, Minn., fur an . operation. ‘ A • riend advised trying Mayr’s Wonder- i ;ul Remedy, which 1 did. and I can lot sing its praises too highly, as ■an now eat anything and every-11 liing.” It is a simple, harmless pre-! aration that removes the illays nucus from t-he intestinal tract and | inflamation which causes prac- ] tically all stomach, liverand intesti nal ailments, including appendicitis. j| One dose wil convince or money re¬ funded. Sold by ail druggists. |t f t TRY SULPHUR ON AN ECZEMA SKIN Costs Little and Overcomes Trouble Almost Over Niqht Any breaking out <>t the r-K je. even fiery, iiehiny eczema, can be quickly overcome by applying Mcntho-Sulplnir ; declares a noted skin specialist. Be¬ cause of its germ destroying properties, this sulphur from preparation instantly brings \ ease skin irritation, soothes and / • heals the eczema right up and leaves the skin clear and smooth. It seldom fails to relieve the torment without delay Sufferers from skin trouble should obtain a small jar of Rowles MemTo-Sulphur from any good druggist and use it like cold cream. free balloon with every bottle of < Orange-Crush at Lanier’s swimming pool Wednesday. •J« 4 4 44444444-4 ♦ v 4 4 ♦ CONTRACTORS AND 4 ♦ -BUILDERS 4 Eagle Brand cement in wood 4 barrels, paper lined tongue and 4 gro'n.v'Ml Ha reels. f.esy -thaii 4 sacks. While. 4 BURNS A M A U MOV * •*Th Savannah, ii.i. * t 4444.44ft* ♦ ♦ 4 .% 4- * ♦ ♦ t ♦ * ♦ ♦ ♦ f ♦ ♦ ♦ Let Us Sell You Your WOOD' ♦ w ? have Oak, I ig-htiyfiod. + and pina. ♦■I Reasonable Prices, Prompt Delivey. ♦ HLNDERSON WOOD YARD 4 l T819 Cochran Aveiuio' '~ f Between )H and I Sts. f Phtfne 803. ' A/ t 1 * '’V We Have a beautiful assortment of Toilet Requisites in the famous French ■ makes GUERLAINS COTYS ROGERS and GALLETS HOrmiGANIS WOODWORTHS Y10LET Our Line of Compacts ARM ARDS WOODWORTH COLGaTES HUDNUTS G0LLIW0GG the square leather box CATE’S Ph on r r> 18 i We Deliver’ \ V'-V Y-A--''::-.' : uiv-■•V! 5 *.ATF-c - \ .VSCVfeSDAY MAY 16, 132i. . I-he a. >i ( , ir top ; ' Z the lye iun - *itr«ngth and . j ! S dialqj '?***£ Red Devil Lve— '' i. coiYveoieot-'to use There's no inconvenience about using Red Devil Lye. Ii is put up in granulated form, the mod¬ ern way to make lye. The can has an air-tight sifter top, which is opened qhicklyi and dosed easily. The tight-fitting cap keeps the contents* fresh and dry. Rub Devil Dye, being granulated, is no danger, of using too much, dissolves almost instantly in hot Don’t Fe put off will} out-of-date, or cold water. !t is economical to unknown and wasteful brands, use because you can measure just Insist upon genuine Red DeviS the quantity you need, and there —the lyo that’s , iasy to u : “ Write for Free Booklet Was. Sehield Mi g. Lo,, St Lpuis, Mo, .. h\ CEMENT i We Have a Cargo of 10,000 Barrel's of Cement Aj> riving at Savaimab, Ga. in the N*ixt Lew Days. Get Our Price on - LaBONNE ESPERANCL high grade Rortlond for reinforced concrete work ?,nd concrete roadways. EAGLE PORTLAND CEMENT testing around 400 to 450 lb*., 7 day lost. This EAGLE OFMFFT was formerly used in large quantities all ov a- terrft .... 1 is well remembered by lots of the trade as tiio mo:.' n : idle , Belgian Natural Portland Cement o. <he morket DROMEDARY low grade Portland Cement,'testing 150 to AH' If , , - test, is much cheaper than Hy.draUid'Lime at- many points in ;orgla and a tremendously better. HKO.HHiDARY is au’ekcellori ement for common i o ' funoy 'brick laying. No Matter When, You Are Located Get Our Pm 3. Special Prices VHiie v csse I Is Discharging. Carolina Portland Cement : C company Atlant FOR SAI ¥ si Y~**. ------- * By 3-^ PI '£ I £RbON, o , Phone 1087 Two story brick building, Cor. Gloucester St. and Cochras. Two story brick building, Cor. Gloucester and Albany Sts. Two story brick building, 1304-1306 Oglethorpe St. Two story dwelling, frame, 3528 Stonewall St. Two story dwelling, frame. Cor. “H” and Johnson, -One story dwelling, frame, 130.11=2 /Mansfield St. -One story dwelling, frame, 1305 3 2 Mansfield St. One story duelling, frame. 1721 .Stonewall SC <hic story dwelling, irarjie, IMS Wolf Street. One story dwelling. frame,, One story dwelling, frame, 1621 Cochran Ave. One story dwelling, frame, 1719 Stonewall St. One story dwelling, frame, 1700 London St. Store, frame building, 1704 London. One story dwelling, frame, 1706 London. One story dwelling, frame, 2002 Lllis St- I Two story dwlling, frame, 1203 'T Street, • wo story dwelling- frame, 1205 “I” Street. two stores, frame buildings. 1304=1308 Gloucester S1. Two vacant lots. Corner Johnson and “J - Sts. \ »®USFtt INTGRFST ik F(H [uwmrt Vrom'btv .,'Y' !« S -J •T-l All property on Gloucester Street can be bought less ft;mi cost. All property listed clear of debts. ^ V m:.y . , •