The Brunswick news. (Brunswick, Ga.) 1906-2016, May 18, 1923, Image 2

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HIRSCH’S Shoe Store 1424 Newcastle Street REAL ESTATE LOANS W> are is a pc- -..s *- 5a s>-7 aasoasis from »'>-■ W os os Jkhb« is Brassicoreorer, -* ofeer y:a otr special, «**:• =:cs*.i." reierasesr pUs Jan rrr.te os tbca*. tie ti vse- yot seed as: r -.ere t r e it located is BnsrsMck asd me mi. do the re--. ¥-> mil. of tot'-e cos-, s .e v. . .it ices- setter -.last itsi ae*s property at it meet _sterer.t rite-. MORTGAGE BOND and TRUST CO. Bnoa4 asd Walton Street . Atlanta, Georgia There is No Mystery about the Telephone Business which mystify are P«*aWy just some things there about the telephone business nesses which you, do not as thoroughly are things about other busi¬ you understand. Perhaps it is a charge on your bill or some practice about the serv ice which confuses you, even if it does not annoy you. about q J 55*? them. these He occasions will be glad arise, to why explain not ask entire the local manager schedule to tell the our rate or you necessity for any of our practices. All telephone practices are designed to make it easy for vou to 10 outness with us and to improve your service. They are the result of long years of experience and reflect our best business judgment, fhey are flexible and are constantly revised in the interest of cordial relations with our patrons. rt 2 J here I s r^tery difficulties about is to the induce telephone subscribers business and one of about k the things that them. our to tell us worry We want you to be familiar with the reason for every charae we make and to be satisfied, as we are, that it is a proper and necessary charge Errors are inevitable in all enterprises using human agencies and we particularly want you to tell us when there is en»r featur^of ^t rendered when do n you or you not fully understand any Our success depends largely upon the measure of the good will of the community we can win and hold.. Willingness to correct error and to cheerfully explain every detail of our business are, we believe, two prime elements of public sorvicB* C. G. BECK, General Manager SOUTHERN BELL TELEPHONE AND TELEGRAPH COMPANY * ASPIRIN £av "Bayer ’ and Insist: Use s* ytc see tfc* tiits ' Bayer’" ■,i y-ae&age or ca tab-ieti yes ar* so-' tie gengine Bayer proctsit Jrestrtaec ay piysc^ns ever rsrec yt-arf afea jwee safe fcy as*. &r Ct-ri*,'h e Lsstbago Eaia. e Rher^mmtism Neuralgia Pain, Pain Accept “Bayer Tablets of Aspiris ts'-y. Back orb~ sj»_- pat cage tt: istir- proper ui.'-e-cYiCB."-. H*&Sy bose tf fsrelTe tablet; r.-r. few rent; iiec tei bottle* of 24 ai . Aspirin tie izs.ce mark o: Bayer JSsosfartare -:f Mo.-ivacetic a tiiet ter c-f Salkyfiradc. To Drive Oat Malaria And Build Lp The Systea "is* tbe Old Standard 6F0VFS TASTE IASS fat’ TONIC Yoo know wist rx zt taking, as cbe forsaCa is prated *. e - ay iafeL stowing k it Qoini&e arc. . .-. as a tasteless farm. Toe Qatar. _ ;a tae Esalaria, toe Inzt basics a* ue system. S& .asits. ♦ 4 ♦ CONTRACTORS AND 4 ♦ BUILDERS 4 ♦ Earle Brar. 1 cement in wood •* ♦ .arrei. rater lire tongue an 1 4 . ♦ zroor-'-s a bar. elf. Less than* ♦ iack?. White 4 ♦ BURNS ^ HARMON 4 ♦ Savannab, Ga. 4 4 4 THEATRICAL ONE OF THE BEST IS THE NE'ER-DO-WELL' One of tie best paotoslays seen - nsaay snoatks is Tkom&s Meig'an's latest ftnawit ifeart. "Tie V- sr-lkmWdL' mriici was gives :t's Srst sktring at tie Biytu Tieatr* "ait nigit. Tie story, sy Bex Besik. « eased os the regereratien Icea. Kirt Astlwsj • Tsontas*r.> 'Ires ip to tae trie of tie proasetson. mi Ms fatiser is taosoagMy asiamed f Max. Gse sigist at a party its •r.erds are dee;lie ga? and tier ride ti*t it voslc be a good joke : t be ansaspectteg Kiri to snip ifa t* ’iiaia peaniiess.. So n is tint Antinsy firi- l-i -elf far fee® heme gsi T -Wb - beans of mbes aitatfae- Ties ta prilling mtoesu and -ir-.i ng episode* begin. He gets i .—??■: rt: great trouble Nti tie ittvstn ;** and. mere serious still, fends ie*perat-r.y in bcrre w-tt * eatitiful Sponisi gtri. played by i- : - ' re-el =a ■jut. Hov he ie-ttHEes a - -xd wine a charming -soefstn for it life stake aa interesting story- Tie is asade ap of ilsil" -'-spe . -layer*. feMtodtng Genrade Aster. loan HBtern, Gns iVeinrarg. Jal-s ale-. Laarasce Wheat and George •Y'BrieJi. SPECIAL FEATURES AT POPULAR GRAND TODA’f Grace Dannon. .s-.- of t:.% ■eat 4rF-.-ad ft*r*. will bold tie screen ‘at the Grata f is .. ate?: release. "Tae Mtdnlgst Gse-t up ported by sereial Trell tare "The Mi-inight Gue.-t" a play sat ran in New V rt for -•w ra. uomhs and is a s -.reaming com- :; r*ma that will please anyone, it Is ilied with go ,-i. clean, mU<*l<- -true ronaecy and is a regular fai.'.. r t »araae. Grace To rrc on it v. ■ -.. Me vn tavir.g appeared .s picture? for Para mount, Fox. Selaick. and First Na lota:, and has been lease- by the First National Pictures C :r;. t: ci -a 'or this picture. Along -The 5 it night Guest" the famous UMrer al City monkey.,, flogs and mimals wiii .present a comedy called Just Dog?". Tt looks as though Man ger Spencer hs? a good program or today and a capacity bouse i- I - Jre orward to. Tomorrow the favorite w- tern star Jack Hoxie tt- te--t .n his latest release Tee Loa-i-d D or", which is just filled with thrills »nd excitenient'. SL'PESLATTVE SELF-RISING FLOUR Offers a wonderfully inviting dinner for your regular menu and is especially attractive v>+.en you are entertaining. LAZARUS & CO, Wholesale Distributors * Let Us Sell You Your ♦ * ♦ WOOD’ ♦ ♦ a ♦ We have Oak, Lightwood, ♦ * and Pine. ♦ * * I * Reasonable Prices, Prompt * - * Delivey. * ♦. HENDERSON-WOOD YARD ; ♦ 4 ♦ 1819 Cochran Avenue ♦ Between H and I Sts. ♦ Phone 803. + ♦ j We Have a ; beautiful - assortment * i of Toilet : Requisites - « in the famous French makes GUERLAINS con T s ROGERS and GALLEYS HOUBIGANTS WOODWORTHS VIOLET Our Line Oi Compacts ARMANDS WOODWORTH CCLGATES HUDNUTS GOLL1WOGG the square leather box I Si* fliSI w oXlu Phone 518 ‘We Deliver’ rKiDAY MAY iyzv>. PLAVLVO today osly GRACE DARMON an ail star cattm a scream comedv drama i V AiSO Snnshine Comedy ‘JUST DOGS’ i omorrow---HOOT GIBSON in “THE, LOADED DOOR” •kssltsjj;., •^criV-.-rasrArr.'*. B. F. LATHAM Wocdyard and Transfer WOOD DELIVERED "RIGHT NOW” Our transfer business is notea ».,f promptness and reliability Nothing too large; nothing too f nail ferr us to hand'e PHONE 477 AND 1006 We Have a Cargo of 10,000 Barrels of Cement Ar¬ riving at Savannah, Ga. in the Next Few Days. Get Our Price on LaBONNE ESPERANCE high grace Portland Gemeat for reinforced concrete work and concrete ro 2 >. «ays. EAGLE PORTLAND CEMENT testing around 400 to 4-50 lbs.. T day test. T' i? EAGLE CEMENT •was formerly use! in large q-.a'tkks all over this territory and is well remeint-c-red by lots oi the trade at ’ie most reputable Be’ci. n Natural Portland Cement o.. the morket. DROMEDARY low grade Portland Cement, testing 150 to 200 lbs., 7 days test, is jaach cheay-er than Hydra: -i Litre at many faints in G-torgia ar: : i trcmesdsusly better. DROMEDARY is an exeeik-nt entent for ccr:::t-: v .1 farcy brick laying. No Malicr Where You Are Located Get Our Prices. Special Prices While Vesse 1 is Discharging. Carolina Portland Cement Company Atlanta. Ga. J. S. PETERSON, Owner Phone 1087 Two story brick building. Cor, Gloucester St, ar.d Cochrra. Two story brick building- Cor. Gloucester and Albany Si-.. Two story brick building. 1304=1306 Oglethorpe St. Two story dwelling, frame- 1528 Stanewaii Si. Two story dwelling, frame- Cor. “11” and Johnson. -OnTstory dwelling, irame, 1303 T--2 Mansfield St. -One story dwelling, frame. 13G5 1=2 Mansfield St. One story dwelling, frame, 172* Stonewall St. One story dwelling, frame. 1118 Wolf Street. One story dwelling, frame, 1700 Lee. One story dwelling, frame, 1621 Cochran Avc. One story dwelling, irame, 1719 Stonewall St. One story dwelling, frame, 1700 London St. Store, frame building* 1704 London. One story dwelling, frame, 1706 London. One story dwelling, frame, 2002 Ellis St. Two story dwlling, frame, 1203 “I” Street. Two story dwelling* frame, 1205 “I” Street. Two stores, frame buildings, 1304=1308 Gloucester St. Two vacant lots, Corner Johnson and “J” Sts. WILL SELL INTEREST IN FOLLOWING PROPERTY: 1518 Ellis Street. 1706 Cochran Ave M Corner “G” and Al¬ bany Sts., 1723 Amherst St. AH property on Gloucester Street can be bought less iiian tost. Al! property listed dear of any debts. •